• Published 12th Sep 2018
  • 6,345 Views, 589 Comments

Dragon Ball Zeeyup! - Tatsurou

Gohan has no friends. His father has no brain. His pony brother has no vocabulary. What's a monkey boy to do? (DBZ Abridged crossover)

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And Fighting is the Boring Part

Seeing Raditz shift in stance, Piccolo reached up and grabbed his turban. "Well, it looks like diplomacy has run its course, thank goodness," he growled, tossing the turban aside where it landed with a heavy thud.

"Piccolo?" Goku asked in surprise. "You wear weighted training gear, too?"

"No Goku," Piccolo answered with heavy sarcasm in his voice as he dropped his cape, which landed with an even heavier thud. "I just love to get naked when I'm around you."

Gohan and Big Mac couldn't see Raditz' expression at this point, and for some reason the speakers started to malfunction. As a result, they weren't able to hear the rest of the conversation as Goku shed his overshirt and boots. On top of that, when they actually started to fight, their movements were too fast for Gohan or Big Mac to follow, leading to a rather uninteresting spectacle with only a few highlights...like when Raditz fired off energy blasts, leaving Piccolo minus an arm.

After that, Goku started fighting Raditz solo while Big Mac felt energy focusing within Piccolo's body. He raised an eyebrow when he saw that Raditz froze up when Goku grabbed his tail...only to exhale a frustrated groan alongside Gohan when Goku let it go and promptly got kicked in the face...especially when it then happened a second time, leaving Goku flat on his back.

While Big Mac was able to view this with equanimity, Gohan...wasn't. As Raditz proceeded to drive his foot into Goku's chest repeatedly, Gohan's face twisted into a wrathful expression and energy seemed to gather around his body. Big Mac moved as far back as he could in the pod to avoid the coming explosion as the pod itself started to crack and pull apart from the force of Gohan's rage.

"Stop beating up my Daddy!" he screamed out as he burst violently from the pod and flew headfirst right at Raditz.

"No, my space pod!" Raditz called out in shock as the pod exploded, only to collapse around his solar plexus as Gohan slammed there head first, minus his hat. "Augggh! My space armor!"

"We get it!" Piccolo called out waspishly. "You're from space!"

Big Mac clambered out of the wreckage of the pod unharmed, making his way over to where Gohan had fallen near Goku, his rage fading as he saw Goku wasn't being 'beaten up' anymore. And then Raditz was standing over a frightened Gohan with his fist raised.

"Uncle Raditz is pissed!" he roared out as he swung his fist down.

"Nnnnope!" Big Mac snapped out as he spun around between them, lifted his hind legs, and struck out at the most convenient target.

Raditz let out a pained grunt as he soared back to crash land in a nearby bush that had miraculously avoided damage until then. "My...space balls..."

"...I don't see a flamethrower anywhere..." Goku complained as he struggled to move. "Ow..."

With a groan, Raditz got to his feet. "I have no idea what he's referencing anymore...and I honestly don't care. Killing him, crushing the Namekian, eating the pony, then figuring out what to do with the brat!"

Gohan quickly moved to between Big Mac and Raditz. "Don't eat my brother!" he insisted angrily.

Raditz simply glared at the pair. "I am so done with this," he declared as he lifted one hand, energy gathering in his palm. "Double-"

"Full nelson!" Goku called out, coming up behind Raditz and getting him in said hold.

"Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo called out, sending a spiraling beam of energy straight at the pair...just as Goku started to lean back to try and slam Raditz' head into the ground. As a result, the beam punched through Raditz' lower abdomen...and Goku's chest.

Goku fell to the ground, dead as the beam had completely destroyed several significant internal organs. Raditz fell to the ground in intense pain, doing his best to hold the wound closed. "So...much...pain!" Raditz started to gasp out. "Where's the shock when you need it?" He slumped back, struggling to just maintain breathing.

Big Mac held Gohan back as he wanted to run forward, not wanting him to see the big hole in his chest, as that would not be good for him. Others arrived at that point, and Big Mac hoped someone would take care of things so he could figure out what was going on.

To his surprise, Piccolo caused his arm to grow back through sheer force of will...and then promptly seized himself and Gohan and flew off. Big Mac wondered if this was going to become a regular thing, and if so if he should try and demand snacks or an in-flight movie...or possibly frequent flier benefits.

Author's Note:

Another short chapter, but at this point I'm just desperate to write things so I don't lose my skill or go crazy with not getting anything out.