• Member Since 4th Jan, 2015
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Pithy Statement


Comments ( 653 )

Welcome aboard the sequel to Welcome to Batstralia. This story should continue their story, as well as give some glimpses into things happening back in Batstralia as it deals with maximum overbat.

We have some time to build up toward the show itself (as the description says), and while it would be lovely to take things a day at a time, I think there might be a few gaps appear. So sit back, relax, and ponder what questions you might have for the cast as you read. :twilightsmile:

A serious question, however: There is planned to be some romantic shenanigans leading to a few sexual scenes later in the story (probably way later). Would everypony rather me label this story Mature + Sex right now, or make a separate story with those particular chapters in it (will leave little blank spots in the narrative in this)?

It's more convenient for me to have them in the same story? But I'm okay with having them be separate if other people need them to be. I'd prefer having a tame version in this story instead of a literal gap, though.

It depends how vital to the plot you think the specifics of it are, but I think any hot and heavy scenes should be a side story and you just gloss over the events in this one. But if the details are important, then definitely include them here and change the tags now.
Another option is to post a second version of this whole story with a mature rating, doing something similar to what the Five Score Divided by Four original fic did. (When originally posted, the mature version was hidden and linked from the teen rated version, but now the rules forbid hiding it for that purpose, and allow publishing both as long as they have different ratings.)

Definitely label it mature. It makes things easier for everyone.

8943669 The scenes will not be for quite a while—there's a literal ton of world-building to do first. I am going to leave it sit as T for a month or two before I contemplate all the suggestions. Thanks for the feedback! :twilightsmile:

Absolutely adore this story already. The characters behaviours are so entertaining and interesting.

Joyce is now Lyra's sister? Sounds like the setup for some Seinfeld shenanigans later.

Finally! I’m not the last person to ask questions anymore. I know from experience that exotic fruits like durians and mangoes are actually expensive because of them being imported. So, I’d love to know what counts as a delicacy for earth ponies?

8943728 Same (apparent) age, familial bond, pranksters... What could go wrong? :rainbowlaugh:

8943730 Everyday delicacy for an earth pony? Brussels sprouts, asparagus, saffron, truffles... Basically, the harder a crop is to grow/harvest, the more rare it would be, but of course it needs to be something delicious, too. There would be the opportunity for magic to help, but there could even be a "Grown Magic Free" movement among ponies.

8943728 It may look it, but Joyce is really Lyra’s (Mike’s) mom. I know from experience because my mom’s been mistaken for my older sister multiple times.

8943752 But don’t earth ponies already have magic?

8943798 We've seen them do some amazing stuff with plants, but in this case by magic I mean unicorn magic.

8943801 So unicorn magic-grown plants are like GMO’s?

8943818 A more accurate description than any would likely wish to use, but yes. :twilightsmile:

Yes, I know. I was rolling with the misconception.

princesses happen

Excellent start so far, looks like momma Joyce is starting to get a life now that transformation trouble happened.

8944193 I'm sure the Royal Guard have a shirt design for informal use, that reads:


Lyra Heartstrings once was an eighteen-year old human male, Joyce Robertson had been a thirty-four-year old human female, and Pinkie Pie was just a normal young mare. But the strangest member of their group was curled up in the wagon Pinkie pulled.

Hold on, Joyce is 34? That opens up all kinds of questions about her backstory if she has an 18 year old daughter. Also gives all kinds of interesting context to her current situation of essentially being de-aged back to 16. At 16 the first time around she was dealing with having to be a full adult early by trying to balance school and deal with a child. Now suddenly she is back to 16 and going back to school without having to worry about taking care of children, essentially giving her a do-over of a section of her life she had to grow up too fast on. Also interesting that her youngest daughter is having to bear the responsibilities of an adult at an even younger age.

8946247 You're the first to notice this (and comment). Yes indeed, this is a very real do over for her. I hope you enjoy the story! :twilightsmile:

This story is proving up to be super fun and vary interesting.
this will be a story to keep a close eye on.

Woohoo! Sequel! I. AM. SO. PUMPED!

My poor eardrums... Why did I get Snapdragon for you?

Well, you have to wonder if Joyce's mental age has been dialed back too. Yeah she still has her life experiences, but a 16 year old's brain really does function differently than a 34 year old's.

8946490 :twilightsmile:

8947103 Well, there is also the aspect that her human, bioelectric brain got turned into a pony brain, then went to a magic pony land. Is it still bioelectric in nature? Is it a little lump of marshmallow that fizzes and pops with magic? More to the point (at least outside her medical studies), does her pony brain react in all the same ways as a human brain?

Nah. Big stamp for incident reports.
"It all started when the Awkwardly Placed Mauve Tearoom started flooding with maple syrup..."
"...and so that's why we have to manually bail out every ironmonger in Canterlot."

do we need read the orginal first?

8956379 I'm going to try to fill in blanks as needed, but there are going to be some facts that will surprise you unless you read the first one.

alright thank you

8982956 Sorry I missed your comment when you posted it. It's been a crazy few weeks. :pinkiecrazy:

no problem I been busy as well

Is it really that bad to be and feel like a teenager again, Joyce?

Happy to see chapter two. I get spoiled with some stories that update quickly, but seeing an update on one that takes it's time does brighten up my day.

8983987 She has been bulldozing her way through things so far, but now she is going to be treated as a teenager, instead of like an adult in a teenager's body. The fact that she's hanging around with teenagers, and they're treating her as one of them (and not an adult) is a little daunting—that she is enjoying it only makes it more so.

I typically publish on Mon/Wed/Fri. Monday is Sexy Brain Parasite Story, Wednesday is this (or filler if I don't have anything ready), and Friday is Queen Rarity, and like this I will publish filler for other stories if I don't have enough ready for a chapter.

hmm... its hard to think of a question... here goes one, how likely is Shining Armor to invite Lyra to play Ogres and Oubliettes?

i like where this is going

Coming from personal experience I can say that you really do start to associate more with younger people when you look like you're younger and get treated like you're younger. I'm older than Joyce by a few years, but look like I'm in my mid 20s or even late teens.

Who do I associate myself with? I associate myself with the mid 20 year olds because that's what the world associates me with and treats me as. There's some odd moments where I'll talk about things in detail from decades before they were born, but overall I'm more in line with them.

I think it is weird that Pinkie is meeting Cadance here. Even if they don't get to know each other extremely well, I would have thought that if they had met this early, that Pinkie would at least entertain the idea from Twilight that something was wrong with Cadance in the season 2 finale.

8984144 Lucky you. I'm turning 40 in 3 months, and I'd be lucky if 1/10th of my hair was anything but gray. As a side note, I have never been "carded" for buying alcohol, not in 26 years (do some math, have a laugh).

Ultimately, you are as young as you feel—Joyce is having to contend with the fact that she is now literally as young as she feels.

8984137 Glad to hear it! :twilightsmile:

i still feel a little lost becasue I'm not that far in in the previous story (like chapter 10) so some of the things like the fox just confuse me but i'm sure I'll get caught up in no time

8984149 This is the sequel to an AU story. That said, the outcome of events will be as close to the show as physically possible, given that I'm throwing aliens into Equestria (and a god).

You have to wonder why Cadance knew Pinkie Pie would have the exact kind of silly taste in party that she'd want for her reception? Why she chose Minuette, Lyra, and Twinkleshine to be her bridesmaids? (And a lot more odd questions about dangling threads the show never satisfactorily cleaned up.)

About to turn 38 got carded the other day for something to check if I was 18, I haven't aged a day in 20 years. I don't even attempt to buy alcohol because I know they'll pitch a fit about whether my ID is fake.

8984157 Heh, Tufts is... an odd one. :twilightsmile:

8984164 I'd turn green with envy, but gray is my color now and I've accepted that. Congrats on holding your age. :twilightblush:

is he really Lyras dad or is it because he made lyra a pony

8984170 It's because he considers himself Joyce's husband.

8984178 No problems! :twilightsmile:

I'm quite happy to have Cadance meet Lyra, and yes this does have to be AU because we saw a young Lyra in 2014's Pinkie Pride and 2015's Amending Fences (both without cutie mark), but I'd kinda figured that you were just taking an alternate path to the current day (so to speak). So far the only thing I've seen that I think is almost irreconcilably at odds with that is Pinkie meeting Cadance.

8984247 I'll point out that Twilight, who'd been foalsat by Cadance, didn't know Cadance's full name. Pinkie not knowing it isn't a huge reach. There is nothing in Pinkie and Cadance's meeting to believe that Pinkie Pie doesn't know her, and Twilight doesn't get a response from Pinkie regarding Cadance's treatment of Pinkie.

So just caught up with this after reading the previous story. I love it.:heart: Just have to ask when the next chapter will be out?

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