• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.


Co-authored by Phoenix Nebula.

Hosted by me

Twilight has never handled stress very well.

Over the years, she's found ways to cope, and her anxiety attacks and breakdowns haven't been nearly as bad as they used to be, but they still exist.

It takes a lot more for her to reach her breaking point, but when you throw, old enemies, political strife, and blood thirsty invaders from another dimension into the mix all in the same week, that's when enough is enough.

A new and unexpected threat arises, and it's enough to push Twilight Sparkle over the edge. The new Princess calls out for an end to the madness, and Magic returns her call by bringing the arcane might of the mage to bear.

The mysterious forces that have invaded Equestria will soon realize that Tartarus hath no fury like the Element of Magic.

WARNING: This story contains gratuitous amounts of OP Twilight doing OP magical things. If that isn't your cup of tea, leave now. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 81 )

please continue!

She was fighting Grim, wasn't she? I believe I recognized the equine/humanoid as the Grim Ruby, Ren, Jaune and Nora were fighting in Ren's village. Also I really like this side of Twilight so please continue.

Yes. Just... all of the yes. :moustache:

love this story can't wait for more of it

To be more specific she was fighting a nuckelavee, a horrifying mythical demon that Grim was most likely modeled after.

Oh, so it was based off something I wasn't sure if you came up with it or if you were inspired from something.

To be continued?

I think you meant 'To Be Continued.'

You know, with a period. As in, we are guaranteed to get more of this awesomeness.

God danmit the7saviors why is your shit so god damn good

What about me I also wrote this...:fluttershysad:

Well, we weren't sure how good of a response this would get so I left it as a question.

You also did a great job with it as well :twilightsmile:

OP little pony

“I need a vacation.”

A nice long big one after all that:rainbowlaugh:!!!

Awesome one shot:rainbowdetermined2:!

To be continued?

Oh no no no no no. This is not "To Be Continued?" type of material. This is "We're Going On An Epic Adventure" type of material. This needs to be made into a full, epic story. I would love to see how Twilight develops and how she fixes reality.

Hmm... well, I may have a few ideas... but I'll have to run them by the7saviors first, he is the one who would be hosting it after all.

Same author as Those Left Behind. That explains why I liked it. Kudos!

To be continued!

Oh, most definitely y'all should continue this.

Even if the story didn't continue after the portal closed and it ended when she passed out, this was friggin epic.

But for this to continue? I would totally read that.

Now what kind of Destruction magic doesn't involve fire?


Pretty good Destruction magic as it turns out, but come on Twilight, 'tis the principle of the thing!

Comment posted by Fracturedheart deleted Nov 6th, 2018

well so this is what happens when magic snaps. heh was a fun ride.

Comment posted by Fracturedheart deleted Nov 6th, 2018

Because it is a open comment section. I am can post what I want as long as I don't break the rules? Are you against free speech?

Seems rather pointless don't you think? To just downvote and say downvote in a comment section without giving actual criticism makes you out to be a jerk or as many people will say; being a dick. Oh, but wait you don't care about what other people think of you do you, correct?

Oh I did not down vote it I just posted " Down vote". No, not really. What a bunch of horse fucker think and or say about me? Well I have zero fucks to give. LOL.

It was equine for the most part, though terribly thin, hideously twisted, and fleshy. It’s black skin looked as though it was stretched taut over its bones, and its face had no eyes.

Its mouth was pulled open in a perpetual silent scream, showing row upon row of needle-like teeth. It snorted once and gave a loud, ear-piercing wail that would’ve sent shivers down the spine of any pony that wasn’t Twilight at that moment.

Where the monster stood, the flora directly surrounding it withered and died, and the air around it carried a visibly dark aura that Twilight could see even from where she was.

This all paled in comparison to what atop the monstrous equine’s back, however.

Attached to the creature’s back, was what Twilight could only guess was a torso, thin, black, and fleshy like its equine counterpart.

The only thing Twilight could compare it to was the upper half of a human that had somehow fused itself to the thing below it, though it was certainly no kind of human Twilight had ever seen.

Humanoid would’ve been a better term, for this thing was far from an actual human. Its body was too thin, its arms long enough to drag across the ground. The limbs ended in three long, gleaming silver claws.

It looked around with the two gaping holes in its head that served as eyes—or rather, eye sockets. A jagged line was cut into its face, curling into a wide, uneven grin full of the same needle-like teeth as the equine below.

Its claws flexed and curled, and in one of the claws, Twilight could see some kind of instrument she couldn’t make any sense of.

Sooo, i take you've seen RWBY Volume 4? cause that fits the Nuckelavee to a T

Actually, It was based off the Nuckelavee from Orcadian mythology which RWBY also based Grim off of. So not based off RWBY but got the same inspiration RWBY had.

WARNING: This story contains gratuitous amounts of OP Twilight doing OP magical things. If that isn't your cup of tea, leave now. You've been warned.

There are people for whom this is NOT their cup of tea?

At least 11 so far as I can see.

To be continued?


Not a problem easy too mix up RWBY made the Neckelavee a popular design so it's not surprising someone thought we got it from RWBY.

The first 10 paragraphs seem like they each should've been their own chapters. Fun read though once Twilight gets 100% angery :twilightangry2:

Always fun to see a pissed off Twi.

Long winded, but not bad.

~Skeeter The Lurker


Down vote.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Shame i can only downvote once.
Otherwise you would have 50 at the least from me... OH wait!
I have an autoclicker i could give you a million or a septillion.
I'm not against free speech but that's not an excuse to be an asshole.

So how long until Twilight ends up looking like this?

Interesting, your version of magic is always entertaining to read.
Got to appreciate a well written action scene as well. :twilightsmile:

Not bad... I liked it and it was well written... It felt like it was a relative story to your other story about the dead written.

Oh yes that is the reason for Free Speech so assholes have a say too.

Key phrase
It's not an excuse to be an asshole.
You are free to say what you wish but are not free from the consequences of what you say.
Do the right thing, if all that's going to come from you is a torrent of hate than don't make a comment.

HAhahahaha are you for real? I mean really? Hate? That would mean I care. Its just fun to watch to fanponies lose their shit because of two words.

We here in the comment section would like to remind you to please not feed the trolls. They're needy creatures and if we enable them, they'll never leave.

To be continued?

Yes!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Are you trying to be boring?

Good grief. Here I was, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, wanting to read an engaging tale of awesomeness... And what do I get?


Of course. Equestria does NOT have enough of hazards as is. Let`s invite aliens. Let`s also make them always chaotic evil, just to make sure that reader doesn`t get confused that they all "had it coming". And, of course, let`s make everyone sound like a failed tragedy actor on top of everything. Bloody good, that.

For crying out loud, you should have named this "Twilight Sparkle throws a tantrum and I give her a bunch of acceptable targets to beat on".


In all of fanfiction, there is one overarching rule on introducing OCes - if you absolutely have to introduce any and there is absolutely no canon option that can be used instead, make them believable. Give them reasons for acting the way they act. Give them structure so that you could actually integrate them into pattern instead of pouring them all over it like a pond muck.

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