• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
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An artist, a historian, a firearms expert, a soldier, a critice, a writer, and a brony. but through it all, i am merely nothing compared to the creativity of others. be sure to let your's shine.


This story is a sequel to Never Meant to Be

After being falsely banished to the furthest reaches of the world, Zeil a reformed changeling sets out on an incredible ten year journey that takes him across the world. This multi-story journey will take him further then he could ever think possible, as he faces not only the dangerous landscapes, but the creatures, residents, and mysteries that reside there as he discovers his true destiny is not only to return to the mare he loves, but to discover a strength inside himself that he never thought possible. But what will happen when he finds more then what he searches for, and how far will one go for the one he loves? We will see...

Chapters (56)
Comments ( 229 )

Lord, I have been waiting for a sequel to Never Meant To Be. You have made my day. You have no idea how excited I am.

May your days be long and Delightful.

sorry it took so long, I actually wanted to wait till the artist I commissioned for the cover art was finished before posting this but since she is taking a little longer then expected I decided to post it anyways. the rest of Book one is finished but i'm gonna wait till next Saturday to post the next, kinda give it time to sink in so people don't just fly through it without catching critical moments.

No problem. It takes me a long time to respond to stuff too. I do like that you're waiting to post the next chapter. Like you said, people coming back to the series will be able to let it sink in between chapters. Smart move. Anyways, have a wonderful day.

I'm glade you liked him, I hope you enjoy this story as much as the last. Book one is finished however, I will be posting the chapters weekly (on Saturday) until all the finished chapters are up. (currently I'm writing book 2 chapter 1.)

this story is separated in books, (mini stories) that all play on the same journey each book is going to be about 2 to 5 chapters long while the total number of books will be about 16. so far I only have book one finished which is 3 chapters long and im on book 2 chapter one. (not sure how long that one will be till its finished.)

Think of it like the old Avatar anime, 4 books/seasons with a number of episodes telling all the same story.

to be honest I was on the fence about ever giving Zeil the chance to be reformed, but since its only expected since the changelings are now friends on the show I figured it as inevitable.

a sad chapter with a vary hard lesson but in the end i am hopping the lesson was learned.

i can say this is a grate story that i will be watching vary closely for updates.
tapping a hoof weighting for updates stinks.

I'm glad you enjoy it so far.
It annoys me too that its taking a long time to finish each chapter. currently i moved to a new city for a new job so once i get things settled ill try bringing them out faster.
I'm looking forward to what's next so i hope you wont be disappointed. :raritywink:

i know how moving to a new job and new place is i did that 2 times in the past, it really shakes your life up.



Omg I am so going to binge this later after I finish all my HW and can enjoy it worry free

I hope you enjoy it. This is the first time I'm writing in an episode (book) style fashion and so far it's going to be my longest project to date. That and I have always wanted to show just how far Zeil was willing to go for Zecora. So I hope it doesn't disappoint. :twilightsmile:

ok this is a super amazing chapter.
and i agree zeil has looked death in the face and stared it down.

I'm glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:
Some can survive danger and be afraid for the rest of their lives. But for those with an important task to finish, you can't be afraid, you can only push to get stronger. For Zecora, Zeil has no time to be afraid.

This hits me in ways many wouldn't understand. Ty for saying that, I absolutely love it.

a good chapter i like it.

“Bad news mates, Fiji has caught some kind of bug that is making him a little sick. So… he won’t be joining’ us on this one.”

nope nothing fishy at all with this.

nah nothing suspicious about that at all.

np I like to include little messages like this in many of my stories. it keeps the story interesting and on occasion motivates readers. I for one have been motivated on occasion when I reread my writing.

Nooooooooooooooo! Great now I have to wait for the next updates...darn it. :flutterrage::pinkiecrazy::ajbemused:

well at least the first wait was a short one lol
Ill post the next chapter tomorrow, but that's the last of my current completed chapters. so sorry but you'll have to wait for the next after that.

Zeil but, why do I still feel like something is wrong… like… I’m still in danger.”

it may be because you are not the only changeling on the clime.

a grate chapter.
i will be watching for the next chapter when it is posted.

Loved it! The mistrust between Zeil and Angle is quite something. Can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay:

Could Angle be Angela??? Eh, who knows...

well Angle is not a pony but i am scratching my head as to what it really is.?

i do love a good misery it just spices up a story to the max.

I'm betting on her being either angela or a windigo.

Damn, well I mean we all knew it was something like this but still...damn...

I take back every bade thing i said about Angle as she has one of the hardest thing in her life to ever do if i am right about her and what she is.

watching over all the sols on Titan’s Citadel.

Ergh, and now the waiting...

This story is excellent, perhaps catching me even quicker than the first one.

If nothing else, I’m quite enjoying cracking jokes to myself about all the grammatical mistakes.

And hey, I think I heard Green Day playing in the distance at that ending.

Thx I hope you like this as much as the last, its still a long way from being finished but its progressing smoothly. Sorry about the errors, I try to catch them as I see them but I never see them all. I used to be a green day fan, but i'm not sure which song seems to be playing at the end. though on occasion I do like to use famous lines from shows or references. example, I used a Frozen line in the most recent chapter. lol i'm sure you will spot it.

What Green Day song was playing in my head at the end? Anything that’s against big government, so you know American Idiot and Revolution Radio. (Though mainly the title track off the latter).

It’s jus5 that anything against a sole leader makes me think of Democrats, which just takes me straight to Green Day.

wow this is a amazing ending to this story ark and at the same time a good dose of truth for us all to think about.

Thanks i'm glad you liked this one. The next book will be much shorter and with little impact but if you've read my other Writing then the title says it all, Eden's Kiss.

yea sorry it takes so long to push out the chapters. i would go faster but ive tried rushing stories before, and it doesn't end well. (both the writing and the impact)

as of now i am following this and the first one to this Never Meant to Be. at this time i have way to many chapter lined up but i am planing on looking at your other story at some point in time.

ok, im not the type of person to tell others to read my writing, but if you want to speed it up a bit, the next book falls onto the main plot of The Price of Harmony this one kinda effects the entire world which is why it is part of this story.

ok will do as i have a open spot right now.

Hey, no problem. It takes time, and I understand that.

So how did Zeil and Mira live an entire day in the Land of Black Sand? Did I miss something?

This is about to be a crazy fight here.

Zeil could get past anywhere with a determined stare it appears.

I guess I can accept Angel, she’s a pretty good character after all.

However, I’m a much bigger fan of Angle, unique name for a pony.

Angle’s a bit obtuse, eh?

I also love how her official name is practically Angle at this point.

The sunlight is the true killer, you can survive a day in the shade or a cave with something to stay hydrated but the sun light is what killed its victims.

This was a solid chapter.

Angle of Death was always my favorite Slayer song.

lol yea that was my bad, I cant believe I went the entire book with the wrong name.
I fixed it though it is still a little embarrassing lol.

I hope you took no offense to my constant jabs at Angle.

nah its okay,:twilightsmile: I appreciate the correction and though it annoyed me to have to fix all of them, I'm glad I did so people who see this story later wont be confused.

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