• Published 9th Oct 2018
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Ask Roseate Grimsbane, the Witch - Robipony

NOT A CLOPFIC! Roseate Grimsbane is a unicorn mare who tries to live as peacefully as she can in Equestria, or as peacefully as you can when you're a witch and your husband is an eldritch being from outside our known universe. Ask her some questions.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - The Celestial Bodies are in Proper Alignment

"Shiagontua, the late mother of slugs also called the sleepless corpse is an eldritch entity that once brought life to the far realms. From her bosom came the colorful race of slug folk who once lived in the fabric between dimensions. Now like they're mother they are nothing more than sludge. In an effort to push back the Ceaseless Darkness, Shiagontua and her offspring sacrificed their bodies to fuel the great barrier, yet even though she is dead it is said that Shiagontua's mind still lingers in the fabric of reality, serving as a councilor in the most dire of moments."

Quote from, The Estranged Biker's Manual to the Multiverse, by S.S. Lovely.

Roseate found herself in a dark chamber with only a few torches mounted on the obsidian walls to illuminate the room, their flames glowing a sickly green. While she tried to move, the clattering of chains alerted her to the cold metal collar that was chained to a nearby pillar. Orange ribbons tangled around her form, restricting her movement further. Currently bound and confined, Roseate examined the room she was in.

It was some sort of bed chamber possessing a large circular bed, which she was laying on. In the center of the chamber there was a hole in the floor with long pale vines reaching down from the ceiling, down into the pit.

Catching movement out of the corner of her eye, Roseate soon realized that not all the walls were made of obsidian. In fact, it would seem that this had been a visual illusion caused by the low lighting as the walls shifted, revealing that they were in fact the chitinous underside of a massive, coiled centipede like creature.

Then the vines began to move, pulling something up from the abyss, until finally it revealed a sickly pale cocoon. As the hole sealed shut, the cocoon wriggled and writhed as something within attempted to break forth. Slowly the membrane began to tear until finally to Roseate's horror a stallion emerged. A stallion she was certain she would never see again. Red robes adorned his form.

"Hello, it has been a long time hasn't it, my dear little plaything."

Roseate felt weak as the creature that leered back at her was none other than her step father, her ancient tormentor. The walls of the chamber felt as if they were drawing inward.

"No, no, no, no, no," Roseate protested, "you're dead! I saw you die!"

The aberration chuckled, a glint of malice in his eyes.

"Silly little filly," HE mocked, "haven't you heard the old adage, 'As long as you remember somepony they're not really dead?' When you confined your memories of me to that vessel, to that Tantabus, you created the seed through which I could be reborn. Such a... fine mother."

"Why? Why work with the Piihs?"

As cruel and as dumb as HE was, there was no way HE would side with an eldritch horror without some sort of benefit.

"To put it simply, we made a deal," HE answered, "the Piihs and her offspring are able to ravage this planet and I get to have you to myself for all eternity."

Hearing the revelation, Roseate's eyes widened. Suddenly it became very clear that this wasn't a mere bed chamber. It was a cage where HE could punish her and force his way upon her until the very cosmos burnt to ash.

Roseate tried to cast a spell, to wipe away the blemish on her life in front of her. However nothing happened and no magic flowed through her horn.

HE laughed at her sorrowful attempt.

"Your husband's magic can't help you here, plaything. Nopony can! So I suggest you give into your fate."

Slowly HE began to advance toward her, peeling off HIS robes as HE went. A cruel smile stretching across HIS lips.

"No, no, th-this isn't fair!"

"Fair? Was it fair that my wife cheated on me with an earth pony slave? Was it fair that she claimed to possess my child only to give birth to a defective one? Or was it fair that the paradise I worked so hard for was taken from me by a brat like you?"

HE crawled on the bed like a timberwolf preparing to strike.

"No, it isn't fair," HE said, "and while this isn't the paradise I had imagined. Being able to torment you for all of eternity..."

HE reached out and stroked Roseate's chin, revulsion filling her stomach.

"Well, that will do!"

One week prior... to the end.

It was a beautiful day as Sour Sapphire made his way home. As he was walking along, he saw his teacher leaving the post office.

"Hey, miss Roseate!" he greeted, waving his hoof.

Roseate looked up seeming almost startled, the package that rested on her back almost toppling off.

"Oh, hello Sapphire." Roseate returned the greeting. As Sour Sapphire watched his teacher, he couldn't help but feel that something was bothering her.

"Are you okay?" Sour Sapphire asked.

"Yes," Roseate answered nervously, "you just startled me is all."

"I'm sorry."

Roseate chuckled. "It's okay. Did you need anything?"

Sour Sapphire could still remember the dream, of the nightmare that had haunted him and how Roseate had saved him somehow. While a part of him wanted to thank her, another part of him felt silly just thinking about it. It was a dream after all. Surely, she would have no knowledge of what had happened.

"'No, I just wanted to say hello."

"Well, thank you," Roseate said, "though I really must be going. Have a good day."

"Okay, bye bye!"

Waving farewell, Sour Sapphire watched as Roseate began to walk away.

Something felt off about this, but Sapphire couldn't place a hoof on it. As he watched Roseate leave, he noticed three things: firstly,she was being very careful with her package, secondly, she was trying to leave the area as quickly as possible, and lastly, that she was making her way into the woods alone.

'What's going on?'

Perhaps it was nothing, yet Sour Sapphire couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

'What should I do?'

After pondering the thought, Sour Sapphire took a deep breath and cautiously followed Roseate into the forest.

Six days prior...

Maple Sugar sat in a booth, making a few sketches as she waited for Roseate and her mom to finish closing up the diner. Humming a little tune to herself as she scribbled on the white sheet of paper.

"What are you working on?" Roseate asked as she sat down across from Maple Sugar.

The drawing consisted of three stick figures, one was large with horns on her head, the second was a small filly with Maple's colors and the last was of a pony who looked very similar to Roseate, who stood between the filly and the monster.

"Oh, just something I dreamt about."

"That's nice," Roseate said, "who's that?"

Roseate pointed to the small filly.

"That's me."

"What about that?" Roseate pointed to the larger scribble.

"That's the monster," Maple Sugar answered, "she was really mean."

"I see, and who's that?" Roseate pointed to the next shape.

"That's you."

"Hmmm… I guess I wasn't wearing my make-up." Roseate giggled.

"I think you are very pretty, miss Roseate."

"Oh, you're just saying that because I was your teacher." Roseate adjusted her glasses, a slight blush to her cheeks. The corners of her lips stretched upward slightly in the ghost of a smile.

"No, I really do think you're pretty." Maple Sugar said with a smile.

Roseate chuckled. "Well, thank you."

"Someday, Roseate, I hope to be just like you." Maple resumed her drawing, trying to add some shading like she had seen one of the colts at school do with his drawings. She stopped however, when she heard somepony sniffling.

Looking up she saw Roseate looking down at the table, tears welling in her eyes.

"Miss Roseate, are you okay?"

Roseate shook her head and wiped away her tears.

"I have endured many things my child," Roseate replied, "things that I do not wish for you to witness. Don't strive to be like me, Maple. Just strive to be yourself."

"Um, okay," Maple said, "please don't cry miss Roseate."

This warranted a chuckle from Roseate as she managed to wipe away the last of her tears.

"It's okay dear." Roseate said as she stood up from the booth. "Why don't I grab you a glass of orange juice okay."

Quillian Inkheart's legs wobbled, threatening to give out from beneath him. As he gritted his teeth, Quillian could see Roseate watching him.

Suddenly his legs collapsed, melting into inky slime on the floorboards.

"That was better," Roseate said, "now try again."

"I... I can't..." Quillian breathed heavily.

Roseate looked over to the clock.

"I suppose we can take a break."

As Quillian caught his breath, Roseate pulled forth a small reflective sphere from her mane and examined it. Her eyes peering suspiciously into the metallic orb.


Roseate pulled her gaze from the sphere. "What is it?"

"Why is this happening to me?"

"I can't say for sure," Roseate replied, "this could have been caused by your heritage, perhaps you've come across something that warranted this transformation in your physical structure, or maybe it is something completely unknown to this world."

That wasn't the answer Quillian wanted to hear. He would have preferred a more concrete answer that would somehow miraculously solved this problem. As he glanced down at the floor he felt a couple hooves cupping his chin as Roseate pulled his gaze up to her.

"You're doing great," Roseate encouraged, "you've already managed to condense your upper body into its natural form, now you just need to focus on your legs."

"B-but what if I can't?"

"Then you will be stuck here until you can. Until you've conquered your doubt."

Roseate walked back over to the chair and sat back down. Looking back at Quillian she gave him a smile.

"However, I know that you can do it."


"Yes, Quillian."

"How do you know all this stuff?" Quillian watched Roseate as she pondered his question. A sad look on her face as she rubbed her chin with a hoof.

"I supposed you could say... that I've had... students, well sort of, of a similar nature."

"You have?"

"Yes," Roseate sighed, "a long time ago."

The room went silent for a moment. Quillian saw his teacher seemingly recalling an old memory, her eyes swelling with moisture. Had she lost somepony dear to her who was like him? He wanted to reach out to her, to reassure her, but he couldn't, not like this.

Roseate shook her head before donning a smile, focusing her attention back to her student.

"Now, let's try again, shall we?"

Seeing his teacher like this, Quillian knew that he had to keep going. If she had the strength to believe in him then he had to try to put his best... hoof forward. And thus he tried to stand once more.

Carefully Sour Sapphire followed Roseate through the forest, hiding behind trees and keeping his distance. While Roseate had peered behind her a few times, it seemed this was more something out of habit and not that she had detected his presence.

Roseate had opened the package, the cardboard box going up in turquoise flame. With her magic, Roseate held onto some sort of device. Moving through the forest, the teacher's attention focused mostly on the item in her possession.

As she wandered through the woods a black cat joined her. Its fur was bizarre, black with a pink strip flowing down its spine.

While he followed from a distance, Sour Sapphire could hear Roseate talking though he couldn't make out what she was saying, and... was the cat talking as well? Sapphire had heard of some animals being able to talk, however it was extremely rare.

It was then that Sapphire saw what Roseate was looking for. It was a massive ramshackled house, its wood decaying and old, covered in moss of various shades of green, brown and black. As Sour Sapphire looked the decrepit structure over, he almost missed seeing Roseate and her feline escort enter the abandoned house.

'What should I do?'

A part of Sapphire wanted to follow his teacher inside, however there was no guarantee that he could follow her secretly and it might be difficult to explain why he had followed her if he was caught. He could just run away, but if he did, it was unlikely that Sour Sapphire could retrace his steps back here.

So instead Sour Sapphire waited behind a tree, watching the broken domicile. Even as he did, Sapphire felt uneasy.

The branches of the trees seemed to reach out toward the house, like outstretched hooves casting accusations against a foul criminal, recounting the home's sinful deeds. However what unnerved Sapphire the most was the silence. He had been so focused on being sneaky, that he hadn't noticed how quiet it was. No birds sang, no animals wandered nearby, and even the wind seemed absent.

The sound of wood creaking almost startled Sour Sapphire, as Roseate and the cat emerged from the structure.

"We need to return home," Roseate said, "preparations need to be made."

"You go ahead," the cat replied, "there is something I must tend to first."

'So the cat really can talk.'

Sour Sapphire wasn't sure what to make of this. The fact that the feline could speak was odd enough, but the fact that his teacher was communing with it was just as strange. What connection did they have?

Roseate looked at the black cat with a bemused stare before shrugging. "Fine, but don't take too long."

Sour Sapphire waited patiently for a minute for both Roseate and the cat to leave, however when he peeked his head out from behind the tree, the cat was sitting there looking in his direction. Instinctively, Sapphire ducked back into cover.

"I know you're there kid," the cat spoke, "I caught your scent a while ago."

Looking back around the tree, Sour Sapphire could see the cat sitting there, his tail twitching back and forth.


"Hello, indeed." The cat looked over at the abandoned building. "Do you see that house there?"

"Yeah." Sour Sapphire answered.

"Well, that's interesting." The cat turned back to Sapphire. "Word of advice kid. Don't go in there. There is nothing but misery and suffering for those who enter."

"But Roseate went in there."

The cat nodded. "Indeed, she did, but I don't think she would be happy if you shared in her fate."

Standing up the cat began to walk the way Roseate went.

"Her fate?"

Hearing Sour Sapphire's inquiry, the cat stopped in his tracks. "Yes, and it would be such a tragic fate if one of the students she fights for were to disappear."

With that said, the cat resumed his march. After examining his surroundings one last time, Sour Sapphire followed the cat out of the woods.

Five days prior...

The teacher that had replaced Roseate was a dull unicorn mare whose basic mannerism was of somepony that was constantly in a state of boredom. Even as show and tell was going on, the teacher held her head off the table with her foreleg.

"Does anypony else have anything they want to share?" the teacher asked in a monotone voice.

"I do!" Maple Sugar said excitedly.

The teacher let out an annoyed sigh. "Come up to the front of the class, dear."

Maple Sugar walked to the front, happily brandishing a drawing she had made.

"So I had been having these nightmares," Maple Sugar said, "but that changed when I had this dream where miss Roseate helped me, so I made a drawing of it!"

She held the drawing up for everypony to see. Most seemed to share their teacher's bored expression, however there were a few that seemed curious about her illustration.

"Thank you very much," the teacher said, "please take your seat."

When the class was over Maple took her drawing and was walking back to her locker when she noticed two ponies waiting for her. Maple Sugar recognized them as Sour Sapphire and Quillian Inkheart.

"Hello." Maple greeted.

"Uh, Maple can we talk?" Sour Sapphire asked.

"I guess," Maple Sugar answered, "what do you want to talk about?"

Both of the students looked at each other with unease, before turning back to Maple.

"You said that Roseate saved you in your dream right?" Quillian asked.

"Yeah? Why?"

"We've had similar dreams," Sapphire explained, "well, nightmares where Roseate has helped us somehow."

"Really?" Maple Sugar wasn't sure how to feel about this revelation. It was kind of cool and maybe a little bit creepy that their former teacher had been supporting them through their dreams somehow. "That's pretty neat, but what should we do about it?"

Sour Sapphire placed a hoof to his chin and considered this inquiry, when suddenly it was like a lightbulb had gone off. "I think I have an idea."

Three Days Prior...

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Quillian asked as the three of them sat at the lunch table.

"Of course it is," Sour Sapphire said, "you put up the posters like I had told you right?"

The day prior the three of them had worked on creating some posters to put on the bulletin, asking for any other students that might have shared dreams involving Roseate helping them somehow.

"Yes," Quillian replied, still uncertain as to why Sapphire had suggested it.

"I thought it was fun!" Maple said a bright smile gracing her lips.

Sour Sapphire nodded, "I suppose it was a little bit fun, though the objective is to see if there was anypony else, like us in this school."

Quillian looked around the room, most of the other students seemed to be minding their own business enjoying their lunches. "Well, it looks like it might just be us."

"That's a shame," Maple Sugar said, "it would be nice if there were others."

It was then that a familiar filly started to walk up to their table. Turning they recognized her as June Berry, the mayor's daughter and the school snob, at least up until recently.

"Mind if I sit here?" June asked.

The other students looked back and forth between each other. Sour Sapphire gave June Berry a suspicious glance.

"Why do you want to sit with us," Sapphire asked, "It's not like we're the cool kids or anything!"

June Berry huffed, "Fine, I was just trying to follow the instruction on your dumb flyer but if you don't want me then fine!"

"Wait! You saw our poster?" Quillian asked.

"Duh! Why else would I want to sit with you guys?"

After giving his two comrades another glance, Sour Sapphire motioned with a hoof for June Berry to sit. With a roguish smile, June sat down at the table. "Thank you."

"So, you have seen Roseate in your dreams?" Maple asked.

"I most certainly have," June responded with a triumphant smile.

"Really and what happened in your dream?" Sapphire asked, not too sure that June was telling the truth. Watching her smile fade into a worried expression on June's face, Sour Sapphire couldn't help but smile.

"I-I don't want to talk about it?"

"What's the matter?" Sapphire teased, "you weren't lying just to get in our little group of misfits were you?"

"No, not at all!" June Berry protested, her cheeks burning red with rage.

"Well, if that's the case, tell us what you saw in your dream." Sour Sapphire beamed, enjoying this one moment of having the upper hoof on the spoiled filly. "Surely that shouldn't be a problem."

June Berry fumed before mumbling. "It was a dog."

"A dog?" Maple asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah a big dog," June growled, "and Roseate helped me with it! So am I in or not?"

The three of them looked at June quietly, until Quillian broke the silence. "Well, I had weirder things happen in my dream, so I think it's okay if she joins us."

A relieved smile stretched across June's face. Sour Sapphire sighed.

"Fine, I guess you're in."

The rest of the time during lunch was spent coming up with names for their club as well as a time for their first meeting. After some discussion it was decided.

We now return, to beginning of the end...

"So I guess I shall call the first meeting of the Sleepwalker's Club to order." Sour Sapphire said, knocking his hoof against the table like a gavel.

The four students sat in the diner, at one of the booths. While both Sour Sapphire and Quillian had notes laid out in front of them, Maple Sugar had a couple drawings in front of her and June Berry sat there with an authoritative yet annoyed stance. Aside from the students there was only one other customer in the diner.

"Alright, so what exactly do we know?" June Berry asked.

"We've determined that our former teacher Roseate somehow aided us all in our dreams." Sapphire said.

"And I can say that she does possess a wide variety of knowledge," Quillian said, "so if anypony could do that somehow, it would be her."

Sour Sapphire nodded in agreement.

"So what do you suppose she is?" June Berry asked.

"I'm... I'm thinking she might be a witch." Quillian answered. The group looked at him wearily, even at a young age they all knew that such a statement carried deep weight in Equestrian society.

"No, that can't be right," Maple Sugar said, "mommy said witches summoned demons and were ugly. Roseate's super nice and pretty. I doubt she is a witch."

"Yeah, that and witches aren't real." June Berry said in an irritated manner. While she hadn't been on the best of terms with Roseate and had on a few occasions tried to have the teacher expelled, the last thing June would want would be for Roseate to be hauled off by the Solar Guards for such heresy.

"Okay, maybe she isn't a 'witch,'" Quillian said, "but she definitely has some knowledge of the strange and the unnatural."

"How do you know, Quillian?" Maple asked. Instinctively, Quillian looked down at the table, feeling uneasy. He wasn't sure how they would react if they knew about his... ability.

"If she was a witch, how would that make you feel?" The four students jumped as a feminine voice disrupted their meeting. Turning they saw a pale blue unicorn with a dark blue mane, her lips turned up slightly in a grin. Maple Sugar recognized her as Moonlight Raven, one of the regulars in the diner.

"Hey we're having a private conversation here!" June barked.

Moonlight Raven raised an eyebrow. "In an establishment like this?"

Quillian Inkheart looked Moonlight Raven over. There was something about her strange, a look in her eyes like a mare who had seen things that few ponies could imagine. Mysterious things that squirmed in the darkness and shadows. Eyes that had witnesses such foreboding secrets and had endured.

"But you haven't answered my question," Moonlight Raven continued, "if Roseate was a witch, how would that make you feel?"

The children sat quietly, refusing to give Moonlight Raven an answer her question. While they might have had their suspicions that something was off about Roseate Grimsbane, they weren't going to say anything that could potentially cause her any trouble.

Seeing the student's resolve, Moonlight Raven smiled. "I see. I am sure that Roseate appreciates your loyalty. Please stay strong this evening children."

Without another word, Moonlight turned toward the door and left the diner. The children waited for a moment, making sure that nopony else was eavesdropping on them.

"So, uhhh… what were we talking about?" June asked.

"Quillian was saying that Roseate seems to possess knowledge of some strange stuff." Maple said.

"It makes sense." Sour Sapphire looked out the window. "She has a talking cat after all."

"Mittenz can talk?!" Maple Sugar exclaimed.

"Yes..." As he peered out the window, Sapphire saw the aforementioned cat walking on the street. It's green eyes glowing in the darkness.

"Now, that's just silly," June Berry said.

"Well, it's true," Sour Sapphire growled, "and I can prove it!"

Standing up from his seat, Sapphire began to walk over to the diner's entrance.

"Mom said to stay inside," Maple Syrup called out, "it's safe in her!"

Despite her statement, Sour Sapphire continued to walk toward the door. "If you want answers then come with me! I know just who to ask!"

Opening the door, Sour Sapphire stepped outside. Reluctantly the other three stood up from the booth and followed him. Once he was outside, Sapphire approached the cat who upon seeing the colt, sat down, it's tail twitching back and forth like a pendulum.

"This can talk!" Sour Sapphire said as his friends joined him.

"You're just saying that!" June Berry said.

"It's true!" Sapphire proclaimed, "and I can prove it."

The cat cocked his head to the side almost as if he were curious or amused.

"Say something."

"Meow." The cat said, seeming to smile in response.

"Awww! He's so CUTE!" Maple Syrup said, walking over and petting Mittenz on the top of his head, causing the feline to purr.

"See! I told you, you were just imagining it!" June Berry frowned in annoyance.

However, Sour Sapphire knew what he saw, he knew that Mittenz could talk from their meeting in the forest. So why was he being quiet now.

"Just admit that you imagined it, it's just a dumb cat!"

"I'm not a dumb cat." a masculine voice growled.

Everypony's expression changed to shock when they realized that Mittenz had in fact spoken. His tail now moving back and forth on the ground in an angry fashion, his claws scraping against the ground as he glared at June Berry. Slowly June turned to the cat, her eyes wide as his lips turned into a wide toothy grin.

"You can talk..." June said in bewilderment.


There was a pregnant pause as June Berry absorbed this turn of events. Suddenly she yelled. "YOU CAN TALK!!!"

"Keep your voice down!" Mittenz raised a paw to his lips. "You don't want to disturb the neighbors do you?"

"But... how?" June whispered.

"Yes, how is it that you are able to talk?" Quillian asked.

"It's a bit of a complicated story," Mittenz replied, "let's just say my master, Roseate is in trouble and she needs your help."

Hearing this statement, all the children looked at the cat in shock. It was surprising enough to find a talking cat, but to hear that their former teacher might be in trouble.

"Wait, really?"

"Please, just follow me," the cat insisted, "Roseate needs you."

"Mom told me not to follow strangers." Maple Syrup said.

"That's... actually a very wise word of advice," Mittenz answered, "though for some of you... I'm not a stranger. That and I'm a cat, so..."

Sour Sapphire nodded. "So you said, Roseate needs our help?"

"Yes, please follow me!" Mittenz said as he rushed toward Roseate's house. After exchanging cautious glances, the four students followed.

Before they left the streets, Quillian looked back up at the stars above. They were like eyes, looking down at them hungrily, watching with ravenous anticipation.

Her brain ached as if a massive weight had been placed upon her skull, threatening to smash her mind into a pulp.

As her brain shattered, Roseate's eyes opened and she found herself lying on a rocky surface. Looking about, Roseate saw that she was on a gray rocky landscape with a black sky above filled with stars. Upon further examination Roseate saw that the stars above formed a constellation in the shape of a swirling spiral. In the center of that spiral was a planet on which Roseate could see the continent of a familiar country that she had seen on numerous maps throughout her lifetime.

"Where am I?" Roseate asked.

"You're in my domain trespasser!" A regal voice boomed across the expanse. It was then that a figure strode out of the darkness of a nearby crater.

It was a large alicorn mare, her coat as dark as the starless expanse of space, her mane and tail flowing like a collection of stars. Adorning her elegant body was armor made of an alien metal that even Roseate couldn't recall ever seeing before. The mare looked down at her with cruel pink eyes. Roseate trembled for she realized that she was in the presence of THE Nightmare, the Mare in the Moon.

Feeling weak, Roseate felt her hooves give out from underneath her.

The Mare in the Moon stepped forwards, "Tell me trespasser why is it that you wonder these grounds?"

"I... I was trying to use your power to fuel the sigil," Roseate explained, "I needed it to defeat the Piihs, but it failed. The sigil of the Mare in the Moon failed and now I'm trapped."

"That's because there is no Mare in the Moon," Nightmare Moon said.


As the shadows of the moon shifted and blue light drifted over the alicorn's form, her appearance changed. Replacing her form was a blue alicorn with a starry mane, a regal crown on her head.

"Nightmare Moon, the Mare in the Moon was vanquished some time ago," the princess explained, "when you attempted to latch her essence onto that Sigil, there was nothing to power it, as from the few vapors that remained."

"No, no, you mean... everything I did... was for nothing!"

"Was it?" the alicorn asked.

Guilt wracked Roseate's mind. She had killed Lucky Lemon in order to obtain the Balorite from the Lavender Princess in order to create her sigil. Even though the foul stallion had it coming, the fact that his death had been for nothing, felt nothing short of insulting.

"Yes, I killed a stallion just to obtain the Balorite I needed for this sigil and in the end it didn't matter!" Roseate put her head in her hooves. Tears began to swell up in Roseate's eyes.

"That is... unfortunate." The princess's lips downturned.

"And now this world is going to die and there is nothing I can do to stop it!" Roseate put her hooves to her eyes, sobbing as guilt and grief welled up inside of her.

"That might be true." This alicorn that Roseate had no knowledge of, stepped forward. "but are you going to let them win?"

The alicorn held up a hoof and numerous magical spheres appeared around her and Roseate. As Roseate examined the spheres, she saw images flashing within, familiar scenes of when she had been helping the children along with the dreaded nightmare that had been haunting her. Somehow this mare had seen it all.

Roseate looked up at her in disbelief. "Who... are you?"

"I am Princess Luna," the alicorn answered, "and you've been wandering my dreamscape."

"The door is locked!" Sour Sapphire growled as he tried turning the knob. Sour Sapphire, Quillian Inkheart, June Berry, Maple Sugar and Mittenz stood on the doorstep to Roseate's house.

"Do you think you can get inside, Mittenz?" Maple Sugar asked.

"I can," the cat answered, "why?"

"Well, then you should be able to enter in and unlock the door right?"

"I would, except..." Mittenz presented his small paws before raising an eyebrow.

"Oh... I see."

"So then how are we going to get in?" June Berry asked.

It was then that Quillian had an idea, it wasn't something he was very excited about, but it could work. "I can get on the other side."

"You can?" Maple Sugar exclaimed happily.

"I can..." Quillian nodded. "but I would like it if... you would all turn around."

"What? Why? June asked.

"I-I would rather not talk about it."


Sour Sapphire turned around. "Come on, if Quillian wants us to turn around, then let's do it."

"Fine!" June groaned as she turned around. "But you better get us inside Quillian."

Once Maple Syrup and Mittenz had turned their backs, Quillian walked up to the door and proceeded to transform, his body becoming a puddle of inky slime. Once his transformation was complete, he slid underneath the door to the other side.

Concentrating on his original form, Quillian's body began to congeal, reforming into that of a young unicorn colt. Now that he was on the other side, Quillian reached out and unlocked the door, unbarring entry to his companions.

Sour Sapphire's ear twitched as he heard the door creak open.

"Alright, it's open." Quillian said.

"Wow, that was pretty quick?" Maple Sugar said as she walked inside.

This was the first time that any of the students had ever been in Roseate Grimsbane's abode. Even as they looked at the green walls and the hardwood floors, the feeling that something in the shadows was watching them sparked in the back of their minds.

"Now follow me." Mittenz instructed as he led the students up the stairs. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, the cat went into a side room. It was spacious and mostly barren except for a book that sat on the floor and something that was on the far end of the room, covered by a blanket.

"What is this place?" June Berry asked.

"It is one of her private rooms," Mittenz said, "normally Roseate wouldn't want anypony in here, however today she doesn't really have a choice in this matter."

"Well, I can certainly see why," June said, "this place is dusty."

Seeing the covered object at the end of the room, Quillian walked over to investigate.

"What is this?" Quillian pulled back the blanket revealing a mirror. As he peered into the black surface, specks of light like eyes looked back at him. A shiver ran down his spin as voices emerged from the inky void beyond.

Herald of Opera Asks: "I admit, I haven't actually been paying attention to this particular universe. I should probably get around to that (time shenanigans, don't ask), but for now all I need to know is that lives are at stake, and you're one of only four creatures in a position to help Mrs. Grimsbane stop the coming calamity. Don't think that the three others means you can slack off, either; her husband somehow isn't one of them, so it almost certainly needs everything that can be given. Anyway, after this is all over ask the Grimsbanes whether they like penguins, and maybe provide your own two bits on the matter. Yes, your victory is technically in doubt, but from where I'm sitting that's not worth acknowledging beyond trying your hardest to make sure the best outcome is what occurs."

Quillian looked back at Mittenz, a confused look on his face.

"Don't worry, they are also Roseate's friends." Mittenz shrugged. "Well, most of them are."

Asolem2 asks: "Hey kids, so I/we need you help us save miss Roseate from her own nightmares like she saved you, you can do this by calling out to/praying to/focusing on the constellation of the Star Pattern of the Late Mother of Slugs, Shiagontua."

"Shiaga-what?" Maple craned her neck.

"It's the constellation that is overhead," Mittenz explained, "it is a symbol of rebirth... and sacrifice."

"That's not ominous at all." Sour Sapphire said as he examined the strange book in the center of the room. Opening the book, Sapphire examined the pages, the inky worms squiggling into place to form words that he could read.

Mittenz continued, seeming to ignore Sapphire's statement, "If we are going to aid Roseate, we are going to need to perform one of these rituals."

Spirit Wind asks: "Hey kids, time to wake up! Your mother needs your help! Call upon the sigil of the Late Mother of Slugs, Shiagontua, and go save Roseate!"

"Mother?" Maple found this last statement to be a little confusing.

Turning the pages with his paws, Mittenz presented one such ritual.

"The Rite of Astral Guidance?" Sour Sapphire asked as he read over ancient pages. As Quillian came over to the book, he didn't see any of the words that Sapphire was seeing, just blank pages.

Mittenz nodded his head, "Yes, I do believe this will be of use to your teacher."

June Berry rolled her eyes. "Fine, let's do this ritual and go home! It's getting late and mother is going to be worried!"

"It says we will need to find something that we have a connection with that belongs to the pony we are trying to channel our guidance to," Sour Sapphire said, "but what could that be?"

Mittenz stroked his chin, before a spark formed in his eyes. "I think I might actually know of something. Follow me."

As Mittenz led the children to another room, Quillian felt uneasy about the voices in the mirror. It was as if those soundless words were soaking into him, his brain absorbing them like a sponge. His eyes were fixed on the dark glass as more of the voices leaked into his mind.

Mesmerwolf asks: "Quillian! Your teacher, Roseate is in trouble! Gather your fellow students & go to her aid! Find Mittens, he'll show the way!"

"Quillian!" June's voice disturbed Quillian's thoughts from the mirror. "Come on!"

Entering another room, the children discovered that it was filled with stuffed animals and a cat bed. The way the dolls and stuffed toys seemed to be watching them was a little offsetting. Even as he entered the room, Quillian could feel his attention being pulled toward one of the stuffed animals, its body shaped like a black pony with black button eyes.

"Do any of you feel anything?" Mittenz asked, his tail twitching back and forth.

As Maple Sugar looked around the room she spotted a bugbear plushie, seeing it Maple remembered her dream. Reaching out with her hooves, Maple picked up the doll.

"I think some of these stuffed animals might have a connection to the nightmares we had." Maple said.

Even as Maple said this, June Berry saw a purple dog plushie that stood out to her.

"Does everypony else notice if any of the animals remind them of the nightmares Roseate was involved in?" Sour Sapphire asked.

"Yeah," Maple said, holding the bugbear doll in her hooves.

"It would seem that way." Quillian picked up the doll of the inky pony.

June walked over to the stuffed dog toy and took it. Seeing the crab plushie, Sour Sapphire knew which one belonged to him. Once each of them had the doll that they felt they had a connection with, they returned to the mirror room.

Walking back into the room, Quillian felt his eyes being pulled back to the mirror.

M.R. Amorcolt asks: "While I know this situation is intimidating, I know that all of you can help Roseate."

Airy Words asks: "Children, your teacher and your friend needs you. Follow Miss Grimsbane, and above all, remember that someone else's nightmares hold no power over you."

Quillian wasn't sure what to make of the strange message appearing through the glass. They were soothing and enticing like a siren's song.

As the soft tone of the voices lulled Quillian into a daze, he heard one voice among the rest, and saw familiar eyes staring back at him. It was like looking into a normal mirror, if he was much older and more haggard. The alternate version of himself reached up, placing a hoof to the eldritch barrier.

Quillian Inkheart asks: "Child from beyond the veil; live your life as you see fit, free of nightmares. Save your mentor and know that you will live free from the nightmares. But be warned; darkness has claimed you many times. And they are watching. From beyond your darkest dreams."

"So what should we do now," Maple asked, snapping Quill out of his strange trance. There had been a moment there, just for a second, that he had seen something other, a twisted, melted version of himself, screaming and wailing, demanding pain and death. He shuddered so hard, he felt like his body would melt, but kept turned to face the others.

"We will need to draw the ritual formation in chalk," Mittenz answered, "fortunately I have some."

Holding out a paw, a piece of chalk was held between his digits. With a flick of his feline wrist, Mittenz gave the stick of white chalk to Sour Sapphire. While Sapphire was curious as to how the cat had been carrying the object, he knew that right now wasn't the time for such an inquiry.

Taking the chalk, Sour Sapphire consulted the book as he began to create the chalk outline. "Alright there are four of us, meaning in addition to the central circle we will need eight others, one for ourselves and one for the item we have a connection with."

Using the chalk, Sapphire drew the circles.

"Then we connect these circles to the central circle and to each other using a series of lines."

By the time, he was done creating the diagram, it consisted of a circle surrounded by two boxes, one within the other, with a circle at each corner, with a line stretching from each of those circles to the central one.

"What's next?" Quillian asked.

"We need salt." Sapphire answered.

"Salt?" Maple asked.

Sour Sapphire nodded. "We will need the salt to form a 'protective circle' around the central circle."

"Does it say what kind of salt is needed?" Mittenz asked.

After looking over the page carefully, Sapphire shook his head. "No, it just says salt."

"Perfect!" Mittenz exclaimed, "that means any salt will do, so table salt should be fine. There should be some salt in the kitchen."

"I'll go get it." June said as she left the room.

June Berry walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Looking at the table, she spotted a salt shaker sitting there. "Now that should work."

"What should work dear?" A familiar female voice came from behind June, startling her.

Turning around, June saw her aunt, Snow Berry standing in the room.

"Oh, Auntie, it's so nice to see you."

"Yes... indeed it is." Snow Berry replied coldly.

As she looked at her aunt, something felt wrong to June Berry, Snow Berry wasn't her normal cheery self and she usually had a good fashion sense, so why was she wearing a black robe? Furthermore, what was she doing in Roseate Grimsbane's house?

"What are you doing here?"

Snow Berry waved a hoof dismissively. "It's nothing that you need to worry about. Why don't you come here and give your auntie a big hug."

Despite seeing her affectionate posture, June knew that something was wrong. It wasn't just the overly silken tone of Snow Berry's speech but also that strange look in her eyes. Like a spider wishing for a fly on the wall to fall into its web.

"I'm sorry Auntie," June said, "but I have something important I must do."

"Well, I certainly hope it's something important." Snow Berry's eyes became crazed as she gazed at her niece murderously. "Because neither you or your friends will be leaving this house, alive."

“While I try to avoid using that facade, after I felt somepony trying to use a sigil powered by my alternate persona,” the alicorn explained, “I felt I should confront them with the illusion of my nightmarish self.”

Roseate looked up at the princess before her, Princess Luna, once the Mare in the Moon and the guardian of dreams. A being almost as powerful as Roseate's husband, a creature that could simply wipe her from existence in the blink of an eye. A tragic fate for a witch who meddled with nightmares, then again on the other hoof, being killed might be preferable to being tormented for all eternity by HIM.

Nevertheless, Roseate felt that she must prostrate herself before the princess in front of her. Roseate felt like she should say something but no words came out. What can one say to the sister of the sun.

Roseate could hear Princess Luna's hoofsteps as she drew near.

"Stand up," the princess commanded.

Obeying Luna's wishes, Roseate arose, facing the princess before her. Princess Luna looked around at the dream spheres.

"For a teacher that tries to protect her students, you aren't very good at taking your own advice."


The dream spheres disappeared and a blue doorway appeared behind Luna. "Our time is drawing to an end, I have something I must attend to and you need to deal with your own nightmare."

Princess Luna began to walk toward the doorway.

"But what of my sigil?" Roseate asked.

Princess Luna turned back and faced Roseate. "Whether you realize it or not, you have something far more powerful than any sigil you could ever craft."

As the princess stepped through the light doorway, the world around Roseate faded to white.

"W-wait! Come back!"

"What took you so long?" Sour Sapphire asked as June Berry came back into the room, slamming the door behind her. The young filly breathed heavily as she joined the others.

"Never mind that!" June yelled as she brought over the salt shaker. "I got what we need, now let's get this over with!"

Mittenz waved a paw at the Isidria, "Is that everything we need?"

"Actually we just need one more item," Quillian said, reading the tome, "a soul stone or something equivalent."

"A soul stone! What is that?" June asked.

"It's a crystal containing the soul of a powerful entity." Mittenz explained, "most of them are a vibrant maroon color and are the size of a foal's skull."

"Do you know if Roseate had one?" Quillian asked, feeling a little uneasy from Mittenz's description of the arcane object.

"As far as I am aware she did not." Mittenz walked over to Sapphire and the book. "Does the Isidria state anything about an alternative?"

Sapphire looked over the page, before noting an area with some notes that had been added, listing items that could serve as an equivalent alternative to a soul stone. "It says that either a Mind Eater's Brain, a pony's crystalized heart or a familiar's heart could be used in the place of a soul stone."

"I see." The cat's face seemed to pale as he heard the list. His lips turned downward into a scowl.

"Is something wrong?" Maple asked.

"No, no, I... I know where I can find one of those," Mittenz answered, "I can get us a familiar's heart."

"Great, where is it?" Sour Sapphire inquired.

"I... actually have it on my person, however if I am going to give it to you all, I need you all to promise me something."

"What is it?" the students all asked almost in unison.

"I need you all to promise me, that no matter what happens, that you will all complete the ritual. That you will save my master, Roseate Grimsbane."

"Are you serious?" June asked in irritation. "I mean, if we're already here then it's very clear we are trying to save her!"

"I know," Mittenz answered, "however there is nothing more powerful then one's spoken word and I must have if I am going to give you the heart."

"We promise." Sour Sapphire said. The others agreed.

"Very well." Mittenz closed his eyes and concentrated on the task ahead of him. Then he started to cough violently.

"Mittenz are you okay?" Maple asked.

Pain wracked through his body, the cat's eyes opened wide in agony. Mittenz began to wretch, his body twitching painfully as the muscle and sinew within him began to unfold. Internal tentacles squirmed as they pushed the organ he desired into his oral cavity. With one final cough, Mittenz regurgitated his heart, a bluish organ with glowing veins and arteries. Thick green slime dripped from the cat's mouth as he fell onto his side.


As Mittenz lay on the ground he could feel the anchor tying him to this dimension crumbling. With the last vapors of energy remaining in his body, the familiar turned toward the students. "F-finish... th... rit-tual…"

With those last words, the light within Mittenz glowing eyes faded to darkness.

"M-Mittenz?" Maple Sugar walked over to the empty cat vessel and took it in her hooves, cradling the feline husk. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Maple get back to your doll!" June Berry instructed Maple.

"B-but Mittenz!"

Tears began to well up in June’s eyes, while she hadn’t known Mittenz it reminded her of the dead puppy she had tended to. While a part of her felt sad, June knew that they all needed to persevere through this moment, otherwise...

"Mittenz gave his life to ensure that we can finish this ritual to save Roseate," June retorted, "if we don't complete it, his sacrifice will have been for nothing!"

Even as she said those words, June did everything she could in her power to keep from crying herself.

It was heart wrenching but despite how painful it was, Maple Sugar knew that June Berry was right. Mittenz had given his life to provide the last material needed in order to rescue their teacher from whatever dark fate she was condemned to.

"O-kay." Maple sniffled.

While Quillian's heart ached, he knew that June was right. He also couldn't help but admire Maple's commitment in this tragic moment.

With a trembling heart, Maple stepped into her circle behind the bugbear doll.

Taking the salt, Sour Sapphire poured it around the central circle. Once a thick white line encircled Mittenz's heart, Sapphire took up his position.

"Now we will need to perform a chant in unison." Sapphire instructed as he read through the book.

"A chant," Quillian asked, "you mean like a song?"

"Indeed," Sour Sapphire answered, "it says we are to say the following chant. Alecn gerim stend l’ae t'tust derkist haur, gake lim t'tust stringth tos wothstend t'tust noghtmeri ngi sevi cjel lavit ce''t arr'i jha t'tust ebys'tel."

"Wow, that's a mouth full." June Berry mumbled.

"Yeah, how are we supposed to say all of that?" Maple Sugar asked.

Sour Sapphire looked over the page a second time, seeing if there was any way to make the ritual easier for his comrades. His eyes lit up as he noticed a small excerpt inside the tome. "I see, in the case that there is more than one participant, only the one leading the ritual needs to say that particular incantation. The other participants are supposed to say, 'Nulit h’tel fut kavix.'"

"So who will be the one leading the ritual?" June Berry asked.

"Well, obviously I will," Sapphire answered, "after all I am the one reading the book."

At first, Sour Sapphire expected June Berry to stand up and try to argue a case as to why she should be the one in charge, however much to Sapphire's surprise, June gave a nod of approval.

"Alright," June said, "I just wanted to make sure we knew our roles. Shall we start then?"

Looking around at his friends, Sour Sapphire could see they were ready. Miss Roseate had saved their lives and now it was time for them to return the favor. After gulping down some saliva, Sapphire raised a hoof toward Mittenz's still heart.

"Then let's begin. Alecn gerim stend l’ae t'tust derkist haur, gake lim t'tust stringth tos wothstend t'tust noghtmeri ngi sevi cjel lavit ce''t arr'i jha t'tust ebys'tel."

The other three students raised their hooves and called out. "Nulit h’tel fut kavix."

As they chanted the chalk around them began to glow with an eerie blue light. Then the heart in the central circle began to beat.

"Nulit h’tel fut kavix."

Slowly the beating heart began to float and with each beat, the shadows in the room started to be absorbed into the floating organ. Even the light from the chalk seemed to be pulled toward it.

"Nulit h’tel fut kavix."

A sphere of shadow formed around the heart like a shell, with glimpses of spectral light occasionally bleeding through. Something like a dagger could be seen being molded in the purple light.

Quillian was the first to notice the entity that surrounded them. Numerous green eyes and slimy green tentacles seemed to phase in through the walls, floor and ceiling. The looming eyes watched the student even as the sphere of shadow began to expand.

In a flash, the ball seemed to explode and the room was completely swallowed up in darkness.

"Thank... you."

…Of the nightmare.

Roseate felt sore and strangely deflated. Her lower half was cramped and painful as if somepony had reached in and scooped out her insides. Her vision was blurry as she slowly woke up, her body wrapped in her bed sheets. While Roseate tried to remember how she had arrived here, her memories of the past few months were a haze.

Looking up from her sheets, Roseate saw her step-father sitting next to her bed. Normally she would try to move away from HIM, however her body was too weak to obey her. In his forelegs, the stallion held some sort of bundle.

"Oh, you're awake. I have something for you."

He set the bundle down next to her on the bed. Looking closely at it, Roseate realized that it was an infant. A cute baby colt with a gray coat and blue mane similar to his father's.

"This is your... brother." HE said with a cruel smile. "Say hello to little Stygian."

A feeling of revulsion rose up inside of Roseate. Something about this was wrong. It was as if her conscience was protesting a great sin, yet her memories yielded no evidence.

The world was enveloped in light, before it faded back to the cage. She was back in the present trapped inside the obsidian cage with HIS body wrapped around it like a slithering insect. Even as Roseate tried to focus back to the present she pondered why such an old memory had come forward in her mind. However, as Roseate’s vision returned to normal she knew that there were far more important things to focus on.

HE stood over her, HIS member preparing to strike. "I look forward to watching you wriggle and writhe for me, like you did all those years ago."

This should have been the most horrifying event in Roseate's life. The monster who had abused her all her life both physically and mentally was now here standing over her, preparing to plunge HIMSELF into her. Yet, there was something within Roseate that kept her strong.


HIS ear twitched at her statement. "What?"

Roseate looked up at HIM, her eyes burning with her unbridled hatred.

"No!" Roseate answered, "I will not cower before you anymore!"

For a moment HE looked at her, confusion filling HIS expression, before HE leered at her. "What do you think you're saying?"

It was then that a light began to flow through Roseate's horn. It wasn't the normal green glow that Roseate's magic normally possessed but pure white. In a flash of light, a magical shockwave radiated out from Roseate, knocking HIM back. As Roseate's eyes adjusted from the blinding light, she saw four spectral beings surrounding her on the bed. There was an orange crab, a black pony-like creature, a bugbear and a purple dog, all of which stood between Roseate and her tormentor.

Standing up, HE hissed at her. "Do you actually think they can save you?"

"Yes, I do." Roseate answered coldly.

The ghostly dog and bugbear charged at HIM, their teeth snapping and their claws slashing. HE let out a roar as he raised a magical shield to protect himself, even then the energy seemed to crack under the bugbear's assault.

As their comrades fought HIM, the other two spectral creatures tended to Roseate's bonds. The dark pony like spectre placed a hoof on the chain attached to the metal collar around Roseate's neck. The hoof seemed to turn into black ooze around some of the chain links. As it pulled the hoof away, the ghostly crab snapped its claws on the now rusty chains causing them to break.

Now that she was free, Roseate stood up on the bed, watching as her spectral guardians waged battle with HIM. Even as HE tried to fend them off, the centipede-like creature around the obsidian cage began to squirm.

"No!" HE growled as his shield shattered. "H-how?"

Roseate glared at her tormentor as he cowered in anticipation, gritted his teeth in defiance. "It would seem that my students can save me after all!"

"Y-you can't do this!"

The underside of the centipede squirmed, pores bursting open to reveal long work like appendages with the screaming face of Roseate’s baby brother on the ends. Roseate did find this puzzling, unsure why this nightmare was taking on the form of her brother, she knew she wasn’t going to let it dissuade her.

"No, I AM doing this!" Roseate barked, “This ends NOW!”

In a flash, the four spectral animals disappeared, transforming into Roseate's athame. Wielding the dagger with her magic, Roseate lunged forward toward HIM and shoved the blade deep into his chest.

Suddenly Roseate was thrown backwards landing on the fleshy floor of the Piihs's cavity. The room was filled with a painful shriek as the Piihs cried out in pain, the athame embedded inside of the pulsating cocoon, filling it with white energy. The room shuttered in pain as the sacred instrument broke.

The Piihs's offspring screamed in anguish as they fled from the chamber as the cocoon ruptured, a slime covered entity crashed to the floor. Once all the creatures had fled the cavity, Roseate walked over to the fallen Piihs.

Its body was the rough shape of a pony but three times as big with antler shaped tentacles on its head. Viscous fluids covered its malformed body. Its chest rising and falling as it's life dwindled away. As from this monstrous features the creature looked just like her… just like miss Ginger Fizzle. Blank eyes looked back up at Roseate in an almost pleading manner.

In order to manifest in this world, the Piihs needed a body to serve as host. Unfortunately for Ginger Fizzle, it was not required that the host be living for this dark symbiosis.

"No hard feelings," Roseate replied, "but I have my own children I must take care of and I won't let your progeny interfere."

As the light in the Piihs's eyes faded, Roseate's horn glowed green as she cast a teleportation spell, transporting her back to the surface. Standing in the middle of the remains of the Swanling House, Roseate closed her eyes and channeled her magic.

"Alefm’letgh jelu eccursit hami, mey jelu go vissil yog n’gohft fut hath mariav. Alefm’letgh untol yulk esh rimeon't ngi an’sr skilitan ses’h dustadhe!"

Opening her eyes, an orange glow filled her vision. Slowly the house began to go up in flames. Stepping out of the house, Roseate prepared to make her way home, when she noticed movement out of the corner of her eyes.

Looking around she saw numerous figures among the trees, ponies wearing black robes. As Roseate looked about she saw one of the shapes emerge, a robed figure wearing a gray mask bearing numerous yellow teeth formed into a beaming smile.

Seeing the figure approach, Roseate's horn began to glow as she prepared a spell to defend herself. Immediately the masked pony stopped in their tracks.

"Greetings bride of Arsthotua," the masked pony spoke with a feminine voice, "we come not bearing harm but with a gift."

The figure lifted a heavy bag off their shoulders and placed it on the ground between Roseate and them.

"This flock is witness to this exchange," the masked mare continued, "that our master, the Smiling Lord, desires no conflict with your lord. That we have apprehended the traitor and have given her to you, to do as you desire."

Having said this, the masked pony began to walk backwards into the forest, the other members of the cult following her example. Slowly they backed away until they had disappeared into the shadows.

Once all the cult members were gone, Roseate approached the sack. It was a large burlap sack, with the shape of a pony inside. The fabric moved slowly as the figure within breathed softly.

Pulling back the opening, Roseate saw the gift within: an unconscious Snow Berry. Resting in the bag with her was the spell tome that Snow Berry had in her possession.

A smile stretched across Roseate's lips, indeed this was a worthy gift for the bride of an eldritch god.

Quillian groaned, his muscles feeling sore as his eyes stirred. He and his friends were no longer inside of Roseate's house, instead lying in the grass in the front yard.

June Berry groaned as she picked herself off the ground.

'How did we get here?' The shape out of the corner of his eye grabbed Quillian's attention.

In the doorway was a stallion who was watching over them. A unicorn stallion with a pale gray coat and a disheveled charcoal mane, watching them with maroon eyes.

Seeing the figure the students arose, preparing for whatever threat this pony might present. He simply stood there watching them. As he looked at the stallion, Quillian recognized the pony as the one Roseate had claimed for her husband, Strange Sight.

"Thank you children." Strange Sight spoke, his voice seemingly distant. "You have done me a great service today."

There was something weird about Strange Sight's mannerisms, while he looked like a living breathing pony, he seemed to move almost like a puppet. A puppet whose strings were pulled by a master puppeteer but a puppet nonetheless.

As Strange Sight turned back into the house, Maple Sugar spoke up, "Wait! What about miss Roseate?"

The stallion stopped in the doorway, his head turning slowly toward the children. Quillian couldn't shake that strange feeling he felt when Strange Sight gazed over him. It was like some distant creature was examining Quillian under a microscope. It didn't feel malicious, just alien enough that Quillian felt uncomfortable.

Even as June looked at Strange Sight, the shadows out of the corner of her eyes seemed to shift and wriggle like otherworldly tentacles feeling their surroundings. A shiver went up her spin as one of the shadow tendrils touched her hoof.

‘Wow does he feel so ominous?’ Sour Sapphire thought to himself. While he had seen Roseate’s husband a few times, Sapphire had never felt this unearthly aura before.

The corners of Strange Sight's lips pulled upwards giving the children a familiar smile or the imitation of what a pony's smile should look like. Seeing the wide smile, Maple felt as if there was something familiar about it.

"She is fine now," Strange Sight answered, "She will need her rest but I'm sure if you give her a few days she would like to see you all."

With those last words, Strange Sight closed the door and sealed it behind him.

A tired Roseate Grimsbane sat in front of the mirror, looking to those beyond.

"Hello, everypony," Roseate said, "today has been... rough, however I saw that some of you had questions for me and so I thought I might try to answer them."

Viper Pit asks: "Okay I'm back the transformation toxin of the plant was more powerful than I thought. It could be useful if you need to disguise yourself though it does seem to last about two weeks so be careful."

Roseate smiled at Viper Pit's statement. "Thank you, I am glad to see that you were able to revert back to normal."

Salreix Von Otsuu asks: "How common is it for eldritch entities to form a symbiotic bond with one another, like the presumed interaction between your Tantabus and the being which you hope to vanquish?"

"It usually depends on the entities involved," Roseate explained, "while some are compatible and able to form symbiotic relationships with others, there are some situations where they are completely parasitic, consuming one or both in the process. Despite their differences many of the entities beyond the veil desire companionship just like ponies do."

Even as the voices grew silent, Roseate knew that they were still watching, anticipating what she was about to present them with.

"Now I would like to thank you all for your assistance," Roseate said, "I don't know if I will have any more choices for you in the future, so let me present you with one final decision."

Picking up the Scriasphere, Roseate stood up from her seat, her horn illuminating the fleshy cavern she was within, revealing that it had been a tendril she had been resting on. Taking the communication device with her, Roseate wandered into another chamber, with a pit in the center and a sleeping Snow Berry, suspended by green tentacles. A tendril with a stinger piercing the flesh of her neck, pumping in an alien chemical.

The sound of dripping slime, wriggling tentacles and Snow Berry’s breathing could be heard throughout the chamber.

"Snow Berry has harmed me dearly and could have brought this world to a bitter end," Roseate said, "therefore you shall be the ones to decide her fate."

The unconscious mare stirred in her slumber, completely helpless to resist her fate.

"Perhaps she should be killed. Maybe I should take her nightmares and drive her mad with them... or perhaps I could grant her a merciful fate."

Turning away from her captive, Roseate showed those on the other side of the veil one of Arsthotua's new tentacles. The tip of the appendage split into a bush like system of tendrils, holding small fleshy pods, resembling a cluster of alien grapes. The pods seemed to wriggle in response to Roseate's touch. Seeing the way Arsthotua’s new appendage reacted, Roseate couldn’t help but smile.

"After my interactions with the cult here in Muleport, I am starting to wonder if perhaps it would be wise if Arsthotua and I had our own... flock."

Walking back to Snow Berry, Roseate placed a hoof under the mare's chin, causing her to stir once more. The captive pony looked quite serene considering the current state she was in, almost like a slumbering child.

"Sure she's weak and pathetic but her resolve is strong and malleable. With the right push she could be a powerful ally for such an organization. And if it fails then she will probably die anyway."

Green tentacles drifted down from the ceiling forming a throne for Roseate. Sitting down, Roseate crossed her legs as a single tentacle came down and nuzzled her cheek. After giving the tendril a kiss, Roseate focused her attention back to the Scriasphere.

"But in the end, it is up to you to decide. Snow Berry's fate is in your grasp."

As she finished her statement, exhaustion began to set in, Roseate’s vision becoming blurry. Before she could topple out of the tentacle throne that Arsthotua had made for her, numerous tentacles reached out and braced her.

"Rest my love. The night has been long. Let me tend to you."

Listening to her husband's instructions, Roseate closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

In case you couldn't guess, this next choice will affect not only the next chapter but any sequels that I might write in the future. So remember that as you consider Snow Berry's fate, it will have lasting consequences.

Decide Snow Berry's Fate.


  1. Have Snow Berry killed.
  2. Haunt Snow Berry with her nightmares.
  3. Make Snow Berry into a disciple for Roseate and Arsthotua.

Her fate is in your... appendages.

Also after everything that has happened, Roseate and Arsthotua are going to need to break or rather a vacation of sorts. So feel free to ask them vacation themed/beach related questions in the next chapter. :raritywink: