• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Chengar Qordath

I write lots and lots of horse words; everything from comedy to drama. If you like what I write, please support me on Patreon.


Blossomforth wants to comfort her friend Cloud Kicker in the aftermath of Derpy's death. However, helping Cloud Kicker move on from death of a friend and lover is a difficult thing, and before she can help her friend Blossomforth must first confront her own feelings for Cloud Kicker and the reason she never got along with Derpy Hooves. Not to mention dealing with all the regrets that inevitably come from lost opportunities.

Follows from the events of Saying Goodbye and connected to Comma Kazie's "From The Mouths of Fillies" and "Changes." References some of the events of "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" but the two stories are not in continuity with each other.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 64 )

We really are the Aperture Writers, aren't we? Poor Derpy.

A very touching little story. Curious to see where you go with it :twilightsmile:

I'm a bad pony. I love this universe because of how sad it is.
Oh well. You really are a great writer, and I've read all the stories set so far in this universe. Keep it up!

Sad fic make Ponibius sad. So very sad. I felt you did a very good job of having Derpy and Blossom deal with their issue. Very touching, and oh so sad once again.

Yea, I’m going to be watching this one to see how it turns out.

Though there was a tincy, wincy typo… in you synopsis:

Blossomforth once to comfort her friend Cloud Kicker in the aftermath of Derpy's death.
-A typo in your synopsis? For shame. I believe you want “wants to comfort” not “once to comfort.”

i want to read it cause i know its going to be well written but i just cant cause i know im going to be way to sad (same goes for all the previous stories)


Until you've done something at least as ethically horrifying as creating an environment that naturally turns an ordinary woman into a sociopath who tests people to mental and physical destruction, restraining her by means of attaching an additional mind which isn't conscious of the fact that it only exists to have bad ideas, and bankrupting a company that provides employment for thousands in the process, you can't really claim that.

Oh, and you have to create something at least as viscerally repulsive as boxes made of semi-living creatures with two heads at odd angles to each other, each with one occasionally-winking eye, and two legs, both in front, that twitch erratically and occasionally attempt to drag the resulting hulk across the floor when left unattended.

Aperture is made of horror. I doubt you're there yet.

I just can't get enough of your writing in this universe. You've really fleshed out characters that I had no pre conceived notions about, and turned them into characters that can stir emotions in me, and are so easy to imagine that it's like a dream playing out in my head while I read.

:fluttercry: so sad, this is good.

Yeah, that was embarrassing. Blame it on the fact that I was in rush to write the synopsis so I could submit the fic before being cut off from Ponydom for a day and a half.

:applecry: :fluttershbad: :raritycry:

All my feels. All of them. Especially since best pony has cancer. A beautifully tragic work.

It's sad but you're writing it. So I can deal with the sad and be happy there's more to read that way.


Yea, why I figured we would want to get this issue nice and fixed up. Don’t want to drive away potential readers from a good story because of a minor mistake.

I find it a bit ironic that you started the Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash/Winning Pony series because your My Little Denarians was depressing, and now this is making me depressed. My how the world turns.

Those are my heartstrings, good sir, and I demand you cease tugging on them. :pinkiesad2:

You really should make this a sequel of sorts to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony. It just sorta makes sense you connect this with the timeline of that fic.


It's actually an alternate continuity, as Chen has pointed out in the past.

... Umm, there's a MAJOR typo in the story, and I'm honestly shocked that no one has noticed it yet. You say two weeks AGO, not later. Kind of a mess up. XD

Still... my feels... ; ;

Damn Blossom that...yelling at some who's at deaths door...just damn.

Oddly enough, I find the "dying Derpy" alternate-continuity stories far more readable and likeable than the main-continuity Life and Times stories.

That's not a typo. First the story covers what happens three months prior to the present, then what happens two weeks prior to the present.

Well, they are two very different cups of tea, so it's not surprising that some folks like one more than the other.

Incidentally, Chapter 2 is mostly done. Sadly, it's probably not going to get published right away since it would spoil upcoming events in Comma-Kazie's "Changes"

don't know what to write so instead I shall leave my compliments to the chief.

The steak was exceptionally well done and whatever spices you had used for the seasoning were spot on. The salad was also very crisp, fresh, and flavorful, very good though using baby spinach. All in all it was a splendidly brilliant meal, and I look forward to another of these delightful evenings.

Will this be continued?

Yeah. Got a new chapter ready, but I'm sitting on it for the moment since it would spoil things that happen in the next chapter of Comma-Kazie's "Changes"

yay more cloud kicker story!
-blink- wait.. oh no derpy? Oh that's sad...
comment: great to see stuff from Blossom's POV though finally ^^

hmm maybe Cloud kicker will adopt Dinky or something.. ahh so many sad pones soon.
rd, Ck, and the kids... glad Blossom and derpy had that last talk...
Gah dammit... im sad.
Write more Dresden to take away the sadness!

Another...okay will read, after the other.

....God DAMMIT Cloud Kicker! :flutterrage: Why is that I feel bad for you and want to smack you at the same time? Just because you went to West Hoof and can spout a bunch of hooey about honor and duty--which you seem to believe in only when it suits you--doesn't make you better than Rainbow Dash or Blossomforth or anypony else! I feel so sorry for you but I can't express it because I want to strangle you first! Graaah!!

...You're really good at getting me worked up CQ. My compliments.

Dangit, almost made it without any tears, but you punched me in the face, Chengar. Another excellent chapter friend :pinkiesad2::fluttercry::raritycry:

Damn it! I am glutton for punishment for following this series.

Going to be totally honest. This is slowly rising up as my favorite universe between you and comma. I find the deadderpy verse more interesting then winning pony. I love seeing the characters react to situations that would never happen if you only had winningpony. Anyways, keep up the amazing work Chengar.

Also I need to mention that I quite literally cringed when Blossom kissed C.K. :facehoof:

Read Changes.


See Feeling Regrets updated as well.


Yeah. I think I am locked in devastated mode for the rest of the night.

Woo hoo! I'm going to go to bed a happy, content man feeling pleased and optimistic about life! Just gotta check FimFiction real quick, haven't done that today...

*Sees Changes and Feeling Regrets updates*



... Well, fuck.

what the buck i read changes then i see that this updated as well you two are evil

If you packed any more feels into this story, it would 'splode. :fluttercry: Welp, this and Changes, hit me with enough feels that I'm down for the count. I'll be here for the next one. 'scuse me while i go sniffle in the corner for a while.

God DAMNIT you guys, you can't DO this to me!


All my feels....
I think thats the first time I ever said that.
Its interesting to see things from Blossom's perspective though.

gotta say you guys bring a vibrancy to the winningverse that isn't much seen!

On the one hand, I love the emotion and depth that you guys are bringing to these characters. On the other, you're shattering my heart into tiny pieces! :fluttercry:

*Sees both Changes and Feeling Regrets updated*
Hooey, it's gonna be a long night, time to turn on the feels music and start bawling those manly tears. :applecry:

*Finishes both Changes and Feeling Regrets*
...Well, I made it. I can't say the same for my tearducts though. Not even the :fluttercry: face can sum up the feels that this AU of the Winningverse gives me.

Then this happened:

And then I did something unforgivably stupid.

...No. No, no, no. Noooo. Don't you dare! :twilightangry2:
Then it happened, and I broke.

Also, any time the words "Mommy's sleeping" or a reference to Dinky giving away Favourite is mentioned, I have to take a breather to regain composure before continuing on with the story, those are some POWERFUL plot devices right there.

All in all, I look forward to the next update to either side of the Winningverse as usual, my life cannot be complete without taking a regular dosage of it's awesomeness. :moustache:

Also, how can it be that CK and BF still don't have their own tags!

Update! :yay:
...that is the closest I have ever come to crying while reading fanfiction. I am dead serious. Poor Blossom and Dinky and Sparkler and CK and Rainbow and :raritycry:

Cloudkick is hurting just as bad as Dinky :fluttercry:
And Dinkie want Favorite back, I think my heart just tore to pieces

I said I wasn't going to read it tonight......dammit.

Dinky damn near reduced me to a sobbing wreck after she mentioned giving her favourite blanket to Derpy.... :fluttercry:

Good God, Blossomforth..... You just.... Jesus christ, you couldn't have handled that moment any worse than that. :facehoof:

Ah, I was wondering whether there was going to be a story from Blossomforth's point of view. Sad to see that it is in this context though.

Survivor's Guilt... never a pleasant thing.

At one point though, CK said

“Yeah, well so was Fluttershy, and look how that worked out,”

Now, if I recall right, Cloud Kicker never did go around telling Blossomforth what exactly happened between Fluttershy and her. So how would that statement make any sense to Blossom?
Granted, the remark was vague enough.

So just to be clear, Blossomforth still has no idea what happened between Cloud Kicker and Fluttershy, right?

Also, I assume that the updates to this story are pretty much synchronized with Changes?

And then you make the mistake of reading both back to back.
Suddenly, nothing is beautiful and everything hurts.
And it's time for me to go to class after inflicting just such a thing upon myself. :facehoof:

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