• Published 17th Apr 2018
  • 2,456 Views, 142 Comments

War Games - Darkstarling

Twilight has loved playing General since she was a filly. Tempest wants to protect Equestria from someone else like her. Together, the two have such good intentions...

  • ...

8 - Love and Money

2.25 Hours Earlier

Twilight and Tempest were alone in the Crystal Heart chamber, working on strategies. It had been a frantic day of plotting, rehearsing, and scheming to put together a first attempt this very night, but Pinkie had insisted. And constantly interrupted with such a barrage of questions, suggestions, and outright demands that if there wasn’t a valid strategic reason for it Twilight might have zipped her mouth shut. But at last they’d finished, even if Twilight was still convinced the hours of what they’d accomplished didn’t add up somehow, even if she couldn’t find where. Mostly because they never added up quite the same no matter how many times she tried. No doubt Pinkie’s doing again. Twilight had given final mission briefings and teleported her friends out on their assignments 18 minutes ago. And ever since she had been working with Tempest to refine their own part. But it had been a trying day, as evidenced by Tempest growling and blasting her pencil.

“Tempest, what’s bothering you? You’ve been on edge all day.” It was quite impressive, Twilight thought. She’d somehow blown the eraser and it’s holder off, split the wood cleanly in half, and scorched it all with electricity while leaving the graphite completely intact.

Tempest looked embarrassed at her show of temper. “Nothing either of us can do anything about. Besides,” she said, managing a wry grin, “you know me, Princess. I’m always angry.”

“No you’re not.”

Tempest raised an eyebrow, and gestured at the remains of the pencil. “Reeeally.”

Twilight shook her head emphatically. “You aren’t. I know everypony thinks that, because you have such a hard time relaxing and letting yourself be vulnerable. And that’s when you aren’t putting on your war face. But I know you’ve got other feelings Tempest.” Twilight walked forward and put a hoof on her shoulder. “You’re not just some broken angry pony. There’s a mare under there, and one I care alot about. So let me talk to her okay? It’s just us here.”

Tempest shook her head. “Guess trying to hide my issues from the Princess of Friendship was always a non-starter huh?”

It was Twilight’s turn to shake her head. “Oh no no, definitely not. I’m absolutely awful at reading ponies, I always have been. If you want perception you should talk to Fluttershy. Or Rarity and Applejack. Even Starlight, when she’s making an effort. Anypony but me really.”

Tempest’s mouth hung open a bit. “I don’t believe you” she said, when she got her voice back. “You’re literally the Princess of getting along with people. Making enemies into friends is what you do. And you’re trying to tell me that you’re bad at knowing what people are thinking.”

“Well...I have gotten a little better. Mostly through learning from my friends. But still, overall? Yep.” Tempest’s mouth was hanging open again, and Twilight gently closed it with her magic. “I’ve learned to make friends and reach ponies, but I don’t do it by being calculating or trying to figure things out. It’s not even something I’ve got an instinct for like Fluttershy does. For me it’s all about being genuine, expressing what I see as the truth, and being willing to back up my beliefs with action. Annnnd...that’s probably a whole lecture I should stop now unless we want to be here all night.” Twilight nervously ran her hoof through her mane.

“So that’s really it for you? Just act sincerely?”

“Well it worked for you didn’t it?” Twilight smiled. “I didn’t save you because I had a plan you know. I wasn’t looking for an opportunity to turn you, I just didn’t want you to be hurt. And things worked out from there.”

“Heh” Tempest shook she head, looking at Twilight fondly. “I think it helps when you’re genuinely a wonderful pony, Princess. Not all of us have the strength of conviction for that. And besides,” she added with a laugh, “it’s not every day there’s a tornado to haul someone out of. You might want to work on more day-to-day friend making techniques.”

Twilight grinned back, struggling to keep her blush to manageable levels. “I don’t know, you have lived in Ponyville for a few months now. I think you’ll agree catastrophes are a pretty regular bonding opportunity.”

“You’re not wrong.”

“Of course not. I’m the Princess of Friendship remember?” She bopped Tempest lightly on the shoulder. “Speaking of which, you never answered me. What’s bothering you? And remember. Sincerity.”

Tempest sighed, her smile fading. “You’re not going to drop this are you.”


“Alright. But remember I warned you when it ruins the moment.”

Twilight put wing over her shoulder “Don’t worry Tempest, it’s okay. If it does, we’ll have another one.”

Tempest sighed again. “How do you keep on doing that? It just makes it worse.” Twilight blinked. Made what worse? What had she done wrong? Tempest was looking deeply uncomfortable, staring fixedly at the floor, and she could feel her tensing. “Look, just try not to be mad at me okay? You’re a good friend and it’s not like you can help it. I’m just hurt.” Twilight was deeply confused now, a whirl of possibilities going through her mind, but one thing was standing out like a lighthouse. Whatever had upset Tempest, it was her fault. Oh no, oh no...

“Tempest, whatever I’ve done to hurt you I’m so sorry okay? Just let me know what it is so we can fix it.” She forcibly fought down the urge to babble apologies. This was, as Fluttershy had told her again and again, a Listening Time.

“I’m not sure what there is to do. Like I said, there’s nothing you can do about it. I just have to get over myself. But you insisted, so...look, you having a thing for your brother just really bothers me okay?” Twilight froze. What. Whatever she had been expecting, it had not been that. She was too stunned to even be disgusted. What. Tempest continued on, seeming unable to stop once she’d started “And I get that you can’t control what you feel, and I’m sure you’ve never done anything about it. My spies would definitely have found out if there’d been even a hint of a rumor…”

Right. General. Spies. Profiles. Twilight’s brain was currently reduced to one word sentences. Oh Celestia because of the stupid dream Tempest thought...that’s it, she was going to work with Starswirl and banish Discord to a mathematical abstraction of pure, orderly geometry. One without any irrational numbers. Oh, look, she added to herself. A full sentence. Three even. Theoretical thaumic equations started flashing through her mind.

“But dammit Twilight, it hurts! Hay, you want sincerity? I’ve got feelings for you. I want to be your special someone. And it’s bad enough wanting what you can’t have without having why rubbed in your face.” And just like that, the equations stopped. Tempest pulled out from under Twilight’s unresisting wing. “Even this stupid armor” she gestured at the burning heart on her flank. “This is supposed to be a symbol for how much I meant to you and they’re stamped all over it. And then every time I get my feelings under control, you say something to make me fall for you all over again.” She stamped her hoof in frustration. “So yeah, that’s what’s been bothering me. Good thing we know right? It’s just wonderful. Glad we talked.” Tempest looked completely miserable, staring at the floor, not even able to look at her.

Twilight stared for another moment. A mad giggle was trying to force its way out of her, and she struggled to keep it down. Tempest would never forgive her, not after baring her heart like that. Pinkie had once told her that Laughter was a way to face pain and confusion, and she’d never seen a better example. But beneath that, far deeper, she felt her heart glowing. Tempest cared for her. Tempest might love her. A dreamy sense of boldness seized her as the feeling swelled and pressed away the discord.

“It is” Twilight said softly, looking directly at Tempest, who started and looked back. “It’s wonderful because you’re wrong, and Honesty destroys illusions.” She smiled, and tried as hard as she could to be completely open. “I don’t have feelings like that for Shining, and I never have. When I first woke up and realized what had happened, I almost threw up. And as for Cadence, I’ve never felt more than a filly crush. This is all just Discord’s idea of a joke, or random magical flux. Hay, for all I know it’s Luna projecting a gross crush on Celestia. But it’s not me.”

“But...I thought…” Tempest looked just as stunned as Twilight had been. Twilight walked up to her, feeling almost like she was floating, energy pulsing through her like she was casting a spell.

“Tempest, you’re strong and driven and beautiful." Twilight brushed her face with a hoof, lingering on her scar. “I’ve always thought so, even before I got to know the rest of you. And…”she paused, her heart hammering, but it was far too late to back up now “I don’t know how to do this, so I’m extrapolating. But I think the only way to show you how I feel is with sincerity and action.” And with that she leaned forward and kissed her. There was a moment of stillness, as they stared at each other, hardly believing that had just happened, and then Tempest kissed her back with incredible passion, everything else vanishing for a moment as the Crystal Heart flared behind them.

After an endless moment vanished in each other, Tempest reluctantly broke away. But she was smiling more broadly than Twilight had ever seen. “Wow, Twilight. Your kisses are wonderful... and your timing is terrible.”

“Eugh...you’re right” Twilight groaned. Reality could only wait for so long. Damn it to Tartarus. “I didn’t exactly include ‘Romantic Confession’ and ‘Intense Personal Time’ in the itinerary.”

“‘Intense Personal Time’?” Tempest smirked. “Is that what the Equestrian kids are calling it these days?”

“You’re the same age as me you brat. And neither of us are exactly foals.” Twilight kissed her again. She could do that now if she wanted. It was so strangely freeing. “Besides, I’m used to having Spike handle my notes. I can’t exactly put ‘Teleport us to my bedroom and render Tempest insensible’ on my to do list.”

“You do know that if he wasn’t on the mission with Rarity I would call him here to add exactly that.”

Twilight squeaked and blushed. “At least call it ‘Charging the Crystal Heart’. That’s strategic.”

“Of course, Princess.” Tempest’s kiss was heated, and left Twilight's head spinning.

“You know, if you make me like being called Princess too much it may become a problem” gasped Twilight, when she could breathe again.

“Oh?” Tempest looked insufferably smug. “And if I want to cause trouble?”

“Well, then you’ll do well to remember that I’m supposedly the decadent Co-Ruler with the Empress of Love.” Twilight wasn’t used to being so bold. It was exhilarating, even if she still blushed at everything she was saying. “We still have work to do, and if I have to I’ll call in a chaperone to make sure that it gets done. But. We have hours until the missions are over, I can multitask, and I have a very vivid imagination. Understood?”

Tempest gave a slow smile and backed away. “Understood, my Empress.” She bowed and took Twilight’s hoof to kiss it in what could be considered a gallant gesture. Technically. For herself, Twilight just considered it deeply unfair. Gallant gestures weren’t supposed to make you weak at the knees.

“You know, there’s one thing I have to add to the list now. It’s military even’ said Twilight, feeling mischievous.


“Yes. It’s just a minor matter of aesthetics, it won’t take a minute.” Literally, she added to herself. Sentry Sigil’s Sympathetic Scribing took less than 25 seconds to cast. She charged her horn and ran through the formulas, sending off a pulse of magic that echoed across a web of related images. And most notably the ones on Tempest’s armor, where she jumped at the flares. And then gasped when she saw the black flames added to the burning heart.

“Twilight,” she said, giving her a look, “you’re making waiting for another kiss remarkably difficult.”

“Why should I suffer alone?” Twilight smirked. “After all, I’m one of the villains. Now get out the next set of contingency plans. We have lost time to make up.”

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Rarity was trotting into the 1st Equestrian National Bank with a small lapdog in her handbag. She was, of course, prepared for things to go flawlessly. There was no reason it shouldn’t after all. She had the perfect outfit, Black Widow Number 5, in it’s deep purple with green accents. She had unimpeachable false identity documents in case she and her friends had already made any Persona Non Grata lists. And naturally she had all the charm and poise a lady could require. She even had backup, albeit in a very limited form for the next few minutes.

Still, while she had every confidence regarding her success in general, and was in no sense worried, in specific she was a bit concerned about the time.

“Spike, you’re quite sure we’ll have enough time until the spell wears off?”

“For the sixth time yes” said Spike’s voice from her bag.

“Spike, rolling your eyes at a lady is hardly the behavior of a proper gentledrake.”

“You can’t even see me.”

“I heard it. Now shush, we’re coming up to the guards.”

“You were the one talking to me.”

“Yes, and now I need you to be quiet so I don’t look like a crazy mare. Now do be a good dog and put that interdimensional acting skill to use.”

There was a put upon sigh, but he did pop his head out. Morphic resonance had left him with purple and green fur, hence her choice of the Number 5 over the new Number 7 she prefered. At least he really did look the part, panting and eagerly looking around at the patrons. She herself trotted over to the guards, picking one who looked especially tired and bored. Which, given it was the night shift of the twenty four hour bank, were not exactly in short supply. Thank Celestia for her policies designed to encourage an active night life. Because if there was one thing a tired, bored pony didn’t want to hear…

“Oh darling, thank HEAVENS! I’ve simply been having the most wretched time!” Rarity burst out, in her most high strung and histrionic voice. “Oh it’s just been awful, the worst possible day you can imagine. But here you are, my savior in shining armor.” Pride and empowerment be damned, this stallion would want to be rid of her.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry but...ma’am, please let go of me. Thank you. Now, how can I...sweet Celestia, is that a dog?” Behind her the other guards were fanning out, professionally checking for any other activity during what could well be a distraction. Unfortunately for them, it wasn’t, and that left fewer eyes on Rarity.

“Well of course he’s a dog. Isn’t he just darling?” She gripped Spike in her aura and thrust him into the guard’s face, eliciting a yip of protest. “What do you think of his hair style? Oh yes, the poor little dear was just so distraught to be be out of fashion weren’t you? Yes you were! Yes you were!” Hmm, perhaps that was laying it on a bit too thick. If nothing else, the confusion on Spike’s face from the mix of baby talk and affection was a good enough reason to stop. “But enough about the little snuggins.” She popped him back into her bag, to another annoyed yip. “You simply must help me. I have an emergency deposit to make.” She pulled a small, intricate, and heavily enchanted key from her bag in his place, and lowered her voice to a whisper. “To vault three.” The guard’s eyes widened, and no wonder. It was, after all, the personal vault of Princess Cadence.

“Indeed ma’am.” He tapped a discrete gem on his uniform and began to lead her to the back rooms, as she slipped the key into her dress. “The key itself should provide authentication when we reach the vault, of course, but we do have brief security scans for you as well.”

Rarity sighed theatrically. “Oh very well, if you must. It has been a very changeling kind of day. Not to mention the Yaks.” The guard’s eyes widened further. A shame to play to prejudice but still, if it got the job done… “But do hurry won’t you? I’m afraid my little errand for the Princess has left someling quite miffed. Not to mention quite ruined my best dress. RUINED!”

“But...I...what?” The guard was just staring in consternation. As well he should. “You’re...with the EIS?”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous darling! Not that I could tell you if I was, but their disguises are far too drab. Not to mention having to put up with that Heartstrings fellow. Thrumming? Stunning? Oh it’ll come to me I’m sure. Anyway, if I were EIS and I told you too much they might be forced to hire you. And imagine how that would destroy your life! All that skulduggery, those undercover days, and putting up with that wretched Blueblood. You know he’s not even a real prince? Here, hold schnuggums.” She tossed her bag to the guard with a thump as they reached a high end magic scanner, easily enough to detect anything from a notice-me-not spell to a changeling. “No worries about the scanner dear," she added with a wink, "I assure you this is all natural.”

“But...we also need to scan…” He was cut off by a clanging alarm from the scanner as she traipsed through it.

“Oh damn and blast, the key!” Rarity shrieked, ostentatiously tearing through her dress with her magic. Thank goodness the fabric wasn’t real, or this would be a terrible crime. “Oh I’m so sorry!” She staggered from the wreckage of her dress, key gripped in her aura, tears welling in her eyes. “I’m so so sorry! This is the worst possible thing!” She clung to the guard, letting enormous sobs welled up, as he struggled to hold both her and the bag.

“There there” he said awkwardly, patting her head and trying not to collapse.

Rarity let the tears die down to a sniffle. “I never wanted to be involved in all this you know. A simple favor for Luna, what could go wrong? But instead these brigands and shapeshifters and sewers...so many sewers…so many fine outfits lost to the equestrian cause...”

She kept up an endless stream of prattle on the indignities of the life of a reluctant spy, sobbing all the while, until they reached the extremely impressive vault of the Princess. Though personally Rarity thought the neo-pegasopolan columns were a bit much, even if they were clearly intended as a tribute to the Princess’s heritage.

“Here you are ma’am, vault 3” said the guard, a mix of exasperation and appalled fascination at her shallowness written plain on his face. It was truly an impressive sight, and Rarity savored it. He slotted in the key, which worked perfectly of course. It should, belonging to Cadence after all. And the vault opened with an impressive groan and a blinding illumination.

In that moment of light Rarity struck, a fifty foot length of ribbon darting from her bag and handily snaring him in a elegant suspension weave, complete with gag. “Lovely” she said, her tears clearing in an instant, though it would ruin her eyes for the evening. Ah well, sacrifices in war… She looked down at the guard, who was glaring at her and struggling to yell through the gag. “Oh don’t fuss so, you’re quite unharmed.” He really was an unappealing sight. She lifted him up and hung him from the chandelier, where he slowly spun while impotently struggling. Much better. “Besides, I was telling the truth you know. I was making a deposit. Spike dear?” He hopped out of the bag, still in dog form, but the enchantment was clearly fading. The fur was falling out in patches, revealing the scales beneath. “You have a few more minutes on the transformation yes?”

“Four. Wow...just look in there. All that gold and crystal, it’s just...wow.”

“Indeed. And you know, my dear drake? It’s all yours.” She closed the vault door behind him as he ran in, almost entranced by the sight. And then she looked up at the guard. “I would loosen your bonds a bit to give you a chance to run, but you know, I don’t think it would really help. Goodbye dear. FIRE! TRAITORS! CHANGELINGS IN THE VAULTS! EVERYPONY PANIC!” She galloped up the corridor the way she had come, caterwauling all the while in her best imitation of the flower sisters. Behind her there was an echoing sound that gave wings of fear to her flight. It began with a roar, and built to an all encompassing thuum as the vault door simply melted away in a flood of green flame.

Miles from Canterlot, three mares stood by a travelling performer’s wagon and stared in awe at the sight. Even from such a distance they could hear the roars of the beast towering over Canterlot, and see the pillars of green flame billowing into the sky.

“Wow” said Maud, her voice as deadpan as ever.

“Trixie is feeling...distinctly less than great and powerful at the moment” said a small voice. Trixie was dressed only in her hat, and shivering in the night chill.

“Sweet Celestia, is that SPIKE?” Starlight stared at her former friend, currently stomping towards the Canterlot Library.

“Yes. It looks like your friend the princess has finally gone off the deep end.” Maud’s tone and expression didn’t change, but she put a comforting leg over Starlight’s shoulder.

“She’s not my friend. Not anymore” said Starlight. She was quite proud she kept her voice from trembling. “But thank you.” She pulled a blanket from the wagon and wrapped them all up in it, pulling Trixie up close. A time like this, they all needed each other.

“Trixie...Trixie understands if anypony else needs comforting. She...is in fact a bit unnerved herself, so she understands if panic is required.”

“I’ll let you know if I have to scream” said Maud, while Starlight snorted and held Trixie closer. But then the moment passed and Starlight sobered.

“I can’t believe it really came to this” she said. “I mean it’s been building for years but...it’s Twilight.”

“Ponies do foolish things for love” said Trixie quietly. “And even more foolish things when they’re completely sure they’re right.”

“What matters now is Equestria” said Maud. “Our homes and the ones we love.” Starlight nuzzled her.

“Your sister is with Twilight, isn’t she. Pinkie. Do you think you can stand to fight her?”

“As much as you can stand to fight Twilight.” Starlight winced, but Maud’s face was stone. “They’ve made terrible mistakes, and we’ll help them come back. And when they do, we’ll give them another chance. Just like Twilight did for you, and just like you’ll do for her.” Trixie and Starlight nodded.

“Well then,” said Starlight, “we don’t have any time to waste. If I know Twilight she’s five steps ahead of us and moving fast, so it’s time to catch up.”

“Hmm...The Perceptive and Insightful Trixie suspects Starlight the Magnificent has an idea.”

“I do” said Starlight, and despite the situation she smiled. “Maud, didn’t you once tell me that with the right rock you could conquer Equestria?”

The three of them sat by their wagon, plotting long into the night, watching the Battle of Canterlot unfold. None of them heard the tinkling noise that passed over them, or noticed the chaos gems appearing over their hearts.

Author's Note:

Yeah, it's kind of like that.