• Published 29th Mar 2018
  • 7,579 Views, 112 Comments

Crystal Reincarnation - Charles Farrow

The birth of Flurry Heart was apparently a bit more complicated than first thought. As Flurry already seems to have lived a life beforehand.

  • ...

2 - Realisations take form and a filly takes action

The door closed with a mighty slam of that peculiar golden light. The loud noise and the sight of the light, startled me enough to make me jump a good bit into the air.

Said jump, plus my currently abstract motor functions, managed to make me fall flat on the floor. Dazed, I couldn't help but just lie there and stare at the doors.

I was angry, stressed, scared and confused as all hell, but that little fright had somehow distracted me from the deafening panic I was in. If just for a moment.

The doors had closed seemingly on their own accord, after something unceremoniously threw that ominous horned Pegasus out.
I hesitated for a second, but then looked around the room for any signs of something that could have been the cause of what transpired.

My eyes locked onto a balcony of sorts. Big, open and blotted to the clear morning sky.

'Could have been the wind... No, no that can't be right. It would have to be storming outside for any chance of moving doors that big.'

I looked back to the large double doors

'But what then?'

Even as the flood of upheaval in my head was starting to calm, nothing came to me as I stared at the portal.

The handles looked somewhat bigger and were placed lower on the door than what seemed sensible.
The door itself seemed to be made of some kind of stone, in contrast to whatever the walls and ceiling were made of, though it shared the same obnoxious trait of gleaming.

It didn't make sense, but as my mind was acutely aware of at the moment, it was but another thing to add to the growing list of things that refused to do so.

Like the fact that I felt the... wings, on my back twitch and move, as if they had a mind of their own.

I looked back at myself, spotting the monstrously large limbs on my back.

I had wings.

I never had wings.

I wasn't supposed to have wings...

I wasn't supposed to have hooves, or be in this bizarre shiny room, in this place that I'd never seen before, but which somehow felt disturbingly like home.

This wasn't right.

I jerked my sight away from myself and stumbled onto my feet.

The thoughts in my mind began descending into chaos again as I slowly crept backwards away from the doors, and collapsed into myself at the foot of the bed.

Without noticing, the wings on my back closed themselves around me, hiding me from the madness of the world that tormented me so.

As my thoughts quickly span out of control, a small few managed to stick out from the rest, all of them carrying one question.

"What am I?"

I lifted my head from the oddly nice warmth of my wings and looked around the room. I needed to see myself, see my face... I... I had to see.

My eyes ran across several especially shiny walls that reflected the furniture, but only in a blurry, useless way. And then I spotted the mirror. The same one I had been woken to.
A tall glass surface surrounded by a steely frame and plastered with several small pieces of clean looking parchment with depictions of a plenitude of different horses. I couldn't make them out from here though.

Slowly and gingerly, I got up to my feet and with my wings still clasped around me, I made my way over to the mirror.
And to my credit, I only tripped 4 or 5 times. over a 7 meter stretch.

As I neared, I abruptly stopped near the edge of the mirror. A solitary chill ran up my spine and my gut clamped shut.
It took a heavy amount of willpower and approximately 20 seconds to shove all of that out of the way and step in front of the blasted thing.

What I saw made my brain reboot.

It was the same horse body that I'd seen earlier, which in and of it self was befuddling, but it was the face that made the gears in my mind grind to a halt.

That was my face.
it wasn't my face, but it was my face.
I reached a hoof up to poke my cheek and saw the filly in the mirror do the same.
My vision blurred a little.
What was I doing again?

Realisation struck me a moment before my hand did the same and I backed away from the mirror.
I had faded there. For just a moment, I had felt that same feeling that had been present for longer than I cared to think about.
I glanced at the mirror again with apprehension, taking notice of a strange contraption clamped around the base of my horn.

'Hold up, what?'

I faced the mirror completely again, staring in blank awe at the bony protrusion that grew from my forehead.
It must have been around 20 centimetres long and had small ridges edged into it with an almost mathematical design, from the bottom to the top, which ended in a somewhat dull tip.

Some of it was obscured by my very curly hair, but the strange device that sat mounted to the bottom was still visible.
It seemed to be made of some kind of copper and iron like material, as far as I could tell, with small colourful stones filling various sockets in it.

I sat down, looking at the entirety of the impossible little filly sitting in the mirror. It was a slow process, but slowly the realisation made itself clear in my mind.

I was a horned pegasus.

probably a child of the species as well. If that large creature from earlier was anything to go by.

I watched the filly in the mirror silently. studying the features and anatomy that now made up my body.
My body...

A queasy feeling rose from my stomach as I looked at the creature in the mirror.
With a start, I jerked my body to the left and heaved all of the nauseous feelings out.
A smelly, foul looking ooze slowly pooling on the floor.

'I can't do this. this is wrong. I'm not, I'm not this creature!'

I collapsed, disregarding the mushy wetness that stuck to my fur and just curled into myself.

Feelings and memories that weren't mine were trying to push into my mind. Only just staying at the edge of whatever sanity I had left.

I felt tears stain my face as I lay there whimpering. As I lay there frantically trying to sort out my mind, a tiny part of it cleared, and I became woefully aware of what I was doing.
I didn't have time to cry like a little kid, I needed to do something.
I needed to escape. I needed a weapon and an escape.
I had to get my body back and I had to find a way home.

Trembling, I stood up. With a goal in mind and a small, but building ember of determination.
I had to get out of here and that was just what I was going to do.

With a few carefully calculated steps I reached the door and ran into a small problem. The handle. Looking around to see if I could find something to open it with, I heard a click and brought my eyes back to the now slightly open door.

I tensed for a moment as I looked at the now open door.
'...Must have been the wind.' I dismissed it, trying my hardest not to think about it.

Just as I was about to head out the door, I caught a glimpse of a small snail like doll in the corner of my eye, I hesitated for just a moment, before grabbing it almost out of instinct. With plush under wing I made my way out into the enormous corridors, and tried to find some kind of exit.

Author's Note:

So... Been a while huh?
A few good reasons for that, mostly personal.
I've been trying to find a middleground between posting whether it's good or not, and my odd form of perfectionism.

This is only half of the chapter actually, but I haven't finished editing the second part and I thought, maybe you guys would like an update after 2 years. So here ya go. Have a lil' chapter.

I'm gonna try get back on the horse so to say, but no promises, and certainly no scheduled updates..
I'm putting in some effort to write more though, so hope you lads enjoy.

Comments ( 43 )

Right the fuck now.


UPDATE :yay: But first i have to re-read the first chapter :raritywink:

It has been a measly two years, you've probably got the right idea.:twilightsheepish:

I guess i celebrate to early... This Displaced in Flurryheart body makes no sense what so ever.
No body control (can't walk without tripping badly), no idea about the body working ( hooves,wings,horn ), no idea what surroundings. But lets go for a weapon and run blindly around and hope for the best? No knownlage of the basics, no supplys but acting without solid reason or objective... Yeah... No... This chapter contradicted itself. Especially the MC. Who would act/think about that conclusion anyway?
Can't make head or tails out of it. Why answer Cadance in the first place?

I mean there's a reason why he's acting like this. He doesn't know how to move in this body, but the muscle memory is still lingering there from all the time flurry has been in control.

He answered Cadence because he, in his groggy state of mind from just waking up, mistook her for someone he knew. Believing the whole ordeal to have been nothing but a nightmare.
He realizes it's not and panics.

He is flurry heart, but he's not actually flurry heart, their minds are in the same space, but different and therefore contradict each other.

He looks for a weapon and an escape because he feels vulnerable and in danger. He can't make heads or toe of himself or this place he's in. His emotions are overwriting his logic, and even that cant make sense of his situation.
He wants to regain what he feels he's lost.
He's not entirely stable, all things considered.

I do realize this might not all be clear from just a look, and I'll take that into consideration. I do have a method to the madness though.

Hope so... Cant even begin to understand his panic decision :applejackconfused:

That's alright, hopefully I can make it a bit more clear in the coming chapters.:twilightsmile:
He said and died for another two years.

Does Sombra appear in this story?

It has returned now we take Jerusalem :flutterrage:

Comment section is priceless ones more :rainbowlaugh:

This is definitely not rare in HIE stories. Running into walls in a blind panic is quite common, as is punching or kicking a pastel colored crotch height talking fuzzball that everyone is terrified of for really no good reason. Even if they knew nothing at all about MLP, I cant imagine anyone terrified of a pastel colored talking obvious herbivore the size of a medium dog. Its just gotten to the point where I just skip over those parts in stories.

That part, and the Apples of course. Anytime an Author hands a HIE an apple, i just skip the next 6 paragraphs to save my sanity. The apple meme/shtick is never shorter than 6 paragraphs and if I wanted to listen to something like that, I would just read clop.

This story isnt that bad though and to be fair the Authors these days are much better at avoiding the old story viruses that spread here in the past. For example, you hardly come across the word "Chuckled" any more, thank god.

The Monk
“I mean, you just seem to walk in random directions most of the time. How do you ever get to where you're going?" "Oh, that's easy," said Candy with a smile, ”I just make the place I end up, the place I wanted to be all along." There was an extended moment of silence. ”That... that's absolutely brilliant," -Trick Question

Meh... I only skip over useless torture part. Everything else has often a meaning to the plot , worldbuilding or character development :twilightsmile:

hope new chapter soon. curious if flurrys large ammount of magic was due to her being rencarnatid

Are ya sure ye want more? :trixieshiftright:

curious... is this an instance of 2 souls one body? or did the body go on autopilot until the soul became concious again?

welp looks like this story is cursed to never get past two chapters before whatever author that tries to pick it up just stops and forgets about it.....

I've never forgotten about it...
I'm honestly just too self critical and afraid to try continue it. I've got like half of the next chapter written down, it just doesn't live up to the first.

some people write a few chapters before begining to relese chapters so if you are having issues keeping going then mabey you should try something like that.
its up to you but mabey if you do write a few that are purely to make a solid base you think you can continue from you would be able to write chapters you are happy with.
i can barely start a story so i can really critisise so ill encorage insted

Maybe read one of my story. Their grammatic is far from ideal yet my readers love it. Have confidence and you see your reader will love it ♡

Turns out she still wants Whammy. I find this curious, is this a 2 mind 1 body scenario or that he was Flurry Heart all along? Curious, curious.

An astute question. A little bit of column a, a little bit of column b.

Oh they for sure feel strange, I can tell you that much.

are you going to continue this?

The author makes the story in 2018, then promptly abandons it after one chapter. It is picked up by another author, who makes one chapter and then abandons it too. Then the original author picks it back up, makes one chapter and promptly abandons it again.

This fic is cursed I tell ya.

Oh bruh...it's a real shame, this fanfiction has a lot of potential.

It's more that the first chapter performed so well I got performance anxiety and didn't feel like I could live up to it. Really I'm just scared I can't live up to the concept I've set up for myself. I'm not really a proficient writer, I just wanted to make something interesting...

Is this canceled?

This is beaudiful

It is not, but due to mental issues I've been unable to update it, I've never lost the urge to do so though, and I hope to have a new chapter out in the coming weeks.

will it continue soon?

If things don't turn out too stressful with my finals coming up, Hopefully yeah.

I passed my final exams and quite well so!
So I'm going to see If I can't get the third chapter out within a week. :twilightsmile:

I hope this story continues, so far seems to have a pretty good start

I'm glad you like it so far :twilightsmile:

I've got 5k words down for the next chapter written down and I'd like to cap it off with like 2k more.
Works been taking my time though. I've been taking a respiratory course for my new work place which has had me working 45+ hours per week, so I've not really had the energy to write. I'd love to continue though, just gotta get a little free time and manage to bypass my pesky ADD and perfectionism :pinkiesick:

It's been a while since the last chapter, so my writing style has shifted somewhat over time and I've been trying to match the vibe the first two chapters had, which has me second guessing the quality of my writing a lot of the time.
I'd like to say that it'll be out soon as my work schedule is going to get more manageable in the coming weeks, but It'll likely be at least a week or more till then.

I'm glad to see feedback though, it always motivates me to give it another try. So thank you :twilightblush:

Holy. It's kinda funny that the revival story got booped, then the actual original story got revived.

The revived died so that the og could reawaken I guess. Well both died but holding out hope.

CHAPTER 1: 28th Mar 2018

CHAPTER 2: 9th Apr 2020

last seen Last Monday

Why do they do this? Years. I wanted to read this story, but there is no story to build up and rise and peak.

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