• Member Since 5th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday



In the end, All things shall fall, and join... The Infinite...


Ok, I will admit, this is SUPER short. I wanted this to be a prologue for stories coming up and stories I have going on right now. However, I will not tell you who the characters are at any point until at a later date when the stories are at that point. Though they will probably be obvious who they are. So enjoy the prologue.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 34 )

I like this already, can't wait to see the other stories you have in plan.

Thanks. some of them are already up, I just have to get back to typing them, but still. Hope you enjoy where those stories go

Приказната беше одлична! Го сакав развојот на карактерот и начинот на кој се движевте помеѓу сцени! Вашиот опис ме радуваше и се надевам дека добро ќе успеете! Бидете сигурни дека не го ставате сосот во алиштата!

Obligatory post is obligatory:

Actually had that song on loop for an hour and a half typing the srcond chapter

Oh my god you used the wrong Your!

/commit sodoku

In all seriousness, there are various errors in here

-using your instead of you’re

-when she fights the tree she repeats herself

-dialogue seems very stiff, like puppets instead of people talking

remember kids, its I before E EXCEPT after C and when sounding like A as in Neighbor and way, and on weekends and holidays and throughout May, and youll always be wrong no matter WHAT YOU SAY


I presume you got what I was saying then, mortal?

ya, your a grammar nazi and I never understood grammar in school cause teachers made it seem like they made half that shit up and no matter what I do someone is gonna nitpick at my stories I make on my free time which means I fix what I know is wrong and if I dont know then whoops. someone like you will come along and jab at me and I stopped caring half a century ago.


We clearly got off on the wrong foot here...

I didn’t mean to attack you or be nitpicking, I was merely giving you criticism so you can make your story better

I didn’t even use any curse words, or berate you as an author, I only made a joke about killing myself

*blinks* joke? *scrolls down* Oh... ya, that didnt even load so I didnt know what that was about.
well, like I said, I just do this in my free time. I dont take myself seriously as a writer. I know I dont have much talent for it, but I know nobody else is gonna do these ideas, and Im not gonna push them onto others like another person on here does... So I just write them and if its good, its good. if not, well at least I tried.
and I appreciate at least trying to help. Like I also said, I dont really know the difference between your and you're and any other way to say it. I honestly gave up trying to understand it after.... wanna say 7th grade? Never made sense and never will sadly


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that...

I know you just said this was just a hobby to you, but I have a proposition, if you have a moment...

How about I become your proofreader/editor?


Well, I’ll give you some time to decide, but at the very least, I’m interested in what you have planned next for this.

Till next time, silly mortal.

lol the perhaps was a yes. I just thought itd of been funnier to use that.
and Mortal? *suddenly goes into coughing spaz* ok, made your point Gosh!


Alright, just msg me later and we can figure something out

Good shit... just wished it was longer :(

while theres no plans to continue this story, Infinite is planned to show up in quite a few other stories. She currently has a cameo in Sash Llilac and Rainbow Dash: Family across time while the first chapter hints at other stories she will be responsible for

Pretty cool, liked and followed.

Another showed an old man with a girl standing in front of a blue box staring down an alien race fueled by their hatred.

The same girl in another image slammed a watch on her wrist down as an alien warlord fired their energy at her.

Five teenagers fought off an army of monsters as a creature formed around their power in the back.

They laughed as they turned to another world, one of virtual reality where a virus threatened to reach out into the real world, corrupted by their power.

They then floated to a dead world, and chuckled at the image of a giant mech with a car for a head, destroyed with a fat man attempting to repair it but with no results. Their power had blown a massive hole in its chest.

You go from Doctor Who, to Ben 10, to something I don't know, to what I assume is Code Lyoko, to Megas XLR?! With the exception of Doctor Who, you're goin' SERIOUSLY classic/old school Cartoon Network here. And given that, I think the one with 5 teenagers might just be Teen Titans. Complete the classics.

Speaking of:

A young girl screamed a ghostly wail at a town she defended for so long, her skin pale and hair different streaks of white as their power fueled her.

Now that I realize you went with classic cartoons, this is totally a Danny Phantom crossover.

Actually the five Teens was gonna be Power Rangers SPD(since theres no crossover for that one on this site.) But since you mention im doing abunch of Classic cartoons, how can I NOT include the Teen Titans? Getting their own story Im not sure, but if they do well when I type the massive multiuniverse crossover, then maybe they will get their own story

Did I get my other guesses right?

Indeed. Id say guess for the others but I think I made them to obvious

Honestly, the two I'm most looking forward to are Ben 10 and Code Lyoko. Will the Ben 10 one have Sunset facing classic Ben 10 villains, or MLP villains in the roles of Ben 10 Villains? Maybe Chrysalis replacing Clancy, and Discord replacing Animo as the mad doctor? Dr. Ocsid.

Who would be Kevin, though...Trixie? No, I see her in more of a Gwen role.

Actually, Sunset will have a completely different role, since shes getting something from another Man of Action cartoon network show. Twilight is the one getting the Omnitrix.
As for Code Lyoko, I dont have anything set for that one rn. I was actually planning on asking permission from another writer to borrow their characters for the mega crossover like I did with JDPrime for his Fall of Cybertron story.

Wait... you're giving Sunset Nanites?! Yay! In that case, Trixie makes perfect sense for the Kevin foil.

Yes! As for a Kevin foil, if I make one, she will probably be it since Shining armor is the planned Gwen/Grandpa Max

Make Celestia the Grandpa Max.

Well see. Itll still be some time til then

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