• Member Since 15th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


'Ello stranger. Welcome to my little cave. Boy, do I have a story to tell you...



Okay, so apparently Sunset Shimmer is now laying in a hospital bed after she had an accident. The problem here was there was nothing to do. Like, literally nothing. She had no phone, no handheld, no book, not even her friends to talk to. How is she going to pass the time? Just sit there? Actually, scratch that. That's exactly what she has to do.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

This was cute. =)

How is she going to pass the time?

*looks at rating, sees it's not Mature*

... Ahh whatevs, I'll still check it out.

I should probably do these short comedy stories more often. They've all done great in terms of the like to dislike ratio, so obviously loads of you guys really enjoyed them.

Dangit, this would be amusing if not for one glaring plot hole distracting me: every hospital room I've ever seen has a TV set in it to alleviate this problem. It's been that way for decades. Perhaps you could edit in something about the TV in her room being broken or something.

Yikes! I didn't even think of that! I should probably go do that. Thanks, mate.

Having been in the hospital for shoulder surgery on three separate occasions, I can understand Sunset's misery. Even with a TV it still gets boooooring fast. :pinkiecrazy:

Kinda odd Sunset doesn't have a room mate. Most hospitals I have dealt with have single rooms for VIPs and in the ICU, but recovery rooms are shared.

Also, read this on my way to the hospital to visit my mom. I am bringing her books. I can see Sunset waking up the next day, and seeing a stack of Daring Do books alongside a picture of RD (who would do this because it is awesome and not sappy at all).

Oof poor Sunny. But the ending was cute. đź’–

Ah, maybe she's a VIP sonehow, lol.
And, aw. I hope your Mom and sunset appreciate it. :3

9202044 Just because there's a tv doesn't mean the available programs are worth watching.

That's a possibility, too. It would've been nice if either had been mentioned.

"OH, COME ON!!" Sunset fumed.


Oof. Every month? If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?

Ohh. Yikes. Are you stuck there permanently or just checkups that require observation?

I was in the hospital earlier this year for about three days with a kidney stone. It was pretty much like what this story describes.

The TV in my room was not technically broken, but it might as well have been. The picture quality was very fuzzy and the best thing on was Hamster and Gretel (on the Disney Channel) and I actually ended up watching about three or four episodes (give or take). The nurses notice these things and make a note of them in the chart. I also watched an episode or two of Parks and Recreation when Hamster and Gretel wasn’t on but for some reason the nurses didn’t notice this.

I figured this out when I came home from the hospital on day three and I read my records from the hospital online and the chart indicated repetitive activity, intellectual impairment and possible intellectual delay. It would also explain why they had a psychiatrist talking to me on the morning of day two. It may also partly explain why I was there for three days instead of two. After all that the stone finally passed nearly three months later at home. It’s possible that the FloMAX prescription from the hospital stay might have helped the nearly 8mm stone to pass but from what I have read the evidence on this is inconclusive.

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