• Published 3rd Jan 2019
  • 7,258 Views, 477 Comments

Contact Harvest - CommanderApplejack

A solar storm is disrupting magic all over Equestria, the crystal mirror is going haywire, and three fillies are missing.

  • ...

Chapter 9

It’s still magic
even if you know how it’s done.
-Terry Pratchett

Machines buzzed behind me as I worked through a task Doctor Halsey had given me. I had been working with the doctor for four months now, mainly improving my work on writing down the thaumic theory but also doing work on the occasional biological problem. Actually, the number of biological problems I was tasked with figuring out had increased exponentially ever since my thaumic research had hit a bump.

It turned out that the conditions that allowed magic crystals to form on Equis simply weren’t present on Reach, maybe even the entirety of this particular universe. This forced me to use my magic to create artificial crystals that could be used in creating thaumic field detectors to get a better reading on the magic field around the planet.

Only growing these crystals is an immensely slow process. By this point, I had only created four crystals which had all been used to create detectors. Three of them I had passed off to ONI for them to use and get me the hundreds of readings I needed and the fourth stood behind me to monitor the magic level in the next crystal I was growing. It would give a signal whenever the levels in them dropped too low for the crystal to grow further so I could manually recharge it again. Needless to say, this left me with a lot of time to help the doctor with her tasks.

Though Halsey never told me exactly whatever I was doing my tasks for, but one was carefully studying the pattern of problems that were given to me one could gain an, admittedly, rather blurry image of the ultimate purpose behind them. Enhancing muscle density, improving the growth speed of said muscles and the underlying skeleton, grafting materials to bones to improve their strength, changing nerves to allow for quicker reaction speeds, and other things along those lines.

That wasn’t the disturbing part though. For the procedures to be effective, they would have to be performed on children as adults would have already finished growing and wouldn’t be susceptible to half the things I had worked on.

Is that what Halsey meant by her children? Has she used these kids to perform experiments on? And if so, how many of them must have died in the augmentation process? If these numbers are correct, then the casualties must have been catastrophic!

Questions like that plagued my mind as I worked through my current project. This time I had gotten the scan of a ‘hypothetical’ female subject that had a complication with the augmentation procedure, it was up to me to figure out a method of reversing that damage.

I was going to do more than just that.

Before me was a list of the five major augmentations that I had been able to deduce from previous tasks. Using the genome of the ‘hypothetical’ subject along with some of the other provided data I had been presented, my professional opinion was that the subject would have passed three of these augmentations without problems, but two of them would be a major problem.

Just like the scan showed, my predictions were that the rapid growth coupled with the strengthening of the bones would result in said bones completely pulverizing themselves. The second problem that I figured would happen was that the rapid muscle growth would result in the subject’s heart growing to fatal proportions. The scan didn’t show this second problem but a closer inspection of the data revealed that this was probably due to it being removed from it to force me to focus on the single problem instead of two at once.

Though it had been tough and had forced me to skip a couple of nights of sleep along with common raids on the lab’s coffee supply, the results were nothing that could be argued against. I had devised an entire procedure on how to repair all the damage that was supposedly done to the female and would be on my way soon to go confront Halsey about my findings.

Leaning back in my chair made my spine pop a couple of times in complaint of the horrible working position I had been in for a while now. Grabbing all the papers I had written and stuffing them into a file, I got up to make my way to Halsey’s office, only to be stopped immediately as the doctor came walking into my lab.

“Ah, doctor I’ve-”

“We’ve made a discovery you need to take a look at, Miss Shimmer,” Halsey cut off my response as she turned around and most definitely expected me to follow her. The doctor took me to the main lab where a large screen was turned on, showing what seemed to be a live feed of a military installation. A large group of soldiers was standing at attention about fifty meters away from where the camera was located.

“Lieutenant, please show my specialist what you found,” Halsey instructed the person on the other side, a man wearing drab camo came into view with one of Sunset’s scanners in his hands.

”Of course, doctor. Doctor Shimmer, half an hour ago your device started giving off readings that were way higher than anything we have yet encountered. So instead of heading to the next coordinates to continue taking readings, we investigated,” the lieutenant stated as he turned on the detector. I had already noticed that in the current way the detector was configured it would scan a relatively narrow area in front of it.

The moment the device turned on it started giving off extremely high readings compared to the background noise. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that I had seen these kinds of readings once before when testing the device...

…by pointing it at myself.

And since I definitely was not there, there must be something else giving off that reading... or someone else. The implication of a magically adept human, even one who wasn’t aware of it, would be a major breakthrough in my work on the thaumic theory.

“Thank you, Lieutenant. The doctor and I need to discuss this. We’ll give you further instructions in a couple of minutes, " I said without any hesitation as I turned to face Halsey. “I need to get up there.”

Halsey looked at me skeptically and shook her head, “I’m afraid we can’t just go rush off and tell some random recruit that they have magical powers.”

“I know that the Thaumic research is classified, doctor. But this is an opportunity to get more data on an actual human with magic! I thought that wasn’t even possible in the first place so getting data on him or her is going to be invaluable!” I argued, though the doctor didn’t seem any more convinced than she was before.

“Miss Shimmer, need I remind you that you also have other responsibilities around here-”

“Like fixing the failed augmentations that were performed to make children stronger, bigger, and faster?” I asked. Halsey choked back her response as her eyes widened ever so slightly. Before the doctor could reply, I held the file I had compiled out for her to grab. “I’ve worked out how to fix the problems on your ‘hypothetical’ subject. All of the problems.”

Halsey grabbed the file and quickly went through it, her mouth slightly widening as she worked through the first few papers. “I’m going to have to verify this work miss Shimmer, but if it pans out then you’ve managed to solve a problem in a couple of months which I haven’t been able to do in a year.”

“Doctor, I want to get out of this lab. The conclusions I’ve drawn from the assignments I’ve been doing for you sicken me and I really have to stress how important it is that I get to check out this human. I was under the impression that thaumic energy wasn’t able to coalesce at all due to fundamental differences in this dimension’s thaumic field, but if the readings are true then she could be a breakthrough in my theory not to mention a candidate for training.”

Halsey looked between me and the report in her hands, for a split second looking as if she were conflicted. Without saying anything, Halsey turned the feed to the lieutenant back on. “Lieutenant, I’m having Specialist Shimmer transported over to your location. Identify who is giving off those readings and isolate them, any further action will be taken under advice of Shimmer alone. She’s the only person with expertise in this field.”

It took some self control to not smile at my superior’s decision. I hadn’t been lying when I’d told her that the walls of the lab were starting to close around me. Some respite in the form of magic research was very much welcome.

“Head to the hangar Miss Shimmer, I’ll make sure a Pelican is ready to take you to the lieutenant.”

Knowing that Halsey wouldn’t appreciate some elaborate thank you, I just gave her a nod and turned around to swiftly make my way towards the elevator out of this tomb.

“Glad you could come so quickly, doctor!” the lieutenant shouted over the roar of the Pelican that was already taking back off towards the ONI base.

“No problem lieutenant, I’ve been waiting for a breakthrough in some area of my research. This scenario is probably the best one I could have hoped for!” I replied, following the officer away from the landing platforms. My lab coat stood out like a sore thumb as we headed deeper into the marine base I’d landed at, some marines giving me suspicious glances as they passed. Must be because of the ONI logo, they’re probably as popular here as the Crusaders made them out to be. “Have you identified the individual giving off the readings yet?”

“Aye ma’am, she’s a trainee. As green as can be, only two weeks into training. We’ve made sure they’re being kept on base for the day.” The lieutenant lead me into a large building, and into an office after passing through the hallways. Inside, a couple of screens were lit up showing off a bunk room with four trainees screwing about as they had nothing to do and, as far as they knew, no-one watching over them. “The subject in question is Miska Natália, an eighteen year old Reach local. As far as recruits go she’s looking to be a promising subject, a lot stronger than most females coming through here and not too bad of an endurance either.”

“Have there been any remarkable things about her that have been noticed? Even something as little as a weird feeling when being around her?” The presence of a raised magic field might be something that other humans just happen to be able to pick up as an unnerving or alternatively calming aura around a person.

"Some of the instructors have commented on her having a scary amount of insight on situations, almost as if she's able to predict events before they happen," The lieutenant explained while I kept my eyes fixed on the monitor.

"She might actually be doing just that…" My lips curled up in a cheeky smile. "Lieutenant, could you arrange something for me?" The man skeptically nodded. "I want you to get someone to kick down that door. You know, just to see if she's really precognitive."

"Consider it done, I was overhearing something the drill sergeants were discussing and this fits right in with something they wanted to do." The man said, grinning a little as he left me alone in the room. Taking the opportunity to sit down, I watched and studied Miska's behavior. She'd taken a seat along with the three other trainees and they were probably exchanging some banter. This went on for a good hour before a simple message popped up on my tablet. On one of the other monitors I could see the hallway outside of the room, there were marines with firearms silently moving throughout it and taking positions at the doors

'60 seconds'

I leaned forward focusing intently on the lady, seeing the seconds tick by on the clock in the bottom right...

Forty-five seconds

Still nothing…

Thirty seconds

I might have seen her twitch and glance at the door now, but I couldn’t be sure if that was just me trying to see what I wanted to see or her actually looking.


Miksa jumped up and said something to the others, all of them jumping up as well and taking positions around the entrance.

No way. She actually saw that coming!

The door burst open as a group of the marines charged in, the first of them getting taken down by Miksa as the trainee threw a perfectly timed punch. She tried getting a punch in on the second marine too but only managed to glance off him as he tackled her to the ground and restrained her. The others in the room were quickly subdued by the small squad of marines as well. Black hoods were pulled over their heads and zip-ties closed around their wrists, then they were dragged into the hallway and lead off to an unknown location.

She's the real deal. Now how to approach this? I need her to be cooperative to figure any of this research out, so if I have her pulled out of training she's not going to be helpful to me…

A plan formed in my mind. I knew Halsey wasn't going to be happy with it at all, but after finding out what the doctor had done I really wanted to avoid her for a good while. Pulling out my tablet, I logged in and opened up my mail, sending a request to be placed into marine training with Miksa for observation purposes. It would be horrendously though getting readings to study the magic while being drilled into the ground. Still, if I was going to make progress Miksa was my best hope to get a breakthrough.

And the marine training might be vital to getting to where we entered this dimension and going home.

Putting away my tablet again, I turned my gaze back at at the screens displaying the trainees’ empty rooms.

All I could do now was wait...

Author's Note:

Looks at my previous upload date...

Shrinks down

