• Member Since 17th Jan, 2017
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Alden MacManx

If you're living on borrowed time, do you have to return it?


This is a story in response to a question I posted to Goldfur after his 'Seriously?' story, about the ARRRS rescuing a blimp. He didn't think he had the knowledge, so I took up the challenge.
The lead character is from an unpublished story set in Mixtape's 'Sin Never Dies' line. The character is mentioned very briefly in one of the published chapters.

So, how do you rescue an airship? It takes some knowledge, a teleporter, and a bunch of weights.

A Ponies after People side story as well as being in the Safe Landings story line

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Love your humor in this one. Great story line that works well with Goldfur's Ponies After People and I felt you kept true to his characters. Keep up the good work.


I did my best, and he liked it, so I'm glad to get independent confirmation. Grazie, paisano!

Micro chapter and link from my Safe Landings page has now been added! :pinkiehappy:

Bless you, kind sir. Bless you.

So, is this implying that Hal is one of Rainbow Dash's ancestors? :rainbowlaugh:

Not hardly, no how. But, he (and I) appreciate the thought. I didn't think of that....

Hold on Lads, I have an idea.

We are the Self Preservation Society. :pinkiehappy:

I think you phrased that awkwardly, because you make it sound the Ponies After People universe is Goldfur's, when it is actually Starscribe's. Goldfur merely wrote the Safe Landings sidefic that this is part of.

Oh hey! Look at that! You got the story up!

For those of you that don't know, Hal is a high ranking weather pony for the Nevada Aeronautical Survey: the air traffic and weather control organization for my fic 'Sin Never Dies'.
Hal is, of course, Alden's character, but we did a little bit of a collab with the storylines.

Yeah sorry bout that, been up for nearly twenty-four hours now and couldn't think straight to write a comment sorry Starscribe and all the other great author out there. Going to bed now.

He looked up after everyone had left. “Sheesh… it wasn’t that bad a flight, was it?”

I'd be shouting "AGAIN!" Hope they keep this one and not demolish it.:pinkiehappy:

Loop mightn't be possible but a barrel roll is.

8195294 Isn't that an aeleron roll and not a barrel roll? :trixieshiftright:

8198600 Hard to tell the maneuver in that video as the cameraman is keeping the focus on the plane not the environment. Tex's roll was recorded everywhere as a barrel roll, no mention of aileron roll anywhere, not something I'd like to try in a near 42 ton prototype jetliner anyhow. Even then president of Boeing, William Allen in a filmed interview refers to it as a barrel roll. Don't know why he mentions a chandelle maneuver as that's a steep climbing 180° turn

That was fun!
While I certainly did not understand a lot of the theory flying there, it was still an interesting read.
I don't know whether anything of this will stick with me, but I still enjoyed the terminology being thrown around.

The banter here was good as well. It wasn't outright hilarious, but at the same time it was pretty grounded in reality of the situation, which made it great as well.

Great job! :twilightsmile:

That was thoroughly enjoyable! Well done mate!

The best aspect of this rescue, is that the airship might be reusable. None of the rescued airliners would ever fly again, but an airship might just work in a tech-poor world.

you have a point, but, the infrastructure to support it is lacking. adequate landing spots, helium replacement, spare parts, fuel, etc. would ensure it would not be airworthy long. What can you do with a camera blimp? Not a lot...

First, you can do many things with a blimp that fixed wing aircraft and helicopters can’t, such as remaining in the air far longer than heavier than air aircraft.  Also, blimps are able to dock at Pegasus Cloudominiums as well as Pegasus cloud cities.

Second, the cannon TV series has shown many balloons and blimps.  Also, there is the upcoming episode “Once Upon a Zeppelin” and the 2017 movie also features airships.  Therefore, I’m hopeful that we can see more airships featured in our favorite MLP spinoff series.

See my reply to Lancerlot. That particular blimp would not be useful for any sort of transport, it being primarily a camera blimp, but the pieces, once disassembled, well, who knows what uses it can be put to?

Also, finding trained pilots would be hard. Hal and Mach were able to get it down in good weather with basic knowledge and a hell of a lot of luck. In rough weather? Who knows?

people ask me why or how I can re-read stories so many times. This right here is one of the reasons.
Mr. Saldacci, a red and green pegasus with white wings, an Italian pegasus with these colors. Also looking at comments nobody else has mentioned it. You never cease to fascinate and engage your readers Thank you for being you.

I admire your perspicacity, B.D. You'll find little bitsies like that in just about all my tales. Some times, I don't notice I'm doing so. That time, though, I did. I think...

“I see, Mach! Living ballast!” Amelia said from the copilot’s chair.

this reminded me of a scene in the webcomic "21st century fox", where the captain of a submarine asks a Giraffe to move to the other side of the ship to help balance it.

1976??? wtf you're a fossil- *cough* I mean a... uh- wizened being? anyways good job on da fic, is nice

Yeah, ah is. Age is just a number, and mine has to go on a diet...

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