• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 27,550 Views, 528 Comments

Damn it, Twilight, I love you! - Sam Cole

Rarity tries to tell Twilight of her feelings, hi-jinks ensue

  • ...

Bonus Chapter: Cutie Mark Crusaders Favor Time! YAY!!!!

Bonus Chapter! Cutie Mark Crusaders Favor Time! Yay!!!

“Girls!” Sweetie Belle cried, running up to her friends. “Hey, Apple Bloom. Hey Scootaloo.”

“Howdy Sweets,” Apple Bloom smiled and looked to her hooves. She never did keep eye contact these days. I wonder why...

“Hey there! So,” Scootaloo began with a wild look in her eye. Judging by the circular saw she was pulling along in her wagon, it was a dangerous cutie mark attempt. Sweetie Belle cut her off in favor of sanity.

“I need some help!” Sweetie interrupted, making Scootaloo stumble over her words and glare. “Rarity needs our help...”

“Miss Rarity? What does she need from us?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I’m not modeling another dress for her. No way. No. End of discussion,” Scootaloo spat, backing up.

“No, nothing like that. My sister has a lot of favors to repay, and I want to help her. Like a good sister,” Sweetie explained. “Besides, maybe something on this list will get us our cutie marks...”

“A cutie mark in cleaning gutters and fixing cabinets, whoopie...” Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“Hey, there’s some fun things on this list!”

“Like what?” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo asked, with differing levels of enthusiasm.

“Like throw Time Turner a bachelor party,” Sweetie said scanning the page.

“A party cutie mark? Yeah, I like the sound of that,” Scootaloo grinned. “What’s a bachelor party?”

“I dunno. Besides, that’s not til tomorrow, so I guess we should work on the rest,” Sweetie said, searching the pages for any relevant jobs. “Oh, here’s one! Help Roseluck.”

“Help her with what?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It doesn’t say...” Sweetie shrugged. “Oh well, Miss Roseluck in really nice. I bet she has a nice little job all picked out for us.”

The shop bell rang as three fillies trotted in, smiling big. It had taken bribing Scootaloo to get her to smile, but that was beside the point.

“Miss Roseluck?” Sweetie called out.

“Mmm, back here,” Came the haughty reply.

“Um, girls...” Apple Bloom started, but Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were already heading back, and found the floral prone mare lounging in a lawn chair, a tall and rather odd device next to her gently giving off sweet smelling smoke.

“Oh, girls. Sorry, I thought you were a customer! Um, yeah, don’t mind this,” Roseluck smiled. Scootaloo and Sweetie were confused, but oddly enough, not Apple Bloom.

“Oh, cool hookah Miss Roseluck.”

“Thanks. How do you know about these?” Roseluck asked as the other two crusaders tried to figure out what Apple Bloom had even said.

“Zecora has one too,” Apple Bloom said. “She said Ah can try it when Ah turn 18. Ya know, if Ah want.”

“So what is it?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s a water pipe for tobacco,” Roseluck said. “It mellows the smoke, so it’s more enjoyable.”

“Oh.” The pair said.

“So ya’ll needed some help, Miss Roseluck?” Apple Bloom cut to business.

“Your’s? Not that I recall,” Roseluck laughed. “But I guess you took over for Miss Rarity. Well, what I wanted is not really anything you could help with...”

“Well what is it then?” Scootaloo asked.

“I wanted to get Rarity’s help redecorating the shop, and with correcting the ledger.”

“Well, we can decorate, can’t we girls!”

“Yeah!” Rang out the famous last words.

“How? We were in a flower shop, for pete sakes!” Scootaloo cried as she dragged her way to the wash bin.

“Another attempt, another day covered in tree sap,” Sweetie moaned as she began to scrub on the sticky mess in her fur.

“At least ya’ll didn’t knock over the hookah and burn yer hooves steppin on them darn coals!”

“At least she was able to put out the fire before it spread,” Scootaloo sighed.

“So Sweets, what next,” Apple Bloom asked.

“Hmm, Mr. Greenhooves wanted Rarity to go get his glaucoma medicine from Zecora,” Sweetie Belle read off. “That sound easy. And we can get you something for those burns, Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom blushed, and stammered agreement. So the gang hopped into the wagon, and let Scootaloo pull them to Zecora’s. Sweetie sat behind Apple Bloom, holding on to her the while. Dang, she’s burning up. Like, really really really hot. I wonder if she’s getting sick?

“Hello my dear little friends. What has brought you around the bend?” Zecora asked with a laugh as the three pulled up outside her home.

“Hello Miss Zecora.” They all sang.

“We’re here for Mr. Greenhooves weed,” Scootaloo said like asking for a cup of sugar. Her friends, and Zecora herself, were rightfully upset.

“What do you mean, dear filly? I sell no drugs, do not be silly.”

“He sent us here for glaucoma meds. That’s what my brother calls his weed...” Scootaloo offered.

“You have a family?” Apple Bloom asked, her turn to lose tact.

“Back off, Bloom. He’s a step brother.”

“You have a family...” Apple Bloom was still struggling with this idea.

“So, Miss Zecora, You have real medicine?” Sweetie asked, hoping to forgive this bad trip already.

“Yes my filly, come and see inside my tree. I always love hosting, especially you three.”

“Scootaloo has a family...” Apple Bloom muttered as she walked in and sat down.

The three fillies visited with the zebra a bit longer than needed. They enjoyed her stories and she their honesty and company, and Apple Bloom the burn salve. So it was no wonder when they looked again, and saw it was already dark outside, and they had to turn back. Sweetie stopped though, and hung back for a second.

“Miss Zecora, may I ask you something?”

“What is it little one? I hope this is all in good fun.”

“What do you know about love?”

“I know about it, the most I can say. I ran from mine, and so here I stay.”

“You ran from love?” Sweetie asked.

“It was an arranged marriage of our tribes. I ran so that I could let my own destiny abide.”

“Wow. I ask because I um, I don’t want to be in love,” Sweetie chuckled. “I’ve started to, um, fall, I guess, for some guy.”

“Mmm,” Zecora said. “Well, I see the trouble here. But alas my filly, you need not fear. Your heart made this decision, I say you should trust it’s conviction.”

“But- But he’s a jerk! He drugged me!”

“Really now? Who is this ungrateful sow?”

“Well, it was an accident, really. He was pulling a prank on Rarity and Twilight.”

“Ah, for now I see. So why avoid these feeling like they are a bee?”

“Cause he’s still a smelly, stupid head that belches fire all the time! And he’s greedy! And brave, and really kind and helpful...” Sweetie started, but melted under an odd feeling. Zecora smiled, and tucked away the old bag of truth speaking powder she had sprinkled on the filly.

“So you love this dragon colt? I think you are too hasty, trying to bolt.”

“What? But you ran away!” The poor filly was so worked up, she failed to realize that Zecora had figured out her hearts desire.

“Mine was not my right to choose. But this dragons love, I think you should not lose.”


“Sweetie Belle! We gotta go!” Scootaloo cried.

“Oh, shoot. Bye Zecora!” Sweetie sang as she ran out and hopped in the wagon. Apple Bloom was already in the front again, and leaned back into her friend as she took the seat. “Quit it.” Sweetie laughed.

“Ah, things abound are not what they seem. That little farm filly plays for the other team.” The zebra laughed as she took a seat, and began her nightly ritual, looking up words in the thesaurus and dictionary. It was hard work speaking in rhyme.

“Turner! Turner! Turner!” The assembled stallions cried as the actor from Trottingham slammed back his drink. The Double Shoe Bar was loaded with already drunk and rowdy ponies, tonight's party topping both of those fields.

“Eeyup! Way ta go, Brit,” Big Mac Smiled as he slapped the colt on the back lightly.

“Ummph. Thanks farm colt,” Time replied, poking fun at his friend. A light slap from Big Mac was still pretty rough.

“Well pardner, we all got ya something special. A sexy little treat,” Big Mac grinned ear to ear. “Rarity set us up nice. I heard we got three strippers here tonight.”

“Oh hell, you know I don’t want any of that, I love my gal Derpy... Bring them out now before I walk away!” Time joked. The lights dimmed, and three fillies walked out on stage. A pin could be heard if it had even dared to fall.

“Hey everypony! Are you all ready to have some fun!?” Sweetie Belle cried out.

“Yes...” One pony dared answer. The crowd turned on him fast, and began to flog the ever loving hell out of the poor guy. Foals are well looked out for in Ponyville to say the least.

Realizing that this was a good time to change tactics, the Cutie Mark Crusaders slowly slipped out the back, then began running like they was no tomorrow.

“What the hay was that about?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know?!?” Sweetie cried. “Bloom?”

“Dunno, don’t care. Ah vote we forget bout this one,” Apple Bloom called over.

“Agreed.” The other two panted.

Spike worked his long hours these days with less complaints. It kept him from thinking, really. About Rarity, and his mishap with Sweetie Belle. So when a small knock rang out in the library, the dragon hesitated to answer the call. But he soon found he had nothing to worry about, as the small earth pony filly walked in.

“Howdy Spike,” Apple Bloom smiled. “Got a minute?”

“What’s up Bloom?” Spike asked.

“Ah need yer help.”

“Oh? How so?” Spike asked.

“Well, this is kinda hard to admit, but I’ve fallen in love,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah need to just tell somepony... Well, some dragon.”

“Oh, love,” Spike sighed, “I’ve had it up to my ear fins in love lately, so please don’t ask any advice.”

“No no,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah just wanted to talk.”

“Okay, okay. So, who is it?” Spike calmed down.

“Well.... That’s the tricky part...”

“Snips?” Spike guessed.



“Oh goddess no,” Apple Bloom wretched, “He eats his own boogers!”

“Hmm, Featherweight?”

“No, Listen, it-”

“That one guy, I’m forgetting his name,” Spike hummed in concentration.

“Gray coat with black mane? Kinda chubby?” Apple Bloom asked.


“No. And his name's Truffle Shuffle. Listen, the pony I like is Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom shot before Spike could continue. Spike’s eyes lit up, as he turned to his new best friend.

“Apple Bloom, forget what I said. I wanna help you!”

“What? Ya do? Why?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s a long story tha-”

“The love potion?” Apple Bloom cut off.

“Wha- How? Never mind. Yes, that,” Spike huffed. “Sweets has been acting odd ever since. So maybe if I help her fall in love, she’ll forgive me and we’ll be cool again.”

“Hey yeah, that should work!” Apple Bloom said. If the kids had ever heard of famous last words, they would have known that sentence was near the top of the list, right after ‘here, hold my cider.’

“Okay Bloom, you got this,” Spike whispered as he peeked around the corner, spying Scootaloo and Sweetie talking about the list. They were checking off all the ones they had done, and it sounded like they all were grim failures and, oddly enough, messy.

“Ah don’t know... I’m startin to think maybe I’m just infatuated with Sweetie Belle...” Apple Bloom sighed. “Ah’m too young to be in love.”

“No! I need this! You need this!” Spike argued.

“What about Sweetie?”

“Yeah, her too,” Spike waved it off. “Now don’t get cold hooves on me. Lets go!” Spike cried as he pushed Apple Bloom out from the corner, and into Sweetie’s line of sight.

“What are you yelling about over there?” Sweetie asked.

“Ah- uh... Ah mean...” Apple Bloom stalled.

“Grr,” Spike growled, poking his head out. “She likes you!”

“Well duh. We’re friends,” Sweetie rolled her eyes.

“No! She ‘likes’ likes you!”

“Yeah, we’re- wait. Apple Bloom?” Sweetie recoiled, and it stung Apple Bloom.

“Way ta go Spike! Now she hates me,” Apple Bloom cried, trying to run away, but Spike held her tail.

“Just explain yourself to her. If you’re such awesome friends, it won’t do anything to your bond. And if she likes you back, it’s a win win.”

“Apple Bloom, I don’t hate you,” Sweetie Belle reassured her friend. “I just- I’m a bit shocked.”

“And Ah just realizin Ah might not be in love...” Apple Bloom offered.

“Not surprising. It looks like some dragon is trying to play matchmaker!” Sweetie barked, rounding on Spike, shifting the attention from her friend.

“Hey, yeah.”

“Just who do you think you are?” Scootaloo asked.

“Hey, wait. I’m just here to help A-” Spike began.

“Just cause you sorta helped my sister, does not mean you get to play matchmaker for everypony in the Grace family!”

“Yeah!” Her friends joined in.


“Just get outta here You love potion making troublemaker!” Sweetie cried as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom joined in the one sided war. It’s easier to forget my feelings when he makes me mad, Sweetie smiled. The girls knew this was a ploy, and bless them, they went along with it. Cutie Mark Crusaders always stick together.