• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Saturday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


This story is a sequel to I could leave

Starlight is but one of the many ponies involved in assisting Andy in not being a huge idiot, but she is the one he seems to have a bit of a soft spot for. Friends are a very nice thing to have.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

I liked this one.

Also, moties :pinkiehappy:

From my head down to my toes

But I love you
More than I wanted to
There's no point in trying to pretend

It's a conclusion! A sequel! There's no more after this! This is it!


Thank you for this one. The first story was good on its own but a continuation showing the growth of the character was really appreciated.

This story really supports my belief that Starlight is the most adorable pony on the show. And the world was robbed of her adorableness for quite awhile (I blame Grogar for this, somehow :pinkiecrazy:) until Twilight saved her.

Dammit, you got there first. :pinkiehappy:

Omigawd so many "awwwwwww's" in this chapter. This was a helluva cute read. Love it!

So you're saying it was Grogar's fault that Sunburst got sent off to Canterlot. Got it.

I have to say this, I love that you didn’t bring up Starlight’s past once in either story. Too often do writers try and short cut Starlight’s relationships by injecting her past actions to create an understanding. I really appreciate it not being here.

9687038 Methinks he doth protest too much.

I think it slipped my mind, honestly...

No! Lies! I protest just enough! You're all in on it!

Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!

I like to slip in an obscure reference now and then. I'm subtle like that.

I think I'd been reading about it at the time I wrote that line and I was going to be damned if I cut it out.

He also finally got that wound of his looked at, after much pleading and batting of eyelids from Twilight

She should've invited Rarity for that part

She would probably be the better batter.

Is it just me or did anyone else imagine Andy as Andy Dwyer?

Closer to Pierson's Puppeteers, I would have thought. Moties are bipedal.

I meant more in the "super good at one thing" sense.

Yes, that makes sense. It's good to see someone with a classical education!

Well I wouldn't go that far. For my next trick a pony kicks a dude clear through the chest and deploys some kind of superconductor-eating bacteria...or something.

How wholesome.

Much better! Still doesn't explain why he was so adamant about being a bum, but a great sequel.

“Wouldn’t be so sure about that. I’m a little okay at a few things, unlike you guys who are usually a lot good at one thing. I can’t really compete with that. I’m going up against you Moties and your weirdo caste system.”

I mean, thinking about it, yeah. At least four - Alicorn, Pegasus, Earth and Unicorn. More if you count Crystal ponies and possibly seaponies? Although leaving food and things-to-be-mended out at night would just confuse them.

“You have a lot of patience for me,” he said, his chin resting on Starlight’s head, the horn perilously close. From this distance it looked a lot less blunt than it did the rest of the time. But maybe everything looked pointier when in a position to poke out your eye.

It can get interesting for unicorns when they first start dating.

“Thanks. What’s in the box, if you don’t mind me asking?” Andy asked, eyeing the box. Starlight - who had just put the thing down - magically picked it up again and floated it over, holding it just in front of her and flipping the lid open.


This was pretty sweet. Have my upvote!

This and "I could leave" is hands down, some of my personal favorite short stories of all time! honestly these 2 stories were absolute masterworks of character. you portrayed starlight amazingly and put so much character into andy in such a small amount of words, they're dynamic feels so natural and entertaining to watch, and there was a lot of "da'www" moments ngl.

Great job!

Mental health issues is my guess...

Whilst it was being seen to, Andy hung around purple’s place

Even the narrator...

These two stories were amazing! I always wanted to read a story about a human who rejected the ponies help, and the delightful narration and Starlight being the focus was a great bonus.

I absolutely love their dynamic!

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