• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Comments ( 15 )

Phew. For a second it looked like the bad guys were going to win.

Politics and ponies do not mix, unless in jest.


That makes me think of the Cold in Gardez quote... "Stories about ponies are stories about people."

At any rate, I could certainly see the crystal ponies having issues over whether to preserve or destroy statues of Sombra. It is far closer of an issue for them than any statue would have to humans. Also, pony history has always seemed to me a bit...flexible.

aw, I wanted the statue to remain.


Then he should have guarded it better. That is a problem with such things -- turn your back a moment and it is over.

true, if you want to protect something, you really have to try.


Would you have written this if it weren't for the recent Confederate statue controversy, though? Seems like you're using MLP as a mouthpiece. You're fine to do that if you want, I just find it to be poor writing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And CiG does say that, but he's also not political in his writings.

Actually the ending is the moral of the story.

You can stand up for something as much as you want, but if you ever turn your back on it for even a minute -- whoosh. It is very hard to protect something indefinitely. Unless you are willing to rebuild something(and many things really can't be), any stringent minority of the populace has veto power.

It is a miracle any public work of art survives.

(What is funny is both sides of the argument think I am for the other side from the story).


Not commenting on the moral. Just saying that you shouldn't mix pony stories with IRL politics is all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Just noting that whoever gave you the TD on your comment was not me. While I do not agree with you that real life stuff and ponies shouldn't intersect, everyone is allowed their opinion.

To remove the past is make it easier to repeat the past or bring about something even worse and in time those that push for this will themselves be the vile vestiges that must be removed for they will be obsolete


We find you OBSOLETE. Yep, I remember the twilight zone.

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