• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 220 Comments

Don't Wake Up - Grizzly Nation

I enter these horses dreams whenever I sleep. I don't know why, all I do know is the horse on the moon is not good. Why can't I just wake up?

  • ...

Dream Jumping

My vision clicked on and I found myself stood in front of a simple house. The nondescript building stood two stories. The roof was made of hay with hardened clay jammed between the wooden framing of the house. A singular circular window was set on the top floor. I noticed the-

"Will we have to explain to thou that our time is limited every single dream! Make haste!" The Nightmare exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts.

Without a word, I pushed the wooden front door open. The door creaked as I glanced inside the house. Immediately I noticed how blurry the interior was, like whenever I took off my glasses. I wanted to blink but lacked eyelids, so I rubbed my eye...holes. My vision didn’t clear. This was a different kind of blurry. Everything felt like it was vibrating violently. The whole house was nauseating.

I considered using my magic, but vanquished that idea at the thought of Luna finding me. I glanced around through the blur of shapes, hobbling around the room looking for some kind of stairway through the haze. My vision kept getting grayer and grayer.

I swung my arms around trying to get a feel for the room. My arm hit a flat surface, I slid my hands across it until I hit a wall. This...platform was up to my chest, I think it was made of wood –but this surface was really clean, not a single speck of du-


A jolt ran through my spine. My head quickly turned to the source of the sound. A brown blur was on the floor. I kneeled down to get a good look at it.

It was a picture of some sort and I must have shattered the frame when I knocked it over. Slowly my arm extended out, I gingerly picked up the shattered frame to try and parse the image. A bright red and dark blue blur were next to each other. I held the picture even closer.

These blurs were ponies, and they looked quite happy. They clung to each other with the largest smiles ive ever seen. I studied the picture for a few seconds before placing it back on the floor.

I glanced around, and the room was clear now. The blurry haze seemed to have lifted. I just assumed it was a dream thing and continued up the stairs, which I could actually see now. At this point, I didn't even need the tugging to tell me I was going in the right direction.

This house was weird. Instead of a hallway with rooms, it had entered an attic. The attic was...boring. There was nothing besides the wooden planks that made up the floor. The only piece of furniture in that room was a bed, placed in front of the window, the backboard facing me.

Moonlight crept through the window and gently illuminated the area around the bed. The thick blue covers pouring down the edges only added to this majestic sight.

Almost of their own accord, my feet moved, my brain on autopilot. And before I knew it, I was behind the backboard.

I slowly walked around the bed, trailing my hand along the curvy wooden frame. I circled around and prepared myself for who or what occupied it.

My nerves calmed as I spotted that it was just a pony –a dark blue one to be exact. It looked feminine, small curved muzzle and all that. The pony's hair was long and flowed down past her shoulders onto the bed. The color was bright white, and reminded me of the night sky.

Their eyes were closed.

"Now, take its fear," Nightmare interjected.

I silently obeyed and slowly raised my hand. My bony limb extended and snaked its way to the pony's head.

Suddenly, the pony's eyes snapped open.

I jumped back in surprise, nearly falling over in the process.

"I'm so sorry! I thought you were asleep and I was just gonna leave after-”

"Who are you," The pony interrupted.

"What…?" This question threw me off. "You're not gonna freak out and scream?"

"Why would I?" she plainly asked.

"Why would you?” I asked. "Because I look like this!" I exclaimed as I gestured to myself.

The pony paused before she replied, "I don't really care how you look."

I stood there dumbfounded, but then I took a really good look at her. Her eyes were different in a way.

"Are...are you blind?" I blurted out.

She paused. And for a moment everything was so quiet, it felt like I was back in the void of nothingness.

Until finally she responded, "Yes." She just stared straight out the window.

I quickly traced her gaze out the window, seeing the moon. I studied the moon, taking in every inch of the round object in the sky.

No face.

I turned my attention to the pony again.

"Adam!" Nightmare barked.

I jumped in surprise.

"We have to go now," she commanded.

"Yeah...I know." I sighed, reached over the bed and laid a bony hand over the pony's forehead.

Her features hadn't changed at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure she leaned into my touch.

"You have strange hooves," she said, facing me.

As the world around me faded I only uttered, "I'm sorry."

I was in the place of nothingness again. It didn't even feel like a void anymore. It wasn't black, just nothing.

I felt terrible. I wanted to help her. I wanted to find out what she was going through. I wanted to connect to her and help her through her problem. Instead all I did was invade her dreams and leech off of her fear.

Maybe Luna should kill me.

"Nightmare," I spoke softly.

"Yes?" she responded.

"What's the point of all of this?" I asked. I felt so lost, I just wanted to wake up.

"Thou know'st why we're here. We art here to become thy rightful ruler of Equestria, and you're here to rid thyself of thou's curse," she explained.

I sighed, not satisfied with the answer. "You know that's not what I meant."

Nightmare paused and then let out a groan of annoyance. "Adam, we know thou wants to help, however thou can't help everypony. Every single living creature has different problems, each one has its own level of difficulty. To even try to solve all of those problems would be impossible!" she ranted.

"Yeah, sure," I muttered under my breath. I felt a hole open in my nonexistent stomach. I felt like something was tearing me apart despite not having any skin. My whole body felt so heavy; emotions flooded into my system. I wanted to cry, yet I couldn't –wanted to curl up and die, yet I couldn't. I wanted to wake up, yet I couldn't.

I failed and I deserved to suffer.

In an instant my feet landed on solid ground and the world around me turned on. Thick trees surrounded me. This place was...weird. All of the branches were so numerous and long that that they almost blocked out the sun.

This place was at least colorful: the different hues of green grass swayed in the gentle wind. It felt...peaceful.

Isn't this supposed to be a nightmare?

I begin to walk towards the tugging. I took in all the features of the forest and it was surprisingly pleasant.

Then I spotted a brown leaf.

I would have just brushed it off, but it felt out of place. And then I found another and then another. I looked up and noticed all of the leaves had turned into different bright colors: red, orange, and yellow. It was so satisfying to just stare at the vibrant colors. Each one was just so bright, probably the most vibrant leaves I had ever seen.

But then the leaves gradually turn into a disgustingly shriveled and brown. Each and every leaf, once beautiful, shriveled up and lost their colors. Like rain, each leaf fell off of the trees, covering the ground in a thin layer of dead leaves.

White stars began falling down all around. Each one sparkled in the sun's rays. So much fell so quickly it turned into a blizzard. Snowflakes piled upon snowflakes and soon the leaves were covered in a thin sheet of snow. The snow kept falling until I was ankle deep.

Just as soon as the snow stopped falling, it began to melt. Quickly, the snow shrunk and disappeared.

Beneath the snow, green grass poked through. Soon the forest grounds were full of green grass and the trees had once again covered the sky.

"The heck was that?" I asked in wonder.

I have just witnessed fall, winter, and spring in minutes. Dreams are awesome.

"We...do not know. Dreams are very diverse and some can be...creative," Nightmare replied, trying to understand what just happened. "It does not matter, we must extract the dream magic."

"Yeah yeah, I know," I said, brushing her off.

I continued my walk, staring at the everchanging forest.

It was so amazing to see the impossible happen in front of me. This was why I loved dreams. Maybe I shouldn't be trying to get rid of this curse. Maybe it's really a blessing in disguis-

"We are close, just beyond those trees," Nightmare said, interrupting my thoughts.

I shook my head, trying to focus. Sure enough, the tugging confirmed her words. Straight ahead was the pony –the pony I would have to drain.

...I'm not gonna use drain anymore –it sounds kinda weird out of context.

"Focus!" Nightmare shrieked, causing me to jump, "We cannot dwell upon this dream!"

"Okay okay, just stop yelling," I said, giggling a little.

I looked ahead, and there was a dirt clearing behind the trees hiding the small area. I pushed past the trees and into the clearing.

In the very center was a statue of a pony, no wings or horn. The statue looked very old: Vines covered the legs and held it in place.

I walked closer to examine the statue. The tugging stopped so someone had to be close.

"This appears to be the work of a cockitrice," Nightmare explained.

"A what?" I asked as I kept looking at the terrified expression of the statue.

"A cockitrice: A being that is part chicken and part dragon," she continued.

I paused. "And how could a chicken do this to this...guy?" I asked while I stared at the rectangular muzzle of the statue.

"They have the ability to turn beings into stone with only a glance into the victims eyes," she finished.

My stomach dropped at this information.

How could a chicken turn someone into stone? This world's mythical creatures are messed up. These creatures are way too dangerous.

It felt like something out of a horror movie. This poor pony was afraid of being trapped in stone for eternity. This was their nightmare. They didn't deserve to dream this. No one deserved a dream this vivid and depressing.

I reached out to the statue and laid my hand on his head. I began to drain his fear, and prepared myself for what I was about to do.

"Nightmare…I'm sorry," I stated solemnly.

"Why art thou apologizing?" she asked.

My hand glowed a light blue and cracks began to spider across the head of the pony. The cracks stretched across the pony's face and quickly enveloped his neck.

"FOOL, THOU HAST RUINED OUR PLAN!!" Nightmare's voice rang through my head. I gripped the sides of my skull in pain. "THOU FOOLISHLY REVEALED THY PRESENCE! SHE NOW KNOWS THOU ART HERE!"

My head felt like it was about to explode. Pain pulsed through my eardrums. Everything was ringing. I couldn't hear. I felt as if my head was bell that had been struck. My vision was vibrating and I couldn't see. My thoughts were jumbled, and swam around my head. My legs gave out and I fell to the dirt face down. It just wouldn't stop.

I let out a loud cry of agony.

And then everything stopped, as if nothing had happened. I felt normal again.

I let out a long and well deserved sigh. A huge weight had been lifted from my skull, and I felt so relieved.

I glanced up and froze.

There was no more forest, no more trees, just grass that stretched on forever. That pony was gone too, but that didn't matter anymore.

I looked around while I was still on my hands and knees. The dark sky only worsened my gut's feeling.

And I saw it –I fucking saw it– that damn moon. I stared at the white giant disc in the sky, the dark image of a pony imprinted on its side.

She was here.


My body all at once acted on its own. I was launched to the side and just seconds later before a pillar of light thundered down.

The shockwave sent me tumbling away from the blast. I skidded to a stop across the grass, and got to my hands and knees. My body felt sore all over, and I felt so confused.

I looked over to where I had been, and found a circle of bare earth. All of the grass had been burned away and several feet of dirt had been upturned.

And everything clicked: I had just dodged a moon blast.

"Adam," Nightmare addressed me calmly, "She has us trapped, we cannot leave."

"Does that mean-"

"Yes," Nightmare interrupted, "Thou can use magic."

Like my chains had been broken, I felt amazing power flow through me. All of my body's discomforts disappeared and I felt alive.

There she was, standing a few meters away from me, the Lunar Princess herself. She had some kind of dark purple armor on. A small white crescent was placed on her chest plate that glowed a gentle pale white. But the thing that stood out the most was the sword held in her dark blue magic.

The sword's handle matched her armor's color and had a slightly jagged crossguard. The sword's blade was double edged and had a sharp bump near the hilt. The blade was so white that it practically glowed, seemingly projecting the light of the moon itself.

Her serious expression told me everything I needed to know. I could see her hatred. Any ill feelings she had for me were worn on her face. I knew this was going to be our final battle. Only one person is going to walk away from this.

"Thou must remember our plan. Thou art weaker than her, however thou has a great wealth of imagination. That is thy only advantage, do not hold back or thou will lose," Nightmare ominously cautioned.

"Yeah, I know." I stood up and conjured a short metallic stick.

"Trust me–" With a click of a button a sharp hiss sounded. A beam of blue light exploded out of the stick to a swords length with an electric hum. My excitement peaked as I felt the vibrations of the lightsaber.

"–I'm not going to hold back."

Author's Note:

Well guys I'm really sorry for the long wait. School and stuff got to me and it still is, but I'll try to find the time to write still. I'm really excited for next chapter.

I never really wanted this story to be a long one because I wanted to shift away from 20 chapter stories. I want to keep ot sweet and simple.

Either there is going to be a lot of fighting next chapter and the best part is litterally anything can happen, it's a dream!

Down with the Lunar Menace!