• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 2,374 Views, 33 Comments

Comedic Burst of Funniness - Lunatic God

Sometimes time travel is possible. Sometimes it goes wrong. Sometimes a futuristic soldier goes on a killing spree to reach the time machine to get back home, and begins an era of video game characters finding their way to Equestria. It happens.

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Less 'Civil' Security [REWRITTEN]

Author's Note:

This chapter will be one of the few based off levels in-game. This one is based on level 1, level 2, and level 3. I accidentally mixed level 2 and 3 during writing, but instead of fixing it, I decided to go along with it. Enjoy!

Also, please remind me of any mistakes. It's easy to miss many mistakes when speed-typing on a phone.

It was falling through the atmosphere, barely noticeable due to the pod's size and the cover provided by the blizzard he was landing in. As soon as it made contact with the snow, it burst open, revealing the Marine, already in a crouching position immediately after landing, ready for any threat. After scanning the horizon, he was satisfied, standing up and lowering his gun. He took a step forward but stopped as he kicked something. He looked down and saw a civil security helmet, frozen over with a crack in its visor.

He picked up with his left hand, noticing the barely noticeable bloodstain in the snow. He made the connection. It wasn't a good one. Seconds after his revelation, a bullet whizzed past his head, causing him to leap over the pod, knock it over, and take cover behind it. He peeked over to take a shot with his assault rifle, shots still whizzing past his head. He counted two Heavies, two Lites, all pouring rounds in his direction.

It would be easy to take them out, their armor contrasting with the white snow, but the suppressing fire prevented him from doing so. He used tactics, priming a grenade. He held the cylindrical grenade until the light on the top turned red, then tossed it over, hearing the explosion and death noises of the Civil Security. He peeked over, the gunfire having ceased. He saw a pool of blood where the grenade had landed, noticing the heavy a couple of feet in front of the AOE. He had no legs, reaching up to him, praying for mercy, before flopping to the ground dead.

He watched the blood pool at the heavy's legs, thinking of his next move. But, almost instinctively, his head snapped up, noticing two drones in the distance, hovering in place, as if guarding a location. He leaped over the pod, weapon raised, heading towards the drones. He was about halfway there before he saw a blue rail gun projectile that was commonly used by Usurpation sidearms fly by the drone, getting its attention, which got the attention of the other. He stopped as the drones rotated towards the shot and started to do evasive maneuvers, which seemed like wild flying to the untrained eye, shooting at something that the Marine couldn't see.

Eventually, the two drones crashed to the ground, overpowered by alien forces. The Marine continued, determined to find and eliminate the usurpation forces. As he arrived at the destroyed drones, he noticed the large hole in the ground that they were guarding, inferring that it was where the alone fire originated from.

He jumped down the hole, barely noticing a blue light emanating from the pitch-black darkness around where he assumed the small tunnel ended. Wasting no time, he sprayed his weapon in its general direction, getting multiple sprays of glowing blue blood and an alien groan, broadcasting its death. Noticing the other Usurpation soldier in the common pair, he sprayed it as well, receiving the same result. He quickly hopped out of another hole, having cleared it out, continuing on.

He spotted two more Usurpation soldiers guarding yet another hole. He equipped his pistol and took his time to line up his shot, knowing that they hadn't spotted him. He fired, popping the head of the front one with a spray of blood. The plasma round continued his searing journey through the freezing storm, quickly meeting the head of the second soldier, who also met the same gruesome fate. Noticing that the hole was indeed a man-made hole, containing a Civil Security bunker door, he moved forward, stepping over the bodies of the dead aliens as he re-equipped his assault rifle, which was up and ready for anything.

The large bunker door automatically opened once he got close enough, slowly sliding down, revealing two more aliens. One stood on a raised platform, deeper in the room, while the other stood at his level, in front of the first.

Immediately, the Marine gunned down the close one, prompting the second to jump and fire his rail gun sidearm, hitting him in the chest, before he was gunned down as well. Due to his well-made armor, the rail projectile it barely fazed him, leaving only a small black mark. He continued farther into the facility, arriving at a door that led into a larger room. He peeked out, but his visibility of the room was blocked by a wall a few feet in front and openings above and below. He chose the top one, leaping up to the wall edge and clambered over, getting the attention of the alien guard posted on the opposite side, who leaped backward off the platform and prepared to fire, before a shot from the Marine's rifle cut through his head, ending him, leaving his corpse to fall and land on the tile beneath with a loud clang, alerting the rest of the Usurpation personnel in the room to his presence.

He saw movement from an opening on the wall in front of him, revealing another guard who was already aiming at him. The alien took a shot, which the Marine jumped to avoid as he sprayed through the opening, blowing the aliens right leg off with the force of his projectiles, then blasting his head open with a follow-up shot as the Marine hit the ground, landing on the corpse, the force of his landing blowing the body apart and showering the immediate surrounding area in blood and guts.

Catching two others off guard, one regular one as well as a white one, who were expecting him to come down the other side, he sprayed them down, heading down the short hallway behind them, which lead into another drop. 'Why are there so many holes?' He thought, looking down into the hole.

there was a small platform extruding from the wall halfway down, which had a yellow barrel perched on the edge. Detecting the unsuspecting soldiers down at the bottom, he raised his hand toward the barrel, palm forward, and activated his kinetic module, which emitted a blue spark from both his palm and the barrel. He brought his arm down, deactivating the module once his arm was fully lowered, the artificial kinetic energy forcing the barrel to fly off the end of the platform and down into the group of three aliens, killing one and injuring one other.

He jumped down, blasting the injured one once to fully kill him, before shooting the last one thrice in the chest, the force of his rounds pushing the dead body off the edge of another big hole, eliminating the group with ease. Another similar hallway on the other side held three more soldiers, who spotted him and began firing in his direction.

He let go of the weapon with his left hand, activating his PSI blade, deflecting the shot, grabbing his weapon again, and popping the head of the closest, all in one fluent movement. Before the other two shot, they both jumped towards him, attempting to move as much as possible to dodge his shots, which were ineffective as he sprayed them down with unrelenting determination.

He walked up to the edge of the hole, looking down. It went a fair way down, but just inside his vision, he saw a dot of blue which he identified as water. He leaped down as two soldiers teleported in with a blue spark halfway down the pit, falling the rest of the way down with him. As they hit the water, the Marine put his assault rifle on his back and equipped his PSI blades on both hands, swimming up to the scared soldiers like a shark approaching their prey and dispatching them with ease.

He continued on, the water continuing into a short tunnel that led back into an empty room. He flew out of the water and onto the floor, crouching with his weapon ready, soaking wet. He took a step and noticed a small indent, which he determined as an elevator landing area, right before the elevator slowly descended, revealing two more aliens. 'The CS troops posted here didn't stand a chance.' He thought in disbelief as he quickly took out the two with a clean collateral.

He stepped onto the elevator, which rose a fair way up into a room filled with what seemed to be small floating platforms, each topped with barrels. he looked left and saw another advanced soldier, this time equipped with a rocket launcher. He quickly leaped the opposite direction, narrowly avoiding direct impact with a rocket. There was a large door to the right, which he wall jumped off of to reach the higher platforms. There were two separate ones at the very top. He jumped to the one closer to the alien and gunned him down before he could even react.

He approached the platform the alien was recently perched atop, landing on the small outcropping lining the edge of the platform. He crouched down, wrenching the rocket launcher from the aliens cold, dead hands, wiping off the blue blood on the barrel of the CS-LitBro.

He turned around and noticed that the large door had opened. He exited the base, rocket launcher in hand, ready to kill anything that dare stand in his way.