• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 2,150 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria AquaGirls - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms joins forces with Aquaman to search the lost trident of Atlan and dethrone King Orm.

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The War Between Two Kingdoms

Back underwater, the Turtle Sub and Kaldur’s team of Atlanteans arrive at the Brine Kingdom, surrounded by a group of crustacean soldiers.

Kaldur said, “Alright, we're here.”

Donnie stated, “And just in time. Orm's forces are on their way.”

“We gotta do this quick before Orm and his army gets here,” Tula informed everyone.

“Garth, Tula, and I will warn their king here about the incoming attack. Lagoon Boy, you stay here with Nanaue and the Turtle Sub.” Kaldur informed them.

He replied, “You got it, bud.”

Garth informed King Shark, “And Nanaue, try not to eat anything while we're gone. The last thing we want is you eating our friends.”

King Shark just shrugged, not arguing with that logic.

While the three Atlantean teens were heading to the gates of the Brine Kingdom, Fluttershy asked, “Do you really think we can hold back an army?”

Donnie answered, “We don't have to win, we just have to hold them off till the others return.”

“All I want is Orm's head. He murdered an innocent being from the Fish kingdom, and I want him to pay for that.” Raph said, wrapping his fist.

“You mean Fishermen Kingdom,” Fluttershy corrected him.

“Whatever,” Raph quipped.

Sunset assured him, “Now hold on. Garth said we have to stay here. We don’t want any unwanted attention. The Brine Kingdom has never seen surface-dwellers like us before.”

“I hope you’re right,” Rainbow said, crossing her arms.

While the teens in the Turtle Sub relaxed with Lagoon Boy and King Shark providing overwatch, they were being spied on by spies from the Brine Kingdom.

Inside the castle of the Brine Kingdom, the three Atlantean teens entered the throne room where the Brine King was sitting on his throne.

“Tula, Garth, Kaldur, what brings you here to my kingdom?”

The three Atlanteans bowed to the Brine King, and Tula spoke, “Brine King, we come here to warn you about the incoming threat of King Orm.”

“We need your aid and your military to stop King Orm before he destroys everything we are fighting for,” Garth continued.

The Brine King answered, “I don't know.”

“Brine King, please. We don't have much time,” Kaldur pleaded.

The Brine King answered, “Let me ask you this. Why did you bring surface-dwellers close to our kingdom?”

“What?” Garth answered.

The doors were opened as Donnie’s team was cuffed by the Brine King’s royal guards. Brine King continued, “My spies have found them near my kingdom. Also, why bring Nanaue into this? The last time he came here, he almost ate the head of one of my soldiers.”

Donnie and company looked at him as King Shark smiled sheepishly

Garth pleaded with the Brine King, “Your Highness, please. They're on our side.”

Sunset agreed, “He's right. And yes, we are surface-dwellers, but we are not here to destroy your kingdom. We're here to fight by your side. So please, you have to believe us.”

The Brine King said out loud, “Silence. I make the decisions around here.”

Fluttershy spoke up, “If I may, your Highness.”

“Go on,” The Brine King answered.

Fluttershy swam towards the Brine King as the royal guards contained her. She continued, “We need your help. 'Cause if we do not act now, Orm will destroy everything we have been fighting for, including the surface world and your kingdom. Please, Brine King, you have to believe us. We really want to help you.” Fluttershy gave the Brine King the cutest pouty face with tears in her eyes.

The Brine King sighed, “Oh, fine. We'll help you.”

Fluttershy wiped her tears and replied, “Thank you.”

“And, um, how are you able to breathe underwater like us?” He asked.

Fluttershy said nothing until a royal guard opened the door and shouted, “Sire!” The Brine King noticed, and the royal guard bowed to him as he continued, “My apologies for the interruption, Your Highness.”

“What is it?”

“It's King Orm, sire. And he's brought an army with him. One of our soldiers spotted them coming towards our kingdom. How should we proceed, Your Highness?”

The Brine King responded, “Well, you're in luck, girl. It looks like we got a war in our claws now.” He then ordered his royal guards, “Sound the alarm. Release our captors immediately.”

After releasing the Ninjas, Donnie informed his group, “Ninjas, back to the sub.”

“Alright! Let's do this!” Lagoon Boy shouted.

Meanwhile, Orm’s army was heading towards the Brine Kingdom.

King Nereus explained to Orm, “Remember, the Brine Kingdom are powerful, savage brutes, but a swift assault aimed directly at their leadership will turn the tide. Defeat the Brine King, and you will command the greatest military might on this planet.”

“Today, we unite our kingdoms.” King Orm then shouted, “Tomorrow, we scorch the surface! Rise Atlantis!”

Orm and his army approached the Brine Kingdom‘s army along with Aqualad’s team and Donnie’s team.

“Death to the Atlantean hagfish!” The Brine King shouted as Raph and Rainbow Dash stayed outside the Turtle Sub to fight.

Orm led his army into battle and charged right at the Brine army.

“We will not bow to Atlantis. We're gonna give them a fight that they will never forget!” The Brine King vowed and led his army into battle as well.

The war erupted, and the battle was underway.

“I'll help the injured. Who wants to come with me to aid them?” Fluttershy asked everyone in the Turtle Sub.

Sunset raised her hand, “I'll go.”

“Me too,” Lagoon Boy answered through comms.

Donnie answered, “The rest of us will focus on the fight.”

The Turtle Sub, Lagoon Boy, and King Shark entered the battlefield to aid the Brine Kingdom.

Raph and Rainbow Dash spotted Orm quickly. The duo yelled, “ORM!”

King Orm looked at them unamused.

“You’ll pay for what you did back at the other kingdom!” Raph shouted.

The duo surged at Orm, but his guards protected him.

“I'll deal with you both later.”

After the mosasaur chomped the Brine soldier, Orm surged towards the Brine King and swiftly sliced his arm off with his trident. With the Brine King down, Orm screamed and was ready to finish him off.

“No! We need him!” King Nereus stopped him, and Orm pointed his trident at the Brine King.

“Join me or die!”

The Brine King responded, “You expect me to address you as your Highness?”

“Not your Highness. Call me… Ocean Master.”

“You can take my army, you soft-bellied slug. But you will NEVER have my allegiance!” The Brine King rebuffed.

“So be it!”

“So be it!” Ocean Master understood him. As he was ready to finish the Brine King off again, he was blasted off by something from the ground and landed on one of his ships, saving the Brine King. But then, something slowly submerged underneath the ground as tentacles and claws popped out from the lava ground.

In the Turtle Sub, Donnie said, “What… The… Shell?”

April sensed something big coming their way in her mind. So big, she screamed as her head felt like it was splitting wide open.

“April, are you okay?” Donnie asked.

“I'm fine. I sensed something. Something huge.”

“Now, who said you could start the party without us?” A familiar voice rang out through comms.

“Mikey?” Donnie recognized recognized his brother’s voice.

“Don't forget about the rest of us, Don!” Pinkie cheered through comms as well.

“Guys! You're all safe!” Donnie cried in happiness. “Where are you?”

“Look up,” Mikey answered.

Everyone on the battlefield cleared out and saw Aquaman with Atlan’s trident at hand, with the addition of Leo’s team riding on a monster that looked like it could eat the Titanic in one bite.

“This is SO going into my bucket list now,” Casey commented.

In Orm’s main ship, Vulko remained in prison with guards watching over and saw Aquaman with the Karathen.

“The King has risen,” Vulko smiled.

Back on the battlefield, Raph yelled, “WHAT THE SHELL IS THAT?!”

Tula said, “It can't be...”

“The Karathen?!” Garth was awed in disbelief.

Kaldur added, “I don't believe it. The Karathen is fighting on our side.”

“You can say that again,” Lagoon Boy responded.

While the Karathen took down an Atlantean ship, Ocean Master’s army targeted the Karathen and Ocean Master shouted, “ATTACK!!!”

The Karathen swam upwards and straight towards Orm’s army. Aquaman then used the power of Atlan’s trident to disrupt the sharks and take down their owners. Because of the trident's power, the marine animals entered the battlefield to aid Aquaman.

“Wow,” Fluttershy said, awed in excitement. “I wish I could do that.”

“May I do the honours, Arthur?” Leo asked.

“Go ahead,” Aquaman nodded.

Leo drew one of his katanas and shouted, “CHARGE!!!”

The sea animals battled against Orm’s forces and took down most of his ships.

“Ooh…” King Shark said, about to eat the little fish.

Tula stopped him, “Nuh uh, Nanaue. Don't even think about it.”

In the Turtle Sub, Donnie and his pals watched the sea animals take down Orm’s ships to aid them.

“This is insane on so many levels!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Raph swam onto King Shark and said, “Well, what are we waiting for?! Attack!”

King Shark thundered forward into the fight, with Raph directing his movements.

As the Karathen munched on another Atlantean ship, Aquaman was knocked off by one of Orm’s ship lasers. Aquaman defended himself against Orm’s Atlantean soldiers until Mera and Leo made the save.

“There are too many casualties. We have to stop the fighting now,” Leo informed them.

Mera agreed, “He's right. I’ll find my father. But you must defeat Orm.”

“And what if I can't this time around?” Aquaman wondered.

“Last time, he was in his element. This time, make him fight in yours.” Mera told him.

“But what about our son?” Arthur asked in worry.

“I'll rescue our baby boy,” Mera stated as the Rainbooms and Turtles swam by.

“And we'll take care of defending them,” Sunset stated.

“So don't worry, darling.” Rarity said, swimming by.

“We got this,” Mikey cheered.

The Turtle Sub appeared, with Kaldur alongside and his Atlantean squad, letting them know that they got Aquaman’s back.

Aquaman wondered, “I don't know if this is a good plan. Maybe we should...”

Mera stopped and kissed her husband as if time stood still.

The girls cooed, “Aww…”

“So, um, what's the plan again?” Aquaman asked.

Mera answered, “The plan is not to get killed.”

“Yeah, good plan. Don't get killed,” Aquaman nodded as Mera and the rest of Leo’s team again went into battle.

Aquaman swam up to an Atlantean seahorse and rode on it. Then, creatures from the Trench came to Aquaman’s aid under his control, like drones to their queen bee and took out some of Orm’s fleet.

“What is that?!” Rainbow questioned in disbelief.

“It's the Trench!” Kaldur answered.

“The Trench?!” Sunset said.

“Those monstrosities,” Lagoon Boy quipped.

The princess from the Fishermen Kingdom watched in horror as the Trench slayed some of Orm’s soldiers and Nereus’ soldiers.

“The Trench! He commands the Trench!” She alerted King Nereus.


Ocean Master set his sights on his half-breed brother while taking down some of the Trench with his trident, without leaving a scratch on him while his mosasaur chomped some of the Trench creatures. Mera, however, went to stop her father’s soldiers until her father arrived.

“Stand down! Let her pass!”

Mera told her father, “Please, Father, he has the trident. I know you think this war is necessary, but Arthur is king by our most sacred law.”

Sunset swam to him and agreed with Mera, “She's right. And if you turn your back on that now, then the Atlantis you're fighting for is already dead.”

“It's true! The half-breed wields King Atlan's trident,” The Atlantean soldier said.

“He commands the sea,” Another Atlantean soldier added.

King Nereus said, “Then that half-breed is your king.”

Sunset and Mera nodded to him.

Meanwhile, Aquaman and Ocean Master gained sights on each other, charging at full speed through the tunnel full of Trench creatures. They closed in on each other until Orm’s mosasaur knocked off Aquaman’s seahorse. Luckily, Aquaman escaped quickly and swam up. Ocean Master followed his brother, and the mosasaur closed in on his prey. The mosasaur was going in for the kill, and Aquaman prevented it by using his trident to block its mouth. As they go up, the Ninjas and Atlanteans swam up to follow them. After that, the mosasaur leapt up to the surface and Aquaman jumped off with the trident until they landed on the underbelly of the Atlantean warship. His brother followed and landed on the ship afterwards.

Soon, the Turtle Sub and the rest of the Atlanteans rose to the surface in the stormy seas to watch the two brothers battle. In Orm’s main ship, Vulko was still held prisoner until Mera took out the guards while carrying her baby son.

“Vulko, we have to get out of here. Arthur needs our help.”

“We can't,” Vulko answered. “Look. The people of Atlantis must bear witness.” Vulko, Mera, and Arthur Jr. looked from the window to watch the incoming battle between two brothers fighting for the throne of Atlantis.

Author's Note:
  • The war battle between Orm’s army and the Brine’s army is based off from the movie, Aquaman.