• Published 2nd Jan 2018
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The Maretian - Kris Overstreet

Mark Watney is stranded- the only human on Mars. But he's not alone- five astronauts from a magical kingdom are shipwrecked with him.

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Sol 400


[09:03] WATNEY: Hello, this is Starlight Glimmer. Mark is busy today- he’s moving the south weather station to the cave farm so we can figure out exactly how much heat the cave is losing without the life support system. I have a solution in mind, but I need to be careful how I implement it so I don’t accidentally cook the plants we’re trying to preserve.

But I can’t work on that without the data from Mark and a few other things, so I’m working on the Sparkle Drive for the MAV today. The new crystal has been installed in the old control system for some time. But since we won’t have the old ship computer in the MAV with us, I need help connecting the Drive to the MAV computer, or failing that one of Mark’s portable computers.

The Sparkle Drive works by signal from a computer. The version of the Drive that got us here jumped two meters at a time. We programmed our computer to trigger a jump every four computer cycles, or about 250,000 times per second. In our home universe that worked fine, but when we made the cross-universe jump our batteries were instantly drained to nothing. The Drive tried to draw more power, and the batteries crumbled to dust under the strain.

To prevent that, the new Sparkle Drive makes a much smaller jump, one which (we think) will only draw the power that seven batteries can regenerate with the six of us right next to them producing a tiny trickle of magic from our life force. We think a half-meter jump per cycle for capsule plus second stage (6 tons) will be small enough to allow the batteries to regenerate. The new Drive cannot make an inter-universal jump, so the danger of the power system failing in the same way as before is almost zero.

We also have two other settings, 0.65 meters per jump for capsule only and 0.2 meters per jump for the capsule docked with Hermes, based on the masses in your records. Those settings are adjusted by placing electrodes in different spots on the core crystal and can’t be changed by the computer.

So what we need is an electrical connection that can pulse hundreds of thousands of times per second (it only takes a tiny charge) that the computer can operate. We need a program the computer can run to do this. And, finally, we need navigation software updates to take this system into account for trajectory calculations.

Obviously I don’t expect you to do this overnight. We can’t install it until we get to the MAV. But I’m sending you photos and descriptions of the updated system and its specifications, as well as Dragonfly and I can translate them, for you to work from. I’ll begin sending as soon as you give me the word.

[09:55] JPL: Starlight, this is Venkat Kapoor. I have some engineers here eager to get started on your project. We’ve been expecting this for months. Go ahead and begin transmission.

[10:18] WATNEY: Thank you. File transfer begins immediately.


Well, it’s official; the cave is slowly losing heat. The new solar relays aren’t quite providing enough infrared along with the other components of sunlight to compensate for the loss of the water heating system.

It’s not an immediate urgent issue; only four degrees Celsius in a week. Also, there’s a good probability that the system will reach equilibrium well above freezing. But that’s during Martian summer, and the days are growing shorter. If we leave things as they are, eventually overnight temperatures will dip below freezing, and then the temperature won’t rise above freezing come the winter solstice. The alfalfa and potato plants above ground would die off, possibly to re-sprout five months later or so- or not. The cherry trees would probably be all right, except that the water recycling system requires magic from the plant life to work, and without that the water would sink to the bottom of the sealed cave chamber, beyond the reach of the roots of those trees. Without water circulation, even the roots and tubers die, and no more magic, no more plants, no more farm. Game over.

Starlight Glimmer says she can do a trick with the rainbow crystals- basically, to turn a few into little heating elements. The problem is, she can’t enchant the crystal to only operate at certain temperatures. Enchantments are not very good at making judgments- that’s one reason why the ponies ended up here in the first place. So she’s thinking about it, trying to come up with a solution.

So tomorrow will be a make-and-mend day. I’ll run diagnostics and maintenance on the Hab equipment- probably the last time I’ll ever do it. Dragonfly will do maintenance and patching on the pony space suits. They’re going to need it more than ever, since three of them will walk almost the entire distance to Schiaparelli. Starlight will be working on the enchantment for keeping the cave temperatures moderate. I don’t know what Fireball, Cherry Berry and Spitfire will be doing, but I’m sure there’s something constructive on their minds.

Two days from now, we’ll attempt Sirius 5C. This time we’re going to run until we just barely have the juice to get back to the Hab. If all goes well, we can proceed to the next test: spending the night in the trailer.

I mentioned this fact to my guests. I now know the pony words for “slumber party.”

Author's Note:

Doing okay at Ama-Con. Not feeling all that energetic, though, and definitely not inspired.

I'll be staying over in Amarillo Sunday night- I don't save any money on hotels by trying to get partway home.

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