• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,501 Views, 144 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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Twilight's Lessons. Goku's New Move!

In the following days, the progress of Goku's healing further advanced, and his strength was beginning to truly come back to him. Though he hadn't tried to raise his ki past ten percent of his full power, his body was plenty capable of at least 25%, should he truly need the power. Goku, who was no longer dependent on Fluttershy for food and water, was hovering over the Everfree Forest, using his sharp senses to hunt for his lunch.

His stomach growled frequently as he scanned the forest floor for something to eat. "Man, I haven't had anything to eat but pony food since I got here...all vegetables and fruits. I guess ponies don't eat meat so...that makes sense I guess." He said aloud to himself.

As he flew across the treetops, he spotted a trail of hoof tracks in the mud below. Upon landing to inspect, he realized they weren't regular pony hooves. "I've seen these before...but what are they?" He quickly ran and followed the trail. It was obvious what ever came through the woods were a lot of them. Bushes and small trees were completely run down. Whatever grew out of the ground was flattened, and rotting away. Dead.

Within seconds, the scent of the animals Goku was looking for was in the air. Goku's saiyan nose picked it up as he took flight again. With his new vantage point in the sky, he saw them. A heard of wild boar. "Alright!" Goku said to himself. "Sorry I gotta do this little guys, but I'm hungry!"

Goku threw the last freshly cleaned bone in the pile with the rest of them as he put the fire he had made to cook his captures. The rest of the heard got away once he got ahold of three boar. At this point, that was planty to satisfy Goku's desire to get some meat into his body.

"Man, I feel like a whole new person...I probably should keep this a secret though. The ponies might think I'll eat them or something." He stood up, and stretched out, before taking flight towards Ponyville. "I wonder what that Twilight lady is up to. She said she needed to speak to me about something today. Better go find out what she wants!"

In no less than two minutes, he was soaring over Ponyville towards the library where Twilight lived. Passing Sugarcube Corner, he waved to Pinkie below who had spotted him passing by. Twilight's library was now in his sight as he grew closer to it; However, Goku had other plans.

"I think I got time." He said aloud, flying over the library for another circle around Ponyville. "I just can't get enough of the view up here!"

"Mornin' Goku!" A loud voice called from below as he flew past the Apple's farm. "Catch!" It was Applejack, who bucked a single apple into the sky. Goku swooped down and caught it with a single hand, not slowing down even a little.

"Thanks AJ!"

"You bet!" Applejack yelled as Goku grew smaller as he flew further away. Finally, Goku passed Rarity's boutique heading back towards town, before finally touching down outside Twilight's place.

"Phew. Never gets old." He said to himself as he approached the door. He knocked as softly as he could to avoid damaging the door with his new strength that was building within him. Coming back from the brink of death meant a zenkai boost would soon take effect, meaning his power would increase dramatically.

Twilight soon opened the door, and welcomed him inside. "Hello, Goku! Come on in."

"Hey Twilight. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well...I found an interesting book that you might like." Twilight replied. Goku stood there with a blanket expression on his face.

"...Seriously? A book? But I don't like to read." He pouted.

"I was going to read it to you. It's just a chapter in a book about Equestria's history, and I wanted to see if it rung a bell. Let me see if I can find it..." Twilight suddenly vanished out of existence with a flash of purple light, leaving Goku stunned.

"Whoa, Twilight where'd you go?" Goku was looking all around and realized she was over on the other side of the room. "How did you get over there so fast? Do you have super speed or somethin'?" Twilight laughed as she found, and pulled the book from the shelf. Again, with a flash of purple light, she vanished and reappeared on the couch.

"No, I'm using my magic to teleport." She said. "Watch." Flash. She vanished. Flash! She returned, this time with two cups of hot tea from the other room.

"That's incredible! You'll have to tell me how you do that."

"In a bit, but listen to this real quick." Twilight flipped the pages of the book, scanning for the certain chapter that hadn't been published in any other book of Equestria's history that she knew of. "Ah-HA!"

"What is it?" Goku sat down.

"Well...remember what you told us about your race being sent to far away planets to conquer them, even as infants?"

"Yea, of course."

"Well, according to this book. Hundreds of years ago, in the time of peace between Nightmare Moon's banishment and return, an extraordinary event happened where an extraterrestrial vessel like the one you arrived in landed not far from Canterlot. Princess Celestia went to investigate herself, and found an infant animal in the pod asleep. An animal unlike other seen before. An alien. Celestia got it out of the ship, and laid it on the ground.

It says here, that when the infant awoke, it's eyes began glowing red, and its body began to twitch. Suddenly, fur grew rapidly all over the body, and its size grew and grew, until it was the size of a small mountain. It turned into a vicious gorilla ape like beast.

For hours, Celestia kept the beast at bay with the help of the Elements of Harmony. As time moved forward, the morning came around, and Celestia found an opening for enough time to lower the moon, and raise the sun. The moment the moon went down, the creature stopped its rampage, and shrunk back to its original state.

To prevent it from happening again...Celestia did the unthinkable. She knew she had to kill him if she was to keep Equestria safe. This event is widely unknown in Equestrian history, having only been published in books in possession by Celestia's closest friends and family. They have officially named the tragic event, 'The moonlight disaster'."

Goku sat there with the image of a massive ape ravaging the land of Equestria. "Gosh...that sounds like it was a Saiyan alright."

"So it does ring a bell?"

"Yea. Us Saiyans are actually born with tails. Under the light of the full moon, glands in those tails allow us to transform into huge destructive apes that amplify our strength ten fold! Luckily...when I was a kid, my tail was ripped off. My son was born with one as well, but he lost his in battle as well."

"I know you've said it before, but just to reassure. You're not here to lay waste to our planet, right?" Twilight asked with a fake grin on her face.

"No no I swear. I landed here by accident...but that does make me wonder. Do you think that Saiyan baby's ship is still here somewhere? If it is I can use it to get back home!"

"It's best if we ask Celestia...she'll know where it is. At least I hope."

"Yea...so, going back to that teleportation thing. How do you do that?! That's wicked cool."

"Oh...Well, it's pretty complicated. Not many unicorns can achieve it. I'm not even sure if Celestia or Luna can do it. I taught myself after reading old books from a powerful unicorn named Starswirl. In a sense, I use my magic from my horn and engulf myself with it, inside and out. Every part of my body flowing with magic."


"Well, at first I tried it on things like books, and small things before I did it to myself. Last thing I wanted to do was rip myself apart or something right? Anyways, using the magic I would pick up a book, or a pencil, and rip a tiny hole in space and time, and send it through, opening another hole at the destination. Everything the magic would touch would go with it, and the second it teleported, the hole would close so quickly you couldn't even tell it happened. You can't see the rip in space and time, only see the object, or me for instance, disappear and reappear."

Twilight tried to explain as best she could, before giving Goku another demonstration. Her horn glowed purple, which spread out to the rest of her body. With Twilight surrounded in purple aura, she popped out of sight, and reappeared across the room.

"I am going to give it a rest for a while though, it tends to take it out of me."

"Hm...I wonder if I could do the same thing with my energy?" Goku said aloud as he thought in his head how he could manipulate energy like Twilight manipulated her magic.

"Possibly. For all I know, what you describe as energy could be very similar to what we call magic. But it would take years of training and practice to even start." Twilight said proudly, using herself as an example with all her experience behind her.

"You'd be surprised." Goku said as he closed his eyes and began to focus intensely on his energy. He could feel his energy, and all the energy of the planet around him flowing, breathing, moving around him. He took two fingers and put them on his forehead, similar to the horn on Twilight. Energy seeped out like fire and grew around his index and middle finger, growing around his head and down past his shoulders and even further. Soon, energy was all around him, as he focused harder.

Goku was sure he could pull it off with his years of energy control training. Though he could feel it was very different than magic, he had a feeling the technique could be copied almost exactly like Twilights. But something was missing...

"Something's missing. I don't know what. But something is just missing." He said aloud, letting his energy return from his body.

"Well, when I was younger I had my babysitter help me with teleporting things. When I started, I didn't start with teleporting individual items across existence. I started by having two items. One would act as a start, the other as a destination. Cadence would hold one up for me while I focused on the other. With the other one to help me focus on a destination, I was able to switch them!"

"Hm...Maybe if I focus on somebody else's energy it will do something."

Goku went back to it. Eyes closed. Energy flowing. Focusing intently on teleporting...all the energy of Equestria around him giving him limitless destinations. He looked for energy through the town. Through the Everfree Forest, and back through to Twilight's library. Suddenly, with a whoosh, Goku disappeared...he vanished!

Twilight nearly spat out her tea in shock. "Goku?!" She yelled, but to no response. She put down the tea and ran outside. "Goku?" She called again.

"Ahehe...Hey Twi!" She heard Goku behind her. She turned around and looked back at the library, and realized Goku was stuck in the tree. "Guess I need to practice huh? But now I know I can really do it!"

"Incredible Goku! You just keep amazing me!"

"Are you kidding? At this rate I'm even impressing myself...uh, could you help me get down?" He asked with a smile. Twilight used her magic to untangle Goku from the limbs of the tree, freeing Goku who landed on the ground face first.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked concerned.

"Oowww...yea I'm fine. That's gonna bruise tomorrow." Goku replied, rubbing his head.

"I still can't believe you managed to pull that off...even if you did end up tangled in a bunch of branches!"

"Yea no kidding...it felt so weird. I felt all fuzzy for a split second and next thing I know I was up there." Goku explained, "I wonder what I should call this technique...hm." He thought for a second before a lightbulb appeared above his head.

"I got it!" He said with a smile, "Instant Transmission!"

"Instant Transmission hm? That's one way to call it teleportation."

"Yea, but Instant Transmission sounds way cooler!"

"I guess you're right...come on, we still tea to drink!" Twilight exclaimed happily. She reared back and with a flash, teleported into the library once more, followed by Goku running back in.

Author's Note:

This is fan service, please relax if this triggered you for some reason?
Chapter recap: Twilight is curious about an event that happened in Equestrian history, and tells it to Goku. She then teaches Goku teleportation, to which Goku decides to call "Instant Transmission".