• Published 1st Feb 2019
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The League of Sweetie Belles - GMSeskii

A team of multiversal explorers comprised of alternate Sweetie Belles explore fanfic worlds and beyond!

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The First Universe (Special: MLP Finale)

“Suzie? What was the first universe you ever visited?” Cinder asked. “Besides your own.”

“Equis Vitis, through the mirror portal. Met Allure and the other Crusaders.” Suzie smirked. “This was a little before Eve started the whole dimensional expansion thing, so I was a unicorn the entire time. Have to say, weird experience, and I’m so glad Eve fixed that later. I like having fingers.”

“But… magic!”

“If I wanted magic I could buy a wand. Don’t need it.”

Cinder rolled her eyes. “Fine. That sounds too… normal. What was the first universe you went to that wasn’t just ‘through the Mirror Portal’.”

“Well… that’s actually a fun story.” A wave of nostalgia overtook Suzie’s features. “I was sixteen, I think. The League as a concept was maybe a year old. Eve had only recently taken her name and Merodi Universalis didn’t even exist…” She chuckled. “Those were simpler times…”


Things really were different back then. Eve and her group had been exploring for quite some time, connecting worlds together and forming the dainty little alliance that would eventually produce Merodi Universalis. I was a kid in high school who just happened to be friends with one Agent Corona Shimmer, so I got to hear about all this craziness from time to time. Allure and I didn’t talk much—we were both named Sweetie and hadn’t settled on who got to be nicknamed yet! She won, by the way, though this isn’t that story. She got to stay Sweetie until we encountered The Sweetie Belle quite a bit later.

I would say she’s a lucky dog, but one of the reasons Button talked to me was because he wondered why my name seemed to have changed overnight… so I can’t really complain.

Sorry. Getting off track.

Allure got dragged into her sister’s little multiversal adventure by accident one day and met four other Sweetie Belles. You know Squeaky, Thrackerzod, and Bot. You don’t know Sweetie Brute. Oh, she was a piece of work, let me tell you. If you think Thrackerzod is creepy, turn that dial up to eleven with a complete lack of tack and a desire to pulverize enemies into dust. Luckily, she was just a filly, and the rest of them kept her from doing anything really stupid. Most of the time. To be fair, most of us were still kids too, so we weren't exactly the… smartest. Or we were Thrackerzod, a few hundred thousand years too old to be considered an adult.

I know that doesn’t make sense, but it’s true. You couldn’t trust Thrackerzod to manage things. She hadn’t quite figured out she wasn’t any good at stealth yet.

Anyway, the five of them formed the League of Sweetie Belles on their first adventure. They agreed to be friends and stick together. The very next day Allure rushed over to my universe and begged me to join, so I said yes. Just when I was about to go off to explore a strange wilderness made of cotton candy, my parents found out and… well, let’s just say ponies are a lot more accustomed to random adventures. Humans get paranoid about knowing where their kids are at all times. Despite my sister’s insistence it would be fine, they forbade me from going.

It took a long time for Allure to convince them she could take me somewhere. They only agreed when Allure brought Eve herself over and had her explain that the universe they wanted to visit was well documented and completely peaceful.

That world was Equis Fruition. As in, “come to fruition.” It was a future-oriented Equis that seemed to be almost idyllic, like everything that had ever happened to Equis was resolved in one way or another and everypony had grown into a bright future.

We had no idea what ka was back then, so we didn’t know it was the literal ending, but that didn’t matter. Equis Fruition was safe, full of amazing things, and there was a little festival the League was going to…

Like that, my parents were convinced. I packed my bags, combed my hair, and stuffed my lucky miniature stuffed animals in my coat pockets. ...I have not thought about those things in ages.

I ran out of the house, jumping through a dimensional portal, and arrived in the League base. It was literally just the Equis Vitis CMC clubhouse back then. Allure’s Scootaloo was off at camp—kinda like yours is now, actually—and her Apple Bloom hung around for the meeting but had better things to do besides jump through multiversal portals all day.

“I’d like to introduce you all to our newest member,” Allure said. “Sweetie Belle the Human!”

“Hi!” I said, squealing like the over-excited child I was. “I’m so happy to be here and I can’t wait to see what’s out there! What are we waiting for!?”

“Introductions?” Squeaky squeaked. She was just as helium-voiced back then as today. I thought she was silly at first, but I quickly pegged her as overly serious. I had no idea at the time that she was a child managing a war effort back at her home universe… I just thought she was boring. After I found out what she was I looked up to her so much I eventually started my entire military career in her name.

“Uh… she just said I was Sweetie Belle,” I said, waving a hand.

“All of us are Sweetie Belle except me,” Thrackerzod deadpanned. She scared me. She still scares me, but for different, friendlier reasons. I was a bit of a thrill-seeker anyway, so I liked being a little scared.

“I’m Sweetie Bot!” Bot beeped, as she does. “My name is 100% not Sweetie Belle.”

“It used to be.”

“Temporal continuity is not a proven multiversal concept, says a recent paper by—”

“Bot, less information,” Allure chided, with a smile. I wasn’t very good at reading pony age, but she was a little older than me, and biologically speaking both of us were significantly older than the other four. They were all little fillies without their cutie marks.

Even Brute.

“Hey, do you think there will be a mountain of skulls in the portal this time?”

“No, Brute,” Allure sighed. “There will not be a mountain of skulls. It’s Equis Fruition. A nice and friendly place with an ice cream festival.”

“BLOOD ice cream?”


“I’m going to ask every vendor for blood ice cream until I get it.”

“You’ll be askin’ a while,” Apple Bloom commented from the back of the clubhouse.

“Then the expressions of haunted shock on their faces will feed my thirst!”

“Your soul does not gain power from the brutal suffering of others,” Thrackerzod observed. “Mine can.”

“Teach me your ways, O wise one!”


Allure took the moment to trot over to me and chuckle nervously. “Yeah, they get like this. A lot.”

“Every interaction has a 33% chance of devolving into witty one-liners and banter!” Bot cheered.


“You’re less funny when you say that,” Squeaky added.

“Yeah, well… your face stinks and you don’t tell as many jokes!”

“Her voice is the joke,” Thrackerzod deadpanned. “Like the shrill call of a million eagles in the nether realms, it comes to our ears and assaults our emotional centers, forcing a rhythmic release of breath that could be construed as amusement or a seizure depending on the culture.”

“How come she doesn’t get the ‘less information’ complaint?” Bot asked, frowning.

I laughed. “This… this is great! I’ve always heard about adventures and magic and craziness but… my sister’s always been involved and I’ve just been sitting on the sidelines. You all… you’re so full of it! Yes!”

I realize how much this sounds like you, Cinder. You can stop with the smug look.

Seriously, I can feel those eyes burning my soul.

Anyway, after introducing myself and trying not to flinch every time Brute spoke, Apple Bloom suggested that “Y’all better get goin’ or you’ll be sittin’ here all day banterin’ back n’ forth. Four o’ you don’t even have your cutie marks yet, you could be doin’ some Crusadin’ for cryin’ out loud!”

I checked the crusader shield I wore on my clothing. Cutie marks are weird in the human world. We don’t realize we get them, but something comes over us and we start choosing clothing that repeats a certain, specific symbol. Earth Vitis had no idea this was happening until the ponies came over and pointed it out, at which point we had a bit of an identity crisis.

Well, humanity in general, not me. I chose to think it meant I was destined for greatness!

It didn’t. I ended up in nice places, but not because of my talent. I’m a soldier now, not a destiny therapist.

Equis Fruition was… well, to you it probably wouldn’t have been anything special. You’ve seen spaceships and universe generators and… all I’d seen at that point was some weird stuff in my Canterlot and the occasional rainbow horse in Ponyville. Yes, I know you’ve seen Equis Vitis Ponyville, but it was still recognizable as a Ponyville those days, nothing special besides the weird stuff that went down in Renee’s castle. I mean Eve’s. Agh…

I’m supposed to describe it as something amazing! Fruition: a beautiful world where Ponyville was a bustling city-center of friendship. Ponies walked in harmony with dragons, kirin, griffons, changelings, and… it was overwhelming. The colors, the statues, the smiles. Looking back, I think I was feeling a connection I didn’t have back home—or only tasted in scant amounts. The Magic of Friendship isn’t native to Earths. I wish it was.

As a kid, though, this was all just exciting.

“Can I ride you?”

The dragon I asked looked at me quizzically.

“S-sorry!” Allure stammered, placing a hoof on me. “She’s new a—”

“I love giving rides,” the dragon responded. With a big belly laugh, he spread his wings and pointed to his back. “Hop on. Have anywhere you want to go?”

“The moon! Canterlot! The Everfree!” Yes, I was squealing like a little girl. That’s what I was. I had the right.

“How about just the School of Friendship so we don’t make her parents too mad?” Allure asked.


“This has a 94% chance of backfiring horribly, sounds fun!” Bot reported.

The dragon looked at Allure quizzically.

“School of Friendship. Please. I’m too young to die.”

“You’re the oldest, you can live,” I said, rather stupidly.

“Age is in the eye of the beholder,” Thrackerzod added. “Specifically, mine. You are all flecks of dust among the walls of eternity. As the entity from bygone eras and spaces that flip your understanding of reality into the approximation of a pretzel, I declare—The School!”

“Awww, not the forest?” I pretended to be upset.

“Thrackerzod has seen enough scary monsters for a lifetime,” Squeaky offered. “She’s more interested in… ‘normal’ things.”

“I did spend a substantial amount of time as a perfectly normal unicorn,” Thrackerzod added.

“No. No, you did not.”

“Your universe was stuupid!” Brute shouted.

Thrackerzod let out a grunt. “May I remind you that you hail from Equis Ultra Fast, the only world the alliance knows of that lowers intelligence for all within its space?”

“Jack and Mattie aren’t stupid!”

“Jack is a living joke and Mattie is a masochist of very low intelligence. She may have potential if she leaves the reach of that stupefying sphere, but your sister is an annoying mockery as it is now.”

“Yeah, well, I’m pretty freaking cute.”

“How does that even…”

“Just fly me to the school already before I suffocate from argument,” I said, tapping the dragon.

“Sure thing!” He spread his wings. It was about this point that Allure realized she wasn’t on the dragon with me and she began to panic.


It was too late. We were already flying over the sparkling buildings of Ponyville. I could recognize the Carousel Boutique, Sugarcube Corner… and not much else, at the time. But even now I know that many of the buildings were new, built by nonponies to add to the diversity. The center of Friendship, in a way.

The School was exactly where it always has been, though the town had expanded to encompass it and it had expanded with several new wings. Looked more like a college from my world than anything else. The dragon landed on one of the upper landings, letting me hop off. I got to watch as changelings, ponies, abyssinians, dogs, and… you’ve seen Celestia City. Remember how you felt when you first saw that?

It was eye-opening, to say the least.

I wondered briefly if I should wait for the others. Then I decided, in my teenage wisdom, that was a stupid idea. I could take care of myself and explore however I wanted. So I ran into the first door I saw and found myself in a large hallway. I skipped right down the halls and waved to everyone I saw.

Only then did I realize I was getting stares. Sure, they were used to other races wandering around, and had heard of the whole multiverse thing before, but unlike the square we appeared in, the students of the School of Friendship weren’t exactly used to humans.

They’d heard about them, of course, maybe even met a few. In pony form, through the mirror, and only occasionally. I was walking around with a little adventuring backpack and an eye for adventure.

I wasn’t as brave as you. I shrunk back the instant I noticed them staring and began to wonder if this was a good idea. And, this being a school, shrinking back visibly when you stand out just makes them wonder about you more.

It was the School of Friendship, though, and somebody was virtually guaranteed to reach out to me. It just so happened that it was one Luster Dawn, a young pink unicorn mare. You’ve probably seen a few versions of her out and about Celestia City, but she’s not exactly a common template. Almost always a student of Twilight directly, and that’s certainly the case in Equis Fruition.

“Hey, you look lost.”

“Oh, uh,” I stammered, holding onto the straps on my backpack like they would save me. “Sorry, I’m… not a student.”

“Really?” She was surprised at this. “Checking us out, thinking if you might want to stick around?”

“Uh, just… visiting.”

She kept smiling warmly. “Well, just visiting is fine! I can show you around. I know I’m scheduled for Somnambula’s Ethics class, but she’ll understand. Unless you want to sit in on that drudgery.”

“I think I’ll pass on the… ethics.”

“Good. I was looking for an excuse to skip!” She winked. “Namby’s great, but she makes your brain hurt with the questions she asks. Anyway, I’m Luster Dawn, and I think the Changing Garden is a good first start on our tour…”

I never got that tour. Thrackerzod decided now was a perfect time to teleport to my location, complete with eldritch tentacles spewing out of the ground from a dark red pentagram.

“There she is,” Thrackerzod gestured.

Squeaky took a look around at the screaming students. “I think I should have teleported us.”

“These ponies clearly need to broaden their experience if that minor show of power drove them to panic.”

Allure groaned. “Thrackerzod…”

“Hi Suzie!” Bot called. ...I know I wasn’t Suzie yet, but I don’t want to have to explain which Sweetie I’m talking about every sentence, all right? Stop giving me those looks!

Getting back to the story, Bot bounded over to me like a little spring toy, embracing me in a hug. “We thought we lost you and then we found you!”

“I was just exploring,” I said, smiling despite myself. “This is Luster Dawn!”

Luster Dawn was staring at the other Sweeties with a look of disbelief. “What in the name of Celestia…?”

“I have brought blasphemy from the local unicorn!” Brute cheered.

“It’s not blasphemy,” Allure wailed.


“Cursing potential low,” Bot beeped.

“I wish these ponies would stop screaming already,” Thrackerzod muttered. “I removed the tentacles.”

Squeaky facehooved.

“The GREAT and POWERFUL Counselor Trixie hears a disturbance!” the local Trixie shouted, teleporting into the middle of us. She took the six Sweeties in alarmingly quickly, her grin widening as she realized exactly what she was looking at. “Oh, Trixie likes this. A bunch of adorable white students causing a… ruckus.

“We’re not students!” I called.

“Oh, that’s what they all say,” Trixie giggled. She knew we weren’t students, but that wasn’t going to stop her from pulling her little trick. “But I think you just want to get out of the special class I’m going to put you in.”

“C-class?” Squeaky sputtered.

“Yes. Class! Tutoring with a very special teacher!” Trixie grinned malevolently. “Trixie thinks you all need it after this dramatic show.”

“No! I came here to get away from the math!” Squeaky shouted. “No more tests! Five minus seven is stupid!”

She’s gotten better at math since then. I have no idea how it was possible to become a military prodigy and not understand what negative numbers were, but her world was the least weird out of all of ‘comedic’ Sweeties, so I let it slide, thankful the rest of her existence made sense.

Unlike Bot.

“By the integral of i, I declare this will be fun!”

“No!” Squeaky screamed shrill enough to crack windows. “I… oh no…”

Trixie levitated all of us into the air with her magic. “You’re all coming with me! Luster, continue on to Ethics. I’m sure Somnambula will be glad to see you.”

The next thing we knew, we were in a small classroom, magically affixed to our chairs.

“...Trixie’s a counselor?” I finally asked.

“I know, it doesn’t make any sense!” Allure said, hooves pressed to the side of her head. “She has to be terrible at it! Right?”

“I don’t know, she was speaking my language pretty well,” Brute said.

“That’s not a good sign.”

“The Great Brute thinks otherwise.”

“Please don’t be math please don’t be math…” Squeaky whined.

Her prayers were answered. It wasn’t math. It was the local Sweetie Belle—she goes by Trice, these days—walking in with a note pressed to her face. “All right, students, Trixie said you were causing a ruckus and needed a little remedial friendship adjustment. It’s my turn this week, s—” She finally lowered the note and realized what she’d just walked into. Her jaw dropped.

“Teach us how to murder our enemies,” Brute asked.

“BRUTE!” Allure whined, ramming her head into the desk.

“...Well.” Trice blinked and shook her head. “I bet Trixie’s laughing her tail off somewhere right now…” She slowly sat down at the desk and spend the next few minutes processing us. “None of you are students. I would have noticed more… mes.”

“Yes. Trixie has taken us against our will!” Squeaky called. “Please… let us go…”

“Oh, uh…” She focused on her magic and undid Trixie’s spell. “She made that easy.”

Squeaky let out a sigh of relief. “Freedom…”

“...You’re a teacher?” I asked.

“What’s wrong with that?” Trice asked, raising an eyebrow.

“But… why? How? What?

“I wanted to go to Twilight’s special school really bad,” Trice offered. “Got hired as a tutor to keep me quiet. I got to confuse a lot of students by being younger than them but so much better at the whole friendship thing. Then I realized… what better place to help ponies with their cutie mark problems and destinies than at a place all about friendship and where you want to go next in life? It was perfect!”

“So it just… happened?” Allure asked.

“Yep!” Trice leaned back in her seat. “So, you are from those other worlds, huh?”

Allure nodded. “Yeah! We’re the League of Sweetie Belles!”

“Oh, that’s adorable!” Trice said. “Can I join?”

“...Wouldn’t that be awkward?” I asked.

“Thrackerzod is a thousand-year-old demon,” Allure deadpanned.

“You are underestimating,” Thrackerzod corrected.

“Estimation processes beginning…” Bot beeped. “Chance of lifespan being beyond pony comprehension, eighty percent.”

“...Are you a robot?” Trice asked.



“My processors are at sixty degrees Centimare.”

“Okay, hot.” Trice smirked. “Most of you don’t have cutie marks, I see. How’s Crusading going?”

“I don’t think most of us Crusade,” Squeaky said. “Allure’s already got hers, my Crusaders don’t hunt for cutie marks, Thrackerzod’s have a strange obsession with the beyond, Bot’s a, well, robot, Brute is…”

Brute smashed her desk in half. “Take THAT!”

“...Brute, and Suzie’s a human.”

“Hi,” I said, nervous. “I have my mark as a pony. It’s the same as Allure’s.”

“And mine,” Trice said gesturing at her flank. “We’re connected by destiny.”

“Does that mean I’m going to become a teacher?” I wondered.

Allure shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’m not working at the School anymore, Gallus and his group have taken it over. Equis Vitis is already going somewhere else, and you’re coming with us.”

“As the League of Sweetie Belles!” Bot cheered.

“I dunno, being part of the League of Sweetie Belles isn’t really a job…” This may be amusing to you in hindsight, but it really was just a club at that point. I still had to go to college and everything. It was a big deal back home.

“What do you want to do when you grow up?” Trice asked.

“I… huh, I don’t know.” I thought for all of a second before deciding. “You know what? Why not, teacher sounds great! Maybe I can even come here!”

“It would be so weird to have myself as one of my students,” Trice chuckled. “But I’d love to have you. Any one of you.”

“Here’s hoping!”

That day, I was certain I would become a teacher. That it was my calling. And… well, maybe it was. For the next few years, even as I was adventuring with the League, I worked toward that. But… I realized as we adventured further and further out and as I got older that the multiverse wasn’t quite the bright, happy place I thought it was. I did go to Trice’s School of Friendship for a while, but I dropped out into the Military Division through Squeaky.

It’s strange, having yourself as a teacher. She knew everything I needed, even when I needed to be pushed to go somewhere else.

She never went with us on any adventures. That’s how most of the early Sweeties were. We met them, maybe had some fun with them, but they stayed in their worlds for the most part. This went on until Burgerbelle came along and shortly thereafter we became something of a legitimate organization. And… when I came back from the service I was given a place of honor by my old friends and a recently-acquired Sweetie-Ship. Zoom forward, and now I’m here.


“...You turned a story into summarizing your own life,” Cinder pointed out.

Suzie rubbed the back of her head. “I never said I was good at telling stories.”

“I’m pretty sure you were allowed to be more eloquent than you had any right to be.”

“It did feel like it was just rolling off the tongue…” She shook her head. “Regardless, both of my mentors were… myself. You already know Squeaky. But Trice…” Suzie frowned. “You know what? Instead of me trying to pull more of the story out of a silly trip that didn’t really have much of a cohesive theme, why don’t we just go say hi to her?”

“We can do that?”

“Yep! She teaches in Celestia City’s School of Friendship now. Let’s go!” Suzie took out her dimensional device, opened a portal, and led Cinder through Celestia City’s streets until they came to a teleport pad. One beaming later, they stood in the courtyard of a massive sprawl of brick, orichalcum alloy, and crystal walkways. In the center of the School was a statue of six familiar mares… but they didn’t look quite as Cinder remembered them. Twilight was much larger and with a massive flowing mane. Applejack and Rainbow Dash wore different clothes and were holding each other’s hooves. Pinkie had a kid sticking out of her mane. Fluttershy floated in the air as if by magic, and Rarity… well, she looked mostly the same at first glance, but after a moment Cinder noticed the wrinkles in her all the mares around Twilight. Spike stood behind them, tall and muscular, as if he were their support.

“A reminder that this is the ending.” Suzie said, pressing a hand to the base of the statue. “This is here to remind us all what we can become. Or what we can help others become.”

“...Or what we stop others from becoming?”

“Sometimes,” Suzie admitted. “Sometimes.” She led Cinder into the School, finding a way into a classroom that had just been dismissed. A wrinkled white unicorn mare stood at the front, messing with a computer.

“Darn things never behave properly,” Trice muttered, kicking the thing until it entered a shutdown state. “...That’s not better.”

Suzie waved at her. “Trice!”

Trice looked up. “Suzie! Oh, it’s good to see you!” She slowly trotted up to them, smiling warmly. “How’s Railgun?”

“Crazy as ever,” Suzie chuckled. “I’ve got someone I want you to meet. Say hello to Cinder, my newest little recruit.”

“Hi!” Cinder said, extending her hoof. “I’ve heard a lot about you over the last half hour!”

Trice grinned. “I imagine so… want to hear embarrassing stories about your captain’s first year here?”

“Do I ever!”

“I’m suddenly not sure this is a good idea…” Suzie said.

“Too late!” Cinder and Trice laughed.


“You know what?” Squeaky said, stopping in the middle of the League hallway.

“What?” Allure asked, looking to her, the quick halt of her motion stumbling Thrackerzod and Bot.

Squeaky smiled warmly. “I’m just… glad I met you. All of you. Every crazy thing that happened to us... It was all worth it. Yes, even your unending insanity, Thrackerzod.”

Thrackerzod sighed. “I will never live any of that down, will I?”

“The metrics state that none of us ever live anything down,” Bot said.

“Not even Brute,” Allure said, laughing slightly. “Remember when she tried to declare war on ants?”

“I can’t believe she lost!” Squeaky laughed.

“There was no way to predict they would invent thermonuclear warheads,” Bot added.

“She was angry about that for weeks.”

“As I recall, my sister was always angry,” Mattie said, strolling into the group. “...But that was part of her charm, I suppose.”

Instead of pushing her back, Allure pulled Mattie into the group. “She really was something else. Completely off her rocker, but…”

“Phil wanted to name her Creepy Belle. She quite politely told him where to shove it.” Mattie waggled her eyebrows. “That was an eventful day.”

“I can imagine,” Thrackerzod said. “Not every day you tell the local deity to eviscerate himself.”

“You do not spend enough time on Equis Ultra Fast.”

“I consider this an absolute win.”

“HEY!” Burgerbelle shouted from across the hall. “THAT’S MY THING!”

“I will accidentally use memes as I please!” Thrackerzod shot back.

Burgerbelle threw a shot glass at her. Thrackerzod blew it up with a dark spell that screamed in agony as it executed.

“Some things never change…” Squeaky chuckled.

“And some things do,” Allure said.

“It is the function of time as it approaches the future,” Bot said. “100% delightful!”

Squeaky grinned. “To the future?”

“To the future,” Allure agreed.

“Now, let’s go find Suzie and have an impromptu drinking contest!” Mattie laughed.

“Suzie doesn’t do those.”

“So? She can be the ref or something, let’s just go have some fun!”

Bot coughed. “I think you all know what I’m about to say.”

Everyone grinned and started speaking at the same time.

“The fun levels will be at maximum!”

Author's Note:

And today... we had a short, sweet little chapter celebrating the end of the show and some of the Sweeties that got us through all these years. It's been quite a ride, hasn't it?

Simply Rarity (Prepare your emotions)

((LSB Status Post.))

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