• Member Since 15th Apr, 2018
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You Must Fight To Live On The Planet Of The Apes


Trixie is a talented witch, student to the most powerful mage in the country! Well, at least she was until she messed up a spell really, really badly. She's been banished from town until she can prove that she's learned from her mistakes, she aims to do just that as soon as possible. Life outside the safety of the city walls is rather unpleasant, after all.

Still, a few nights in the forest is nothing for a powerful mare like her, surely! All she needs to do is figure out how to get her mentor to take her back in, and then everything should be back to normal.

There's got to be an easy way to do it, right?

A dumb idea I had, courtesy of one of the best albums of '97.
He's waiting to take your immortal soul.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 16 )

Heh, I like the start to this. Trixie is so very Trixie here which makes her interactions with others all the more hilarious. I'm looking forward to how she tries to flub her way through this.

Thanks, I hope you'll enjoy what she gets herself into!

George W. Bush: The W stands for Honesty.

"All I wanted to do was take a bath!"

Think we'll be seeing that statement somewhere down the line?

Nice work here. Lots of buildup and growing desperation and dread for Trixie. I'm sure the day's adventure wore her down to the point where voices in her head offering power didn't seem so suspicious if she were thinking rationally. Now to see just what's in store for her and what she'll do with all this new power.

Looking forward to more!

Awesome chapter can't wait to see more of Nightmare Lulamoon

Hmm, I suspect that Twilight never actually appeared in this chapter though it made for a fine bit of manipulation.

I'm not sure who's having it worse. Trixie or the Nightmare? Both need the other to get by but who's will is stronger to withstand the whining of the other?

Ew, this potion does not seem to be as easy as Twilight's transformation was. Curious now to see if Trixie actually does become an alicorn or if she's doomed herself at becoming a monster.

Channel your feelings, pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate.

..and hate leads to suffering, I suppose. Who do you think you are, Nightmare, a Sith Lord? :rainbowlaugh:

Nice chapter you really capture Trixie's and Nightmare's personalities and interaction so well I also deeply suspect that Twilight's appearance in this chapter was a fine bit of mental manipulation by Nightmare to motivate Trixie which was a nice touch

Also is it wrong that I ship Nightmare Lulamoon?

Yeah, that's definitely not the real Twilight.

And I'll be surprised if the potion actually works, and isn't some kind of trick or trap.

Huh I am sad now totally respect your Trixie though can't wait for that last chapter

You know, I've never really bought the "eternal night means everyone dies" argument. Equestria obviously has nocturnal crops like moonmelons and starberries because of course they do, that's exactly the kind of whimsical bullshit you find in a kid's cartoon.

Step one: Take over a helpless pony's body.

Step two: Take over the world.

Step three: Everypony dies.

Step four: ... we really didn't plan this out, didn't we?

Nice one! Trixie's a blockhead but she can be counted on to do the right thing when it matters. In this case, running her mouth. If there's anything Trixie's really good at, it's annoying the living crap out of those around her until they lose due to shear overabundance of over inflated ego.

Truly, Nightmare Moon had no idea who she was dealing with.

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