• Member Since 18th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Trick Question

Being against evil doesn't make you good.


This story is a sequel to Candy Mane's Almost-Epic Slice-of-Life Adventure

It's common knowledge that Candy Mane is, in all likelihood, the least clever pony in all of Equestria. But that doesn't mean she can't find romance on Hearts and Hooves Day!

No... wait, I'm pretty sure it does mean that. But maybe romance can find her, instead?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

This looks funny! Would you say I ought to read the first story for this one to make sense?

You don't need to, but the first story is much shorter and it would give context, so I'd do it.

This makes me so happy.

"Aurascopes" is brilliant (and my new headcanon) :heart:

Candy Mane is such a lovable idiot.

You've made me happy in my squirrel of squirrels.

My aura color is closest to lime green, so I'm a Cancer.

I can't tell if this is a coincidence or a brilliantly oblique Homestuck reference.

In any case, brilliant work. More of the uncleverest pony in Ponyvlle is always a good thing, and it's nice to see Strawberry Sunrise in a context largely removed from apples and Apples. Thank you for a delightful read.

It is, in fact, a Homestuck reference. :twilightsmile: Of course I'm going to map colors to star signs that way!


That was funny and adorable, but mainly funny.

What was that about a terrible family?

Just something to lampshade why she might not have familial support in my stories.

"I tried once, but I abruptly got bored," she said.

Well, that explains fancy worlds she's using being lexicographically not greater than "abruptly" and where that "somewhere" was.

"Apples? Apples. I'm actually enjoying the taste of apples. Well, one thing is certain: Applejack must never know,"

Respondent conditioning! Yay! :yay:

She's cute and adorably dumb, and she reminds me of Knit Wit. The difference, though, is she makes me want to hug her, while Knit Wit makes me want to choke him until he stops moving.

Kinda want a later scene of AJ in a cult robe laughing about how everything is going according to plan.

First story:
..... Blink Blink
The frick. Well ok good enough for a like.
Second story:
The frick. That was actually really sweet with good charter interactions and a great story. Take your like with pride.

Derpy listed with Twilight, eh? Perspective is important like that.

Maybe it had something to do with her perfect posture


Author Interviewer

Carrot, should I feel guilty about misgendering my inside squirrel?"

I feel like there is great wisdom to be learned here. Also something something, Candy Mane is full of squirrels.

She tipped her hat and trotted off, mumbling something under her breath that sounded like 'bless her heart'.

Something tells me she's not talking about Candy Mane... ;)

"This... this is my life," whimpered Strawberry Sunrise, as Pinkie Pie's enormous pink ass came crashing down right onto her face.

Oh my god XD

I'm so amazed you could do this twice. :D

I'm pretty sure I won't stop at two, despite the fact that this is one of my least popular stories.

Author Interviewer

Let's see if I can't help with that. >:V

PresentPerfect reviewed this story over here. :twilightsmile:

"Oh, that's easy," said Candy, with a smile, leaning over Strawberry so she could see her face. "I just make the place I end up, the place I wanted to be all along."

Okay, real talk, I legitimately teared up a bit at this part.
Also, I did guffaw and chuckle and, yes, even laugh out loud with this.

Some more real talk: this philosophy came from a hockey player from Canada who'd had so many closed head injuries he was like H.M. (he had almost no ability to form new memories). The doctor I worked for was working with him for a court case, and we both found the patient's optimism to be stunning and inspiring.

The end scene to this turned it into such sweet 'awwwww' territory. Right in my squirrel ;)

For a hot minute there I thought you were writing Strawberry as a sexual predator, but that ending was extremely wholesome. Both these fics are gold, unique rides on the crazy train that is Ms. Mane's life.

WOW. Just. WOW.

So sweet! :heart:

And Candy Mane's Unmarked!

Hmm... If the CMC work to get Candy Mane a mark, would her Magic make her even better or something?



Major Mare > Mayor Mare

Hmm, she's not supposed to be unmarked. Where did you get that from?

EDIT: Ah, you need to visit the prequel. Candy covers up her mark with other fake marks believing that doing so will grant her new abilities.

Yikes, I never saw the typo note. Fixed, thanks.

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