• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


What's a tontine? It's a new kind of investment. You buy non-refundable shares in a common pot and collect the interest for the rest of your life. In fact, tontines are all about living -- and that's why the creator feels it's an idea which can't possibly fail.

There's just one minor flaw...

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. (Due to story length, this was a pledge freebie.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 95 )

Author's Public Note: Yes, this is real. Legality varies by region, and a lot of areas have outlawed them. If you're thinking about starting one, investigate your local statutes carefully. And of course, only go into tontines with friends.

You'd better hope they stay your friends.

Haha holy shit, that ending. I seriously expected this one to end with our hapless protagonist hanging tail-side out of the windowsill.

I'm liking how these greedy types aren't always so stupid as to not light themselves on fire in your oneshots lately, as opposed to some earlier works. She almost pulled it off. Too bad there's that small issue of the immortal beings running the country and all. If it weren't for those darn alicorns, she would have definitely made an obscene amount of money. I liked that she used and showed to the shareholders (the real important part) real math. Helps sell the idea.

Well, somepony is planning for the future. And somehow I think having this particular investor means the probability of sincere audits just went up to 100%.

Of course, Celestias shares bits are at the bottom of the pot.:trollestia:

Ah, that’s more like it. She may be crooked, but she’s clever.

You obviously love Luna, and I love how you write her. That combination of ancient gravitas, wide eyed wonder at the modern world, and her unique sensitivity.

wow, what a brilliant ending!

Had she only thought it through, she would be safe by the terms of the contract.

You have to have a recognized mortality rate on the actuarial tables. Since Alicorns (and Draquonis and some other beings) don't have a recognized mortality rate, on any of the major actuarial tables that are considered the standard for use in Equestria, Prance, and the Griffin Kingdoms, to accept her into the tontine would constitute fraud on the basis that all the participants are expecting morality to happen-just to other ponies first.

But, these sorts of people don't think things through, do they?

"Nearly all," Jet Set declared, puffing out what little chest there was. "In fact, if not for a certain interruption at croquet --"

Oh no. "Princess Spike" actually happened in this universe? Or at least a similar event. Poor little guy.

In any case, I saw where this was going from the chapter title, but I still greatly enjoyed the trip. Though the investor pony paints a stark image; how can there be hope for redemption when doing the right thing pains you on a metaphysical level? That may be one of the darkest things you've come up with, especially in the context of pony.

Still, thank you for the story.

That was clever. For the fraudulent investor and from Luna to the story itself.

And yeah, a tontine sounds like the linchpin of a murder novel...

The fine print is glorious. I think our poor mare is going to wish she had thought to exclude alicorns or anyone who becam one in the future from collecting. I do think the Sisters both have seen this scam before and knew how to counter it.


I like to think that in Estee's universe, that while there are evil ponies, there aren't evil cutie marks. Her mark reflects the fact that she was a greedy, self-centered female Diamond Dog before it came in. She feels that it hurts in her Cutie Mark when she gives other ponies money, but it's essentially just the same thing any real miser would experience under the circumstances. Or to put it another way, any Pony with a hockey mask and chainsaw cutie mark was a monster well before it appeared.


...but then you have dragons. Which may well be mortal (and therefore can be put in actuary tables) but do live a lot longer than ponies. And they love themselves some treasure.

That was not the ending I was expecting, actually, but it was definitely the more enjoyable one. Long live the Princesses.


That wikipedia page points out that tontines are starting to make a comeback in the USA as people look for alternate ways to fund their retirement.

This economy, amirite?

I feel like "there's just this one minor flaw" could be applied to the descriptions of most of your stories, with varying degrees of irony.

Long live the Sisters.

If there's a magic thing that actively hurts her when she does something nice, that's pretty darn creepy. Her whole life shouldn't be determined by the person she was when she was a kid; imagine of Scrooge had a mark like that, and his generosity caused him pain?

Though it could just be a throwaway line, I guess...


Well, we already had an example of a pony who went against their mark in Triptych: Doctor Gentle. And while he was messed up in a LOT of ways, his mark didn't actually hurt him for it.

Of course a tontine *can* be developed ethically. Set it up like any annuity; i this case, it's a perpetuity instead which is a real thing. That's really all it is. A non-refundable, non-transferable perpetuity purchased with a common pool of money the returns divided up amongst all the survivors.

Then you the investor, claim everything above and beyond the basic investment and guaranteed income.

BOOm. Perfectly on the up and up, perfectly ethical. Up until the market crashes again...


That IS the most probable outcome.

I love these stories built on solid economics. XD Congrats on breaking it down in a way I can understand that is also entertainjng. And I just KNEW one of the princesses would get involved, HA! Figured it would be Celestia, but Luna is not a dosappointment!

Ah Luna, never change.

I think our dear last investor is going to get very richer very quick... As is our main character, as having the last investor is going to make her have to actually put her talent to work.
It'll still hurt like :yay: though.

9475815 Market wobbles up and down are a fact of life, but in the long-term, they go up. A small amount put into a tax-deferred no-load index mutual fund every year and left alone until retirement will get you more return on your investment than practically any other move, other than marrying a sick old rich person. Where people get into trouble is shorting the amount going in during their early earning years, 'borrowing' out of that tempting pile of money for stupid crap, cashing it in, trying to 'play the market' with it, or getting divorced. (Because one of my friends found out the hard way that every penny he had put away and his house went poof.)

Of course. Index funds are just depressingly stable and unfun, without that deliriouspunch people get hooked on.

9475923 (and without the broker taking a massive chomp out of your principal every time you get fidgety)

What I know about tontines comes from reading the novel The Tontine by Thomas Costain.
They usually had age groups. You wouldn't expect a 50 year old to think that they could outlive a 20 year old, for example

It was usually several years (even decades) before the younger groups started paying off

That was polo. Jet Set might be referring to the game at the garden party in "Sweet and Elite".

The funny thing is, she'll still make money off of this, even if she has to play it fair and square. Well, depending on how well she invests.

I like to point out that public retirement programs like Social Security in the U.S. have a tontine-like element. Social Security pays more than would a universal retirement program with individual accounts because of the taxes paid by anyone who works, but doesn't live to retirement--they get nothing from [the retirement benefit portion of] Social Security.

She had no issues with donating the pot to charity, especially since the money would have been removed.

Well, technically that statement contains no lies. Just relies on ponies assuming things.

"An interesting concept," that rather large mare declared. "I have been reviewing the tales for some time. And as somepony with an interest in mathematics, I believe myself to have fully recognized all the implications of your unique idea. They were well worth considering. And, in my opinion, also worth... watching. Which, of course, would currently require participation ."

Rather large mare that puts fear into ponies ok the shady side of things?

Princess Celestia. The Royal Sisters. Haha, I certainly didn't forget about Princess Luna nope not at all. :pinkiecrazy:

Forgive me.

"The last pony surviving collects all of the dividends?" the mare asked, and stars softly twinkled in the semi-tangible mane as dark energy deposited a bag of bits next to the final bottle of sherry. "Do tell me more."


Nah, its worse because the polititions never sabed any money. Every dime going in just flows right out again for roads and welfare and such.

The term your looking for is ponzi scheme.

You may want to reread the Symposium chapter of Triptych a little more closely.

Nothing more perfectly illustrates the danger of engaging in a long-con in a world where immortals exist.

Hehehe I love these mini fics.

Ah, confused my affluent mallet sports. Thanks.


There have been several, with the most notable being Agatha Christie's "4.50 from Paddington". With the caveat that while referred to as a tontine throughout the story, the scheme there was not technically one.

And this is where you put in a "No Immortals Allowed" clause.

Or, better yet, require all participants to have a life expectancy roughly equal to or less than the average pony, thereby disqualifying alicorns, draconequui, dragons, and whatever else is out there that lives for a ridiculously long time.

Almost sad that Luna nipped that one in the bud, because we could had Detective Luna cracking the case of the mysterious murder surrounding the tontine.

I was wondering at what point this plan would go badly. :trollestia:

The moment I looked the scheme up, I realized the Equestrian problem.

Silly ponies and their cheats. :trollestia:

The term is pay-as-you-go, which one can argue is an appropriate funding method for a government that is presumed never to go out of business. But like a Ponzi scheme, this kind of funding leads to intergenerational inequity. I expect to get less than previous generations.


My point was that it's doubtful that the Mark was literally making her ache just for giving money away.

9476623 I mean, considering that actions that directly defy or so much as subvert a mark tend to have negative mental/emotional effects on the pony, it probably does literally make her mark ache.

I'd like to learn who/what created marks in the first place, because they're pretty screwed up if you think about it.

I expect to see none.

but what about someone trying to stop being like that, so A serial killer with a serial killer mark can't go through rehabilitation(because as a child they were a monster) but if they had a mark for growing flowers(and where a monster as a child) they could?

Excellent, as always. You always manage that extra little twist at the end.

The punchline was hilarious, but I was a bit curious; was the "scheme" aspect of it solely that she could easily defraud everyone before they noticed?

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