• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end.

Comments ( 27 )

Damn. Great story here. I really enjoyed your portrayals of Luna and Cozy, as well as the scenes with the guards. Good work!

“I get a blunt object and a morally ambiguous unicorn.”

:rainbowlaugh: Actually teared up laughing.


“I get a blunt object and a morally ambiguous unicorn.”

So, Starlight?

And I recognize those guard names. Heh.

Good story. I wish I could give it a like.

That's who I'd go to! :raritywink:

Glad you got the reference! :yay:

Glad you liked! That was my favorite line too.:raritywink:

Great story! Interesting character study of Cozy Glow, and a neat backstory. Well played!

Also, what's the song that Cozy Glow ripped off?

Glad I was searching through "new", rather than just going through top rated! This story is a really good look into Cozy's character, and I really liked the characters interactions.

The sypnosis intrigued me, but I didn't realize that this was going to be much more than that. I expected something in the vein of Luna beating Cozy and turning back, saying something like "you have much to learn", then the story ending there. (Not that there's anything wrong with those types of stories, but it's something I've seen a bit)

Obviously, I didn't pay much attention to the word count.

Despite the length, you managed to keep up a good pace. Cozy Glow chooses to reform, but it's done gradually. At the end of the story, she's still her—her change is done very believably. Even though she's manipulative, you showed that she's still a child (albeit a very mature one), with plans that aren't fully thought through and a yearning for affection. (Or is that a lie, too?)

Welp, that got long. In summary: I loved this, and you've earned yourself a new follower.


Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

The song is Venus, (originally recorded by Shocking Blue), in particular Bananarama's version:




Thank you! :yay:

Indeed, that's the downside of choosing to leave a story unrated (that, and it'll never hit the featured box).

Cozy Glow's one of the most intriguing characters the show's introduced lately. I don't know what season 9 will reveal about her, but I'm hoping we get some good backstory for her.

And that's one thing about the show (and really most forms of fiction) that bothers me. Often the villain redemption is quickly glossed over in the last few minutes of the episode (or movie). Sometimes it's nice to see some character-building and go the long way around instead of taking the shortcut. Change doesn't happen overnight, and the person (or in this case, pony) has to want to change. And we see Cozy struggle here by being defiant and combative of Luna when she appears. She's not interested in reforming. At least not until reality sets in and she realizes maybe she doesn't want to spend the rest of eternity in Tartarus.

She's smart enough to realize Luna's got an ulterior motive to visiting her other than spending time with her on a holiday and playing a game of chess. Eventually she realizes their common ground, and as they bond, Cozy opens up to the idea of trying the friendship route for real this time. As for how much of what she said at the School of Friendship was sincere, and how much was posturing, that's open to interpretation. Her body language certainly seems manipulative, trying to garner some sympathy for herself. And at first, I think that was her game. Until she sees the reactions of those she hurt showing that they really do care for her despite what she did to them. And I think at that point it truly hits her what she had and how stupid she was to just throw it away.

So to answer your question, I think as the story goes on it's less and less of a game/lie to her as she starts grasping some of the concepts of friendship she hadn't previously. I think she's going to be okay from here on out. She's starting to 'get it' now. I also think by taking on a friendship student of her own (with a similar backstory), it will help Luna as well. As we saw when she created the Tantabus, she's still dealing with her own guilt. As she redeems Cozy, she forgives herself a bit more too. As she helps former villains reintegrate into Equestria, it helps her do the same.

Speaking of replies getting lengthy, lol! :raritywink:

Thank you again!:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by LawtonCash deleted Apr 16th, 2019

This is a sweet story, I really enjoyed interactions between Golly and other ponies.

For a one-shot, this story is amazing. Cozy and Luna were amazingly well written and provided a whole range of emotions. I'm glad I didn't miss this fic.

I liked the parts in Tartarus. After they left, it felt a bit too much like Starlight Glimmer's reformation where everyone just shows up and bursts into song, except without the singing but just as schmaltzy. Smoulder and Gallus shrugging it off because everyone makes a grab for the brass ring at least once was good, though.

Well written Cozy, though, aside from the schmaltzy parts. She's not totally incorrigible. There is a learning curve there, and she might be convinced of the practical benefits of not being such a little demon, but she's also not likely to ever see anything wrong with what she's done. And how she was objectively right that she was protecting her parents (and herself) by faking her death, but caused them to experience subjective pain.
And her relationship with Tirek (similar to what S9 would do). Like the Sirens, I don't think either of them will ever be "good" and no apology from them will ever have meaning because they don't recognize anything they've done as "bad" (as Luna sees in Cozy's dreams, she's still just upset that she lost) but at least they might stop plotting world domination and that would be a notable improvement.

Just wanted to drop a note and say great story. It was a lot to read in one sitting but somehow I did it (blatant lie: it took me two).

Really liked your depiction of Cozy in that you don’t sugarcoat her crimes and even as she’s ‘reforming’, she’s still Sweet But Psycho.

It’s a shame that votes were disabled here, or it might have got a feature. Oh well, I guess you had your reasons for doing this.

Anyway, keep up the great work! :rainbowkiss:


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

Great story here. I really enjoyed your portrayals of Luna and Cozy - Games Mods

I loved this story! I truly hope Cozy gets the hang of it later!


Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

She will. It's rough going at first, but she's getting the help she needs. I just wish things had played out more like this on the show itself.

I agree! I wrote my own version where she spends ten years in stone before being reformed and adopted by Trixie Lulamoon... It's actually a metaphor for my own life at this point and I explain in my blog what being "trapped in stone" actually means to me... There's also a sequel where she has adventures with her two best friends that I created...

PS: I guess this means I should start following you? :P


Thank you! I'll have to check out your stories as well!

Comment posted by hmaf43 deleted Mar 4th, 2022
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