• Member Since 6th Jun, 2019
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Amadeus cancer

Professional Villain, Semi-professional brony.


Canterlot city

Home of all kinds of people: good, bad, ugly and downright crazy. Kidnappings all over the place, giant rainbows randomly shooting into the sky from the distance, A mob of trigger happy punks lead by a megalomaniac psycho, as well as one seriously suspicious high school. And that's barely HALF of the things the everyday citizens cover their heads from.

Now, something else is coming. A monster freed from Equestria. A shadow that can cover even the darkest of night, merciless and unforgiving. Challenging the brave protectors of this world in a fight to the death, to determine who are the true rulers of all the realms, be it Equestrian or human. Now the fate of trillions lies in the hands of rookie heroes who just might be in over their heads.

There's only two things on Cole Macgrath's mind;
1. How did he get here?
2. Those have got to be the weirdest seven girls he's ever seen in his life.

Based on the game series Infamous

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 105 )

A curious crossover an intriguing cast and a good set of plot threads can't wait to see what happens next

You have my attention, by all means, continue.

It's he going to be a good gay Side?

Thank you all for your support! It really means a lot to me :raritywink:don’t you guys worry, The next chapter is coming out very soon🌩

Romeo- Yes, this story is based on the good karma cole

How curious a volt a bolt and a spark all showing up to play with my memories of fun but be wary for those who sleep with fish often find anglers aplenty...yay I can still do the creepy foretelling thing

Okay, that’s, honestly the coolest comment I’ve seen.:moustache:

Huh neat I had actually commented on crossovers about this very idea.

Woah! What a chapter. Keep up the good work!

Dumb cunt. Would of shot your ass for insubordination

Will I need to know anything about Infamous in order to understand this story?

Comment posted by Amadeus cancer deleted May 5th, 2020

It would best help your knowledge of what’s going on in the story.

A single second of actual thought would have shown that Cakepop was wrong on everything. What reason would a super-powered man capable of taking down an army they couldn't have for lowering their guard?

Whoa, whoa, there! I understand you’re frustration, but easy on the language please.

better question what's Cole's karma rank is on this story? is he a Guardian Champion, Hero.. or is he a Thug, outlaw Or Infamous?

Cole is the canon good hero karma in this story.

noice, i played the games. I even have Second Son. Oh maybe you should give Sunset her own Karma system? since she saved a little old lady in the first chapter she was upgraded to "Guardian" . Speaking of the first chapter. "Twice as bright"

I grew up and was raised by soldiers. When I am told to stand down. Then I stand down. No matter how I felt about the situation. Sorry about the Lang

No prob. You were raised by soldiers? That's freaking awesome dude! Heck, your input might even help me out in later chapters:rainbowdetermined2:

Really. Hm. Well let me know what u need. I love this so far

I haven't been back to the story for a very long time. Thanks to this chapter and now I remember what Karma level he was on. since they mention blue Lightning. I would love to see react how cakepop would react if the explosion give her powers.

oh, damn that cop's dumb as brick.

Hey author for hell of it. Have a reputation rank for Cole, we know he's Hero Karmic wise but what does the public see him? The cops forced to be 'hostile' towards him because one stupid cop. But as his reputation increases with the public, the cops will get alot of crap. Kinda like with Detroit become human. "Public Opinion' will help Cole and Sunset out when it comes to the trigger happy cops

This is really good

Comment posted by Amadeus cancer deleted Oct 19th, 2021

Oh, yeah, that would be a good idea to have. Public opinion Karma Level in the story would help if something happens it's will make the city being more alive in the story.

I am honored you like this story so much!:twilightblush:

Seems Cole's presence (I'm guessing) is acting like an amplifier to the girls' powers... potential Conduit abilities?

I'm, Genuinely surprised he didn't cap her in the back of the head after this little show of disrespect

"Didn't think so."

We got gangs where I come from. Somebody does this shit, they get popped the moment they turn around.

Somebody says stop, you fucking stop, specially if they've lived through more firefights than you've had years.

I can't wait till they hear rumors about a single man fighting the terrorists with ice and electric coming out from his hand.

I feel like CakePop's badge should have been taken from her.

I just realized something cake pop can't arrest him because they don't have probable cause and they didn't give him his Miranda Rights

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”

Comment posted by Creative Delight deleted Aug 7th, 2020

I really love this story hope you are gonna continue it. can both understand the cop and not understand them like you have a guy you know he is dangerous why threatening him like the detective guy was right in trying what he did but the girl was just going over it on emotions and it is never good to only drive on one emotion alone like she could have tried doing it better what if he did kill some of the cops and she was left alive she would be responsible. why are there always guys like that? anyway, really great story love it.

"...That YOU blindly ignored because of your stupid, stubborn self-belief! If we let a person as dangerous as him walk loose in the city, do you know the amount of threat he could bring upon these people? Talking to him and hoping we get answers won't solve anything, We need to stop him before something we could have prevented happens and make sure he stays someplace where he can't hurt anyone. Or better yet..."


You, cannot harm the Changlers.

The army cannot harm the Changlers

The one person who CAN harm the Changlers just got the biggest incentive to NOT harm the Changlers.

But I understand. This is a female cop, such shit is popular in the US. Dumb broads with no de-escalation skills and something to prove, more likely to shoot a brain dead patient than a criminal and completely unable to arrest anyone without the aid of 5 or more male counterparts.

I've seen and experienced that shit too many times just walking to college.

Also, just saying, wouldn't someone have started recording the moment the police started questioning him? Especially if they were half as loud as they seem?

So anyone else think the Changlers have agents in the cops?

I really really am wishing its officer cake pop who is the Spy but that would be too easy

In one swift motion, a hand rose out of the fort of blankets and gently placed itself onto the button of the chicken-shaped clock, silencing it immediately.

I assumed you were opening on scootaloo

Nice! Keep up the good work. I'm loving this story I can't wait when Cole meets the girls, hope to see more chapters in the future! 👍

I wonder why the crystals are going haywire... I hope nothing bad happends. Also, i can't wait to see (or read in this case) when they meet Cole, befriend him and join forces. Keep up the good work and take your time but don't keep us waiting too much!:raritywink::pinkiehappy:

Welp, time to fight the creepy goat/gorilla thing.

Love the invader zim reference in the author's note. Also, simply lovely story.

Is everything alright Amadeus, it's been over 2 years since you interacted with this story. I hope you are ok and safe. May you have a good day/night

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