• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 28,930 Views, 1,543 Comments

The Worst Equestrian Necromancer - Nobodyslament

Some necromancers want to rule the world. Some want to reign terror across their own demented plane of existence. One just really wants to annoy heroes. These are his stories.

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Pirates of Ponyville

Celestia had a headache. This wasn’t that unusual, since running a country was an awful lot of work. However, today it was a special brand of headache. One that was rare, and came with an uncertain amount of joy. This was because she was having what the castle staff called a ‘death day’. After the return of Princess Luna, the fact that Ragar was a bona fide necromancer had become the worst kept secret in Canterlot. She had managed to hide the fact from those most likely to worry, but several guards and nobles had figured out who the 'thrice accursed demon' was that Luna had talked about freely until Celestia had explained the situation to her. But what was causing her headache right now was the full sized galleon that had recently surfaced in the Ponyville lake. This would be less jarring if it wasn't for two things. One: the lake was barely big enough to allow a rowboat the ability to take anything more than a quick jaunt, making the galleon nearly touch the sides of the surprisingly deep lake. Two: It was crewed by skeleton pirates. In the last three hours, they had launched a barrage of small skeletal rodents at Ponyville, and in one case a very confused living donkey who landed in Sugarcube Corner.

This had caused Twilight to embark on a quest to catch the evil necromancer responsible. She had attempted to interrogate the crew, who had told her their master was indisposed by 'the dark and mysterious tones of the Canterlot Orchestra'. This had not only confused Twilight, but had caused her friend Rarity to have a full conversation with the crew about the varying pieces of work the orchestra had produced over the years. They ended up agreeing that though they had been in a recent slump, their work on the soundtrack for the Phantom Of Music was excellent. So now Celestia was having to try and calm down Twilight without mentioning Ragar, figure out how a galleon that by all appearances belonged in a museum had appeared in the lake, and contact Ragar - who was apparently listening to her favorite orchestra.

So she was waiting in her tea room trying to reach Ragar while responding to the frankly massive amount of paperwork she had received from Mayor Mare. Most had simple answers, but a few required more nuanced responses. Like what to do about the skeletons raiding the local comic store and stealing all the comics, but leaving behind enough bits to cover the comics, repairs, and sending the owners foal to college. She stared at the letter in a mixture of confusion and pride. On one hoof, Ragar had basically committed a minor invasion of her kingdom for comic books. On the other hoof, he had paid for them and left what one could call a tip. Or possibly he had no clue how much comic books cost, if Black Sun was to be believed.

She sighed and tried her communication orb again. This time the piano only sounded for a moment before Ragar appeared in the corner of her room. He was wearing a full suit, complete with vest, top hat, and monocle. He spread his arms wide, gesturing with what appeared to be a solid gold cane he was holding. "Oh, How wonderful it is to see you, Princess. Ragar was just thinking of calling you to speak of the great improvements in the latest showing by your orchestra. Ragar found that the pieces by Beethoovesen were nearly perfect."

Celestia paused. The latest showing was in Canterlot. She had assumed he was listening to a recording, or maybe one of his many crystal videos. She had learned long ago that if Ragar was having a movie night you couldn't interrupt it, though you could join it; they’d had several shared movie nights through the communication orbs. It was annoying that he refused to watch something with her unless it was something she had already seen, however; she desperately wanted to see some of the recordings he had talked about but hadn’t shared. She shook her head, trying to snap out of her thoughts. Why was she thinking about this anyways? She was going to meet him in person soon enough. She instead focused on the task at hand. "Were you present at the concert? I wouldn’t expect you to make the trip to Canterlot on your own."

Ragar nodded. "Originally, Ragar was going to go with Black Sun, but unfortunately he said something came up. So Ragar simply took his newest apprentice to the show; she enjoyed seeing how they captivated their audience."

Celestia really wanted to ask about his newest apprentice, but she needed to deal with the minor catastrophe going on in Ponyville first. "Yes, well, I wish this was a purely social call, but there is an issue that requires a few questions."

Ragar tilted his head to the side before he vehemently nodded. "Ah, Ragar must assume you mean his latest act of EVIL!!!" He raised his hands in a menacing pose, causing Celestia to giggle. After a moment he lowered his arms, and nonchalantly leaned on his cane. "Yes, Ragar wanted to try a repair spell on a large scale and found that Dangerous Dreams’ former pirate ship was the perfect test subject. Since it was originally sunk by a large magical burst from Nightmare Moon, Ragar repurposed the dark energy to make a few minions from the poor souls aboard. Some of them requested to go back, but it was mostly due to their skeletal nature. Ragar has found most people prefer to be whole when they return, but unfortunately, that is difficult."

At this, he lowered his head, and Celestia noticed his jaw moving as he quietly spoke to himself. While Celestia was a master of lip reading, it was somewhat difficult when your target had no lips. After a moment she softly cleared her throat. "Ragar?" He jolted up, nodding to Celestia. She worried for a moment about her friend before trying to push through. As always, Equestria came first. "As much as I'd love to ask about that, I must first clear the air. Why did your new crew launch rodents at Ponyville?"

Ragar paused. "Ragar doesn't remember..." he snapped up. "Crap, Ragar meant for that test fire to go east, not north. Ragar apologizes; he simply wanted to make sure that the rodents would be able to survive falls, as his current lair has many cliffs and he wanted to ensure his pets would be safe. The easiest way was to test some volunteers in an environment where he could easily retrieve them. They were supposed to land in Black Sun's garden."

Celestia relaxed, content with the answer. This seemed like a normal plan for Ragar; foolhardy, slightly insane, and silly. She had one last question, though. "And the donkey?"

Ragar paused. "Er, yes. The donkey. He may have boarded the ship, and my crew was very protective of their ship. Ragar believes they said they 'repelled boarders'? They believe it was in self-defense."

Celestia nodded. "Fair enough. I believe I can fix all of this easily enough, Ragar, though you still have one problem."

Ragar tilted his head at her. "Really? Ragar was unaware of any problems he had that would warrant a mare such as yourself hearing of them."

Celestia paused at the implications of his other problems, but decided to simply warn him instead of probing. "Well, you have been noticed by my own dear student. She has apparently enlisted Black Sun to help find your, and I quote here, 'evil lair of untold horrors' and left not too long ago."

Ragar's jaw opened wide. Then he belted out an enormous laugh."NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Ragar cannot wait. He hopes Black Sun takes the scenic route though, Ragar must prepare." He gave Celestia a full bow, doffing his hat with the motion. "If you'll excuse me, Your Radiance."She nodded, hiding the blush at his simple comment. As he faded from the room, she sighed.

After a moment she stood up. "By Faust, Celestia, get ahold of yourself. It’s not like he means anything by it." And with that she walked out to personally meet with the Mayor.

Somewhere in the jungles of the south

Black Sun was smiling around the machete in his mouth as he carved a path through the jungle. Twilight followed behind, furiously scribbling in her notebook about all the various fauna she had encountered so far. He paused as the ruins that he had lived in only a decade prior came into view, then returned his machete to its sheath after slicing through the last of the undergrowth. "So, Twi, how do you feel about exploring old necromantic tombs?", he asked. Her own smile answered him better than words ever could.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Guldane for editing.