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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site


This is how a ton of fans, and even non-fans, felt Twilight deserved...

Twilight Sparkle has done some rather harsh and mean things before, but judging the CMC whom she knows very well and banning them from her school is a bit too much.

These are scenes I've made up showing what happened after Twilight bans them from the school, and how much she comes to grips with her error in judging others.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 66 )

What can I say..? This was a cute short collection of vignettes, covered in awful grammar and enough typos to give any proofreader a hernia. There were a few moments where I couldn't even make out what you were trying to say. For example, the blindfold thing flew right past me. I do agree that Twilight was utterly OOC in the episode, but her friends would have probably tried to talk things through before just jumping to conclusions. Instead in your story they did the exact thing that Twilight did to the CMC: Not listen to her side of the story.
Final score: three meh's out of five. Would upvote if spelling wasn't physically painful to read.


Well, I can fix that...

*Blocks you*

And while I'm at it, I'll fix YOU and your own serious lack of judgment.

the blindfold thing flew right past me.

How can anyone not see that Pinkie was so pissed with Twilight she didn't even want to look at her?

Not listen to her side of the story.

If you bothered to actually READ, THEY DID KNOW the story. Rarity heard what Twilight did to the crusaders, (from around the corner She heard everything that was said) she and the others knew what the crusaders had done the past few days, and THEY all knew the crusaders would never try such a horrible thing as to make Cozy flunk.

Twilight got exactly what she deserved!

And FYI, there's nothing really wrong with the spelling, but I'm blocking you anyway for horrible attention span and lack of judgment

090196 #3 · Jun 8th, 2018 · · 18 ·

Finally! I’ve been waiting since last week for a fic about this.


How did you feel about Twilight's lack of judgment?

Pretty upset

In my MLP story, there's a nod to fans reactions behind this, as one of my villainous OCs captures Twilight, brings her to the school of friendship, yells straight at her face, saying: "You think you can run this piece of garbage? You believe you're the Princess of Friendship? Ha ha, Twilight Sparkle, you're nothing! You are nothing but a SELFISH, GRUMPY, JUDGEMENTAL, WORTHLESS piece of purple and pink trash that doesn't like anyone except YOURSELF!! If Celestia was still alive, she'd be so disappointed in you.. Hahahahahahahaha!!!" and demolishes the School of Friendship right in front of her.

I know, my nod to this is way more dark, but that's how I want it to be. XD

Still, this is a great story. :) Idk why Hasbro likes making Twilight go over the top ALL the time XD, but no matter how ill tempered she is, Twi will always be one of my favorite characters. 😄


Well, an obvious theory by many, Twilight's more of a CONTROL FREAK than a Friend (Constantly getting in people's faces and forcing them to accept her views of friendship) It's not an unshared theory, but that's just me and others.

But I'm glad to see someone who thinks DARK (Maybe you'd like my FRIENDSHIP IS FAILURE series)

She is a control freak sometimes, that's actually true, but most of the time, she's just struggling to know what real friendship actually is, and it makes her that much ill tempered, as evidenced in the Movie when she yells at Pinkie and says " I'd rather not have friends like you! ". She doesn't know how to control herself in situations like that and can't really comprehend true friendship yet. That's how I see it anyway. 😄

And I saw that, I might read some of it. ^^ My MLP story " My Little Pony: Friendship vs Evil " is a 10 part story, and I'm working on the first 5 parts right now, read what I have in each part so far if you want. 😄 I took the Harry Potter type route, which means my story gets darker and more horrible through each part. And I love it. 😊

“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!!” snapped Twilight, and she opened the doors motioned for the girls to leave “I’m going to have to ask you to stay away from my school and my students.

Now, please leave!”

Broken-hearted and with tears in their eyes, the girls walked sadly out of the office, and out the school doors, which Twilight slammed shut.

Twily never yelled at them. She was not that harsh.

Pinkie even went to stronger but silly methods; wearing a blindfold over her eyes, and a clothespin over her nostils. “What are you doing?” Twilight asked.

“I can’t SEE or SMELL you either.” replied Pinkie.

But she can still hear her.

“We’re right behind you Rainbow Dash.” agreed Rarity and the other girls all left, even Fluttershy turned angrily away from Twilight and walked away with her back turned.

“Not you, too, Fluttershy?” cried Twilight.

“Sorry, Twilight… but even I have standards. I think you need to do some serious thinking.”

Et tu, Fluttershy?

“Oh, come on, Spike… not you too?”

“Eeyup.” Spike said and turned away from her.

Et tu, Spike?

“That… is no excuse, Twilight Sparkle.” growled a familiar voice. Twilight’s blood turned cold as she looked over at the doors to her office, “Princess Celestia…”

Et tu, Tia?

Twily made it up to the Crusaders by acknowledging her mistake and making them tutors. There is no need to hate on her.


Twily never yelled at them. She was not that harsh.

It don't matter if she was or wasn't, her behavior is still inexcusable, besides I had to revise it JUST a little.

But she can still hear her.

Well yeah... I couldn't put earmuffs on her or she wouldn't hear what Twilight's saying. (Cartoon works)

"Is your hearing aid fixed?"


"Then how do you know what I'm saying?"

"I don't."

(It doesn't work well)

Et tu, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy's capable of giving someone a cold-shoulder. After all, she gets angry too.

Et tu, Spike?

We just covered that with Fluttershy

Et tu, Tia?

You sure love to repeat yourself

Twily made it up to the Crusaders by acknowledging her mistake and making them tutors. There is no need to hate on her.

She's Twilight Sparkle, I've hated her and all MLP for their ways since day one, I get a KICK out of bashing them and shaming them. In fact, for even THINKING of doing such a thing, I'd rather the friendship be irreparably broken, and no amount of apology will get her back on the good side (she's lost)

If you think This was bad... you should see my FRIENDSHIP IS FAILURE series

I really don't get all the hate Twilight has gotten for her actions in that episode. Cozy Glow failed the test, and told Twilight the Cutie Mark Crusaders had been helping her study. Since the CMC are (as Twilight herself pointed out) already good at friendship, and should have been able to teach her everything she'd need to know, Twilight reached the only logical conclusion for that outcome.

And technically, she did hear their side of the story. They told Twilight they taught Cozy the right answers, but the evidence against that statement led Twilight to not believe them.


And technically, she did hear their side of the story. They told Twilight they taught Cozy the right answers, but the evidence against that statement led Twilight to not believe them.

That may be, but that's still no excuse to many. She still KNOWS the crusaders better than that, and DESPITE the evidence, she still had no right to behave the way she did. For even THINKING that the crusaders did it, is bad enough to make us want to yell at her, but banning them from the school (Guilty until proven innocent)

*Glares at Twilight*

Me to Twilight: "I ought to kick you clear into orbit for you reprehensible behavior today!"

Remember, there's a Difference between UNDERSTANDABLE and EXCUSABLE

What other conclusion would she have reached? That the CMC were just bad teachers? That would have been the least likely explanation.

And she wouldn't have much reason to suspect Cozy Glow, due to that very convincing performance she gave after "failing" the test.


I'll answer you by PM

Comment posted by MJP deleted Jun 10th, 2018


I DON'T like MLP, so I bash them, or turn them into something I LIKE! and heeding the advice won't help me sleep at night

and also, my beef is with the SHOW ITSELF, not the makers, not RESPECTABLE fans. (They like MLP, that's fine)

And HERE'S your logic...!!!



She still KNOWS the crusaders better than that

Does she? She had basically three episodes with them before this one: The Show Stoppers, Twilight Time, and Surf and/or Turf. Twilight Time in particular would have soured her opinion of them.


The CMC have a mighty big rep, so it's heavily implied that everyone knows OF them, and their crazy stunts. Plus, all we're ever watching is just 22 minutes each ep, imagine what happens in the ENTIRE YEAR and beyond in the show itself

The idea that somebody could fail a test on purpose is inconceivably for Twily.


She's Twilight Sparkle, I've hated her and all MLP for their ways since day one, I get a KICK out of bashing them and shaming them.

I think you might need a hobby.

Comment posted by MJP deleted Jun 10th, 2018


I think you might need a hobby.

this IS my hobby making fics and vids for the main sole purpose of bashing characters and steam blowing to control stress, as well as to finally get what I prefer out of these shows...

Comment posted by DakariKingMykan deleted Jun 10th, 2018

Are you ok man... do you need a hug.


Doubt that'll help... but thanks

Oh, gee. I wish I could criticize this story for how horrifically terrible it is, but then I'm going to get banned because the writer can't handle people saying negative things about the liquid shit they spewed into their keyboard over the course of 4 and a half seconds.


Oh, you can criticize, but you can't be rude about it...

the writer can't handle people saying negative things about the liquid shit they spewed into their keyboard over the course of 4 and a half seconds.

Like that... and I don't take advice from rude people.

So... YEAH... you are banned

This. I have been waiting to see someone do something like this. You have no idea how much Twilight's behavior in that episode pissed me off. I even said she was a worse principal/headmaster/headmistress than Monokuma. And there are some people over on the wiki who tried to justify Twilight's inexcusable behavior... which scares me to be honest.


Are you kidding...? You should see the bitching and complaining I got everywhere else. Here, on Youtube... Some people are way more screwed than Twilight is.

Just look at all the comments I got here... (More than half the reason I got loads of downvotes, and my comments get downvotes is cuz of ignoramus bigoted bullies on this site who take pride in knocking me down)

Not sure how that relates to my comment about how inexcusable Twilight's behavior was, but I'll take your word on that.


It relates that people bitch and protest to me for scorning Twilight too (I know how it feels to be chewed)

Ah, that makes sense.

Thank you soo much for doing this!

You're welcome.

Blast #35 · Aug 1st, 2018 · · 9 ·

SOmeone's in a cranky mood here. I mean, look at all these downvotes!


Nah, it's just people bullying me, (down-vote, riff, mock, insult, lie... you name it)

I post a 1000 word prolouge, and it gets sixteen thumbs down instantly....

then I post another story... it had only ONE VIEW... yet four downvotes...

even when I say a simple THANK YOU or HELLO... downvote galore.

and look at the people who LIKED my stuff. they got downvoted too.

This was good, besides maybe a couple things that might've not really happened with her friends, like them completely avoiding Twilight, and a couple grammar mistakes.

Note that I usually don't like critiquing people's stories, because I tend to think that my critiquing is always a little harsh, even when it isn't. So if you did get offended, sorry.

This was great! I was so mad at Twilight in Marks For Effort, and it was awesome reading this.


I almost have another idea how this could go,

Suppose Twilight found the truth, but the CMC refuse to forgive her and keep giving her a cold shoulder, and for good reason.

Oh definitely, that was exactly what I wanted to happen.

I'm glad that Twilight realized her mistake, but if she knew the CMC would great tutors, why didn't she and the others tell them that? Maybe if they did, then the episode would not be so bad. Also, i like to think that if Spike told Twilight that her attitude mirrored that of Neighsay, that could make the girl realize her mess-up.

Somewhat OOC, in my opinion.


Have yo seen the show these days... lots of the characters are deviating from their proper attitudes... and no it is NOT growth

You wouldn't mind naming an example?


SHE TALKS TO AN ANGEL... Angel never acts like a brat

Fluttershy isn't as cowardly as she used to be

Rarity is becoming less of a Diva and more open minded... WRONG MOVE (Pick a path and stick to it)

At least Pinkie is still acting as crazy and as hyper active as she should be

S9 hasn't even started airing where I live. So please no spoilers.

The examples you cite are examples of character growth, not deviation.


To me their being pathetic... not that they weren't already before..

Now I'm busy right now (In florida)

I get the impression you're not too keen on the more recent seasons of the show...


I'm not keen on the show PERIOD (since Day one)

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