• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 974 Views, 47 Comments

The Invisible Alicorn - McPoodle

Princess Luna explores an alternate world, a world that would much prefer it if she went away.

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Author’s Preface (you can go ahead and skip this one, but it will be included in the test)

The Invisible Alicorn

A My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfic

By McPoodle

Author’s Preface (you can go ahead and skip this one, but it will be included in the test)

I don’t normally waste my and your valuable time with sections telling you what you’re about to read. But on the other hand I don’t normally write dark. Given what else is on this site, this isn’t very dark at all, but I thought I’d put a word out to my regular readers just in case.

Basically what happened was I sat down with my racist great uncle one day and let him tell me all of his rants and conspiracy theories. And the setting of this story is what would happen if he was 100% right about everything. I did my best to make the world make sense and hold together, but there are some seriously nutty assumptions lurking in the background, so just sit back and enjoy the ride without poking anything too hard, OK?

Disclaimers That I Shouldn’t Have to State, But This Is the Internet, So I Do

1. None of the opinions stated by any of the characters in this story necessarily represent my own beliefs. Including Luna’s. Especially Luna’s.

2. This story does not represent what I think America is like. It does not represent what I think America is ever going to become, or what it could have become under any reasonable alternate history, such as a different individual winning a particular election.

3. Just because I like writing a story based on insane conspiracy theories, does not mean that I actually subscribe to said conspiracy theories. And just because my main characters tend to be somewhat Discordian in their practices doesn’t say anything about my own opinions. As a matter of fact, I side pretty clearly with Celestia in this story. But chaos is so much more fun to write about than tidiness, so here we go.