• Member Since 31st Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 15th


I enjoy writing an array of topics such as horror and more. Enjoy your stay for whatever the reason!



Deep in Equestria resides plenty of the unknown. Things and beings ponies could barely fathom to think of. Journey with them to discover hidden horrors and mind-breaking madness. Will a pony be able to handle the fear? The crushing anxiety? There's only one way to find out. Curiosity begs to be sated with this collection of tales.

Cover image by: Duop-qoub

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 43 )

Dude. That was great :pinkiehappy: Very creepy, well paced, just great work. Onto chapter 2!

Glad you enjoyed the first story! The others all have their own tale to tell.

Quite a good set, though I'm a tad confused about what happened to Lily.

I didn't want to leave that one as for sure answer. I wanted to make it more left up to reader's interpretation as to the answer on it. Gives a bit more to let the reader come up with what they speculate on it.

Your a rather good horror writer, you should consider writing more. Sadly there aren't many horror writers here, which is odd because the MLP world is perfect for generating great horror premises.

The Monk

I got some more horror stories ideas lined up to write eventually. If I do them, they'll be included into this for sure.

Your story makes my top ten horror stories. (and its an anthology, Im on old fart, I grew up watching Hammer Horror Anthologies with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. So Im a bit biassed.

But your story is up there with

Forever Faithful by Konseiga

A Puppet To Her Fame by Kaiden

Ghost Stories
The House Remembered C by Waxworks

Fallout Equestria/ Pink Eyes by mimezinga

There is a story, horror, a good one but I can't find it again. Flutter shy. (I think its flutters) At an abandoned train station, and Cthulhu mythos.

(IF ANYONE KNOWS the story I'm referring to send me the link please. )

The Monk

I appreciate the kind words greatly! Thank you so much!

This is really good work! Love the general unknown aspect in several of the stories. My personal favorite was Unnatural Embrace. I featured this on episode 240 of my podcast, Pony 411.

Oh wow! That's awesome! Thank you so much! I'll be adding another story to this Anthology today, so keep an eye out. In fact, a story will be added every Monday this month and an extra one on Halloween. Hope you keep enjoying them!

This sounds promising? Are you Edgar Allan Poe?

Heh, if only~ Thank you though!

Great updates!

So are you still adding to this or is it truly completed? The reason I ask is that many people clean up their tracking folder when a story is completed. We don't get the heads up if anythings added to it afterwards.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying stop adding, I'm just saying remove the completed tag. (Or you could start a Volume II I guess.) It just prevents confusion.

The Monk
"Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study and be evil." - Reykan

I've got 2 more stories to add. One later today (since it's 1am for me) and the other on Halloween. The reason I don't want to remove the completed tag is because it's complete no matter how many I add. But I will say that after these other two I might choose to make a Volume II or something later on. So yes, after these last two stories this Anthology will be done. Though, I guess I could change the tag until Halloween~ Wouldn't hurt!

Her attention turned to the chosen mode of transportation only for her gasp. The handlebars had finally taken they last topple. The metal pole lay separated on the ground from the board though it didn’t seem to be any worse than that. She silently regretted the various refusals of having it looked at by several ponies but the filly knew it could be fixed. It had to.

Seems to be a spelling error in the second sentence

I'm enjoying all the stories so far, keep up the good work!

Ah, thank you~ Fixed!

That last sentence, just *Italian chef kiss* mwah! Really upped the "Oh, hell no" factor.

Very happy you liked it! Maybe you'll enjoy knowing that I'm working on a second volume to this anthology too~

Pleeease can you write a seqel? I know im a litgle late, but pleeeeeaaaasssseee! I need to know what happens next!

Not sure if I can, honestly. I like to leave some open ended nature to the short stories in some degree. Maybe I could sometime, who knows? I will say that I've got a second anthology already in the works with more stories to come though!

Awwww, okay, I understand the whole open ended nature and all.
Btw, loved the rest of the stories, dont stop writing! Imma go check out other stories, let me know if you do decide to make a seqel! Exited bot the second antholagy!:raritywink:

Oh it's well underway~ Just working on finishing the last story then it's a matter of a few other little things. It should be up in October!

(Good. It was a little weird trying to reconcile your different Changeling version with the established ones in my head, but it was nice and spooky, especially there near the end.)

Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed it!

“They were a pure white pony but had red eyes,” Scootaloo ended her tale.

I remember hearing a similar story, years ago, about someone looking through a peephole and seeing only red and learning the eye color later.

That's what I was referencing. That story creeped me out back then. Good stuff!

Nice! Can you tell me what story that one was? It was told to me by a friend, but I don't know the original or full story.

Nowadays when I get sleep paralysis I either play a song in my head to calm down and get back to sleep or call upon the spirit of my dad to rescue me.

Only once have I ever seen something in the room when I was paralyzed and because I need glasses, I couldn't tell what it was but it was pretty colorful and moving away from me when. I opened my eyes. I assumed it was my sister but she knew better than to enter my bedroom. I told mom and she, blunt as can be, went "It could've been a ghost."

As someone who deals with anxiety and paranoia, I know the feeling Lily has of not being safe in her own home. There are times when I'm too scared to even open my own bedroom door. Lol.
I find myself stalling through reading this one. I'm only at the part where she pushed the empty plate away.

I really liked this one, though it seemed a little rushed- not in terms of plot but because of some errors or missing words. Really wanted to know the rest of Twilight's letter, though.

Ambiguous endings can be fun but also having a heavy lean towards an outcome is also great. Feel free to point any errors out and I'll try to correct them. As for rushed, I didn't want it to drag on as it might not have been as engaging. After all, these just short stories for an anthology. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

When I lived with my grandparents, the skills of the windows were large enough for birds to make nests. There was one time I heard something making noise against my window, which my bed was right beneath. I got more annoyed than scared and, without opening the curtains to check, banged against the window to scare it off.
The memory ends there, but her situation the second night reminded me of it.

This felt like an SCP.
Very nicely done.

Shining Armor living in the CRYSTAL Empire and not knowing what a Geologist is was funny to me.

Welp, finally finished. I enjoyed the stories greatly, but for the most part it's left to the reader to decide what will happen ultimately and relies heavily on one's fear of what they don't understand. I guess it doesn't work to disturb everyone, but at least I see what your style appears to be.

Yes, that was the intent. I know not everything will be for everyone. So, I tend to go with what I enjoy or feel would be good for such ideas. Ambiguous endings can be fun and leave more open to discussion as well. I like it when a story is done but you can keep talking about it.


Hey I know this is like 4 years too late but the story you're looking for is called "A night at shadow station"


My god, you don't know how long I've been looking for that.

Thank you my friend!

“Come into my parlor, Ted. I have cookies!” -Reykan

Ah the good old eldritch horror you're not supposed to look at without going insane.

Getting notes of "Erich Zahn" in this. Heh, notes.

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