• Published 2nd May 2018
  • 1,966 Views, 182 Comments

A Disparate Bond - the7Saviors

Sometimes, one change -- one little detail is all it takes to unravel the threads of one's fate, but these threads will not stay unbound. The ties will be bound anew and a certain lavender filly's fate will change drastically.

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A Pleasant Trip

Roan was a smallish podunk town situated near the northeastern border of mainland Equestria. It sat just a dozen or so miles shy of the Celestial Barrier. Not many ponies from the mainland knew about the town, isolated as it was from the rest of the towns and cities across the mainland and the ponies from the town, in turn, never really traveled out of that town all that much.

With all this said, Roan didn't really get many visitors and those few outsiders that did happen to stumble across this town often did nothing more than pass through on their way elsewhere and nothing more. Still, that was fine with the citizens of Roan; the ponies who lived there were a laid-back and pleasant sort who welcomed visitors with open hooves. Those few who knew about Roan knew they had one of the most hospitable innkeepers that side of Equestria.

Or so I was led to believe, but this...?

"Hundred fifty bits a night, take it or leave it, lady."

Aeon frowned at the burly earth pony stallion standing behind the counter, but her obvious disapproval did nothing to change the stallion's surly and disinterested demeanor.

This is just plain robbery right here.

The mare had spent the better part of five minutes trying to haggle the price down using her words, her wits, and even went so far as to resort to using her feminine charms all to no avail. The infuriating stallion standing between her and a place to stay for the night was, by his own words, the innkeeper of this humble inn.

That said, and despite what Aeon had heard about him, the pony was unshakable in his inhospitable attitude. There weren't many stallions—or mares for that matter—who could resist Aeon when she chose to turn on the charm, and yet this pony didn't even cast her a second glance let alone offer any sort of reasonable price. Honestly, Aeon would've been impressed if she weren't so irritated.

And it wasn't just the innkeeper either.

Ever since she'd wandered into town she'd had a feeling that something was off. There weren't many ponies out and about when she arrived, but Aeon could practically taste the passive hostility rolling off of the few still wandering around who'd bothered to look her way. It probably hadn't helped that she'd arrived in town at a suspiciously late hour—so late in fact that the clock had already fallen on midnight.

Her late arrival wasn't intentional of course, that's just how things happened to work out, but in some ways, Aeon could see where the townsponies were coming from. That said, she'd never been to Roan herself until now, but from what she understood based on her intelligence, the town was overall fairly friendly. From what she was experiencing, however, it was clear that her information was somewhat out of date.

To be fair, Aeon hadn't bothered to update herself on the town's goings-on in ages so she really had nopony else to blame but herself for her crushed expectations. Still, even if the town had changed from what it once was, this was too much. There was far too much rancor in the air, too much antagonism towards a pony who'd done nothing other than to ask for a place to stay for the night.

No, not just a pony... an outsider.

Aeon wasn't a stranger to this kind of treatment—far from it—and that was why she was certain that there was something else going on. Her guess was that something must have happened, something big and terrible enough to turn the entire town not just against her, but against any and all outsiders in general. And it had to have happened recently, though just how recently Aeon wasn't sure.

Roan is pretty close to the Barrier so it's not a stretch to think something or somepony slipped past and caused some trouble on their way through town.

If that was the case it would make sense, and if Aeon was lucky—and if the town was unlucky—that something or somepony may have happened to be just the vile creatures she was looking for. Whatever the reason for the grim and unfriendly atmosphere, one thing Aeon knew for sure was that causing the kind of fuss she was capable of causing over something so petty as a few bits would only exacerbate the situation, and that was something she neither needed nor wanted.

Especially if I'm gonna get anything out of anypony here. I have my work cut out for me as it is.

And so, with those thoughts in mind and a slightly exasperated sigh on her lips, the cloaked mare slid the one hundred and fifty bits over to the innkeeper without any further complaint. The stallion merely grunted out a room number in response before swiping the bits off the counter and tossing Aeon a key to one of the many rooms on the floor above.

"By the way, sunshine," Aeon began casually, "you wouldn't happen to know where a mare could get a hot meal and something cold to drink?"

"Who knows, lady? Look around town if ya want," came the innkeeper's disinterested response, "I'm sure you'll find something eventually. In the meantime, you've got your key so if ya don't mind moving along I've got other things I need ta do."

Aeon's unamused frown returned as the stallion dismissed her outright.

"Can't even bother to give me some proper directions, huh?" she muttered before giving a small shrug and turning to head upstairs, "well it seems I'm not quite wanted here so I'll get out of your hair... for now."

The innkeeper merely grunted again as he pulled out a newspaper and began to read. He paid no more attention to Aeon and the mare took that as a sign to continue up the stairs to her room and leave the stallion be. A few moments later and Aeon was in her room, removing her cloak and tossing it onto the bed on the opposite side of the room with a weary sigh.

"Ugh, I just got here and I'm already sick of this town," she groaned before tossing herself onto the bed next to her cloak, "I should really start paying more attention to what goes on in the mainland."

She gave another quiet sigh and turned her attention to the open window across from her bed. It was pitch black out now, but Aeon knew Celestia would be raising the sun in only a few hours. With nothing to distract her at the moment, her thoughts turned once again toward the two would-be students she'd left behind back in the Grey Asylum.

The Gemini Twins had been keeping her updated on their little adventure beneath the Fortress since that morning. The information Castor and Pollux had provided had been an endless source of entertainment during Aeon's own journey, particularly where Twilight's miracle was concerned. Aeon didn't have to see the filly or hear the reports from the twins to know that Twilight was probably distraught about the whole thing, but the experience would benefit her in the long run, the cobalt mare was sure of it.

More concerning was the appearance of Nightmare Moon during their trial. In Aeon's experience that brought nothing but trouble whenever she decided to poke her muzzle into things. Aeon had no idea as to why she'd chosen to show up now, but from the sound of it, it seemed like the fillies had told her about Sombra.

I have no idea what that nag is planning but as things are now, all I can do is wait and see what she does. But in the meantime...

"Guess I should check in now that I have nothing else to do, huh?" Aeon muttered to herself before closing her eyes and reaching out with her magic, "Castor and Pollux should be returning right about now, I think..."

Pollux, Castor... give me an update.

At the projection of her thoughts, another voice reached across the void and into her own mind. She'd sent the mental message to both mares, but it was Pollux who answered her command in a dull feminine monotone that somehow still managed to convey absolute obeisance.

Yes, my Mistress... We've reached the library... and Castor has just reminded the two foals... about their rendezvous with Fleur de Lis.

Aeon chuckled to herself at the news.

Ah, that's right, our other little wayward 'refugee'. Is she still waiting for them in the library?

We've confirmed her presence... She still awaits the two... within the library.

Perfect. I'm not sure if that mare is crafty or just extremely paranoid, but she's an elusive one either way. That said, hopefully, we can get something out of this meeting. Make sure to keep careful tabs on the conversation, I don't want any details left out.

Of course, Mistress... What will you do in the meantime?

Aeon frowned at the question.

I made it to Roan not too long ago and things aren't exactly as I expected. Something happened here, something that flipped the whole town on its head. I intend to spend some time investigating before I move on. I need to find out what that 'something' was so I'll be here for a bit, maybe two or three days tops.

...Was it them?

The question was quiet and the words flat and lifeless, but Aeon still managed to catch the borderline dark undertone beneath the other mare's monotonous voice.

I'm not sure, but it would certainly explain why all of Roan is as grim as a graveyard. In any case, I should be able to get somepony here to spill the beans. Depending on what I hear I may have a few more stops to make before I return so let the brats know I'll still be gone for a while.

Aeon paused a moment, her brow furrowing thoughtfully.

And one more thing. I'd planned on waiting until my business in the Equestrian mainland was done, but I've decided to move forward with Twilight and Starlight's studies. Castor, keep an ear on their conversation and Pollux, I need you to retrieve my 'lesson plan' once you've sent the thestral brat off to Chesire. I'll send you an image of where it's located.

This time it was both twins that replied one after the other.

Understood, Mistress. I'll see to it that the foals are made aware of your intentions.

And you can leave the retrieval of these lesson plans to me. Would I be correct in assuming that we will have the honor of implementing these lessons until you return to the Fortress?

Aeon smiled.

Got it in one, Pollux, I'm leaving you two to handle the lessons for now until I get back. You won't have to do too much—mostly just what you've been doing while giving some pointers here and there. I'm also giving you two permission to use the Nexus to send them off to their other teachers if and when you think they're ready.

Understood... Should we begin instruction... starting tomorrow? The foals... are quite exhausted from the day's prior events. It may be prudent... to let them rest for a day or two before lessons begin... but that is merely a suggestion... from your humble servant... I will defer to your judgment, of course, Mistress.

It was Castor who'd suggested the lessons be put on hold, but that didn't surprise Aeon. The mare gave off the same distant and eerie vibe as her sister, but Aeon knew better; They were both cold and cruel when they needed to be, but Castor in particular had a soft spot for foals. It made her chuckle to think that even after everything the twins had been through, that was the one thing that hadn't changed.

I'll leave that up to you, Castor. This probably wasn't an easy mission for you, so think of this as my way of saying thanks for the hard work. You can do as you see fit, just make sure you don't give them too much leeway—two days max, got it?

Yes, Mistress... thank you for your consideration.

Don't sweat it, just let me know how the meeting with Fleur goes, and if there are any other developments that warrant my attention. I have some things I need to take care of in the meantime so I'll end this talk here and leave you both to it.

By your will, Mistress Aeon.

And with that response from both mares, Aeon cut the telepathic connection before letting out a jaw cracking yawn. She'd mentioned having work that needed to be done, but rather than move to take care of it, she remained sprawled across the bed with a slight frown. After a moment of silence, she closed her eyes and gave a thoughtful hum.

I'd actually like to get a bit of shuteye before I go skulking around town looking for clues, but... well, I guess it couldn't hurt. It probably won't take Castor too long to report back anyway so I might as well hang out here until then.

It wasn't too unreasonable to be a little lazy right now, or so Aeon told herself. After all, in the short amount of time since those two fillies had shown up, she'd been busting her flank preparing for their lessons behind the scenes. Some rest wouldn't hurt anypony, and the break was more than well deserved in Aeon's opinion.

Unfortunately, that break wound up being much shorter than Aeon would've liked. It seemed like the mare had only just started to doze off when Castor's troubled voice pierced through her sluggish thoughts with an update. There wasn't too much of a change from her normal monotone, but Aeon could still detect a hint of gravitas in her voice that hadn't been there before.

A letter? To Fleur?

Yes, Mistress... from an unknown element informing Fleur de Lis... that the foals would be returning to the library... just past midnight.

So there was somepony else tailing the brats then, probably since that morning given how they knew about the meeting.

There is a high possibility, yes... neither Fleur de Lis nor the foals... have any clue as to who could have sent the letter... but it's clear from the contents of the letter... that somepony else... has an interest in either the foals... or that mare's machinations.

Well, I don't think I'd go so far as to call them 'machinations' just yet, but this does have to be dealt with as soon as possible. If my suspicions about Fleur are right and this unknown element was attempting to help her, then we may have another potential enemy to deal with.

Aeon gave yet another sigh, this one of mounting frustration. It didn't look like she was going to get a chance to rest after all. It was because of incidents like these that Aeon rarely left the Grey Asylum unless it was necessary. There was always some creature waiting for an opportunity to pull something. She wasn't sure what it was this creature was after, but she was certain it wasn't anything good.

It almost never was.

...Did we at least gain anything from that exchange?

I'm afraid not, my Mistress... Fleur de Lis did not know of this letter or its sender... and because of this, she is now on guard... She has retreated without divulging... any information about her request.

Of course, that's what she'd do... dammit. Alright, new plan; We need to find out whether or not this unknown wants information on the foals, Fleur, or something else related to one or both of those subjects. With that in mind, Castor, I want you to push forward with the foal's training.

I have already sent the foals to bed... and have informed them that their studies... will begin at sunrise. If I'm not mistaken in my Mistress' intentions... you have a specific goal in mind for the foals... that requires immediate action, yes?

Good mare, and right you are. Sorry to rush you but I want both of those fillies at least as competent as your average Hunter as soon as possible. Start with the basics, then once they get that down, send them to Chrysalis. I'll get in touch with her later to discuss things and in the meantime, I'll have Pollux focus on investigating Fleur.

Understood... I'll see to it that the foals... meet and exceed your expectations... by the time you return... will that be all then, Mistress?

That's it for now. I'll let you two know if I need anything else. Remember to keep me updated on Twilight and Starlight's progress.

Of course, Mistress Aeon... then if you'll excuse me...

Once Castor dismissed herself from the telepathic connection, Aeon switched over to Pollux and informed her of the situation before giving the other twin her own orders.

"So much for taking it easy," Aeon grumbled as the telepathic link between herself and Pollux cut out, "is it too much to ask for just one day where I don't have to worry about some kind of stupid plot or asinine scheme? Just one day! Ugh... I need a drink."

Aeon grimaced in annoyance as she threw her cloak back on and headed for the door. Then another thought came to her and she paused in front of the doorway with a hum of interest and a mischievous smile.

"Y'know... that's not a bad idea," she chuckled as she pulled the bedroom door open and stepped outside, "there's gotta be a pub around here somewhere that's still open, right?"

And who knows? Maybe by some miracle, I can get my delightful innkeeping friend downstairs to loosen up and join me. If I can get some hard cider into him I bet he'll have all kinds of interesting tales to tell.

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