• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 13,374 Views, 1,522 Comments

Harry Potter and the Crystal Empire - Damaged

The door of the Chamber of Secrets is just ahead, and Harry Potter has no clue what kind of changes will unfold once he passes it. Monsters will become friends, friends will become monsters, and Hogwarts itself will change completely.

  • ...


"Harry, class is over."

Addera's voice stirred me from a peaceful nap. I yawned and lifted my head. The blurry world reminded me where I was and what I should have been doing. "Did she finish talking?"

Hermione cleared her throat, and my ears traced down the spell to the back of the class. "She's standing behind you, Harry Potter," Hermione said.

Arching my back, I stretched and yawned. A sound finally got through the background noise of other students leaving the class, and that was a pen writing furiously with a soft drone of talking. I looked to Hermione's desk only to see Ron still whispering to her pen—the notebook Hermione had positioned it over was nearly entirely black with its writing.

Ron started laughing, and kept laughing even when Hermione thumped him on the head with her notebook. "Come on. It was funny!"

"I only have so many pens, Ronald."

Jumping down from the table to my chair, and my chair to the floor, I started trotting for the door. Addera slithered up behind me and when we were in the hallway she came up beside me. "What do you think Draco and that girl will do now?"

"What about Draco? What happened?" Ron moved up to walk on my other side, while Hermione took Addera's other side.

"He and Gemma—the seventh year Slytherin prefect from lunch—started saying mean stuff and ignoring me like I wasn't there. I don't even know why they were out of class." We took the same stairs down that Addera and I did earlier, but this time we stopped at the first floor and headed for Transfiguration class.

"What did you do? Did you whammy them and make 'em do something embarrassing?" Ron asked.

Addera shook her head. "I did whammy them, but I used it to make them feel as weak and impotent as I'd been under Salazar Slytherin's control. Then I let them go."

We chatted about less explosive topics until we were seated in the classroom. McGonagall liked to surprise us, but today the clip-clop of her hooves was a dead giveaway. Addera passed me my things from her backpack (which was my backpack, but I wasn't going to argue with her), and I spent the few moments as McGonagall walked to the front of the class casting the spells I needed to use my things.

"Now," McGonagall's voice was firm and sharp, and she immediately had everyone's attention, "Since we are unable to practice any magic for the time being, I thought it prudent to move a lecture I'd normally give to third year students to right now. While there's only so much theory that can be useful in the study of magic, this at least will be useful to some of you."

McGonagall raised her wand, stopped, and put it down again. She turned toward the chalkboard behind her and picked up a piece of chalk with her hand. "Animagi. Can anyone tell me what an animagus is?"

Hermione had her arm up—glittering like a gemstone—but McGonagall smiled at her and looked around the rest of the room. "Mr. Goyle?"

"Uh…" Goyle looked around for help, but Draco was conspicuously absent. "It's when wizards turn into animals?"

"Correct, Mr. Goyle. Well done." Turning back to her board with further clops of her hooves, McGonagall began to write and read what she was writing. "An animagus uses a variation on Transfiguration magic to align themselves with a particular animal. This requires a ritual that takes a month to complete, as well as a series of carefully learned skills.

"Now, as you all hopefully know, I am an animagus. I learned how to become one in this very school. You might be thinking this would be a useful skill to have, but I caution you now that it oftentimes complicates things, and you would immediately have to register with the Ministry."

Turning back to us, McGonagall gestured to Hermione. "Miss Granger, can you tell me what factors of an animagus' two forms are the keys to identifying them as an animagus?"

For a moment Hermione looked ready to reply, then she seemed to tremble a moment and scrunch her snout up. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, but she didn't say anything out loud.

"Exactly!" McGonagall gestured around the room. "An animagus is impossible to discern from other wizards and witches, and from other creatures. They can only be recognized by their actions.

"Animagi are not contagious, are rare, and pose no threat to wizards, witches, and muggles ali—Yes, Miss Granger?" McGonagall didn't often stop mid sentence during a lecture, so I guess she must have felt a little bad for the earlier trick.

"How does one become an animagus?" Her words always so careful when she spoke to the professors, Hermione was actually asking an interesting question.

"Such information is not given out lightly, I'll have you know, but I will share it at my discretion." McGonagall gave us just a moment to take that fact in before she dove back into her subject matter.

It was fascinating, but while we got to learn a lot about animagi, the lesson was very obvious in what we didn't learn—any magic whatsoever. I had my mirror shard propped on the table, but I was also writing in Ginny's diary.

We didn't really discuss much, instead I wrote down what McGonagall was saying so that Ginny could hear too. As things wound down, I did have something I wanted to ask her.

Are you okay?

What do you mean?

I mean being stuck in a book and not being able to hear anything. It'd drive me batty.

It might be. Driving me batty, that is. I'm trying to work out how Tom did all the things with the diary he did, but it keeps referencing things he learned, and to figure that out I have to trace back to the lessons from his time at school.

I shuddered a little at the idea of learning from Voldemort, but what she was learning was pretty much what we were learning anyway.

What was Hogwarts like back then?

Most of the professors were the same, but they seemed… lighter. They weren't nearly so careful of their words all the time.


I was genuinely confused. Were the teachers careful of their words? Well, of course they were, but what did Ginny mean?

Some of them use acts to hide what they're really feeling about a situation. Maybe it was just they were younger back then, or maybe it's Tom's angle on things.

Then something sunk in. It really made sense for the first time ever. McGonagall, Dumbledore, Hooch, and the others that have been teaching here since then, had taught Voldemort magic. They'd given him all the tools to be evil.

I think I know.

I started writing, trying to put it as simply as I could.

They taught Tom, Voldemort, all he needed to know about magic to nearly destroy their entire society. They taught him enough to kill.


Her reply, lacking what information tone would give it, had me waiting for more. Eventually the ink began to form into more words.

I'm sorry, Harry. He killed your parents, and now—

I didn't let her finish. I began writing my reply below Ginny's.

And that's why I don't feel bad about being responsible for his death… 3 times now.

Sorry, Harry.

It's literally not your fault, Ginny. Besides, you helped me work out why the teachers behave the way they do. I like to think that it was Tom that was bad, and not what he was taught. There were dozens of other kids in his year, and they turned out fine.

It's hard to see that side of him in his diary. Maybe he kept his darkness hidden even from himself?

Maybe. Oh, I think class is finishing.

What time is it?

Uh, that's the end of last period, so it's dinner time.

Maybe you can do some more drawing later?

The reminder of my learning to draw from her made me smile.

Sure! Looking forward to it!

I drew a little smiling face in the bottom corner of the page, but almost on instinct I put a little horn on it. As I closed the diary, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Jerking and looking behind me, I saw McGonagall looking down at me. My friends—including Addera—were all waiting in the doorway.

"Whilst I fully appreciate you doing everything you can to aid Miss Weasley in this troubling time, I'd like it even more if you paid attention in class."

I gulped. Truth, or lie? Some truth. "I was writing down what you were saying in there. Ginny was as interested in it as I was—I think." My Locomotion charms were all still active, and they let me pick up the diary, the mirror shard, and my other things. "I'm helping her remember, you know, where she is. Ginny said she's trying to work out other things she can do with the diary, but to work out how Tom did those things she has to follow his thinking, and she said that means she has to work out how he learned what he learned, and—"

"Harry, it's okay dear. If writing things down in the diary helps you both understand it, I'm perfectly alright with that." McGonagall seemed like she was about to say more, but she gestured to the door. "Run along now. Your friends—and dinner—are waiting."

The vision Tom had shown me in the book, of him putting all the blame on Hagrid, only reinforced the damage Voldemort had caused even before showing his true colors. "Thank you, Headm—"

"Just professor is fine when I'm teaching, Harry. You'll have to excuse me, I have an important meeting." McGonagall gathered her robes and walked back to the other end of the classroom and into the adjoining office.

I turned and trotted for the door to find my friends waiting. To my surprise, Addera reached down and scooped me up. "What are you doing? I can walk." My protests went unheeded, and I was thankful for it. I tucked all my things into the bag on her back and got comfortable.

"What'd McGonagall want to talk about?" Hermione asked.

Ron turned to walk backwards so he could look right at me. "Please say she wants to kick all of Slytherin out of the school." We all laughed, which helped break my mood a little more (as if Addera's hug wasn't enough).

"No. She just wanted to talk to me about Ginny. I told her we were chatting about class." I folded my legs up in Addera's grip and flicked my tail out. I'd not taken much notice of the appendage yet, but it was very different to the pony ones. I guess they were right to call me a not-unicorn.

"And did you?" Ron asked.

"Talk about class? Yeah, a bit. But we talked about a lot of stuff. She's trying to work out how to do all the cool stuff she saw Tom do." When I got a blank look from Ron and Hermione, I casually said, "Voldemort."

To his credit, Ron didn't flinch at the name, but his hand did slide to his robe where I could see the slight bulge of his bat. A new respect grew for my friend. "I keep forgetting he was the same guy." He turned around again in the wider hallway we were now in and walked beside Addera.

The noise of the great hall was growing louder as we neared it, and when we reached the doors it was almost overwhelming. Everyone was talking, and I could see the reddish colors of Gryffindor in their usual table row.

"Where's McGonagall?" Hermione asked. "I'd have thought she would have beaten us here."

"She said she had a meeting." I had to raise my voice (like everyone else) to be heard. When Addera set me down on the bench beside her, I climbed up onto the offered coil of her tail and sat high enough I could at least lean over the table with my forehooves.

The bowl of salad in front of me smelled really good. Casting (or rather pronouncing) a Locomotion charm didn't draw nearly as much attention now. I used my first charm on the serving forks, another on my plate, and yet one more on my own fork.

Hermione looked at me with one raised eyebrow before holding out her plate. "Thank you, Harry."

I couldn't really tell her to serve herself—not when I'd claimed all the cutlery. "Tell me when." I began forking over more and more of the vibrant salad. Just when I thought I was going to have trouble putting more on her plate, she held out one glittering hand to stop me. Now it was my turn.

"There's a lot of salads all 'round. I wonder if that's because of all the muzzles and ears I'm seein'." Ron was indeed looking over the crowd, which was good because I still couldn't see further than my dinner plate unless I was angry at something. "Draco's here, but that girl he's been hangin' around with isn't."

"Percy's not here either," Hermione said. "Oh! It's probably another prefect meeting. That'd explain why Headmistress McGonagall is missing, too."

"The Slytherin's are really quiet. Crabbe and Goyle look really happy, though. That's bloody terrifyin'!" Ron said.

"So, do you have any idea who it was?" Hermione forked some of her salad into her snout, and looked really pleased about the taste.

"What? Who?" I asked, then stuffed some greens into my own mouth.

The explosion of flavors almost completely distracted me from Hermione's answer, "Your secret admirer!"

I coughed, spluttered, and shook my head. "Nope. Don't know and don't care. I've got way more stuff to worry about than—"

"He's got a date with them tonight. If he doesn't go," Ron said, "He will never find out who it was."

Now, there was a lot of things people said about me. Some people said I was a glory seeker, others that I am the one who saved them from he-who-shall-not-be-named-other-than-Voldemort, and yet more claimed I was an idiot (and if I'm honest, I've made a few errors in judgment), but something no one ever realized about me was how much I despised leaving a mystery go unsolved.

"I'll only go if you all tail along and save me," I said.

"Save you?" Ron asked. "But Harry, this'll be your one true love!"

"What's this about love?" Fred (at least I think it was Fred, I'd need to be closer to see if his freckles matched) asked.

George (again, I hoped) climbed around someone on the table to sit beside Hermione. "Do you need a love potion, Harry?"

"Perhaps some scents?" Fred asked.

Ron leaned close to Fred and cupped his hand near his big brother's ear. "'Arry's been getting love letters." Ron's hand did nothing to hide his voice.

"Sounds to me, George, as if little Harry has it all worked out." I'd gotten it wrong, apparently. It was Fred on the other side, not George.

"Nah. Don't be daft. He learned it from the best. 'E's got the girls chasing 'im, and he didn't even need t' throw a punch!" George said.

"When's their first date?"

"Who's the lucky girl?"

"Or guy, George. 'Arry is a progressive lad, after all."

"You're right, Fred, we mustn't be—"

"Shut up!" I was embarrassed, but not angry. I glared between Fred and George, but neither of them dropped their knowing grins. "I don't even know who they are."

"He," Hermione said. "It's a boy, remember?"

"Oooh!" George and Fred both leaned closer.

"When's the date?"

"When're you getting married?"

"Tonight. After supper." Ron turned to look at me. "Don't worry, Harry, we'll all keep an eye on you—"

"And make sure no prefects catch you snogging," George said while waggling his eyebrows.

"If you embarrass him too much, he might not go." I could have kissed Hermione for jumping to my defense, even if it was a slightly self-serving way. "Give us some room. We'll let you know when we're leaving."

And that's how easy it is for someone to dash my hopes and dreams. I turned my full attention on my salad and tucked my ears down to ignore everyone.

Minerva McGonagall didn't need to call a roll to notice one of their prefects was missing. She knew the majority of the students present for over an entire school year, and Percy Weasley was gone. "Does anyone know where Mr. Weasley is?"

It took every ounce of Penelope Clearwater's mental fortitude to avoid gasping. The few times she'd seen Percy in the last two days he'd looked terrible, and now he was skipping a prefect meeting? She resolved to check on him after the meeting—somehow.

"I think he's sick, miss. He went to the hospital wing, but apparently there's nothing that could be done."

"Thank you, Mr. Baseen. If you wouldn't mind filling him in after the meeting, I'd appreciate it. Now, to order." Minerva looked down the list of her notes. "I need suggestions for things to—and not to point too finer point on it—distract the student body. There's nearly eight hundred students with us right now, and the last thing we need is them getting curious and sneaking out of the castle."

"We could have a quidditch game." Steven Baseen didn't care that he was among the most junior prefects, a quidditch game was always a good distraction.

"A grand idea, but I fear it may not last," Minerva said, though she did write it down.

"What about a series? I know most of the teams are going to have some disadvantages, but I think it'd be funny, and funny distracts more than competition."

Minerva didn't notice who made the suggestion, but added it. "Good. Good."

"We're going about this wrong." Gemma hadn't wanted to charge in right off the bat and make her move, but the time was right. "I mean, this isn't something we should be bothering the faculty about. We're practically adults, we can lead by example."

A lot of excited mumbling circled the room. Minerva raised one eyebrow critically. "What do you propose, Ms. Farley?"

"The prefecture is a great idea, but the students don't feel like they own it. We're practically halfway to teachers for them. I propose a student council to organize activities and distractions—safe distractions—to help the adults do what they need to." The speech had been rattling around in Gemma's head since she woke up after staring into Addera's eyes. Even now she found herself almost pulled away mentally at just the thought of seeing those beautiful eyes again.

Lucian Bole knew his cue. "You realize that if we have a prefect running it, it won't actually be managed by the students?"

"Well of course we need someone to steer the ship initially, mostly because we know what we need from it, but I foresee it being a vibrant and healthy service that can support and distract every student of every house." Almost panting, Gemma felt an almost constant rush of excitement.

Her games so far had been merely to dominate Slytherin house and do what she wished. Being a prefect had allowed her the latter, and her wits the former. But Addera had driven home something that Gemma hadn't realized—she could control everything.

"I'll allow this on one proviso, the council must be populated with students from all four houses. No playing favorites." That it was an attempt by a Slytherin to take more power was undoubtedly a fact, but Minerva liked the notion. "Following that, as the one proposing the idea, I see no problem with you heading the First Student Council of Hogwarts. And of course your first action as the student council will be to organize this quidditch competition."

Work could be delegated. Gemma already identified Steven Baseen as a good choice to head up the sports side of the new organization, being muggle-born didn't matter to her one whit, but the other such students would see it as her being inclusive. "Thank you, Headmistress, I'll endeavor to make you proud."

"I'll stress that we have no contact with the outside—with the world we left. We cannot anticipate how long we will remain here, or if the same effect might happen again. I don't want any students to be separated from Hogwarts, and I certainly don't want any casualties." Minerva could already feel a headache coming on, though the intriguing (and a witch such as Minerva McGonagall could see that this was Slytherin intrigue) thing was Gemma Farley's idea. "Please, enjoy what's left of dinner, and do start your project as soon as possible, Miss Farley."

"Would I be able to make an announcement at dinner?" Gemma's mind tingled with all the possibilities. She wanted to make a spectacle, and if Minerva played into it, a spectacle it would be.

"Oh. Of course, dear." Minerva felt she had more things to worry about than how much rope to give Gemma. When the last of the prefects and the two Head students filed out, she looked down at the blank parchment.

To whom it may concern,

It is with mild distress that my school has found itself supplanted into your

"I can't believe I'm writing this."

Draco Malfoy had opted for the heavy meal. Roast vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, steak, sausages, and a side of bacon all featured on her plate, though she found herself barely able to gulp it down. Her eyes kept sliding to the double doors—waiting for news from Gemma.

"What're you waitin' for?" Vincent asked.

Gregory snorted and shoveled in a fork laden with a hunk of bloody steak covered in gravy. When his mouth cleared (quick enough that he must have barely chewed the meat), he replied, "That girl. You know he has a thing for her."

At first panic hit Draco's thoughts at the idea of him being associated that closely with Gemma Farley—for all her talents, she wasn't what his father would call marriage material. But on the other hand, she was a mover-and-shaker in not just Slytherin, but soon to be the whole school. Trying his hardest, Draco managed to blush a little.

"There! He's blushing. I knew you'd aim high, Draco, but a seventh-year?" Gregory, since the little bit of fun they'd had, found himself feeling closer to Draco than ever. There was something about giving a good beating that sparked a bond of brotherhood that hadn't been there before. They had spilled blood together.

Vincent had to gulp down his mouthful of food to say, "Hey, there she is."

Spinning around, Draco watched Gemma walk into the hall like she owned it. Their eyes met, and neither girl had to change their expression for Draco to find out that it was on. "She did it. She actually did it."

"Did what?" Gregory asked.

"Just watch. This'll be amazing." Draco was almost bouncing in place. Her eyes never left Gemma as she walked up the gap between the middle two tables until she reached the front of the room.

Gemma made a point of stopping before she got to the top step of the dais where the teachers gave their announcements from. She turned and looked over the students. Her fellow prefects had taken their seats and begun eating already. She cleared her throat. "Excuse me, everyone, I have an announcement to make.

"I've been at Hogwarts now for seven years, and in that time I've seen house fight house, and student fight student." Gemma paused long enough to let them all think about what she was going to say next. "It's wrong. It's silly. We're not fighting each other to graduate, we should work together so that even the least of us has the opportunity to reach O.W.L. level.

"I asked Headmistress McGonagall for permission, and she supported my idea of starting a Hogwarts Student Council."

Draco wasn't watching Gemma—she knew her friend would perform perfectly—she had her eyes on the students of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Both had reacted with looks of (perfectly understandable) skepticism at first, but mentioning Minerva McGonagall's name had made even the Gryffindor students sit up a bit straighter.

"I know what you're all thinking. You think this is some scheme developed to boost Slytherin house, but I will prove to you it isn't. I need students who can stand with me and help direct the Student Council into a position where it can benefit every student at Hogwarts, who wants to help me?" Gemma looked between the four tables before her. "Please? Any volunteers to help?"

"Harry Potter!" Fred Weasley couldn't believe how good his gag was. It would either reveal this to be the Slytherin sham it most likely was, or get Harry into another silly situation—working with a Slytherin.

"Me? What—?" Harry asked.

Gemma put on her biggest smile. Perfect, she thought. "Harry? Would you help me help everyone?"

Harry saw his chance and jumped at it. "Yes!" If he was stuck doing stupid council stuff with Slytherin, he couldn't go to the meeting with his admirer. He jumped down from Addera's coil and began trotting up to the front of the room.

"Draco!" Gregory Goyle reached an arm out and patted Draco on the shoulder. "Draco Malfoy!"

"Draco? I'd rather not have two Slytherin on the council so early, could we have someone from another house?" Gemma suddenly regretted helping Draco ensure her friends' loyalty. She'd have to have words with her protege later.

"Eddie Carmichael!"

"Eddie? Would you help me?" Gemma ladled on her charm so heavily that the boy stood up. "Come on, we can work together to make Hogwarts the best school of witchcraft and wizardry!"

"Heidi Macavoy!" Cedric Diggory didn't care in the slightest that it might mean less training hours for one of his best chasers, he knew Heidi was the best Hufflepuff had produced in some time, and if something big was happening, he wanted her on top of matters. "Go on, Heid!"

Having disdained her hat in favor of showing off her pony ears, Heidi didn't wait for Gemma to invite her. She stood up and started making her way to the front of the room.

"This is wonderful. As chair of the Hogwarts Student Council, I have something else to announce." Gemma waited until everyone—even her fellow council members—turned their heads to face her. "We have been given permission to have a little quidditch tourna—" Gemma didn't get another word out—the cheering in the hall was deafening.

Draco stared in complete shock. With just that one announcement, Gemma had pulled the whole school to her side. "She bewitched them all," she said, but not even Vincent or Gregory heard her words.

Author's Note:

Addera: Did Salazar present you to the other founders or their family?

"From what Hermione told me about it, the whole chamber was secret. I wasn't introduced to anyone—anyone he wanted to keep alive, anyway." Addera's snout scrunched up like she'd just bit a lemon. "Did I ever mention how much I hate that man?"

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on Patreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
KFS Crimson

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words: