• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 860 Views, 13 Comments

Does this count as... A Crossover? - Robipony

It's the story of two fictional villains (or are they) coming together to kick plot, chew bubble gum and perhaps find love. It is such a shame they are out of gum.

  • ...

A Day at the Museum

Three Days Later...

Mable Mane walked around the museum, her purse hanging over her shoulder. The was a small hole in the side that allowed Ahuizotl to peek through at the exhibits. It was the museum's policy to not allow pets on the premise and while the little jackal didn't technically count as a pet, there was no way Mable could show that without Ahuizotl talking, which could problematic considering that he had literally fallen from the sky three days prior.

"I hate this," Ahuizotl growled just loud enough for Mable to hear.

"You're the one who wanted to come here and see the exhibits." the mare whispered back.

She wore black stockings that covered her legs along with an elegant purple dress that covered the rest of her body. Mable had her green mane tied back into a ponytail and a pair of sunglasses hung over her brow. Judging by a few wayward glances from some of the stallions walking about, some found both her garb and her figure to be enticing.

Most of the ponies at this event seemed to be from the higher class. Mable guessed that most of them were there more for the purpose of socializing with other wealthy individuals instead of surveying the numerous relics and historical documents. Mable had once been like them, thinking that the world revolved around her and that her money would keep her safe. However, it would seem that the corruption in this city had other plans.

The walls of the museum were painted white with the floor being made of a white marble. Each of the exhibits was encased in a glass display with a golden plaque to describe it. Lights hung from the ceilings, illuminating the exhibits from all necessary angles.

"I didn't think I would be stuck in a bag!" Ahuizotl growled.

Mable was at the back of a group that was taking a tour of the exhibits. The exhibitor was a unicorn mare with a pale white coat and a light pink mane.

"Over here we the Stone of Taligron," the exhibitor said motioning to a pedestal, on which sat a circular stone covered in ancient hieroglyphs. In the center was a red gem.

Admittedly, Mable was curious how Ahuizotl could detect any magic in these relics. Was it some sort of sixth sense or did magic perhaps have a scent that he could smell?

"It is said that under the right conditions the Stone could grant power to its user," the exhibitor continued, "of course it required an equine sacrifice to do so."

Regarding the object, Mable made a mental note to avoid any situation s around Ahuizotl that might encourage him to sacrifice her if he ever got his paws on this artifact.

The jackal chuckled a bit, warranting a painful nudge from Mable.

"Keep it down!" Mable whispered, "Your noises will make others suspicious!"

The tour groups next stop was a large stone slab mounted on the wall, covered in various hieroglyphics showing a blue dog-like creature. One of the hieroglyphs showed a massive creature with four arms, four eyes, and quill-like spikes covering its back, its tail-hand reaching up and gripping the sun.

"Here we have some hieroglyphs showing the origins of the Ahuizotl," the exhibitor said pointing at the large stone slab, "a powerful creature that disappeared long ago. It would emerge from lakes and streams and drag nearby ponies into the depths. Many believed that the Ahuizotl would then eat the eyes, teeth, and hooves of its victims. Because of this activity, many heroes were hired my Mareztec priests to hunt and kill any Ahuizotl that appeared."

Mable's heart sort of jumped at the statement. The mare had been surprised that beings similar to Ahuizotl had once existed in her world, which was rather surprising by itself, but the fact that they had all been hunted to extinction was also shocking. Mable felt some pity for the little creature.

Ahuizotl moved within the bag, incited another nudge from Mable.

"Stop moving!" Mable whispered.

"Hello miss Mane!" the voice caught Mable off guard. Turning the mare saw that the one that had spoken was none other than Trot Summers.

"Uh hello miss Summers," Mable said graciously, "it is a pleasure to meet you."

Trot Summers glanced over Mable Mane. The mare had once been a model and the owner of a shampoo company. While Mable continued to manage her company, the earth pony had since given up her modeling career. Her working in modeling ended around the time she took on the alias of Mane-iac.

Prior to her life in crime, Mable had served as a beacon of hope, donating funds to aid orphanages and schools. She had spoken up, demanding that corrupt police ponies and politicians be dealt with more harshly. Then something had changed and the mare became rash and paranoid.

"May I assume you are here to look at the exhibits," Summers spoke a hint of distrust in her voice, "and not to cause any sort of trouble."

Mable's eyes turned into slits, now she knew why Trot Summers was aware of her name. No doubt she was aware of Mable being the Mane-iac, due to her position as the manager of the AzurEnergy Company. Considering her status it wouldn't surprise Mable if miss Summers had a special remote that could summon all the Power Ponies in a heartbeat. There were other emotions that Mable felt in the moment, betrayal being among them, however, despite her efforts, Mable couldn't remember why.

"For your information," Mable did her best to cover up the annoyance in her voice, "I am reformed. So no, you have nothing to worry about from me."

"Oh, really," Summers glared, "then may I ask you what is in your bag?"

Nervous, the mare swallowed hard trying to think of a way to hide Ahuizotl.

"I-it's nothing," Mable lied, "nothing you need to worry about."

"Really?" Summers stepped forward causing Mable to step backward, "If that is the case then you won't mind me taking a look inside."

Sweat dripped down Mable's neck. There was nothing she could do, she was trapped whether she allowed Summers to look inside the bag. Perhaps it would be better if she let it happen now instead of waiting for Summers to call some security guards over.

"Fine!" the mare harrumphed.

Trot Summers stepped forward and opened the bag to see an annoyed looking blue dog glaring up at her.

"You have a dog in your bag," Summers said.

"Y-yeah," Mable scratched the back of her neck, "my therapist told me that it might help to have a little companion to help me. However, I only obtained him recently so I didn't feel comfortable leaving him at home."

Mable hoped that Summers feel for the lie, that she didn't ask further questions. After looking at the dog for a while, the unicorn let out a deep sigh.

"Just make sure he doesn't make a mess okay." Trot Summers said before walking away.

Once Summers was a safe distance away, Mable was able to let out her pent-up breath.

"Well, can we proceed?" Ahuizotl asked in annoyance.

Back in Equestria...

"Have you been able to figure anything out?" Daring Do asked Moon Dancer as she examined the Sapphire Stone.

As soon as Daring Do had acquired the used artifact from Ahuizotl's fortress, the adventurer had immediately proceeded to take it to a specialist to figure out where Ahuizotl had gone. At first, she had proceeded to pay Rainbow Dash's friend Twilight a visit. However the princess was busy preparing for a meeting with the Dragon Lord, so she suggested that Daring Do go to Canterlot and meet a friend of hers by the name of Moon Dancer.

Now Daring Do and Moon Dancer were sitting in research room that apparently had once belonged to the princess of friendship herself. The unicorn was currently looking at the Sapphire Stone with a magnifying glass.

"Well, there is definitely an inter-dimensional spell imbued on this artifact," Moon Dancer answered as she set the magnifying glass down on the table, "and a very potent one too."

"But can we determine where Ahuizotl went to?" Daring Do inquired.

"It is difficult to say," Moon Dancer replied, "While I've heard rumors that Starswirl and Discord have been working on document numerous dimensional destinations. However, those are just rumors. All I can do is document the runes the creator used to imbue the enchantment."

"Is it possible for Ahuizotl to return?" Daring Do asked.

There was no telling what sort of power was beyond that portal. If Ahuizotl's claims were true, the Tenochtitlan Basin if not Equestria itself would be in great danger.

"Certainly," Moon Dancer said as started looking through a book, "He would simply need to use an enchanted object with a link to this world or know somepony who can perform a Gateway spell, who knew the correct rune coordinates to our dimension."

That wasn't a very comforting thought.

"If you let me do some research," Moon Dancer continued, "I might be able to find a means of opening another gateway to where Ahuizotl went as well as a safe means of returning. That way you or somepony else might be able to chase him down before he causes any more trouble."

"Now the crowning achievement of this Mareztec exhibition," the exhibitor smiled, "allow me to show you the crown of the Ketztwctl Empress!"

On a stand surrounded by glass, was a crown, made of black obsidian. In the center of the dark shards was a bright purple gem. As the crowd drew closer, Ahuizotl could smell the dark energy flowing through it. Just the idea of drawing power from it made the jackal salivate. This was indeed one of the relics that Ahuizotl was looking for, now if only there was a way he could obtain it.

Mable had to admit that the crown looked surprisingly beautiful.

'Who knows what sort of power it could give us,' Mane-iac's voice spoke in the recesses of her mind, 'All we need to do is reach out and take it.'

Worry gripped Mable's heart. Had she forgotten to take her medication for the day? Her breathing increased as she tried to remember if she had swallowed the pills earlier.

Suddenly a gunshot roared through the air causing all of the ponies in the room to instinctively fall to their knees, except for Mable, who was preoccupied trying to recall if she had taken her medication like she was supposed to, as well as those who had fired the gun, to begin with.

A group of six stallions in black suits and wearing various clown masks, filled the room, their weapons being either shoulder mounted or held aloft by magic. At the head of the group was a single unicorn stallion with a white suit, sporting a mask that had a wide toothy grin, the teeth looking almost like daggers.

"Everypony just remain calm," the lead stallion called out, "just do what you are told and no pony gets hurt!"

"Mable, what's going on?" Ahuizotl whispered.

Turning his attention to Mable, the lead gangster let out an annoyed sigh.

"Why do these super-powered mumbo jumbos always beat me to the punch?" the gangster growled, "How about you just leave so my gang and I can have all these lovely relics to ourselves!"

"Wait you're just letting me leave?" Mable asked.

"Yes, goofy mane freak," the lead stallion yelled, "you are free to go!"

While the offer was tempting to just leave and not have to deal with the annoyance of having the cops interview her after the robbery was over, to see if she had some sort connection to the crime, Mable would have to decline. Even if they were really willing to let her out of the museum, there were enough witnesses who could say that Mable was here, causing her potentially more trouble. Also, it was very likely that one of these relics would be something of interest to Ahuizotl, and it could be useful if Mable was aware of what it was.

"Thanks, but I'm afraid I have to decline your offer."

"Suit yourself," the gangster said as he raised a gun at her with his magic.

Mable closed her eyes listening as the clown gangsters focused their guns on her. She could feel her pupils changing. Mane-iac was coming out to play.

Hearing the triggers being pulled Mane-iac's mane tendrils slammed into the ground before launching herself into the air. Maniacal laughter escaped the supervillain's lips. That laughter was the only warning the gangsters received as another tendril swept their legs out from under them.

Her giggling grew louder as she picked up one of the stallions by the leg before tossing him across the room. After flinging the gangster aside, Mane-iac grabbed another two before ramming their heads against one another.

"Well looks like you're all talk," Mane-iac chuckled, "what a shame."

Using a tendril, Mane-iac grabbed the main gangster by the neck and lifted him to her face.

"I was hoping your little gang would be more entertaining."

"T-this isn't... The whole... Gang!" the gangster snickered.

There was a loud roar was something crashed in through the wall and punched Mane-iac in the side, launching her into the Ketztwctl Empress's crown display. The crown fell to the ground, breaking into numerous shards.

Looking up at her assailant, Mane-iac saw a large diamond dog. Its face was painted like a clown and multiple devices were attached to his back with wires reaching up to the brass knuckles on his fists. The monster's massive chest heaved as it breathed.

The gangster in the white suit picked himself off the ground, half of his clown mask broken, revealing his yellow eye.

"Meet Brutus," the leader said, "he is a little gift to us from Professor Wolfgang. A little insurance for troublemakers like you!"

Brutus let out another roar as he lunged at Mane-iac. The crazed mare sent forth a couple tendrils out to grab the diamond dog's fist.

A scream broke from Mane-iac's lungs as several volts of electricity flowed from Brutus's fist through her mane back to her body. As she watched the fist continuing its course, Mable realized it would hit her purse and potentially injuring Ahuizotl.

Mable subconsciously forced her body to shift. Another jolt of electricity hit her as the diamond dog's fist slammed into her chest.

While the Mane-iac wanted to stay and fight, Mable's voice rang through.

'We need to lure this diamond dog to an unoccupied area of the museum,' Mable spoke in the recesses of Mane-iac's brain, 'otherwise, innocents could be harmed!'

Two of Mane-iac's tendrils reached out and grabbed one of the museum pillars, using it to pull herself away from Brutus. Her body sliding along the floor. Mane-iac jumped to her hooves.

"So your this gang’s MANE attraction," Mane-iac taunted, "but I don't think you're so tough!"

Brutus roared before charging at Mane-iac, who dodged to the left. Using her many tendrils the mare ran deeper into the museum.

"Go after her!" Mane-iac heard the lead gangster called out, followed by another savage roar.

The sound of heavy footsteps vibrated through the corridor as Brutus charged after Mane-iac. Looking down at her bag, Mane-iac knew she would have to dispose of it and its precious cargo, if she wished to fight this fierce diamond dog.

'Sorry about this,' Mable thought as she took her purse and threw it behind one of the exhibits. Sure, Ahuizotl might have a few cuts and bruises, but at least he would be safe.

Before turning the corner, Mane-iac looked over her shoulder and Mable was pleased to see that Brutus has ignored her purse and was coming right towards her. The corner led to a room with two paintings per side and three displays holding a few artifacts. An explosion of concrete and white paint erupted as the diamond dog ran through the obstruction for his target.

Mane-iac tried to swing a tendril around to grab one of the diamond dog's rear legs, but Brutus saw it coming and grabbed a hold of the mane before sending a few more volts of electricity into it causing the mare to scream.

'Okay,' Mable tried to instruct the Mane-iac, 'it is bad if it can touch our mane! So you need to think of something else!'

However, Brutus wasn't letting go, instead, he sent another wave of electricity through Mane-iac's mane. As the super-villain screamed, the diamond dog drew closer. With a large hand, Brutus grabbed Mane-iac by the neck and lifted her off the floor, shoving her against the wall.

In an attempt to retaliate the Mane-iac grabbed one of the painting off the wall to hit the diamond dog with it. All this warranted was an annoyed Brutus zapping her again. Mane-iac's vision began to grow blurry, both from the lack of oxygen and the continued shock treatment. Slowly the Mane-iac began to return to the deep recesses of her mind, causing Mable to shift forward the red in her eyes no completely gone.

A cough escaped Mable's throat as another jolt rippled through her body. She was going to die. What a shame, her fate would be decided by a dumb inbred dog.

'Well, at least Ahuizotl is safe,' Mable thought, 'perhaps he will find the power he wanted...'

Gradually her vision began to blacken. It was as if she were looking through a long tunnel. As the world began to darken, Mable saw a strange blue creature behind her attacker. If this was supposed to be Death, then those old stories got it all wrong. He didn't look anything like a mare in a black cloak with a scythe at all.

Apparently, Death looked like a large blue dog.

Ahuizotl moaned as he pulled himself out of Mable's bag. Why did she have to throw him against a wall? Growling, Ahuizotl lifted his paws and revealed the gem he had taken from the Ketztwctl Empress crown when Mable had been flung into it.

He could feel the magic flowing inside the purple gem, it would be perfect for helping him regain his glorious form.

A loud scream resonated down the hall and Ahuizotl recognized it as belonging to Mable. While a part of him just wanted to leave with his prize and part deep in his heart told him he needed to stay. While Mable could be annoying at times, the mare had been gracious by assisting him. Who knows what could have happened to Ahuizotl if she hadn't found him. Perhaps he would have become some pony's science project like on one of those tv shows he had seen on Mable's television.

With an annoyed growl, Ahuizotl proceeded to absorb the energy from the gem he had stolen. His body changing on the spot.

Ahuizotl's body grew larger and his arms changed to the muscular limbs of a gorilla. His eyes shifted moving down his face until they were just above his nostrils. A hiss escaped Ahuizotl's lips. Going off his experience in the portal it would seem that any sudden changes caused by him gaining or losing power would result in pain, how irritating.

After his body had completely changed, Ahuizotl placed the gem in his tail-hand before following Mable's screams. As he moved through the corridor Ahuizotl noticed that the corner leading to the next room was damaged as if a hydra had plowed through it. Turning the damaged corner, Ahuizotl saw Mable being held against the wall by a massive diamond dog, its back covered in strange machinery, with sparks of electricity flowing from the wires attached to its claws.

While Ahuizotl wanted to help the mare, it was very obvious that coming into physical combat with the brute was out of the question. Ahuizotl would have to find another way to confront this monstrosity. Fortunately, the diamond dog seemed preoccupied with trying to kill Mable, that it was completely oblivious to Ahuizotl's presence.

Looking around the room, Ahuizotl saw a few exhibit cases containing ancient artifacts. Sniffing the air, Ahuizotl was able to pinpoint that one of them still had some magical energy inside it. It was a long staff with bands of gold and sapphire along its length, at the top of the staff was the head of a sphinx with a spherical sapphire in its jaws. Ahuizotl could smell the energy flowing through the stone as well as the power it was meant to contain. A bronze plaque on the bottom of the display referred to the artifact as the Scepter of Cleopatramare.

Raising his fist, Ahuizotl shattered the glass of the exhibit. The warlord could see that this actions hadn't gone unnoticed, as a reflection showed that the diamond dog was now looking over its shoulder toward him.

Aware of the new threat, the diamond dog let go of Mable and turned to face Ahuizotl who had taken the scepter. Letting out a terrifying roar the augmented monster charged toward Ahuizotl.

"Halt beast!" Ahuizotl called out as he channeled the staff's power. A spectral sphinx claw made of blue energy reached forward from the staff, enveloping the advancing diamond dog.

The poor diamond dog let out a squeak like a rubber ducky as the spectral claw squeezed. Then with a powerful yank of the scepter, Ahuizotl threw the creature at the wall. Admittedly he may have moved it a bit too hard as the diamond dog was thrown with enough force that the museum wall gave way allowing him to fly into the distance.

Ahuizotl grinned as he examined the Scepter of Cleopatramare, it was such a shame he would have to remove the sapphire from its ornate staff if he wished to keep it. After removing the gem, Ahuizotl made his way over to his injured friend.

Her dress was damaged, revealing the scars that tarnished her Cutie Mark. The movement of her chest indicated that she was breathing.

A few more gunshots could be heard from the other room along with the yelling from numerous ponies. It would seem that perhaps help had arrived and they would deal with the hooligans.

If Ahuizotl wanted to keep the two treasures he had found, he would have to sneak away.

"Damn it!"

Ahuizotl turned to see the gangster in the white suit, half his clown mask damaged and judging by the way his eye looked, he wasn't too happy.

"That diamond dog cost me a lot of bits!" The gangster pointed the gun at Ahuizotl with his magic, "So I guess you'll be paying with your life."

There was a clicking sound, indicating that the firearm was out of ammunition. A look of horror appeared in the gangster's eye as Ahuizotl lunged at him. With a powerful hand, he lifted the gangster off the ground by his suit collar. The mask fell from his face revealing the frightened face of a unicorn with an orange coat and a dark brown mane, with frosted orange tips. Terror gripped the stallion's heart as he started to piss himself.

"I-I'm s-sorry," the lead gangster stuttered, "I-I made a m-mistake!"

Ahuizotl's nostrils curled at the stench this coward exuded. If any of his henchmen had shown such cowardice, Ahuizotl would have left them in the jungle to die. A growl reverberated through the warlord's throat.

"L-look, let's talk about this," the gangster swallowed, "y-you could be our new boss. Yeah! Yeah! Ho-how would you like that?"

"Where's your boss!" A feminine voice could be heard from the other side of the building. It would seem that some pony had come to the rescue. The lead gangster almost seemed to give a sigh of relief before Ahuizotl growled again, reminding him that he wasn't out of the woods just yet.

Annoyed at being cut short by whoever this sudden rescuer was, Ahuizotl pulled his arm back before flinging the gangster down the hallway he had just come from. With that out of the way, Ahuizotl made his way to the makeshift exit he had made earlier with the diamond dog. As he was about to leave, Ahuizotl turned on last time to gaze at the unconscious Mable.

"Maybe we'll see each other again." Ahuizotl nodded to the unconscious Mable, before pulling himself through the hole in the wall.

Mable found herself surrounded by fog. Her body ached, her legs too weak to move, but that didn't stop her from trying.

Then a familiar feminine voice called out from the mist, seemingly bouncing around the inside of a cave. The voice making Mable's blood run cold.


Slowly another shape began to form from out of the fog. It was a mare with a grayish orchid coat and an arctic blue mane. Mable gasped as the mare looked just like she had before the accident.

"What are you?" Mable asked, "Why do you look like I did before the accident?"

"Oh, but it wasn't an accident was it?" the shape grinned, "we were pushed."

A sharp pain shot through Mable's mind forcing her to close her eyes. When she opened them again she found herself running through some sort of facility. Panic filled Mable as she realized she was in control of her body, that it was moving on its own.

Looking over her shoulder, Mable could see that some pony was chasing her. It was a stallion in a mechanical suit, with a single robotic arm attached to the back, covered in red paint. It wasn't hard to guess that this was the supervillain, the Crimson Fist.

As she ran, Mable realized this was actually her shampoo facility. Turning a corner, Mable opened the door to find herself in one of the chemical rooms. Crimson Fist wasn't too far behind.

While she tried to open the only other door in the room, the supervillain stepped inside, the fist brandishing some sort of automatic weapon.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this," the Crimson Fist spoke with a mechanical voice changer, "No hard feelings."

As Mable managed to open the door, a bullet flew from the Crimson Fist's weapon, hitting a canister filled with chemicals. The heat from the gunshot caused the container to explode filling the room with flame.

The explosion threw Mable through the door. As the memories returned Mable found herself laying on the observation platform, the skin on her legs completely burned. As the mare tried to pick herself off the ground, while the Crimson Fist walked through the burning doorway. The only damage to the power armor being the paint job.

Looking up at her pursuer, Mable lost her breathe as a robotic hand gripped her by the throat. Mable coughed and choked as the Crimson Fist lifted her into the air.

"I hate to do this," the Crimson Fist said, "like I said no hard feelings."

"W-why?" Mable coughed.

"My employer can't have you stepping onto their hooves," the mercenary answered, "which is why I'm going to make you disappear."

Next thing Mable noticed she was falling. She didn't even have time to scream before she fell into the vat of acid.

As the chemicals enveloped her body, Mable found herself back in the fog.

"They did this to you," Mane-iac said, "and they want you to forget."

Mable was dumbfounded by the explanation, as a bottle of pills appeared in Mane-iac's hoof.

"You stood up to their corruption and they tried to kill you," Mane-iac grinned, "then when they failed they tried to drown me out with these pills. To remove all these precious memories."

"T-those pills," Mable stuttered, "they're supposed to suppress you!"

"By suppressing me, you suppress all the evidence of their deeds against you," Mane-iac chuckled, "and that is exactly what they want."

"So you're proposing that I just give you the wheel!"

"No," Mane-iac grinned, "I'm merely suggesting that you refrain from taking these."

The pill bottle shattered and the world around Mable dissolved into darkness.

"What did I tell you?" Zapp said pretending to wipe the sweat from her brow, "Easy as pie!"

Maretropolis police ponies were rounding up the gangsters and putting them in the back of a van. About a mile away another group of police ponies was rounding up the diamond dog, Brutus. Nearby were a few ambulances tending to the hostages.

During the robbery, Summers had pushed a button on her watch that had alerted the other Power Ponies of her plight as well as her location. It wasn't long before four of the five other Power Ponies arrived. Today Saddle Rager had an appointment with her psychiatrist and wasn't able to come, not that her presence was truly necessary. This time all the other Power Ponies were able to deal with the gangsters on their own without giving away Summers true identity.

The gang who referred to themselves as the Mad Clown Gang had been working hard to be recruited by a larger crime syndicate and this robbery was supposed to serve as their initiation. Naturally, it would appear that despite their best efforts as well as the recruitment of one of Professor Wolfgang's diamond dog, the gang had failed.

Trot Summers watched as a few medics tended to Mable. They had various devices attached to the young mare to examine her vital signs. The mare looked weary and in need of some rest. It would also seem that her dog had gone missing, and Mable was a little distressed by the events.

Summer's ears twitched as she heard Mistress Mare-velous walk up.

"Do you have any intentions of having her arrested?" Mare-velous inquired.

"No," Summers answered as she continued watching, "today she was just another victim."

The heroine remained silent as the sound of a vehicle driving up, drew Summer's attention. Turning around, Summers began to walk away toward her limousine, one of her butler, Winters opened the door for her.

Winters was the griffin butler who took care of the Summers estate ever since Trot Summers was a foal. Despite being old and his feathers turning gray the griffin was still in good health.

"You know one of these days she is going to turn back to crime right?" the Mistress said as she followed her friend, "This isn't the first time she has been left unchecked."

Summers took a deep breath before turning back to her friend, "When that time comes then we shall take her in. Until then she has the same rights as any other citizen in this city."

Once Trot Summers had stepped in and sat down in her seat, the servant closed the door. Hum Drum sat in the seat across from the Masked Matter-Horn, a folder in his hands.

"I have those results you wanted," Hum Drum passed the folder to Summers who opened the folder. Apparently, the contents showed that the green hair had indeed belonged to the Mane-iac. However, there were some discrepancies with the blue fur found nearby.

"So she was there."

Hum Drum nodded, "Indeed, however, that isn't the most interesting part."

Summers raised an eyebrow, "You mean in regards to the stray fur?"

"Yes," Hum Drum answered, "the computer couldn't find anything in the database that matched it. Furthermore, when I had the fur taken to a geneticist to examine, she said that there was nothing on this planet with the same genetic sequence."

The mare chuckled, "Are you trying to tell me that it belonged to an alien?"

Extraterrestrial contact was extremely rare and often unpredictable. One encounter was who Radiance received her own abilities, with the second resulting in an entire section of Maretropolis being quarantined.

"Why not?" Hum Drum spoke up, "A hole opened in the sky and something fell through. Surely that counts as extraterrestrial."

The mare let out a deep sigh, "I'm just not excited about dealing with an alien right now. I already have enough on my plate with the villains in this city."

"But it would seem we have a lead," Hum Drum said, "After all, Mane-iac was there, perhaps she knows something about it."

"I'll think about it."