• Member Since 8th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen May 23rd


BEHOLD, THE POWER OF THE NIGHdaaaaaaaawwwww...


Everypony makes mistakes, from the youngest foal to the wisest elder. Ponies do not get much elder or wiser than Princess Celestia, so much that most would say she's an exception to the rule. She has led the ponies of Equestria for over a millenium, bringing about an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity. Some ponies think of her as a god, an utterly infallible being who they can always count on to make the right decision no matter what. Others beg to differ, but reason that a thousand years on the throne give her a foresight which others lack.

In truth, she is neither infallible nor omniscient. She makes mistakes like any other pony. Sometimes her plans go awry, sometimes she simply doesn't see danger coming. Her errors are few in number and often work out for the best, and the ponies closest to her tend to forgive her. They know her, after all, and unlike the masses they know she's only a pony.

The Princess, however, is not so easy on herself. For when you are both the absolute ruler of the land and the one everypony relies on to literally keep the heavens up, any misstep can have grave consequences.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

Unless this is setting up a sequal, this has nothing to do with the previous chapter as far as I'm concerned. Feels like being there for the sake of being there.

Not setting up for a sequel, what I was going for was a window into the kind of responsibility Celestia has and what can happen when you play chess with people’s lives. Whoever that pony is, she was deeply hurt by Princess Celestia at some point and so far there haven’t been any Twilight Sparkle types to clean up the mess by defeating/reforming her.

I might’ve left it a little too vague in trying to up the suspense factor.

Yeah. That's about right. Makes sense now that you say it. But it wasn't very clear before.


Ok, thanks for the feedback

At first I thought this story was about Cozy Glow...


That’s actually a really good idea, but I think Cozy’s gonna be the big bad of the season finale and end up reformed or something. (Or turned to stone, you never know with those alicorns.) The mystery unicorn here is a little older than the Mane 6 and Sunset and probablyhad some sort of personal relationship with the Princess, otherwise she’s an open book.

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