• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 5,834 Views, 217 Comments

The Engineer - TCRG101

After being freed from a stone prison, a girl joins the legion of doom seeking revenge.

  • ...

Chapter Ten: A millennium in the making

A few months ago

"I trust that you have everything you need?" Grogar asked.

Engineer looked around the room that Grogar had brought her to within the lair, where her new workshop was located. It wasn't as large as her previous workspace, and it would take some work to reorganise all the equipment into the way she liked it. "It'll do."

"Good." Grogar said. "You should speak to the others and find out what they need."

Engineer groaned "Great, I can't wait to talk to those idiots again."

Grogar narrowed his eyes "If you're not willing to follow my instructions and work with the others, then I can easily return you to stone."

"Fine." Engineer hissed. "I'll work with the meat headed centaur, the creepy bug, even that annoying pegasus child. I'll do whatever you need me to do, as long as you give me my revenge!"

Grogar smirked "Don't worry Engineer, when this is all over you'll get exactly what you need." Grogar turned to leave before stopping as he remembered something. "I do have a question before I go."

"What's that?" Engineer asked.

"In all my research of you, you're always referred to as the Engineer." Grogar said "But you were only given that name after you begun to make weapons for your adoptive father."

"You're wondering what my name was?" Engineer asked.

"Correct." Grogar said.

"Well you're just going to have to keep wondering because I'm not telling you." Engineer said.

"Are you defying my orders?" Grogar asked.

"Yep." Engineer replied.

"If you don't tell me I'll turn you back to stone right now." Grogar said.

"Go ahead." Engineer responded.

Grogar grumbled, she had called his bluff, he couldn't turn her to stone over something so trivial and she knew it. But his curiosity filled him with a desire to find the truth. "Fine, if you tell me your real name, when we capture Celestia and Luna, I'll let you kill them yourself."

Engineer starred back at him for a moment, thinking over his offer before finally responding. "You won't tell the others?"

"Sure." Grogar said.

Engineer sighed, "Alright my name was Lily, you happy?"

Grogar laughed "Really? Lily?"

Engineer crossed her arms grumpily "Yeah, although some of the dogs misheard it as li'l E as in little E so they called me that, then when my skills started to show they called me Li'l Engineer and then when I got older and bigger they just called me Engineer. I never did like my name so I preferred Engineer and that's why It's my name now."

"But why did Rex name you Lily?" Grogar asked.

"I asked him once, and he told me he didn't." Engineer said. "So I asked him who did, and he told me he would tell me when he was older."

Grogar scoffed "So I'll never know where that name came from, seeing as he's dead."

Engineer gritted her teeth "Yeah, thanks for the reminder."

Grogar smirked "I've got other matters to attend to, I'll leave you to get started." He said, closing the doors to her new workshop on his way out.

Engineer took a deep breath, that damned goat, those three annoying creatures, the substandard facilities, none of that mattered. The only thing she cared about was seeing those two pay for what they had done. She kept her mind focused on that as she began to work.

Present day

Tirek strode through the deserted streets of Ponyville, his foes, drained of their magic, were held within several magical bubbles that floated above him.

"You're too late centaur." The muffled voice of Starswirl said from within his prison. "Princess Cadence, Starlight Glimmer, Shining Armor, and Stygian are gone, along with all their magic."

Tirek laughed, he pulled the bubble containing the unicorn in front of him "That's where you're wrong Starswirl, I was just the distraction, Chrysalis snuck in while we fought."

"Then where is she Tirek?" Starswirl snapped back. "She's no where to be seen, either she was defeated or realised she was no match for all four of them and ran away." Starswirl smirked. "It's not like you inspire much loyalty in others, not even in your own family!"

Tirek glared at the unicorn, resisting the temptation to crush the old fool in his hands. "You're one to talk, I know what you did to your friend Stygian. You were against trying to turn my brother against me, you thought he was just as evil as me. But Stygian was right, and you betrayed him and then took all the credit."

Starswirl glared back at him, "I was wrong about Stygian, and I was wrong about Scorpan, but I wasn't wrong about you! Your brother begged me to free you, but I knew that there was only evil in your heart, do you know how much it hurt him to see you every year, I told him every time that it was useless but he held out hope, and you threw it back in his face!"

"I'd rather he think me lost than know the truth!" Tirek roared "You were never going to let me go, not after what you did to Stygian, I'd rather have my brother think I was lost, than know that his new friends were keeping his brother from him. Who knows what he would have done, and what you would have done to him!"

The argument was cut off as the loud crack of teleportation magic, as Chrysalis returned with three cocooned ponies in tow. "Ahh sweet warmth, I never want to see snow again." Chrysalis said. She looked up seeing a much larger Tirek having a staring contest with Starswirl the bearded. "Did I interrupt something."

"It's nothing." Tirek said as he returned Starswirl back to the others. "I see you got three of them, no Stygian?"

"I wasn't able to find that one." Chrysalis said. "But an alicorn princess is still quite the prize. How did you fare?"

"Got all six pillars, and a whole bunch of crystal guards too." Tirek said. "It was piece of cake."

Chrysalis smiled "Speaking of cake, Cozy asked me to find a place called 'Sugar Cube Corner' said to loot it for the victory party."

"Shouldn't we be getting to Canterlot?" Tirek asked. "They might need our help."

"They'll also never forgive us for stealing their prey." Chrysalis answered. "If they need our help, Engineer put in a tracker and emergency beacon in all our armor, all they have to do is say the code word and we'll be there."

"If you say so." Tirek said. But he was far from convinced, they may have defeated one alicorn, but their were still three more of them out there.

"LET'S GO!!" Engineer screamed as she launched herself at the alicorn princesses, she saw Celestia grit her teeth and spring forward to meet her. Engineer and Celestia slammed into each other, the sound echoing through the courtyard, Engineers fist had met a magical barrier created by Celestia.

Celestia tried to push her back but Engineer stood her ground and began to rain blows onto the barrier. Engineer felt it begin to give way, but before she could throw the final punch she felt something holding her arm back, she looked back to see her hand engulfed in Luna's blue magic, restraining it.

Celestia took the opening to drop her barrier, spin around and buck Engineer in the stomach. Engineer yelped as she doubled over in pain, and while she was distracted Luna used her grip on Engineers arm to throw her through the air.

Engineer was able to land on her feet, sliding back as she saw Luna closing in on her. Engineer launched a flurry of magical attacks at her which Luna blocked with her own barrier. As Luna got close she suddenly ducked as Celestia, who had been following behind her, protected by her sisters shield, launched a charged magical blast directly at Engineer.

Engineer barely had time to defend herself, brining up her own shield as the attack slammed into her, "Damnit." She growled. But she couldn't retake the offensive, Celestia and Luna had taken off the ground and begun to fire off a hail of magic at her from above. Engineer frantically dodged as the courtyard was torn up around her. As she rolled out of the way of a beam of magic that cut through the ground, the smashed masonry that was thrown up gave her an idea.

As Engineer dodged another attack, the blast ripped up the cobblestone, throwing it into the air. Engineer used her magic to grab the broken masonry and hurled it upwards at the circling alicorns. Celestia took the brunt of the attack, yelping as a few stones slipped past a hastily raised shield and hit her, Luna thought herself luckier as she swooped down to dodge the projectiles, but as she glanced back down at the Engineer she saw her crouched down, the runes around her legs glowing bright and then she shot off the ground, cracking the ground as she hurtled towards her.

Engineer crashed into Luna, the inertia sending them flying through the air until they slammed into one of the towers that loomed over the courtyard. The stone buckled under the impact, the stones coming loose around them as Engineer pressed the alicorn further into the tower wall, wrapping her hand around the Princesses neck and began to squeeze. Luna franticly kicked with her hooves, but Engineer ignored them as a mixture of rage and adrenaline pushed her to focus on nothing other than squeezing the life out of her foe.

A blast of magic slammed into Engineer, throwing her off her opponent, she was thrown from the tower and landed back on the courtyard stone. She scrambled back to her feet, expecting to be attacked again, but Celestia was too busy checking on her sister to pay her any mind. Engineer decided to correct that by hurling a magic blast in their direction.

Luna spotted the attack coming and raised a shield to block it, and the second, and the third, before Celestia joined her to hold back the fifth, and sixth. Engineer roared in anger and prepared a final blast that would crack through their defenses. She threw it with all her might and watched it arc towards the target, but just before it slammed home the Princesses teleported away. The blast instead tore into the already weakened tower and it began to fall like a tree to an axe.

Engineers eyes went wide as she realised it was falling towards her, she tried to dive out of the way but found her feet to be stuck, she looked down and saw her feet enveloped in a dark blue and golden glow. As she looked back up the tower was almost on her, and at the last second she threw a hurried blast of magic into the falling tower blasting it apart just before it reached her.

The courtyard was filled with dust and debris, the shattered remains of the tower, Engineer breathed heavily and each time she did she felt pain shoot through her side which she felt even through the adrenaline. But before she could catch her breath, she saw the white figure of Celestia standing in front of her. "You think I'm done Celestia!?" Engineer snarled, "This isn't over yet!"

Celestias horn glowed bright, and the ground around Engineer shook before it flew into the air, carrying her with it, as Engineer hung in the air, Luna fired off a blast of magic that hit her in mid air. The impact sent her through a window on the upper floor of the castle, she rolled head over heels down a carpeted corridor, past the stained glass windows that lined the hall and the many pillars that held the roof up, before finally coming to a stop.

"Now it's over." Celestia said as she and Luna swooped through the broken window. "Give up Engineer, you can't win."

"You may have magic now." Luna added, "But you lack the experience to use it effectively."

Engineer staggered to her feet "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" She growled "I'm the Engineer, my creations are the envy of all Equestria!"

"Your armor is powerful, but underneath it you are still flesh and blood!" Celestia shouted back "If you keep fighting us you'll die just like-" Celestia stopped and composed herself. "Surrender, Engineer, and we will be lenient."

"Surrender?" Engineer said, gritting her teeth in frustration, she had thrown almost everything at them, but those two were still standing. She only had one option left, she just hoped that it worked. "This fight has barely begun!" The runes on her armor glowed brighter and brighter, as they shifted from red to white, the princesses could feel the heat emanating from the Engineer powering up, lightning began arcing off her armor setting fire to the carpet and to the curtains that lined the hallways windows, she was pushing her armor far beyond what it was designed to do.

A final blast of fire and air blasted down the hallway, shattering the stained glass windows. The Engineer roared and shot forward, Celestia saw her coming and hastily pulled up a magical shield, but Engineers fist broke straight through her defenses, the brutal punch sending the princess flying back. Luna fired off a blast of magic at Engineer, who shrugged it off easily, and before Luna could react Engineer was on her, she grabbed Lunas horn with two hands, stopping Luna from using her magic temporarily, and by her horn threw her into a pillar.

The pillar smashed into pieces, causing parts of the roof to fall in, burying Luna under a heap of rubble. "Sister!" Celestia shouted before charging in to rejoin the fray, Engineer used her magic to lift a large piece of the now-shattered pillar and hurled it at the approaching alicorn, Celestia blasted it to pieces, the rubble hiding her foe temporarily, but when she burst through the dust she was once again met with Engineer's armored fist which stopped her dead as she collided with it head on.

Celestia collapsed to the floor, the Engineer took the opportunity to deliver a hard kick to her ribs, the kick threw her into the same pile of rubble as her sister. Celestia felt waves of pain shooting through her as she looked up to see the Engineer slowly walking towards her. She franticly began to dig into the rubble for her sister, the sight of her dark blue mane filled her with hope. As she shifted one last section of the roof she spotted her sister, bruised and bloodied, but alive.

"Luna, please, get up!" Celestia begged "We need to fight together, please!"

Engineer laughed "What a pathetic display, Celestia! You were talking all high and mighty a moment ago, now look at you!"

Celestia turned towards Engineer, narrowing her eyes, wherever this power came from it couldn't last for long, if she could stay in the fight for just a bit longer, they would have her. Celestia charged forward, intent on protecting her sister, she fired a beam of magic at Engineers face, who lifted her arms to block it, as she did, Celestia got in close, spun around and bucked with her hind hooves.

Rather than striking the Engineer she felt her hooves being grabbed as Engineers hands wrapped around her hooves. "Nice try, Celestia." Engineer said as she started to spin her around by her back legs, she spun her around and around, the blood rushing to the Princesse's head, making her nauseous. When Engineer spotted Luna groggily staggering out of the rubble she let Celestia fly, Luna looked up to see her sister careening towards her, and before she could react, the two smashed into one another, sending them both through the stained glass window behind them.

Engineer rushed over to the window and looked down to see the sisters lying in a heap of broken glass, not moving. She let out a sigh of relief as the runes on her armor dimmed down to a dull red glow, she didn't know how much longer it could take such power, in fact she was surprised it had lasted the minute that it had. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a thunk as well as something hitting her in the back, she slowly turned around to see a now-terrified guard holding a now-broken spear.

Engineer couldn't help but laugh at the guard, an orange pegasus with a blue mane, quivering in fear. "Whats your name, guard?" She asked. The pegasus didn't respond except to intensify his quivering. Engineer decided to put the poor thing out of his misery, she grabbed the broken spear shaft out of his hooves and cracked him on the head with it, his eyes rolled back as he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

She turned back to the window, but was shocked to find the two Princesses now missing, she gritted her teeth, the fool had distracted her long enough for her to lose sight of her real enemy. The runes on her armor began to glow brighter as she stepped out of the window and fell to the ground, landing with a thud, cracking the ground. She saw a trail of blood droplets and began to follow it, leading her away from the castle and towards a building in the distance, she saw a large sign that read out, 'Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

Celestia burst through the doors of the school's library, carrying her injured sister. They were both covered in injuries, a nasty gash above Celestias eye left her with only one good eye to see out of. "Luna, please be alright."

"I'm going to fell that for a century." Luna groaned "But at least I'm alive." They slumped down onto a set of chairs as they begun to tend to their wounds. "I can't help but think I deserve this."

"You don't deserve this Luna." Celestia said. "It's my fault, I ignored this problem for over a thousand years. All of this is on me."

"But I ignored her too, sister." Luna replied. "I know what it's like to be so angry, I should have fixed this problem when I came back." Luna sighed, "If we had just tried, if we had just done something, anything!"

"And now we're paying the price." Celestia agreed.

The sisters heard a floorboard creek, they snapped around, horns glowing, but relaxed when they saw who it was. Moondancer gasped as she was the injured state that the Princesses were in. "Princesses!?" She said rushing over to them "Are you alright? What happened?"

Luna put on a brave face "We're alright, miss, uh."

"Moondancer, your highness." She said. "I recently started here as an assistant librarian."

"Don't sell yourself short Miss Moondancer." Celestia said "She's also substituting for the illusions teacher while he's on long service leave." Celestia furrowed her brow "Where are the students?"

"I've had them hide in their dorms." Moondancer said. "I was just going to check on them when I heard you in the library."

"Wait, you had them hide in the dorms?" Luna asked. "Where are the other teachers?"

"I don't know, I think they fled Canterlot when they heard what was coming." Moondancer said. "I wanted to run too, but then there wouldn't be anyone left to watch over the students."

"Thank you Miss Moondancer" Celestia said "I'm sorry that you had to take on this burden."

"It's alright, Princesses." Moondancer said. "They're good kids, and I kind of li-"

"PRINCESS CELESTIA AND LUNA?!" A young, grey unicorn colt screamed. "Are you alright!?"

"Silver Spirit!" Moondancer snapped. "What are you doing out of your dorm! It isn't safe!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Moondancer." Silver Spirit said "But I heard voices and the others were so scared, they didn't know what happened to you!"

"I'm fine, Silver." Moondancer said.

"But the Princesses aren't." Silver said. "What happened?"

Celestia put on a reassuring smile. "We're fine young colt, I think you should be getting back to your dorm now."

"Before I go can I ask you something?" Silver said. "When you defeat the villains, can you go easy on Cozy?"

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"She's not all bad, I mean she was manipulated, first by Tirek and now by Discord. She doesn't have real friends, not since I-." Silver rubbed a tear away before it could form. "Look I thought she was a monster like the paper said at first. But I think there is more to it and I think she just needs a chance."

"That's a nice thought Silver." Moondancer said. "But the Princesses will do what they they think is right, now go back to your dorm."

"But-" Silver began to say.

"Now!" Moondancer ordered, sending Silver scurrying back to his dorm. "I'm sorry about that, he's a new student, after he arrived he started checking out books on Tartarus. I think he may have been considering rescuing her."

"Would've saved us a lot of trouble if he did." Luna muttered.

Moondancer got a confused look on her face. "What do you mean?"

Celestia sighed "We might have been able to reform her before, but now she's too far gone. All we can do is clean up our mistakes so no else suffers for them." Celestia and Luna shared a grim look on their faces. "Miss Moondancer, we need your help."

"Fight me, Twilight!" Cozy screamed as she dove down at the alicorn, firing a hail of magic as she did.

Twilight teleported out of the way of the projectiles. "Cozy, please, I don't want to fight you." She begged.

"Too bad!" Cozy yelled, as she charged at Twilight again. Twilight took off into the air to avoid her, Cozy gave chase as they weaved between the pillars in the throne room. As she tried to pin Twilight down, she heard crashing sounds coming from above, Cozy tried her best to ignore the sounds, but still she felt pangs of worry, she hoped that whatever was happening, Engineer was winning.

A loud boom from above shook the throne room, the ceiling cracked and a piece of it fell, almost smashing into Twilight. As Twilight dodged the falling rubble, Cozy spotted an opening and Fired off a powerful blast of magic. It was a direct hit, slamming into Twilight she fell from the air, landing with a thud near Celestias throne.

Twilight quickly got back on her hooves, just in time to raise a shield to block a beam of Cozy Glow's magic. As Cozy poured more and more power into it, the shield began to buckle. As Twilight strained to hold her defenses up she yelled out "Now!"

Rainbow Dash shot towards Cozy, who had forgotten about Twilights stupid friends. Rainbow grabbed at the bell that Cozy still held in her hooves. Cozy kicked her with her hind legs, sending her flying. Cozy tried to send a blast of magic after her to make sure she stayed down, but her vision was suddenly obscured by a wall of confetti.

Cozy growled as she shook her head to clear her vision, but felt something peck at the back of her head. She spun around punching with her hoof as she did, hitting one of the geese that protected the throne room. She saw Fluttershy catch the thing, concern on her face, but before Cozy could try to deal with her, a plume of flame came at her from the side, she brought up a shield just in time to stop it from burning her.

Cozy tried to regain the initiative, but the onslaught was relentless. She was attacked from all sides by magic, fire, geese, and even confetti, until she felt a lasso tighten around her and pull her down to the ground. She felt the air get knocked out of her lungs, and the bell leave her grasp. She dove at it, quickly recovering it, but when she looked she realised, to her horror, that she was surrounded. She had been beaten, her only chance now was the code word. Cozy took a deep breath and bellowed "SPAGHETTI!!!!"

Engineer approached the school's front doors, she knew that her victory was close, but rather than elated, she felt nervous. It felt like the carpet might be pulled out from under her at any moment. It didn't help that she had to power down much of her armor temporarily, meaning that she was dangerously exposed if something went wrong. Her armor needed time to recover, the last thing she needed was for it to shut down completely, if that happened then even the magic that allowed her to see and hear through her helmet would shut down, leaving her completely blind and deaf.

As she drew closer, she stopped herself as she noticed something weird about the path in front her. Runes that were all too familiar were carved into the cobblestone, her eyes narrowed as she recognised their purpose.

While she was examining the trap, Engineer heard the beat of wings behind her, it was the Princesses. Engineer pretended not to hear them and just as they were about to hit her and send her into the trap, she ducked. They missed her and instead landed in their own trap, the runes glowing bright blue as they activated and sealed their fate. The Princesses tried to move, but their hooves were held fast by the runes, the runes prevented them from using their magic as well.

"You Idiots!" Engineer laughed, "You didn't think I'd recognise that trap!" Due to how they had landed, they were facing away from her, so Engineer walked around the trapped alicorns, putting herself between the school and them. The Princesses glared at her. Engineer glared back at them "You used that trick to kill my father, you used my own runes to hold him down and then you blasted him to pieces. You didn't think I'd know that? That I would recognise that trick?"

The Princesses were silent, doing nothing except glare at her. Engineer growled. "You don't have anything to say? No more excuses? no more trying to justify what you did? At least give me some begging, damnit!" They remained silent, Engineer sighed, oh well, at least it was over. But something felt off, Engineer looked closer at the runes and realised they were all wrong, they didn't make any sense, and the Princess were not just not talking, they weren't moving or doing anything anymore, almost as if-.

Engineer heard the doors behind her fling open as the Princesses as well as the runes disappeared in a flash. She wheeled around to see the real Princesses standing in the doorway, their horns charged with a powerful magical blast. The ground around Engineer began glowing blue as she saw runes, real ones this time, light up, stopping her from moving. The Princesses, who had poured the last of their power into one final attack and let it fly, the massive ball of energy tore the ground up as it sped towards the Engineer, who had no time to react, except to say "Oh, crap."

Inside the school Silver Spirit felt the school shudder around him as he heard a loud bang outside. He rushed to the windows, his curiosity trumping his fear. As he looked out he gasped as he saw a massive smoking crater gouged out of the school's courtyard, and next to it the two princesses slumped down to the ground in exhaustion. Whatever they had hit was no more, whatever it was, he prayed that it wasn't Cozy Glow.

Cozy clutched the bell close, she may have been trapped but she knew she just had to stall for a minute and then her allies, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Engineer, would come bursting through the doors and save her.

"What did she say?" Rainbow asked.

"I think she said spaghetti." Fluttershy replied.

"Why in Equestria would she yell that?" Rarity asked.

"I know!" Pinkie announced. "She's calling upon a giant spaghetti monster to destroy us!"

"What in tarnation are you talking about Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

Cozy rolled her eyes, stalling these idiots would be easier than she thought.

Twilight sighed "It was a code word for a distress signal, right, Cozy?" The others stopped their argument instantly, and focused their attention back on Cozy.

Cozy gritted her teeth, of course Twilight knew what it was, "Very clever, Twilight, my friends are on their way as we speak, why don't you all surrender right now and get it over with."

"They aren't coming, Cozy." Twilight said.

Cozy scoffed "Let me guess, they aren't coming because they don't care about me? Well I guess we'll see, Twilight."

"There's that, there's also the fact that they've either been defeated or have ran." Twilight replied.

Cozy laughed, "Really? That's what you're going with, Twilight? I saw Tirek beating the snot out of the pillars, what makes you think that my other friends aren't doing the same?"

"Tirek is strong, and now that he has the pillars' magic, he'll be stronger." Twilight said "But now that he knows we have the bell, if he's smart he'll be getting as far away from here as possible, but with Discord's help we'll track him down."

"Discord?!" Cozy snarled "So he's here? Good, Chrysalis, Engineer and I will want to have a word with him."

"Chrysalis and the Engineer won't be hurting anyone." Twilight said. "My brother and Cadence have beaten Chrysalis before, and with Starlight there she doesn't stand a chance. As for the Engineer, Celestia and Luna defeated an army equiped with the Engineer's weapons, they know exactly how to beat her, the only question is if they're prepared to go through with it."

"You're bluffing Twilight." Cozy said, but she felt a creeping feeling start to spread in her, that message on the train, what if the Princesses knew about it already? As that fear started to gnaw at her, the room was rocked by a deep boom, Cozy felt a cold feeling wash through her. "T-thats just Engy kicking their butts, you'll see!"

Twilight looked at her "I'm sorry Cozy."

"You're gonna be sorry when Engy gets here!" Cozy yelled back. "She promised that we'd talk after we kicked your butts, she's fine! She's going to walk in here any moment with Tirek and Chrysalis, you'll see!" Cozy looked franticly around, expecting Engineer to burst in at any moment, but as the seconds dragged on she felt her body begin to shake. She tried to escape, blasting the rope that held her down to pieces, she tried to fly out of the encirclement, but her means of escape was blocked by Rainbow Dash. A sharp tug from Raritys magic pulled her back to the ground and she felt more ropes wrap around her.

"I'm sorry, Cozy but there must have been no other way." Twilight said. "If there was, Celestia and Luna would have found it, I'm sure."

"No other way!? How dare you!? How fucking dare you!?" Cozy tried in vain to get free again, but a spell cast by Twilight on the ropes prevented them from being destroyed, Twilights magic enveloped Cozy Glows horn, preventing her from trying anything else. "Let go of me!" Cozy screamed, her eyes becoming watery. "I'll fucking kill you, I'll fucking kill all of you!"

"Enough, Cozy Glow!" Twilight shouted, before softening her voice as she continued. "You've been manipulated, first by Tirek and now by this Engineer, they made you do terrible things, but it's over now. Tirek is far away from here, Chrysalis can't hurt you, and this Engineer creature is gone for good."

Cozy began to hyperventilate, tears streaming down her face. "She might still be okay, please, talk to Celestia, talk to Luna, tell them! I don't care what happens to me, just don't let them hurt my friend, don't let them hurt Engy! Please!" Cozy thrashed against her restraints, desperate to get free.

Twilight looked on helplessly as her former student broke down, "Cozy, this Engineer didn't care about you, but we do, I do, if you can just try and trust me, everything will be okay. You can go back to my school, you can make some real friends, and you can be my student again, everything will be alright Cozy. Cozy?"

Cozy didn't respond, by this point she had stopped making any sounds, she just stared blankly at the floor as her last quiet sob made her body shiver. Deep down she thought this would happen, no matter what Twilight and her friends always won, and now Engy had paid the price.

Moondancer rushed to Celestia and Luna's side, she had read many books about magical exhaustion, and the amount of energy they had poured into that spell could have killed a normal unicorn, and with their already weakened state it was especially dangerous. She herself found trying to hold together such a complicated illusion difficult, so much so that it had begun to fail before they had sprung the trap.

Luna tried to get back on her hooves, but collapsed instead, letting out a pained grunt. Moondancer felt ill, seeing the Princesses reduced to such a state was shocking for a pony that had grown up seeing them as the pinnacle of equestrian kind. "Just rest, Princesses." Moondancer said "You can't do anything else and if you try, you might hurt yourselves."

"We need to help the others." Celestia said, straining to lift her head. "Twilight may need our help."

"You're in no condition to help, Princess." Moondancer replied. "If you tried to you might end up putting them in danger."

Luna let out a defeated sigh. "She's right, sister, the only thing we would accomplish would be to spread our failures to others."

"What do you mean, Princess?" Moondancer asked. "You didn't fail here, that creature won't be harming anyone ever again."

The Princesses didn't respond, instead turning their heads away, Moondancer saw tears forming in their eyes, they must have been trying to shield themselves from the smoke that was beginning to blow towards them from the crater where this Engineer creature had once been. Moondancer stared at the crater, she couldn't help but be in awe of the power of alicorns, even in their weakened state they had gouged out a massive chunk of earth.

Moondancer approached the edge of the hole to assess the damage to the schools front yard, but before she could reach it something happened that shocked her to her core.

She saw through the smoke a figure rising out of the hole. The Engineer was alive.

Engineer's vision was completely black, she would have thought that she was dead, but being dead wouldn't hurt this much. She sat up as she replayed the past few minutes in her head. She had survived, barely, and had herself to thank for that.

When she was building her armor she had read about how Celestia and Luna had defeated her father, and had installed a failsafe in case such a technique was used against her. The armor had been able to counter the runes somewhat to allow it to activate some of its defensive runes to protect her. But her armor being in the state that it had been had meant that it didn't have enough energy to do so fully, and had shut down after stopping most of the damage.

An awful feeling pulled Engineer back to the present as she quickly reached up to take off her helmet, but only her right arm seemed to obey her. She tore her helmet off just in time to avoid throwing up in it, allowing her to see again, meaning the first thing that she got to see was her partially digested breakfast now seeping into the dirt.

She wiped her mouth with her right hand, and looked down to her left. Her left arm was still there, thankfully, but was hanging down limply at a weird angle, it had been dislocated. She grabbed her left arm with her right, lifted it up and took a deep breath. She yanked the arm forward and heard a fleshy popping sound as her arm went back in its socket. She opened her mouth to scream from the pain, but no sound came out as it overloaded her senses. She fell back down and began to sob quietly from the pain.

She would have stayed there for who knows how long, but the sound of voices brought her back. The sound of Celestia and Luna's voice. Her pain began to be smothered by her returning rage, it wasn't enough that they had turned her to stone for a thousand years, now they tried to kill her too. She got to her feet and began to climb out of the crater.

As she climbed out, she looked around and saw them. She started walking towards them, walking past a cream colored unicorn with red and purple hair; she ignored the unicorn who was staring at her wide eyed, too terrified to do anything to stop her. As Engineer got closer to the Princesses, she began to speak "I've been waiting for this day for so long. The day that you would pay, for destroying my work! My home! My family! My life!"

The Alicorns could do nothing, magical exhaustion rendering them unable to even stand. "Please, Engineer." Celsetia was able to whisper "You don't want to do this." Celestia hadn't seen her face for over a thousand years, when she had last seen it she had seen a mix of pain, fear, anger, and heartbreak in her eyes, but now, as Celestia starred into those same eyes all she could see was pure rage.

"I want nothing more, Celestia." Engineer said, her armor beginning to sputter back into life "Now you're gonna pay!" Engineer raised her arm in the air, the runes beginning to glow again as she prepared to strike the final blow. But something stopped her, a message appeared on her arm. Cozy had sent out a distress signal, she was in danger!

Engineer immediately spun around and ran as fast as she could for the castle, leaving the Princesses where they lied. How long ago was that signal sent! Was Cozy hurt! Was she-. Engineer pushed these thought from her head as she sprinted towards the castle.

The Princesses watched her go, with a feeling of deep foreboding. She may have left them, but soon Twilight and her friends would suffer the Engineers wrath, and they could do nothing to stop her.

She looked for an entrance as she approached the castle; spotting a giant stained glass window, she prepared to make her entrance; pouring magic into the runes that powered the armor's legs, she leapt through the air and smashed through the window. As she landed, she looked around and saw six familiar ponies standing around in a circle, staring at her in shock; and in the center, bound by ropes, was Cozy Glow.

"ENGY!!!!" Cozy screamed.

Engineer charged, roaring "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" she hurled a blast at them as she charged, hurling the six mares back. They landed in a heap as Engineer reached Cozy Glow and frantically tore her restraints off. "Cozy, I'm so sorry, something happened which stopped me from receiving your signal and-."

Cozy cut her off with a hug, wrapping her hooves around Engineer. "I thought you were dead." She sobbed, staring up at Engineer.

Engineer reached down and wiped a tear from Cozy's cheek, "I'm sorry that I'm so late, Cozy, their were a few-" Engineer paused to search for the right words "Complications, but I'm here now, you're safe." They heard the groans from the six ponies that were trying to disentangle themselves from the pile they lay in. "Now how about we teach them a lesson together."

Cozy smiled "Let's do it." she said with a nod and took position next to Engineer.

Twilight rubbed her head, trying to regain her senses, and dull the headache borne from the hit. She looked at the new arrival, a surprised expression shot across her face; "She's a human?" she thought aloud. She shook her head, that question would need to be solved later. "Where are Celestia and Luna?" she demanded.

Engineer smirked "They won't be bothering us if thats what you're asking!" The answer drew a shocked gasp from the six ponies. "Now, if you're smart you'll surrender." Engineer said "But I really hope you don't." Secretly she wanted those six to surrender, she had been battered about in her last fight and even with her armor she could feel pain in multiple places, especially her side where the pain seemed to flare up every time she breathed deeply.

Twilight glared at Engineer "We will never give up." She declared.

Engineer cursed inwardly, before simply replying "Good."

"You may be powerful." Twilight said. "But we've faced challenges before and we've never backed down!"

While she was making her little speech, Engineer decided to end this by firing off a bolt of magic. Twilight summoned up a shield and slapped it away.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward "We've faced threats that almost tore us apart, but no matter what, we've always come back together!"

Engineer fired off another, more powerful blast. But it simply bounced off a shield again.

"No matter how scary it's gotten." Fluttershy added "Our compassion has always shown us the way through!"

Engineer tried again, growing nervous by how easily they had shrugged off her attacks. But once again it failed to accomplish anything.

"We're always ready to support each other, because we trust each other to do the same!" Applejack said.

"Shut up!" Cozy shouted, launching a flurry of her own magic at the group, but it had the same result as Engineers attempts.

"It didn't matter how bad the situation seems, we go forward with the hope that in the end we will smile again!" Pinkie yelled.

Engineer and Cozy were both now desperately trying to break through their defenses, launching blast after blast at what now seemed like an unbreakable wall. "What the hell is this!?" Engineer yelled.

Rarity now stepped forward too "We've shared the good times and the bad, and have never refused to lend a hand to whoever needed it!"

A sense of deja vu washed through Engineer, something about this situation seemed awfully familiar.

Twilight shut her eyes. "And that is because together we have the greatest power of them all." Twilight eyes reopened, now glowing white.

In an instant Engineer realised what was coming. "COZY RUN!!!!" she said turning to the filly. But Cozy didn't budge, it seemed to be locked in place by fear, Engineer grabbed her and through her clear of what was coming, before turning back to face it.

The six ponies were floating in the air, an aura of white magic surrounding them. A blast of rainbow-colored energy, just like what had destroyed Sombra, arced into the air and then shot towards Engineer. She braced herself, drawing as much power as she could into her armor, the runes once again glowing white. She poured everything into a final beam of magic, which slammed against the incoming rainbow.

The wave of rainbow magic was slowed, but still it creeped steadily towards Engineer. She strained to, trying to draw more power into her armor, trying to find something, anything to stop it, but nothing seemed to work, it even seemed to come at her faster. "NO!!!" She screamed "IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS! IT WON'T END LIKE THIS." But reality caught up with her as her runes suddenly went black, she had pushed her armor further than she thought it could go, but now it had nothing left to give.

She collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she watched the rainbow blast fly towards her. She shut her eyes as time seemed to slow down, her mind went back to that strange dream she had, the paintings of her life displayed before her, but there were new ones now, one showing her trying to hold back the elements of harmony, her fight against the Princesses, finding out that Grogar was Discord, and the sunrise she shared with Pharynx. She smiled at the memory, but her mind flew past all the old memories to a painting right at the beginning that she hadn't seen before.

At first she thought it was a painting of herself, but her hair was a different, a golden color rather than her own black hair. And her eyes were a warm emerald compared to her dark-blue ones. But other than that her face was identical, if a bit older, and smiled at her warmly. It seemed so familiar, but it couldn't be, she was the only one of her kind, this must be some weird trick, it couldn't be real, it couldn't be "Mom?"

In an instant she was brought back to reality as the power of the elements of harmony arced towards her. But just before it hit, a beam of red magic fired off from beside her, stopping it just before it could it hit her. Engineer looked to her right, it was Cozy Glow, the filly gritted her teeth as she somehow held back the attack.

"Cozy?!" Engineer shouted, the runes on her armor somehow began to glow bright again; she joined Cozy in trying to push back the elements attack. "I told you to run!"

"I won't leave you!" Cozy yelled as the ground cracked under them, the force of the magic bearing down on them had begun to push them back.

"We can't stop it Cozy!" Engineer said, "Save yourself!"

"No!" Cozy screamed. "I'm not going to abandon you! I'm not going to abandon one of the only creatures that truly gives a shit about me! I don't care if the whole world wants us dead, I will fight for Tirek, for Chrysalis and for you! I won't run away! I won't let you die!"

"Usually, I'm not a fan of pony speeches." A voice said, "But that was a pretty damn good speech, Cozy."

"Chrysalis?!" Engineer shouted.

Chrysalis appeared to Engineers left, "Sorry to keep you waiting." she said as she joined them in holding back the elements with her own magic. "I couldn't teleport in, there must have been some spell stoping me."

"Well you're here now!" Cozy cheered "Now let's do this!" Together they pushed against the elements beam, it began to creep backwards.

"Hold firm girls!" Twilight shouted. "No matter how bleak it seems, there is no more powerful force than friendship!" The beam stabilised, each of the groups were at one end of the throne room and their magic was clashing right in the center.

"Come on!" Chrysalis hissed, "We've almost done it, we just need a little more power!"

Right on cue that power arrived, the entrance to the throne room was blasted open, and in strode Tirek. He looked at the situation inside and grinned. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"I said that already!" Chrysalis shouted back. "Now help us you giant idiot!"

Tirek ran into position behind them, firing his magic over their heads. It slammed into the ongoing struggle and began to overpower the six ponies rapidly. The beam grew closer and closer to them.

"No!" Twilight said "How can you have more power than our friendship!"

"Just who the hell do you think you're dealing with!?" Engineer shouted back. "We've overcome more than you can imagine!"

"We've climbed mountains, and fought monsters!" Cozy shouted.

"We've stolen from fortresses, and escaped from dragons!" Tirek added.

"And through it all we've formed bonds that no one thought were possible!" Chrysalis finished.

"We're the worst of the worst!" Engineer screamed. "The scum of Equestria! And we've come here to defeat you!"

"WE ARE!!" They roared in unison "THE LEGION OF DOOM!!!" And with a final effort they pushed the spell back all the way that it had come. There was a bright flash as the ponies were sent flying back. Part of the ceiling collapsed between the two groups, a cloud of dust hiding them from each other for a moment.

As the dust cleared Cozy Glow flew forward with Grogar's bell, and absorbed the magic from the defeated ponies into it. But as she looked over them she noticed something was wrong. "Where's Twilight?!" She demanded.

"Even if we knew." Rainbow dash said. "We wouldn't tell you."

Chrysalis flew over, joining Cozy. "Oh well, we'll just have to track her down. And without her friends, she'll be helpless."

"Did you use the bell to take their magic, Cozy Glow!?" Tirek asked. "You should have let me absorb it!"

"I was thinking fast, Tirek." Cozy retorted. "The last thing we need is to take any more risks."

"Speaking of risks." Chrysalis said. "I saw the Princesses on my way in, I think we should retrieve them before they can recover."

"Fine." Tirek said. "As long as I get their power."

"That sound fair, right Engy?" Cozy looked around, but couldn't see Engineer standing with them. She looked back and saw her lying on the ground. "Engy!"

The three of them rushed over to her. "What's wrong?!" Chrysalis asked.

"Nothing." Engineer wheezed out, "Just thought I'd lay here for a bit."

"She's exhausted." Tirek said. "We should let her rest. Cozy, you stay with her while Chrysalis and I round up all our defeated foes."

Cozy nodded as Chrysalis and Tirek left, grabbing the five defeated ponies as they did. Engineer laughed before wincing as pain shot through her side.

"Engy!" Cozy said. "Are you alright."

Engineer smiled. "It's alright now, it's all over now Cozy, we're safe."

Flying above the Everfree, Thorax and Pharynx looked for any sign of the ponies that had abandoned their town. Thorax shivered as a cool gust of wind blew past them "Does it seem colder to you?" Thorax asked.

Pharynx nodded. "Yeah." He looked down and through an opening in the trees they spotted a crowd of ponies. They swooped down to investigate. As they landed they spotted a familiar pony.

"Trixie!" Thorax said.

"Thorax!" She responded, "Hello, Pharynx."

"Hello, Trixie." Pharynx said back.

"What's going on here?" Thorax asked.

"It's chaos here, we fled when Tirek and Chrysalis attacked the town." Trixie said. "Trixie don't know what's going on, or where Starlight is."

A unicorn that neither Changeling recognised joined them. "Thank goodness, I was beginning to think that no help was coming. My name's Stygian, It's good to finally meet you Thorax."

"Stygian?" Pharynx asked. "The pony of shadows?"

"Yes, well uh, not anymore." Stygian said. "But that doesn't matter right now, we need to deal with the creatures that are rampaging around Canterlot as we speak."

Pharynx winced "Wow, I knew they'd be pissed, but not rampaging pissed."

Trixie raised an eyebrow, "What does that mean?"

"It means we may have a way to stop this from going any further." Thorax said. "But it's kind of a long story, you and Stygian may want to sit down."

Trixie sighed "Why does Trixie get the feeling that whatever you have to say is going to be a doozy?"

Comments ( 65 )


Sorry it took so long

Hope you like it

Things are ramping up to the end-game. I am happy this continued!

J-90 #3 · Jun 21st, 2021 · · ·

And the End game continues. Hopefully with even more KARMA heading in ponies (mainly Sunbutts and a little bit Moonbutts), and Discords, way, without a sudden "plotpull saving the day" and leaving them just being "woe is me boohoo" about their sins and nothing more palpable. And Twiggles kinda sounded a little bit manipulative while preaching about Cozy being manipulated, while pretty much knowing nothing truly concrete about Engy.

And now to wait for the "Next"-button...

the legion has the power of freindship 2.0

They clawed their way up and they are almost at the top! All that’s left is a few loose ends...

The engineer could have at least thought of something like a magic crossbow to later finish off Celestia and Luna and not let them be. Something simple and practical, like a hidden dagger in a shoe,etc.

I don't care how many excuses they will use I just want them dead,not banished,dead permanently .
And not them sacrificing themselves when fighting a surprise villain like real Grogar,but Engineer finishing them off.

No magic blast that just asks for them to survive them somehow,just simple stab to the head,heart that is effective and permanent death

I hope that engy doesn't have any internal injuries, cause she did get knocked around quite a lot and shockwaves can liquify/ burst organs...

If anyone want's to volunteer I'd be very grateful. This is my first story so I'm just happy that it's slightly comprehendible.

My man TCRG101 coming in clutch with another fantastic chapter! Can't wait to see where this goes.

The fight scenes were great. They had a good mix of strategy and action. I love how the epic Main 6 hero moment was countered by another hero moment from the LOD. Fighting fire with fire there, although one could imagine this not working out if the triple friendship beam thingy comes into play. Either the LOD need to take out as much rainbow beam components as possible as quickly as possible or have a peace treaty moment of sorts to pull off a win fully.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

"You were never going to let me go, not after what you did to Stygian, I'd rather have my brother think I was lost, than know that his new friends were keeping his brother from him. Who knows what he would have done, and what you would have done to him!"

Sad thing is I actually believe him.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a thunk as something hit her in the back, she slowly turned around to see a now terrified guard holding a now broken spear, the spearhead now lying on the ground.

Gotta respect him for trying to do his job.

"Before I go can I ask you something?" Silver said. "When you defeat the villains, can you go easy on Cozy?"

Aww, he came through! Cozy may end up having a friend around her age by the end of this.

"Cozy, this Engineer didn't care about you, but we do, I do, if you can just try and trust me, everything will be okay."

Wasn't Twilight told what led Engineer to become an enemy of Celestia? Odd that she would assume that no bonds could form between the two.

"We've shared the good times and the bad, and have never refused to lend a hand to whoever needed it!"

Except for children who misunderstood your lessons and centaurs who have been locked up in the worst prison for over a thousand years, apparently.

Engineer sighed, "Alright my name was Lily, you happy?"

Grogar laughed "Really? Lily?"

Engineer crossed her arms grumpily "Yeah, although some of the dogs misheard it as li'l E as in little E so they called me that, then when my skills started to show they called me Li'l Engineer and then when I got older and bigger they just called me Engineer. I never did like my name so I preferred Engineer and that's why It's my name now."

I can see why she prefer Engineer. But to be honest; I think 'The Engineer' is better.

"Then where is she Tirek?" Starswirl snapped back. "She's no where to be seen, either she was defeated or realised she was no match for all four of them and ran away." Starswirl smirked. "It's not like you inspire much loyalty in others, not even in your own family!"

Tirek glared at the unicorn, resisting the temptation to crush the old fool in his hands. "You're one to talk, I know what you did to your friend Stygian. You were against trying to turn my brother against me, you thought he was just as evil as me. But Stygian was right, and you betrayed him and then took all the credit."

Starswirl glared back at him, "I was wrong about Stygian, and I was wrong about Scorpan, but I wasn't wrong about you! Your brother begged me to free you, but I knew that there was only evil in your heart, do you know how much it hurt him to see you every year, I told him every time that it was useless but he held out hope, and you threw it back in his face!"

"I'd rather he think me lost than know the truth!" Tirek roared "You were never going to let me go, not after what you did to Stygian, I'd rather have my brother think I was lost, than know that his new friends were keeping his brother from him. Who knows what he would have done, and what you would have done to him!"

Harsh but true about what Tirek said; if Scorpan did learn that Starswirl was never gonna free Tirek, than his betrayal to Tirek and friendship with ponies would have been his greatest sin and fight back against them for playing with hopes and regrets.

"I'm going to fell that for a century." Luna groaned "But at least I'm alive." They slumped down onto a set of chairs as they begun to tend to their wounds. "I can't help but think I deserve this."

"You don't deserve this Luna." Celestia said. "It's my fault, I ignored this problem for over a thousand years. All of this is on me."

"But I ignored her too, sister." Luna replied. "I know what it's like to be so angry, I should have fixed this problem when I came back." Luna sighed, "If we had just tried, if we had just done something, anything!"

"And now we're paying the price." Celestia agreed.

A fatal price to pay because of fear and for Harmony.

"PRINCESS CELESTIA AND LUNA?!" A young, grey unicorn colt, screamed. "Are you alright!?"

"Silver Spirit!" Moondancer snapped. "What are you doing out of your dorm! It isn't safe!"

"I'm sorry Miss Moondancer." Silver Spirit said "But I heard voices and the others were so scared, they didn't know what happened to you!"

"I'm fine Silver." Moondancer said.

"But the Princesses aren't." Silver said. "What happened?"

Celestia put on a reassuring smile. "We're fine young colt, I think you should be getting back to your dorm now."

"Before I go can I ask you something?" Silver said. "When you defeat the villains, can you go easy on Cozy?"

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"She's not all bad, I mean she was manipulated, first by Tirek and now by Discord. She doesn't have real friends, not since I-." Silver rubbed a tear away before it could form. "Look I thought she was a monster like the paper said at first. But I think there is more to it and I think she just needs a chance."

"That's a nice thought Silver." Moondancer said. "But the Princesses will do what they they think is right, now go back to your dorm."

"But-" Silver began to say.

"Now!" Moondancer ordered, sending Silver scurrying back to his dorm. "I'm sorry about that, he's a new student, after he arrived he started checking out books on Tartarus. I think he may have been considering rescuing her."

"Would've saved us a lot of trouble if he did." Luna muttered.

Moondancer got a confused look on her face. "What do you mean?"

Celestia sighed "We might have been able to reform her before, but now she's too far gone. All we can do is clean up our mistakes so no else suffers for them." Celestia and Luna shared a grim look on their faces. "Miss Moondancer, we need your help."

I can't believe Silver is back and he still cares for Cozy but he's wrong about being manipulated by Tirek, Discord sure but not Tirek and is filled with regret for hurting her feelings. I guess he wants to save her if she is sent to Tartarus (again) but I doubt Cozy would ever forgive him for what he called her.

She had been beaten, her only chance now was the code word. Cozy took a deep breath and bellowed "SPAGHETTI!!!!"

... That's their codeword?

As she drew closer, she stopped herself as she noticed something weird about the path in front her. Runes that were all too familiar were carved into the cobblestone, her eyes narrowed as she recognised their purpose.

While she was examining the trap, Engineer heard the beat of wings behind her, it was the Princesses. Engineer pretended not to hear them and just as they were about to hit her and send her into the trap, she ducked. They missed her and instead landed in their own trap, the runes glowed bright blue as they activated and sealed their fate. The Princesses tried to move but their hooves were held fast by the runes, the runes prevented them from using their magic as well.

"You Idiots!" Engineer laughed, "You didn't think I'd recognise that trap!" Due to how they had landed, they were facing away from her, so Engineer walked around the trapped alicorns, putting herself between the school and them. The Princesses glared at her. Engineer narrowed "You used that trick to kill my father, you used my own runes to hold him down and then you blasted him to pieces. You didn't think I'd know that? That I would recognise that trick?"

The Princesses were silent, doing nothing except glare at her. Engineer growled. "You don't have anything to say? No more excuses? no more trying to justify what you did? At least give me some begging damnit!" They remained silent, Engineer sighed, oh well, at least it was over. But something felt off, Engineer looked closer at the runes and realized they were all wrong, they didn't make any sense, and the Princess were not just not talking, they weren't doing moving at all anymore, almost as if-.

Engineer heard the doors behind her fling open as the Princesses as well as the runes disappeared in a flash. She wheeled around to see the real Princesses standing in the doorway, their horns charged with a powerful magical blast. The ground around Engineer began glowing blue as she saw runes, real ones this time, light up, stopping her from moving. The Princesses, who had poured the last of their power into one final attack let it fly, the massive ball of energy tore the ground up as it sped towards the Engineer, who had no time to react, except to say "Oh, crap."

Celestia and Luna made a illusion spell is clever and used runes which is Enginner's Talent against her, is a sign that they stole her work and yikes! I can't believe Engineer said about her father's death.

Twilight sighed "It was a code word for a distress signal, right Cozy?" The others stopped their argument instantly, and focused their attention back on Cozy.

Cozy gritted her teeth, of course Twilight knew what it was, "Very clever Twilight, my friends are on their way as we speak, why don't you all surrender right now and get it over with."

"They aren't coming Cozy." Twilight said.

Cozy scoffed "Let me guess, they aren't coming because they don't care about me? Well I guess we'll see Twilight."

"Theirs that, theirs also the fact that they've either been defeated or have ran." Twilight replied.

Cozy laughed, "Really? That's what you're going with Twilight? I saw Tirek beating the snot out of the pillars, what makes you think that my other friends aren't doing the same?"

"Tirek is strong, and now that he has the pillars magic, he'll be stronger." Twilight said "But now that he knows we have the bell, if he's smart he'll be getting as far away from here as possible, but with Discords help we'll track him down."

"Discord?!" Cozy snarled "So he's here? Good, Chrysalis, Engineer, and I will want to have a word with him."

"Chrysalis and the Engineer won't be hurting anyone." Twilight said. "My brother and Cadence have beaten Chrysalis before, and with Starlight there she doesn't stand a chance. As for the Engineer, Celestia and Luna defeated an army equiped with the Engineers weapons, they know exactly how to beat her, the only question is if they're prepared to go through with it."

"You're bluffing Twilight." Cozy said, but she felt a creeping feeling start to spread in her, that message on the train, what if the Princesses knew about it already? As that fear started to gnaw at her the room was rocked by a deep boom, Cozy felt a cold feeling wash through her. "T-thats just Engy kicking their butts, you'll see!"

Twilight looked at her "I'm sorry Cozy."

"You're gonna be sorry when Engy gets here!" Cozy yelled back. "She promised that we'd talk after we kicked your butts, she's fine! She's going to walk in here any moment with Tirek and Chrysalis, you'll see!" Cozy looked franticly around, expecting Engineer to burst in at any moment, but as the seconds dragged on she felt her body begin to shake. She tried to escape, blasting the rope that held her down to pieces she tried to fly out of the encirclement, but her means of escape was blocked by Rainbow Dash. A sharp tug from Raritys magic pulled her back to the ground, as she felt more ropes wrap around her.

"I'm sorry Cozy but there must have been no other way." Twilight said. "If there was, Celestia and Luna would have found it, I'm sure."

"No other way!? How dare you!? How fucking dare you!?" Cozy tried in vane to get free again, but a spell cast by Twilight on the ropes prevented them from being destroyed, Twilights magic enveloped Cozy Glows horn preventing her from trying anything else. "Let go of me!" Cozy screamed, her eyes becoming watery. "I'll fucking kill you, I'll fucking kill all of you!"

"Enough Cozy Glow!" Twilight shouted, before softening her voice as she continued. "You've been manipulated, first by Tirek and now by this Engineer, they made you do terrible things but it's over now. Tirek is far away from here, Chrysalis can't hurt you, and this Engineer creature is gone for good."

Cozy began to hyperventilate, tears streaming down her face. "She might still be okay, please, talk to Celestia, talk to Luna, tell them! I don't care what happiness to me just don't let them hurt my friend, don't let them hurt Engy! Please!" Cozy thrashed against her restraints, desperate to get free.

Twilight looked on helplessly as her former student broke down, "Cozy, this Engineer didn't care about you, but we do, I do, if you can just try and trust me, everything will be okay. You can go back to my school, you can make some real friends, and you can be my student again, everything will be alright Cozy, Cozy?"

Cozy didn't respond, by this point she had stopped making any sounds, she just stared blankly at the floor as her last quiet sob made her body shiver. Deep down she thought this would happen, no matter what Twilight and her friends always won, and now Engy had paid the price.

Why does Twilight thinks that Friendship will always win? I mean she's not omniscient and Friendship isn't OP all the time.

"We need to help the others." Celestia said, straining to lift her head. "Twilight may need our help."

"You're in no condition to help Princess." Moondancer replied. "If you tried to you might end up getting them into danger."

Luna let out a defeated sigh. "She's right sister, the only thing we would accomplish would be to spread our failures to others."

"What do you mean Princess?" Moondancer asked. "You didn't fail here, that creature won't be harming anyone ever again."

Moondancer and every pony on the planet never learn the truth of their Alicorns' dark secrets and mistakes. Only Twilight and her friends know the truth.

She would have stayed there for who knows how long, but the sound of voices brought her back. The sound of Celestia and Lunas voice. Her pain began to be smothered by her returning rage, it wasn't enough that they had turned her to stone for a thousand years, now they tried to kill her too. She got to her feet and began to climb out of the crater.

As she climbed out she looked around and saw them. As she began walking towards them, she walked past a cream colored unicorn with red and purple hair, she ignored the unicorn who was too terrified to do anything to stop her. As Engineer reached the Princesses she said "I've been waiting for this day for so long. The day that you would pay, for destroying My work! My home! My family! My life!"

The Alicorns could do nothing, magical exhaustion rendering them unable to even stand. "Please, Engineer." Celsetia was able to whisper "You don't want to do this." Celestia hadn't seen her face for over a thousand years, when she had last seen it she had seen a mix of fear, anger, and heartbreak in her eyes, but now as Celestia starred into those same eyes all she could see was pure rage.

"I want nothing more Celestia." Engineer said, her armor beginning to sputter back into life "Now you're gonna pay!" Engineer raised her arm in the air, the runes beginning to glow again as she prepared to strike the final blow. But something stopped her, as a message appeared on her arm. Cozy had sent out a distress signal, she was in danger!

Of course she would never accept mercy from you, Celestia. Luna and you, destroyed her inventions, killed her father, got her brother to betray them, turned her to stone and left her for over a 1000 years in a place where you didn't want to help her until Twilight reminded you in her letter. She has a literal reason to destroy Celestia and Luna.

Engineer immediately spun around and ran as fast as she could for the castle, leaving the Princesses where they lay. How long ago was that signal sent! Was Cozy hurt! Was she-. Engineer pushed those thought from her head as she sprinted towards the castle. The Princesses watched her go, with a feeling of deep foreboding, she may have left them, but soon Twilight and her friends would suffer her wrath.

It looks like Twilight was wrong for once. About the Legion of Doom I mean.

At first she thought it was a painting of herself, but her hair was a different, a golden color rather than her own black hair. And her eyes were a warm emerald compared to her dark blue ones. But other than that her face was identical, if a bit older, and smiled at her warmly. It seemed so familiar, but it couldn't be, she was the only one of her kind, this must be some weird trick, it couldn't be real, it couldn't be "Mom?"

I wonder what happened to her?

"No!" Twilight said "How can you have more power than our friendship!"

"Just who the hell do you think you're dealing with!" Engineer shouted back. "We've overcome more than you can imagine!"

"We've climbed mountains, and fought monsters!" Cozy shouted.

"We've stolen from fortresses, and escaped from dragons!" Tirek added.

"And through it all we've formed bonds that no one thought was possible!" Chrysalis finished.

"We're the worst of the worst!" Engineer screamed. "The scum of Equestria! And we've come here to defeat you!"

"WE ARE!!" They roared in unison "THE LEGION OF DOOM!!!" And with a final effort they pushed the spell back all the way that it had come. There was a bright flash as the ponies were sent flying back. Part of the ceiling collapsed between the two groups, a cloud of dust hiding them from each other for a moment.

The Legion of Doom's bonds are greater than the Magic of Friendship because their Spirit of Friendship admit that they have a stronger magic. All and all, this chapter is magnificent and the battles are GLORIOUS!!! I can't wait for the Legion of Doom to use Discord as a Piñata, revealing to the prisoners of Discord's plan to used them and also Celestia and Luna's crimes against Engineer. Also will Thorax do something stupid without learning the truth?

Sweet baby almighty, I love this story!
Engie fight was awesome, can't wait to see the next chapter!

Loved it! Absolutely loved it! LOD friendship beam is stronger than pony Ranbow Beam.

I do like that Cozy has no filter now that she's away from her friends. To which Twilight is completely wrong in completely dismissing Cozy's new friends, because they learned the values of friendship.

Then the conversation between the sisters and Engy, truly that conversation was long coming from a long time, and I enjoyed watching Engy had the position of power at the end.


Agreed as well! The LOD DESERVES to win, and the Royal Sisters to have bad karma on their asses.

But, question?! Why is Twilight being such a prideful bitch with blabbing about her stupid "friendship power", and even insult and antagonizing the Engineer??!! Either she got amnesia or something?

Because, doesn't she f******* remember that Engineer was a innocent VICTIM when Celestia/Luna finally reveal the dark truth to her? Why the hell is she still antagonizing her, and F****** CALLS HER A "Creature"????!!!!

She is a frickin HUMAN, you RACIST/XENOPHOBIC BITCH!!!! She is regretfully acting like Neighsay over here with that "Creature" BS!!!

I think that hopefully in the next chapter, Cozy Glow herself should mention that, and insult Twilight for badmouthing poor Engi. And call her a Racist/Xenophobic like Neighsay as well for the finishing touch.

Hope that break Twilight's soul!!!

But instead of doing the right thing, and tried to calm Engineer down. She did the F****** OPPOSITE, UNJUSTLY treated Engineer as "another typical villain". And she made a dick move by "manipulating" Cozy that Engineer, or Tirek, and Chrysalis doesn't "care about her", or "won't come rescue her??!!

And even use the FRICKIN ELEMENTS THEMSELVES that trapped Engineer in the first place!!!!!!

What a frickin hypocrite!!!!!!!!!! She wouldn't be no better than that evil caretaker from the orphanage, and she SHOULD hear this from Cozy or even the Engineer/Tirek/Chrysalis themselves in the next chapter.

I really hope that they will be the LOD's Prisoners and at their mercy, with NO escape. And they decided to reveal the navie pony population and the other races the TRUTH!!!!!

With Celestia's and Luna's Sins against the poor Engineer, her past. Tirek's and Cozy's OWN versions of their origin stories ( Maybe Chrysalis included ). And REVEAL Discord:s schmemes as "Grogar" and all.

And hopefully, everybody/everypony will learn the truth, and even DESPISE Celestia, Luna, and even the Mane Six for this!

Hope the author read our comments and reacted to them?!

I've basically binge read this series after discovering it last night, and-

Frankly, I give this a 10/10 already. You have wonderful, deep, and realistic character development, along with realistic and believable backstories for why they became villains. You've shown that you understand the core concept of villains; most weren't born evil. Bravo. I'm excited for future chapters, and I'm glad to have found this gem.

Chill man. I know stories can get some people riled up if you get them but let me try to answer some of your questions.

  1. Twilight is prideful because the Magic of Friendship always defeat any foe she faces.
  2. Twilight calling Engineer a creature is because she never seen her until she came to save Cozy. Discord did discribe Engineer of what she is and Twilight thinks she’s a human but doesn’t know since the museum showing a wax figure of her and Diamond Dog Kingdom history is kind of off.
  3. Celestia and Luna believe Engineer is beyond help because of Discord. I mean she is filled with anger for what they did to her; destroyed her work, got her brother to betray her, and ruined her home.
  4. Twilight said those that the other villains don’t care about Cozy is because Twilight thinks that any villain only cares about themselves.
  5. Also agree with you on the LOD should reveal the truth to the pony public and their allies, their origin stories, Discord’s scheme on using them and the dark secrets that Celestia and Luna hid from the public.

Also you think the Diamond Dogs will appear to see the Engineer from their history?

"WE ARE!!" They roared in unison "THE LEGION OF DOOM!!!" And with a final effort they pushed the spell back all the way that it had come. There was a bright flash as the ponies were sent flying back. Part of the ceiling collapsed between the two groups, a cloud of dust hiding them from each other for a moment.

Well, we know what happens when one Friendship has to face another.

I wonder if the diamond dogs will reunite into a kingdom with engy as the ruling monarch?

A kingdom is made by its people, so long as the diamond dogs exist as a species they can unite and form a kingdom! Although I doubt that engy would except the position as Queen due to it interfering with her engineering time!

Ah dang it! Now I gotta wait...

Get bent, ponies!

It always felt iffy in the show that seemingly nobody could use the power of friendship for nefarious goals. I mean, you CAN be great friends and still work together against others.

Gonna follow this up with a second post with more corrections, since this one was getting long.

'Don't worry Engineer when this is all over' - Don't worry Engineer, when this is all over

'I'm going to fell that' - feel


'Lunas blue magic' - Luna's

'cobblestone, throwing into the air' - throwing it into

'shot of the ground' - off

'into the tower wall, she wrapped' - remove she

'Luna franticly kicked with her hooves, Engineer ignored them, as a mixture of rage and adrenaline pushing her' - Luna franticly kicked with her hooves, but Engineer ignored them as a mixture of rage and adrenaline pushed her

'She through it with all her might' - threw it

'linned' - lined

'lightning begun arcing' - began

'A final blast of fire and air blasted down the hallway' - A final blast of fire and air raced down the hallway

'smashed in to pieces' - into

'now shattered' - now-shattered

'met with Engineers armored fist' - Engineer's

'collapsed to floor' - collapsed to the floor

'filled her with hope as she shifter a section' - hope. As she shifted

'as she did Celestia got in close and spun around, and bucked with her hind hooves' - as she did so, Celestia got in close, spun around and bucked with her hind hooves

'wrapped around her hooves' - around them

'Engineer said, as she' - said as she

'Princesses head making her nauseous' - Princess's head, making

'she could react the two' - react, the two

'see the sisters laying in a heap' - lying

'as her the runes on her armor' - as the runes

'thunk as something hit her in the back' - thunk of something hitting her

'now terrified' - now-terrified

'now broken' - now-broken

'Whats your name guard' - What's your name, guard

'collapsed to the ground unconscious' - ground unconscious

'fell to the ground, she landed' - ground, landing

'schools library' - school's library

'It's alright Princesses' - It's alright, Princesses

'unicorn colt, screamed' - unicorn colt screamed

'I'm sorry Miss Moondancer' - sorry, Miss

'I'm fine Silver' - fine, Silver

'Fight me Twilight' - Fight me, Twilight

'screamed, as she dove' - screamed as she dove

'down on the alicorn' - down at the alicorn

'Cozy yelled, as she charged' - yelled as

'and Fired off' - fired

'slamming into Twilight she fell' - Twilight and she

'on her hooves just in time' - hooves, just

'Cozy Glows magic' - Cozy Glow's magic

'shot towards Cozy, Cozy had forgotten' - Cozy, who had

'Twilights stupid friends, Rainbow' - Twilight's stupid friends. Rainbow

'She spun around punching with her hoof' - around, punching

'She was Fluttershy' - saw

'regain the initiative but the onslaught' - initiative, but

'She dove on it' - at it

'but when she looked up her in horror as she realised she was surrounded' - but when she looked she realised with horror that she was surrounded

'schools front doors' - school's front doors

'the runes glowed bright blue as they activated and sealed their fate' - glowing

'The Princesses tried to move but their hooves' - move, but

'Engineer narrowed' - narrowed her eyes?

'give me some begging damnit' - begging, dammit

'they weren't doing moving at all anymore' - they weren't moving or doing anything at all anymore

'into one final attack let it fly' - attack and let

'shake around him as a loud bang' - him with a loud

'schools courtyard' - school's courtyard

'two princesses who slumped down' - remove who

Damn, this is what happens when I don't proofread I guess. Thanks for the corrections, and thanks for reading.

Hmm… That’s also a possible outcome.

As promised, another bout of corrections.

If you want, i could proofread new chapters for you, though how fast that'd be would be subject to my workload at my job.

Also, I can't believe I missed this opportunity for a popculture reference last time:


Oh, another one.

"Who the hell do you think we are?!"

It feels a bit weird for Trixie to not be speaking in third person.

'she may be trapped but she knew' - she may have been trapped, but she knew

'distress signal, right Cozy?' - distress signal, right, Cozy?

'Very clever Twilight' - Very clever, Twilight

'They aren't coming Cozy' - They aren't coming, Cozy

'Well I guess we'll see Twilight' - Well, I guess we'll see, Twilight

'Theirs that, theirs also' - There's that, there's also

'going with Twilight' - going with, Twilight

'pillars magic' - pillars' magic

'Discords help' - Discord's help

'Good, Chrysalis, Engineer, and I' - Good, Chrysalis, Engineer and I

'Engineers weapons' - Engineer's weapons

'gnaw at her the room' - gnaw at her, the room

'to pieces she tried' - to pieces, she tried

'back to the ground, as she felt more' - back to the ground and she felt more

'I'm sorry Cozy but there' - I'm sorry, Cozy, but there

'Cozy tried in vane' - vain

'Twilights magic enveloped Cozy Glows horn preventing' - Cozy Glow's horn, preventing

'Enough Cozy Glow' - Enough, Cozy Glow

'terrible things but it's over' - terrible things, but it's over

'happiness to me just don't' - happens to me, just don't

'everything will be alright Cozy, Cozy?' - alright, Cozy. Cozy?

'Celestia and Lunas side' - Celestia and Luna's side

'Just rest Princesses' - Just rest, Princesses

'and if you try you may' - and if you try, you might

'You're in no condition to help Princess' - help, Princess

'If you tried to you might end up getting them into danger' - If you try to you might end up putting them in danger

'She's right sister' - She's right, sister

'What do you mean Princess?' - mean, Princess

'be in awe at the power of alicorns' - of the power

'Engineers vision' - Engineer's vision

'her head, she had survived, barely, and herself to thank for that' - her head. She had survived, barely, and had herself to thank for that

'She grabbed her left arm with her right and lifted it up and took a deep breath. She yanked arm' - She grabbed her left arm with her right, lifted it up and took a deep breath. She yanked the arm

'Celestia and Lunas voice' - Celestia and Luna's voices

'As she climbed out she looked around' - As she climbed out, she looked around

'As she began walking towards' - Starting to walk towards

'purple hair, she ignored the unicorn' - purple hair; she ignored the unicorn

'As Engineer reached the Princesses she said' - As Engineer reached the Princesses, she said

'destroying My work' - my

'Celsetia' - Sunbut-I mean Celestia

'but now as Celestia starred into those same eyes all she could see was pure rage' - but now, as Celestia stared into those same eyes, all she could see was pure rage

'I want nothing more Celestia' - I want nothing more, Celestia

'But something stopped her, as a message appeared on her arm' - But something stopped her; a message appeared on her arm

'where they lay' - lied

'pushed those thought' - these thoughts

'watched her go, with a feeling of deep foreboding, she may have left them, but soon Twilight and her friends would suffer her wrath' - watched her go with a feeling of deep foreboding. She may have left them, but soon Twilight and her friends would suffer her wrath

'approached the castle, spotting a giant' - castle; spotting

'window she prepared' - window, she prepared

'entrance, pouring magic' - entrance; pouring magic

'armors legs she leapt' - armor's legs, she leapt

'As she landed she looked around' - landed, she

'staring at her in shock, and in the center' - shock; and

'Cozy I'm sorry' - Cozy, I'm sorry

'I'm sorry that I'm so late Cozy, their were a few' late, Cozy, there were

'pile they lay in. "Now how about' - pile they lied in. "Now, how about

'said with a nod, and took position' - nod and

'headache forming from the hit' - headache borne from the hit

'face, "She's' - face; "She's

'Secretly she wanted' - Secretly, she wanted

'faced threats who threatened to tear us' - either 'faced threats that almost tore us' or 'faced enemies who threatened to tear us'

'Cozy shouted launching' - Cozy shouted, launching

'It didn't matter how bad the situation seems' - It doesn't matter

'it seemed to be locked in place by fear, Engineer grabbed her and through her clear of what was coming, before turning back to face it' - she seemed to be locked in place by fear, Engineer grabbed her and threw her clear of what was coming, before turning back to face her opponents

'an aura of power white magic surrounding them. A blast of rainbow colored' - an aura of white magic surrounding them. A blast of rainbow-colored

'She strained to try and find more powe' - and draw more

'but their were new ones' - but there were new ones

'dark blue ones' - dark-blue ones

'before it could it her' - hit her

'the fillies gritted her teeth' - filly

'glowed bright again, she joined' - glowing bright again; she joined

'Usually i'm not a fan' - Usually, I'm

'pretty damn good speech Cozy' - speech, Cozy

'Well your hear now' - Well, you're here now

'dealing with!' - dealing with!?

'no one thought was possible' - were

'Grogars bell' - Grogar's bell

'thinking fast Tirek' - thinking fast, Tirek

'right Engy.' - right Engy?

'Whats wrong' - What's wrong

'Engineer laughed, before' - remove comma

'Are you alright.' - Are you alright?

'deal with the creature' - creatures

'What does that mean.' - What does that mean?

Once again thanks for the corrections, when I finish chapter eleven (of the story, I'm not going bankrupt) I'll send you
and this guy the chapter to look over.

The next chapters currently under the working title, "Best frenemies forever"

Comment posted by ARandomLonelyDude deleted Jul 6th, 2021

I can't help because of my schedule. Sorry.

Don't worry about it, whatever you've got going on takes priority.

i love this i know it's probably annoying but what's the ETA for chapter 11

Sorry, but the only answer I can give is "When it comes out." Thanks for reading, hopefully when the next chapter comes out you'll like it.

"Hold firm girls!" Twilight shouted. "No matter how bleak it seems, there is no more powerful force than friendship!"

Yeah except an asteroid.

where next part?

I don't think its coming considering its been a long time since I first read this and no updates which is a shame considering this is a good story where twilight and the rest learn that actions speak more than words and their words are cheap. And how come twilight when the princesses asked was willing to help the girl but the minute discord got her on the road to revenge she doesn't want to anymore.

They thought she got corrupted by Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis after Discord planned to use them as pawns for Twilight's accession and leave them as statues for life.

Considering they were telling Cozy that she was corrupted and that they would never come help her yet they showed up to help her. The ponies of this universe appear to be 2 faced they preach love and friendship but their actions say the opposite.

Twilight said that to Cozy because she thought they were using her and didn't actually care for Cozy.

Yet engineer needed help considering she was betrayed at every turn and yet twilight wants to insist she in the right and considering even ambassadors weren't singing the kingdom praises twilight is being 2 face.

continuation will sooner or later.

I hope but I don't know about that.

one of the only stories where i really hope for the 'villains' to win.

Usually the Anti-Villain-Victory-Department tries to stop stuff like this... But we are willing to allow it. In fact, we might just let the Anti-HERO-Victory-Department assist.
Needless to say, it was an amazing story. After fully reading this entire story, I can sufficiently say this is one of the best legion of doom stories I have ever read on this site. Not only does the legion get character development, but the engineer is a nice and welcome addition, adding to the legion and the story as a whole, helping it truly flow. And while it does have a few spelling errors, I take a page out of Bricky's book and invoke N.A.P.W.I.S.S.
Nitpicks Are Problems When I Say So.
Anyways, continue the good work comrade, make the union proud.

Comment posted by Stalin with Da Spoon deleted Jun 9th, 2022

I have honestly really enjoyed this story and I look forward to what happens next! Keep up the awesome story telling!

At first she thought it was a painting of herself, but her hair was a different, a golden color rather than her own black hair. And her eyes were a warm emerald compared to her dark-blue ones. But other than that her face was identical, if a bit older, and smiled at her warmly. It seemed so familiar, but it couldn't be, she was the only one of her kind, this must be some weird trick, it couldn't be real, it couldn't be "Mom?"


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