• Member Since 25th Mar, 2015
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Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Don't make me call the Brute Squad.


This story is a sequel to Star Wars: A Second Chance

Princess Twilight Sparkle, her wife, Revan Vao, and their family are off through the Mirror to see her human friends and enjoy a short vacation.

While there, personal issues will be confronted, the bonds of friendship and family will be expanded, new experiences will be had, and Fluttershy will go D’aww.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 28 )

Of course, the really fun part will be if Star Wars exists as fiction in the EQG world.

Ohhh time for a reread!

Glad to see more of this... just need a mental refresher.

After all this time my prayers have been answered! Praise the eternal library!

Ohh a was wondering if they would have Star Wars. Nice!

9327675 Congratulations on your correct guess :pinkiehappy:, you win a mustache :moustache:

Drat can only upvote this once.

Gotcha covered bruv. This upvote's for you.

Personally I am a firm believer that any villain can be redeemed, heck Sombra even gets redeemed in the comics, it's just a matter of willingness on the villains part. Tirek, Cozy and Chrysalis are completely unrepentant of their actions, but if they showed a willingness to change they would get a second chance. The fact that Starlight didn't get punished shouldn't make her unworthy of forgiveness or a second chance.

Redemption is fine and beautiful as an idea, but crimes must have fitting punishment or you raise the risk of relapse or someone else trying to copy the crime. Criminals being punished is not just to punish them but also a deterrent for others. By letting Starlight off so easily, The princesses basically told everyone who hears of it, that it's fine as long as twilight can fix it and rest of the victims can be memory wiped, that it's fine and you won't be punished as long as you can pretend to feel remorse well enough.

Crime and punishment is always a delicate balancing act, but slap to the wrist for willful and repeated endangerment of every single living being on the planet, for no other reason than your miss guided pride, is something I personally find disgusting.

Punishment is only a requirement if someone actually demands it. The only ones who could actually demand punishment are Twilight, her friends and the residents of Our Town. They all accepted her apology and were willing to give Starlight a second chance. To punish her at that point would simply be an act of vengeance and since ponies aren't vengeful dicks there was no punishment.

Honestly, you never hear about people getting upset about how Discord and Luna got let off lightly for what they did. The fact that they had been imprisoned before shouldn't give them a pass for what they did after they were released. Not to mention each of the main 6 have escaped punishment after doing something truly worthy of it, such as the want it need it spell or when Applejack poisoned the town due to her exhaustion, or Rainbow blowing up the weather factory just to name a few.

Also, Starlight is not responsible for what happened in those other timelines as she had no control over what the residents of those other timelines did.

I'll give you couple of points when it comes to Luna and Discord getting off easy. Though in case of Discord, he seems to be on probation and indefinite community service. When it comes to mane 6, you have actually hit one of my long time gripes with the show. In case of Twilight in Lesson Zero, (in my opinion at least) Celestia shoulders a lot of responsibility also as Twilight's long term teacher. Considering their close relationship and Celestia's long experience, she should have seen the issues years ago and arranged therapy for Twilight. As much as I like Twilight, that adorkable little genius has some rather clear unresolved psychological issues, that should have been noticed by others long ago. Heck, unless my memory has betrayed me again, Spike has basically told Celestia that Twilight needs help. Then again Celestia seems to be the reason Twilight has some of those issues in the first place. Hero worship combined with clear anxiety is nasty combination and Celestia hasn't been seen doing anything about in the show.

Starlight intentionally screwed with time, and as far as I'm concerned that is something so volatile that it alone should see the perpetrator serving some kind of punishment. And yes I'm aware that Twilight needs a punishment for her own actions with time magic, though at least she used stable loop spell that doesn't risk breaking causation that much, though that is again debatable. Do you have any idea what happens when something like the flow of time is broken? Me neither, but considering time is one of the things that keep reality together, I don't think any should be allowed to mess with it.

As for punishment requiring someone to demand it. I don't buy it. Especially when you try to break one of the fundamental building blocks of reality. The possible consequences of it Starlights actions are far too terrifying to think for me. That alone should have everyone with a modicum of knowledge of the situation demanding some consequences for her. Honestly. If I ever do something even half as stupid as that, hope to be shot to death long before the damage gets irreparable.

I think it might be best for me not try debating this with anyone. I'm starting to see, that I have my own set of issues at work and seem to be getting a bit too heated up.

Have a pleasant holiday period and I hope I didn't seem too aggressive.

Nah it's fine I get where people come from with this but for me, Starlight is clearly repentant and guilt-ridden over what she did. She wants to make up for what she did and become a better person and has no interest in repeating what she did in the past. So at that point what does punishment accomplish except making a few individuals feel better? Now if her actions were widely known then yeah she would have to be punished that's just unavoidable but it was always implied that it was only a small group of ponies who knew about what she did and none of them had any interest in making her suffer over it when they could clearly see that she wanted to make amends.

9359869 9359865 Just thought I'd throw in my $0.02. IMHO Luna, Discord and Sunset earned their forgiveness, even if most folks don't know about it:
Sunset was a pariah until after she risked her neck fighting the Dazzlings, if not longer (I don't know where Anon-a-miss falls in the timeline).
Discord was put on long-term (possibly lifetime) community service with the threat of both the Elements of Harmony and "rehabilitation spells" hanging over his head the entire time.
Luna literally tortured herself every single day for about a year because she felt that she had been forgiven too easily.

But for Chrysalis, Tirek and Sombra, redemption and forgiveness were never on the table, the only response was "blast them". (Although Sombra apparently got another chance later.)

Starlight was rewarded for her crimes and continues to default to messing with ponies minds or cutie marks whenever she runs into the least bit of trouble. (I admit, I am prejudice against Starlight, so my view of her actions is definitely biased.)

As for the other time lines, while Starlight had no control over what people did after she created the time line, she did deliberately create time lines where mad gods or similar entities would be unopposed in the first place, and she did so with full knowledge of what she was doing, what the general results would be (i.e., no mane six to stop Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra or Tirek ... the Flim/Flam time line still confuses me, I'll admit) and did so with malicious intent.

And for Revan, being the only person left with full knowledge and experience in what actually happened in all those other time lines, I honestly don't know if it would even be possible for her to not have a heavily biased view of Starlight and her actions. While her hatred of Starlight and desire for a real punishment may not be the moral choice for some folks -- and certainly doesn't match the general "redemption/forgiveness" vibe FiM often goes for, I just don't see her reacting any other way until the message finally manages to get pounded through her rage and desire for justice (or vengeance, depending on how you view things).

Thank you for explaining my own view on the matter far better than I could ever manage. I wasn't even aware Starlight kept mind raping ponies after her so called redemption, since I stopped actively watching the show after the end of the third season. Beyond that my knowledge is spotty at best.

Honestly, for just her habit of mind controlling others, I would personally be demanding her execution. Mind rape on the scale of 'Our town's incident with clear evidence that she showed no remorse is something I consider to be just below committing a full genocide. Just the concept of mind control on the level I know of being in the show horrifies me for multiple reasons I will not be describing here (mostly because it would take several pages and even then I wouldn't be able to make my point clearly enough).
Do the princesses even have any evidence that Starlight hasn't messed with their minds as well?

9373335 Yep, she mind controlled the Mane 6 to get out of a "friendship assignment" and she swapped Celestia and Luna's cutie marks (without permission) because she couldn't think of a better way to get them to stop fighting. Both times ended up okay ... but yeah ....

And no, all the Princesses have is Starlight's word that she hasn't screwed with their minds ...


As for the other time lines, while Starlight had no control over what people did after she created the time line, she did deliberately create time lines where mad gods or similar entities would be unopposed in the first place, and she did so with full knowledge of what she was doing, what the general results would be (i.e., no mane six to stop Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra or Tirek ... the Flim/Flam time line still confuses me, I'll admit) and did so with malicious intent.

She didn't deliberately create those timelines. All she wanted was to prevent Twilight and the others from becoming friends in order to get back at them for ruining things at her village. She had no clue what happened in those other timelines and had no idea that destroying their friendship would make things so much worse. As soon as she actually saw what she was actually causing Twilight was able to convince her to stop.

If it was truly intentional she wouldn't have cared what happened after she changed the past, she honestly didn't think that destroying their friendship would cause so much trouble because honestly, the idea that those 6 are so important is ridiculous (I mean come on Celestia really didn't have a plan B?).

As for the mind control and cutie mark swap, Starlight has very little confidence in her self the only thing she does have confidence in is in her magic so when she panics she tries to fix things with magic there is no malicious intent behind it. This doesn't make her evil because again the main 6 have pulled crap like that too. Remember Twilight once freaked out and mind controlled the entire town with the "want it need it" spell, Rainbow blew up the weather factory to try and stop Tank from hibernating, etc...

If the main 6 can get forgiveness for that without punishment then why not Starlight? Starlight caused no long-lasting damage and fixed whatever damage she did cause. The fact that she continues to feel guilty afterwards even though she's been forgiven should be punishment enough.

9373683 Sorry, I'm going to have to disagree with you here ... Starlight spied on and researched the Mane 6 before making her "big play", there is no reasonable way that she did not know that the Mane 6 (and their bond with each other) was instrumental in defeating Nightmare Moon, Discord and Tirek. While she may have assumed Celestia had Plan Bs to defeat them anyway, she did not know and (from my viewpoint) she did not care. And she only cared about the results of her actions when Twilight dragged her back to their proper time and rubbed her face in it.

That being said, you believe Starlight deserves her forgiveness, while I don't ... can we agree to disagree?

Yeah sure. I just hate that people think Starlight doesn't deserve forgiveness while Sunset does. Sunset's redemption was far more rushed than Starlight's whose redemption took place over the course of an entire season instead of a single movie. Sure Sunset was a pariah among the students but she was instantly forgiven by the Humane 6, then by everyone else after the battle of the bands and then was pretty much perfect after that. Starlight by comparison spent an entire season doubting herself and having to learn to be a better person sure she made mistakes and even now she isn't perfect but she wouldn't be nearly as great a character if she was perfect just like Sunset is at her best when she stops being perfect and starts showing elements of who she used to be like in Forgotten Friendship.

The idea that Starlight doesn't deserve forgiveness because people think she hasn't suffered enough just honestly disgusts me.

9375385 I'm sorry if my issues with Starlight pushed any of your buttons. :fluttershysad:

I wish you happy(ier) future readings.

“The prequels never happened,” Rainbow declared adamantly, while Shining nodded in agreement, “There are only three Star Wars movies.”

dont you dare backtalk the prequels:flutterrage: i grew up with them and there a lot better than the piece of steaming dog shit that dinsy made

10181200 I'll agree the prequels are better than the Disney live action movies I've seen (which, admittedly, is not all of them), but I know a number of people who still consider the prequels noticeably inferior to the original trilogy.

The prequels did give us the two Clone Wars series, however, which, IMHO, are better than the prequels themselves.

Discuss among yourselves :pinkiehappy:

To reiterate... there ore only THREE star wars movies.

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