• Published 1st Mar 2017
  • 5,294 Views, 452 Comments

Taming the Wild Horse - SFaccountant

Sequel to Home is Where Your Curse is. The rebellion stalls, and Trixie's show heats up as she and Ranma hit the road to make a name for themselves as something other than fugitive criminals. But old habits die hard.

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Judgment Deferred

Taming the Wild Horse
a My Little Pony/Ranma 0.5 crossover fanfiction
by SFaccountant

Chapter 8
Judgment Deferred

Blood Rite appeared near the edge of the town’s border in a flash of white light, his teleportation flare casting long shadows behind the clusters of trees. He quickly ducked under the brush, searching the surroundings for any witnesses.

Nothing. There were no ponies gathered at this particular corner of the town at this particular hour. Which was to be expected; the sun was setting down and most of the townsfolk would be at home eating dinner. But he couldn’t take his security for granted. Not here.

Another flash of light consumed him, and Rite re-appeared atop the nearest house. With a few indecipherable whispers and a glimmer around his horn, a sphere of silvery magic coalesced into the air barely a foot above the roof. It was about the size of a tennis ball, and inscribed with a runic symbol on one side and a dark spot on the other, like the iris of an eye.

Even doing this much was a substantial risk; Ponyville was often subjected to strange magic effects, was the home of the Element of Magic, and also visited semi-frequently by Equestrian royalty. There was no telling how long his scryer sentries would last, and what would happen after they were discovered. Canterlot was still as nervous as ever about his movements and activities, and they were desperate for any lead they could get to corner him.

But there was simply no way he could miss the pandemonium that he had just unleashed within this sleepy pony village.

“By Faust, they really dispatched the army here, all to hunt down that pigtailed pest,” Rite whispered to himself.

In the distance he could see the pegasi above the trees, glittering from the reflection of the twilight against their polished armor. Beams of light flared up into the sky within a tight cluster in the orchard: group teleports, of the sort used to deploy Equestrian vanguards. How many ponies were facing down the accursed ape right now? Dozens? Hundreds? A thousand or more?

Rite had to tamp down his own excitement. He was sure that this deployment was so big in part because they thought - or rather, hoped - that he might show up to interfere. He still didn’t understand quite how Ranma Saotome, the single largest thorn in his side, had been branded as his ally and fellow rebel, but it was a fortunate thing that most of his enemies hated each other. It had already neutralized Kamikazan – an incidental obstacle, to be sure, but still a serious threat – and it may yet remove Havoc from the board as well.

Or the entire Equestrian military. Whichever.

He teleported to another roof, and began setting up another sentry. “I would give my left legs to be able to see and hear what’s happening in that orchard right now,” the sorcerer said to himself. “But I’ll have to set these here and hope the battle or its aftermath is visible from… hmm?”

Rite spotted a speedy blue blur arcing through the air above, and he fell flat onto the roof. With a flicker of magic, his cloak changed color to match the shingles, like the scales of a chameleon. The pegasus whipped past obliviously, zooming across town without slowing down.

“Careful… Careful…” Rite hissed, slowly standing up again. “I can’t get caught here just yet. Nopony must know how far my reach extends.”

He teleported to another rooftop, making sure to check the surrounding airspace extensively and keep his cloak in its camouflage mode. “One more, then it’s back to the gateway.” His lips twitched into a smirk. “I hope you put on a good performance for me, Havoc…”

“This is a mistake. This is all a mistake! You don’t realize what you’re doing!”

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes darted around as she pleaded to the armored earth pony in front of her. Everywhere she looked there were ponies tensed for violence. Armored earth ponies, unicorns draped in magic robes, batponies with blades and masks, pegasi with swords and crossbows… and Ranma Saotome, standing before the mob.

“It may indeed be a mistake, Princess, but I’ll determine that for myself after you and your… friend are safely in custody.” General Granite’s eyes narrowed. “Stand down.”

“Get bent,” Ranma retorted flatly.

The entire military formation took a step forward, and Twilight’s hackles rose.

“You don’t understand what you’re doing! Ranma isn’t a rebel! He’s fighting AGAINST Blood Rite!” Twilight insisted.

“I will take your words under consideration during interrogation,” Granite replied. “Stand. Down.”

With a frustrated growl, Twilight slowly lowered herself onto the ground. “Ranma, please, just surrender. There’s no need to fight.”

“You can’t be serious,” the martial artist scoffed at her.

“I can fix this!” Twilight insisted desperately. “If I had just spoken earlier with Princess Celestia, this wouldn’t have even happened! I’ll get a message to her! We can sort all this out, but I need you to trust me!”

“I trust you just fine.” Ranma nudged his head toward General Granite. “It’s this chump I don’t trust.”

“You wound me,” Granite drawled.

“Not yet, I haven’t.”

“No! Stop! Don’t hurt anypony!” Twilight hissed.

“I must concur with the Princess. You’ve caused quite enough devastation already, Havoc. Surrender your weapon and lie down, and there might just be a chance things work out as Princess Sparkle hopes,” Granite said.

Ranma quirked an eyebrow. “Weapon? What weapon?”

“Don’t play coy with me, brigand,” Granite snapped. “You possess an artifact with which to harm the Princesses. A magical jewel belonging to your master, Blood Rite.” His nose scrunched up. “I won’t spoil the dramatic tension by naming the object in question, but we’re obviously not going to let you hold onto it in prison, or leave it to sit in some household drawer, unguarded. Where is it?”

A vein popped up on Ranma’s head, and Twilight at last accepted that there would be no peaceful resolution to this stand-off. After all she had done to bring Ranma to Ponyville for his own protection and benefit, she couldn’t possibly ask him to surrender his artifact under threat of force, and he wouldn’t comply if she did. If General Granite took the MacGuffin Stone then Ranma would likely never see it again. Everypony here knew that. While Twilight didn’t object to that arrangement in theory, having it play out like this was agonizing.

The realization sickened Twilight. Was she to blame for this? If she had been more cautious, or more forthcoming, or more aggressive, or more humble, could some part of this catastrophe have been avoided? Or was this inevitable the moment Ranma had stepped into Ponyville? Was there any hope of salvaging his future as a free stallion anymore? Was Trixie right after all, that there was no avoiding the collision course between Ranma Saotome and Equestria, only accelerating it?

“Sparks…” Ranma leaned closer to whisper into Twilight’s ear, interrupting her grim contemplation. “Can you teleport out of here?”

Twilight pushed away everything else from her thoughts and considered the question. “No. They planted a magic field obstructing me. Four unicorns are keeping the field in place.” She gulped. “If… If two of them broke their spell, then the field would collapse and I could leave.”

“Got it,” Ranma breathed, stepping away from the alicorn.

“Stop mumbling to yourselves and get on the ground,” Granite said, increasingly agitated. “Princess Twilight has done her best to protect you, but you’ve spurned her advice as well as my orders. This is the last time I’m going to demand your surrender. The only way you’re leaving this town is in shackles.”

A bitter, regretful laugh came from Twilight, slightly surprising the soldiers.

“I’m sorry, General. I wasn’t trying to protect him,” Twilight said with a sigh. “I was trying to protect you.”

The fight quite literally started before the Royal Guard realized it; a particular embarrassment for an army that had completely surrounded their target three times over.

Ranma rapidly scuffed the dirt with his back hooves while Twilight spoke, as if testing his footing. A stone was unearthed with his pawing, and it vanished into a dirt-colored blur through the air. A heartbeat later, a sharp cracking sound issued from the rear ranks of the formation, where the mages stood.

A shriek of pain came from a single unicorn – incidentally, the only one of the group whose horn was actively glowing – and he collapsed onto his side as a lump formed under his hood.

“SEIZE HIM!!” General Granite bellowed.

“Good luck with that,” Ranma snorted.

The martial artist launched himself toward the general, his aura blooming and trailing behind him like the flames of a rocket engine. General Granite didn’t flinch, leaning forward to take the blow directly.

Ranma leapt straight over him, revealing his feint. He landed within stabbing distance of the nearest soldier directly behind the officer, who spent only a moment stumbling in shock before darting forward with his spear. As expected.

Ranma dodged and bit onto the spear haft, and then slammed a hoof into the side of the soldier’s head, taking out the spear owner. The sound of crossbows firing and formation orders came from all around, and the martial artist did a cautionary backflip before hurling his newly acquired polearm.

“YEEK!!” One of the other mages with her horn aglow recoiled in shock when the spear stabbed into the ground between her front hooves, grazing her chest. Her magic flickered with the break in concentration, and that was the only opening Twilight needed.

With a flash of purple light and a distracted apology, Twilight Sparkle vanished from Sweet Apple Acres.

“That treacherous little…” General Granite bit his tongue and turned toward the pigtailed pony. It was far too early in this mission to start bemoaning failure. Twilight Sparkle was arguably the more dangerous of the two alleged traitors, but the pigtailed rebel wouldn’t be able to slip away so easily. Probably.

Ranma landed and rolled, jumping up into a sprint as soon as he got his footing. Crossbow bolts zipped past, stabbing into the orchard grounds in an uneven trail behind him, and spears lunged forward only to slice through empty air. It wasn’t clear where Ranma was going; he seemed to be galloping about at random. But a few of the soldiers bearing spears came close enough that they started to break ranks and pursue the martial artist.

“Hold formation! He’s trying to break you up!” snapped General Granite. “Move forward together! Choke off his maneuvering space!”

Ranma changed tactics immediately, turning on one heel and then bolting toward the General. Granite barely had time to blink before the gray blur struck him in the jaw, impacting with such force that the ground kicked up around him. The various soldiers firing on Ranma halted their volleys, and for a few seconds the battlefield fell silent.

Ranma blinked in surprise, his hoof still pressed against Granite’s cheek. The larger stallion had barely budged from the hit, and was glaring down at him. Such a kick should have been enough to unsettle a tree, but the armored pony merely seemed annoyed.

“That actually stings a little,” Granite growled, swatting away Ranma’s hoof. “Perhaps there really is something to all the wild talk about your power. But it will take much more than that to put down the Royal Guard of Canterlot.”

“Lemme guess: magic armor?” Ranma muttered, backing away.

“I decline to explain my abilities to you. Firebrand and Wrath may delight in showing off, but I prefer to complete my missions.” Granite thrust a hoof forward. “Advance! Subdue this criminal!”

The soldiers on the ground march in lockstep, their clanking armor striking a cold, steady beat through the orchard. Together the units formed staggered rings of spears four ponies deep, slowly moving inward toward their target. With the mages and batponies forming a back-up formation behind them, Ranma didn’t like his chances of going over or pushing through the grounded ponies directly; a few spells cast in a frightened panic could blast another massive hole in Applejack’s orchard, to say nothing of what it might do to him. Never mind that he didn’t have a good measure of Granite’s abilities, either. The larger stallion was waiting patiently for now, declining to attack, but Ranma didn’t imagine that would last much longer.

Besides, the Saotome style of Anything-Goes always recommended aerial combat anyway.

“Look out below!” bellowed a pegasus Sergeant before releasing his iron-weighted nets. Three other pegasi did the same, swooping down in long, shallow dives to drop their own.

“Look out above!” came a panicked shout from the ground.

The confused pegasi slowed and turned, and were treated to the sight of a nearby tree shaking violently, as if something were moving about the branches with great speed and force. Then a gray blur erupted from the tree top in a burst of leaves and apples, heading straight for the Sergeant.

A punishing kick sent the Sergeant flailing; his helmet plummeted to the ground with a sizeable dent, while the pony followed after it while flapping his wings in a blind panic. Ranma bounced away from his first victim, leaping onto the next-closest flyer and slamming both hooves into his back. He arced through the air toward another one, kicking off of her side before she could evade. He made his way over the treetops like this, bouncing from pegasus to pegasus in a series of lightning-fast kicks and acrobatic somersaults. Most of the soldiers tried to scatter, but enough of the flying ponies were so stunned at the sight that they missed their chance to dart out of range.

Ranma landed on the back of another soldier and kicked off, finally reaching the point in which he could see no more ponies in the air ahead of him. He plummeted back down into the orchard, landed heavily on an outstretched branch, and then used it as a springboard to leap to another tree.

A throwing blade grazed his shoulder, embedding itself in the tree ahead of him, but Ranma barely paid the weapon any mind. For now he simply took note that the batponies were apparently the soldiers closest behind him during his escape. That was a problem, as the thestrals were pretty much impossible for him to hide from. Echolocation wasn’t a sense that Ranma had any experience in evading.

“Whatever, guess I’ll just outrun all of them,” the martial artist grumbled, hopping from tree branch to tree branch. “Better lead them out of the orchard, though. If they start throwing fireballs or something in here, Jack is gonna be really mad.” Ranma had to imagine that the farmer was going to be upset about an army charging through her property no matter what, but if he could somehow ditch his pursuers without further damage at least she might not hold it against him for the rest of his stay in Ponyville.

His stay in Ponyville to clear his name and get the Equestrian army to stop hunting him.

“This sucks so much,” Ranma complained, ducking under a pair of crossbow bolts.

“He’s moving East!” shouted a soldier from above. “Pegasi, stay ahead of him while the ground troops catch up! And for Celestia’s sake, stay high!”

Ranma looked up, and he grimaced at the sheer number of ponies soaring overhead. Most of them struggled to match his sprinting speed, but staying ahead of them long enough to lose the entire army seemed unlikely. Also, most of them were armed with ranged weapons of one sort or another. Ranma could dispatch any individual soldier easily, and a whole squad with some difficulty, but once he was facing down actual armies it was time to look for other solutions.

A batpony in a black mask dropped down in front of him, and Ranma ducked under a gleaming knife edge slashing through the twilight. Twisting sharply, he smashed a hoof into the pony’s wing and launched himself away just ahead of a pair of crossbow bolts whipping through the air after him. The Lunar Guard shrieked in pain and anger, and the pigtailed stallion galloped away without slowing.

“At least Sparks made it out okay,” he grumbled as he dashed through the trees. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do, but it would really suck if she gets put in pony jail or whatever because she tried to help me.”

A loud whining noise snapped him out of his thoughts, and a column of magical light erupted in front of him. Another squad of armored ponies materialized within the halo, and the magic pillar shrunk to a string-thin beam of light before fizzling in the center of the formation.

“Halt, vill-“ the squad leader didn’t get any further in his demand before he was tackled by a furry gray blur, sending his helmet spinning away and smacking into another soldier. The stallion was thrown to the ground and then flung into a tree, shattering the rest of his armor and fully removing him from the rest of the battle.

Ranma jumped onto another soldier’s back and then leapt away from the squad, moving just inches ahead of stabbing spears and metal-shod hooves. The moment he touched the ground he was off like a bullet, speeding between the trees with the rumble of iron-clad hooves racing behind him.

The azure glow of Rarity’s magic surrounded her teapot, gently lifting it from the stove. With a push to its underside, the pot tilted to pour into a series of small porcelain teacups, steam wafting from the amber liquid. After a moment it stood upright again, and then sank back onto the burner.

“I’m so glad you could make the time to stop by to chat now that you’re back, Rainbow Dash. We were rather alarmed to learn that Twilight had suddenly departed without telling anypony where she was going. Again, I mean.” Rarity trotted to her living room, the tea cups following on disks of soft blue energy. “I invited Twilight as well, but Spike said she was out.”

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash lounged on a couch, with the latter laying on the arm in a pose that could only be described as “unlady-like.” As soon as the teacups were set down, Rainbow bounced up and landed at the edge of the coffee table, scooping it up in her hooves.

“It was pretty cool! We didn’t get to run into any sorcerers or rebels, but teaming up against a dragon was neat!” She paused to take a long sip of her tea. “Kamikazan is kind of an odd cookie. WAY angrier than the other dragons we’ve met. I also don’t get the whole dragon royalty thing. I’m guessing he’s a ‘king’ the same way Sombra was.”

“Why did you fight him?” Fluttershy asked.

“Because of the MacGuffin Stone, of course. I guess it isn’t just ponies that want that thing.” Rainbow put her tea down. “Which is no big deal on its own, but if he didn’t get the rock, Kamikazan was going to just start burning stuff to punish us. NOT cool.”

“I can’t help but be relieved that Spike was raised in a proper pony household away from others of his kind,” Rarity grumbled. “Then again, I suppose those unicorns also spilled pony blood to get the artifact as well. Such wanton cruelty, all over a gemstone.” She grimaced, floating a cup of tea to her lips.

“Yeah, I dunno what the big deal is, really. Havoc didn’t even bother to use it when he was fighting King Scaly. But hey, if Princess Celestia says it’s important, then it’s important.” She gulped down some more tea.

Fluttershy’s ears suddenly perked during the lull in conversation. “Hmm?”

“And how is Twilight, really? You said earlier that she didn’t get much rest last night, and I haven’t seen her since before she left,” Rarity asked, looking concerned. “She didn’t get hurt during the battle, did she?”

“Nah. Twi did great.” Rainbow paused to gulp down the rest of her tea, and then put the cup back down. “Things got a little dicey whenever we ran into Kamikazan, but AJ and I had her back! And then Havoc had her back too, and that was pretty much that.” She chuckled. “She didn’t get a scratch!”

“But she was the only one who couldn’t rest on the way back home?” Rarity asked, one eyebrow delicately curving upward.

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash frowned, placing a hoof to her chin. “She did get to bed later than I did, I guess. When I turned in she and Havoc were the only ones up.”

Rarity’s other eyebrow jumped up. “Reeeally…”

“He was still sad about Trixie dumping him, I guess, and Twilight felt really bad for him.” Rainbow Dash shrugged, oblivious to the glint in Rarity’s eye. “I mean, I feel bad for him too, but I also think he’s way better off without Trixie leading him around the country and using him as a pack mule. Twi thinks there’s more to it than that.”

“Trixie dumped Havoc, you say?” Rarity pressed, leaning forward with a grin on her face.

“Boy, did she ever! I thought she was going to pop a blood vessel!” Rainbow Dash snorted and leaned back into a slouch. “I’ve never seen somepony so mad over a little collateral damage! She didn’t even care that he had just beat up a dragon!”

Rarity leaned closer. “And then, last night, Havoc and Twilight were alone together while everypony else was asleep? And then she went home flustered and exhausted this morning?”

Rainbow blinked. “Uh… yeah. So?”

Before Rarity could reply, Fluttershy timidly raised a wing and coughed. “Uhm, does anypony else hear that?”

“Hear what?” Rainbow Dash asked, sitting up straight again.

Almost immediately she could hear it too; a crashing noise and angry shouting, muffled by distance and the walls of Rarity’s boutique.

“Oh, what now?” Rarity asked, her mood instantly souring. “We were just getting to the good part!” She slid off her seat and approached the window.

“Aw hay, I hope that isn’t Havoc,” Rainbow Dash groaned, slapping a wing across her face.

“Well, um, I hope so too, but…” Fluttershy fidgeted with her hooves for a moment. “Well, he did hurt those Lunar Guards right?”

“They started it!” Rainbow protested.

“Er… does that matter?” the other pegasus wondered.

Rarity reached the window and tilted her head to one side, trying to get a good look. “What is going on out there?” she grumbled. “It’s like there’s some kind of mob running around.”

A series of thumping noises came from the walls. Alarmed, Rainbow Dash jumped up on all fours and Fluttershy yelped and hid behind the couch. Rarity looked over, trying to guess where the impacts were coming from, and then she took an uncertain step away from the window.

“Is somepony on the roof? Where did-“

A pair of bodies suddenly crashed through the window, and Rarity shrieked and flung herself away from the flying shards of glass.

Ranma rolled across the floor, his legs entangled with the thestral snarling and snapping his jaws at him. Once they hit a piece of furniture the martial artist flipped up and slammed his opponent’s head into the base, embedding the pony’s helmet into the table and shattering the teacups on top of it.

He jumped into a backflip, leaping over several throwing knives that stuck into the table surface. Landing next to another Lunar Guard, Ranma spin-kicked a hoofblade that was flying for his neck, and then body-slammed the thestral after she stumbled. The mare was smashed against the wall, and she screeched painfully before slumping onto the floor, her eyes spinning in her head.

“PONY ASSASSINS!!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“I KNOW!!” Ranma shouted back. A spear zipped by his shoulder, shaving off a few dozen hairs before stabbing into the floor.

The martial artist bolted across the room as a pair of pegasus soldiers dropped in through the window. Rarity gaped at the scene in horror, while Fluttershy covered her head with a couch cushion.

“What in the name of Celestia is going on here?!” the unicorn demanded, her shock and terror quickly making way for anger.

“The same thing that’s been going on for months, mostly!” Ranma explained while he raced for another window. “Sorry about this!”

That window shattered inward, and another pegasus landed in the living room with a sword in his jaw. Ranma attacked immediately, and a spinning kick sent the blade flying to the side and the soldier dropping to the floor. The sword thankfully went nowhere near the other ponies, but it did end up decapitating a helpless pony mannequin before sticking itself in a cupboard.

Another soldier swooped in through the window to block his exit, and Ranma glanced back at the two others who were sprinting across the floor. “I’m really sorry Rarity!” He ducked under a spear stab and then pivoted around on one leg, seizing the pegasus trooper’s neck between his back hooves. “I didn’t know this was your place!” He flung the soldier pony across the room, striking another one and sending them both flailing into a side table. A vase crashed down on top of them second later, breaking into dozens of heavy shards against their heads.

“If I don’t die or end up in jail I’ll make it up to you! Bye!” He jumped over another spear thrust, and then kicked off of the last soldier’s side. Ranma went out the window, while the armored pegasus was thrown across the room and slid across the coffee table, demolishing the tea pot in his passing.

“Woohoo! Go get ‘em, Havoc!” Rainbow Dash cheered, swinging one hoof in the air excitedly.

“Rainbow Dash, stop that!” Rarity admonished, scowling. “Look at what they did to my boutique! What is even going on out there?! How much damage have they already done?” Then she gasped. “Wasn’t he staying at Applejack’s home? Is she okay?! Did he wreck her barn again?!”

“Okay, okay, I get the picture. Let’s see if we can put a stop to this,” Rainbow Dash sighed, trotting up to the window. “But still, at least Havoc apologized.”

“Element of Loyalty my plot,” grumbled one of the injured troopers.

Rainbow stuck out her tongue at the stallion and then spread her wings, darting out the window.

It was dark out by now, with most of the town illuminated by scattered street lamps. In-between the lamps, unicorn soldiers led ranks of armored ponies with their horns aglow, casting about enough light for the troops spread through Ponyville to converge on their target. Not that they necessarily needed to see, as the sound of crashing timbers, banging metal, and agonized cries of pain were easy enough to follow. A trail of groaning equines in battered armor created a path straight to the harried martial artist, and dozens of soldiers galloped along the path to meet a similar fate.

“Yeesh, what did he do to deserve all this?” Rainbow wondered aloud. A wing of batponies whipped past of her head, their wings beating furiously against the air and blades clenched tightly in their teeth. “I feel like if we used this kind of force against every threat to Equestria, I’d have a lot more free time.”

A formation of pegasi dove from the clouds above Ponyville, the lights glinting off their armor and battle cries echoing through the night. Ranma leapt up into the formation before they could complete their dive, shocking the squad leader before he was sent spinning into the ground. The martial artist bounced from pony to pony with a series of bone-shattering kicks and the pegasi soldiers immediately became a hapless mess, with half the unit trying to flee like frightened pigeons while the other half attempted to engage in proper aerial combat as per their training. Their dire situation wasn’t helped at all by their unicorn comrades, who kept shining blinding beams of light into the fray to try to track Ranma in his flight.

Within seconds the pigtailed pony smashed a hoof into the back of the last soldier that had sought to stay and fight, and then he somersaulted away to the ground. Ranma took off immediately once he landed, galloping back around Rarity’s boutique. More soldiers thundered after him, their path parting around the various ponies laying on the road in twitching heaps.

“Okay, I take it back. What did the soldiers do to deserve this?” Rainbow Dash mumbled. Then she flipped around, searching the ranks of the Equestrian soldiers for somepony that seemed significant.

It didn’t take long to find such a pony. A massive stallion - by pony standards, at any rate - marched down the main road with a phalanx of unicorns lighting his path and two wings of pegasi escorting him from above. Ponyville residents peeked out of windows and partially opened doors, staring in awe at the veritable mountain of metal-clad equine marching past. Few knew who the stallion was at a glance, but the combination of heraldry and sheer strength of presence kept any of them from protesting at the bedlam rocking their hometown.

Even Rainbow Dash felt slightly overwhelmed at first, but the speedster quickly shook it off and swooped down toward the heart of the army. The pegasi soldiers flinched at her approach, but they didn’t try to stop her as she dropped down right in front of the hefty earth pony to hover at eye level.

“Hey, what the hay’s going on here?! Are you trying to get somepony killed?!” Rainbow shouted, causing the entire group to halt.

General Granite stopped and spent a moment sizing up the blue pony. “Return to your home, citizen. It’s not safe right now. We’re in the process of apprehending a pair of dangerous fugitives, and-“

“My name isn’t ‘citizen,’ it’s Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow interrupted with a snort. “I’m pretty sure you guys have heard of me! Now do you wanna explain why you’re tearing up the town trying to pin down Havoc? I thought Twilight was going to sort this thing out!”

Granite pursed his lips, hesitating in response. “I’m uncertain as to how Princess Sparkle might ‘sort out’ the arrest of a dangerous criminal and rebel against the Equestrian royal order. What was she prepared to do?”

Rainbow just groaned. “Again with the criminal stuff! Look, I get it: Havoc kicked around your buddy, and you’re mad about that. I understand. Hay, I kinda respect it! But we were already on track to take care of this rebel thing, and you’re going to wreck half of Ponyville and way more than half of the army trying to force him into submission.”

Granite’s brow furrowed. “You were ‘on track to take care of this rebel thing?’ Take care of a rebellion? What do you-“

“Now see here!” a shrill voice shouted from the side of the street. “This has gone far enough! You ponies have the gall to call yourself protectors of the peace?!” Rarity was approaching now, looking fairly enraged and with Fluttershy in tow behind her. “What is the meaning of this, General Granite? Are you so desperate for some blasted bounty that you’re willing to raze Ponyville to get it?”

Granite stared at Rarity, and then looked back to Rainbow Dash. “So am I to understand that you KNEW of the presence of a rebel warrior hiding in your village and you said nothing? What were you waiting for?”

“We were waiting for Twilight to resolve this horrid mess!” Rarity sniffed. “What emergency was so dire that it required a mass assault at Dusk to subdue a single pony?”

General Granite glowered at the mares, but he didn’t respond immediately. His first thought was that all the Elements, rather than just the Element of Magic, had somehow become ensnared in the rebel plot, but that didn’t quite make sense. He simply wasn’t prepared to order all the Elements of Harmony be restrained and imprisoned for interrogation. Having to take in Twilight Sparkle was galling enough.

“General! General Granite!”

A young earth pony raced up the road, near-exhausted. Her helmet was dented against her temple and her unit commander was slumped over her back, unconscious, but she managed to reach the General and salute before slumping onto the ground.

“Units Delta Gumdrop, Sunshine Alpha, and all Summer squads have fallen back and require medical attention!” the soldier gasped. “The enemy isn’t attacking our wounded, but having to constantly move them out of the engagement area is slowing our maneuvers!”

Granite grimaced. “I ordered our forces to surround him before attempting to engage!”

“We tried, General,” the soldier moaned. “The target keeps sprinting back and forth and around the buildings, and eventually draws out one squad ahead of the others! Then he suddenly jumps in and decimates them and runs off by the time the rest of us can help!” She gulped. “Also, the flyers don’t seem to realize how easy it is for him to reach them, especially with all the buildings around. Once he gets up in the middle of them he just bounces from pony to pony until they’ve all hit the ground. We can’t help them in mid-air!”

“General,” interjected a pegasus Captain, “I recommend we keep a tighter formation with our pegasi. Let me take them and a few batponies to the roofs, and we can ambush the target from above as soon as he assaults one of the ground squads chasing him.”

“What? You’re using my soldiers as bait?!” an earth pony Captain asked, looking offended.

“Well they haven’t done a stellar job of fighting, have they?”

“Neither have the pegasi! Weren’t you listening?!”

“Weren’t ANY of you listening?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “This is all a mistake! Back off, already!”

“Why would the Element of Loyalty be telling Equestrian soldiers to stop chasing a rebel?” a different officer asked suspiciously.

“He’s not even a rebel! It just seems like it because he keeps beating up our guards and soldiers,” Rainbow explained.

“I’m pretty sure that’s considered substantial evidence of rebellion,” the first officer drawled.

“Oh, for pony’s sake,” Rarity groaned, slapping a hoof against her face. “This isn’t going to end until a house gets knocked down, will it? No wonder the poor stallion’s held responsible for destroying so many buildings.”

“Buildings? We’re trying to dispense JUSTICE, here!” a soldier retorted.

“So far you’ve done a sterling job punishing my coffee table. With some minor renovations I could declare my living room to be a museum showcasing the breadth of the Equestrian military’s arsenal,” Rarity sniffed.

General Granite lifted a hoof, and then slammed it onto the ground.

Every grounded pony within a hundred feet bounced as a shock wave pulsed through the dirt under them, and Rarity almost fell over where she stood. Rainbow Dash felt nothing in the air, of course, but she couldn’t miss the brief rumble of moving earth or the rattling of the nearby windows as their foundations shook.

“Stop arguing,” the General commanded. Then he glanced to the side, at a unicorn officer. “Voice amplification spell. Now.”

The unicorn’s horn flashed, and a translucent bullhorn of sparkling green energy appeared before the well-armored earth pony. Rarity and Rainbow Dash quickly scrambled away, their ears pinning to the sides of their heads. Fluttershy hit the ground immediately, slapping her hooves over her ears.


Granite fell silent, and the bullhorn started to fade away along with the glow around the unicorn’s horn.

“I’m not done yet,” he said calmly. In an instant the unicorn straightened and cast the spell again, waiting for the General’s next move.

All around them, the soldiers of the Equestrian army made a mad dash back and forth across the streets of Ponyville. Many were carrying or dragging other ponies, or collecting dropped weapons as best they could while the unicorns lit their path. All were nervously glancing around at the shadows, terrified that the stallion they had set out to capture would suddenly emerge from the darkness to finish them off.

Within minutes, though, the majority of the Equestrian soldiers had cleared out of the village. The clatter of steel-clad hooves faded into the night, leaving only the General Granite and his entourage in the village square. Ponyville’s citizens watched in tense, confused silence from their homes and doorways and clustered by the side of the road; those that hadn’t already been drawn from their evening routine by the sound of combat had been drawn by Granite’s shouting. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash stared impatiently at the remaining officer ponies to turn tail themselves, assuming that was the next step after they had seen their troops to relative safety.

They were wrong.

Granite sucked in a breath.


Rainbow Dash frowned and glanced over at Fluttershy. The other pegasus shrugged, smiling hopefully.


Fluttershy cocked her head to the side, and then leaned over to Rarity. “Wait, why would Havoc agree to that after the General already said he wasn’t going to chase him anymore? Doesn’t that mean Havoc won? We don’t even know where he is.”

“Of course. This is ridiculous,” Rarity sighed.

“Totally gonna work, though,” Rainbow Dash said.


He turned back to the unicorn Captain and nodded. The magical bullhorn vanished in a burst of magic sparks, leaving only the sound of hushed whispers from Ponyville’s spectators.

“You don’t really think he’s going to show, do you?” Rarity asked in exasperation.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Three… Two… One…”

A dull crack and a batpony’s shriek of pain came from behind Roseluck’s house.

The Lunar Guard flailed wildly as he spun through the air, his helmet bouncing across the ground below. He hit the dirt hard and then rolled into a fence post, and several small blades fell loose from their holding straps and scattered themselves into the adjacent rose garden.

Ranma Saotome trotted out behind the thestral, his pace unhurried and a throwing knife clenched between his teeth. The martial artist had several small gashes and abrasions on his legs, and a streak of bloody, matted fur crossed his cheek. Still, his breath was even and he didn’t look nearly as close to exhaustion as Granite thought he should be.

“Called it,” Rainbow said smugly.

“Ugh. Stallions,” Rarity groaned. “Oh, whatever. At least they’re not tracking dirt and weapons through my boutique.”

“Hmmm. I didn’t really think that would work…” General Granite mumbled as the pigtailed pony walked up to him. “If I’d known I’d probably have done this to begin with.”

“Yeah? Well when you wake up make sure to tell your buddies. I’m tired of having to kick around your goons every time Trixie’s not around to trip them up first,” the martial artist grumbled, stopping some twenty feet away.

“Soldiers, fall back to a safe distance.” The officers around General Granite started backing away, leaving him and Ranma alone in the middle of the road. “As ridiculous as this state of affairs is, I intend to make good on my offer; you will leave this scoundrel to me. However this encounter ends, you are ordered to withdraw from Ponyville with the others.”

“But don’t leave yet, I still need you guys to carry this armor horse off, too,” Ranma warned.

“You know, this sort of cavalier attitude toward harming Equestria’s soldiers is probably what led to this fracas in the first place,” Rarity said. “Can’t you two just calm down and discuss this like adult ponies?”

“I have nothing to discuss with an enemy of the royal family except the location of his peers,” Granite declared, scuffing the ground with his hooves, “and I’d prefer that Havoc be wearing chains for that conversation.”

“I’m not an enemy of any royal family! Or at least, I wouldn’t be if they didn’t set up bounties for me for no reason!” Ranma complained.

“You can tell me about it at length during your interrogation. Let’s hurry and finish this.” He lowered his head, and his armor seemed to gleam even brighter in the moonlight. “I still need to see to the care of my injured troops.”

Ranma spat the throwing knife in his mouth into the ground. “Fine by me! I don’t want to stay up too late beating your head into the ground!”

Then he smacked his lips and frowned at the numb feeling in his tongue. “Also I’m pretty sure some of the blades that nicked me were poisoned, so I figure I have maybe ten minutes before I pass out anyway.”

Granite didn’t waste any more words, surging forward into a gallop. His boots pounded against the earth with unnatural force for such movements, causing small shockwaves and deep horseshoe imprints in the ground.

Ranma waited while the other stallion closed the distance, and then launched forward like a bullet. A streak of shining blue light followed his hoof as it struck Granite in the jaw, pitching his head to the side. Ranma planted his other foreleg and pivoted, bringing his rear legs to bear before the General could hope to react. A flurry of heavy kicks hammered the armored pony, and the sound of hooves ringing against steel echoed through Ponyville.

Granite slammed his hoof down rather than trying to hit Ranma with it, which initially confused the martial artist. Then the ground underneath him exploded, and a jagged spike of stone emerged and hurled the pigtailed equine into the air.

“WHOA! Okay, I didn’t see that coming!” Ranma admitted, back flipping away.

Granite slammed another hoof down, and another stone spike promptly burst up from Ranma’s intended landing point. Ranma kicked off the side of the spike and onto the ground, and then quickly leapt away as another rock immediately tried to skewer him.

“I do hope you’re as tough as you seem,” General Granite said, pausing to brush a leg against his muzzle. “I want to take you alive, but I can hardly afford to hold back. Any normal pony would be torn apart from a single hit by my Gaia blade.”

“Gaia blade, huh? Okay, I admit it. That’s pretty cool,” Ranma mumbled. A pair of new, bloody abrasions matted the fur on his right legs, but the pigtailed pony seemed unperturbed. “Of course, you’ll never get a real hit on me with something like that, but neat trick!”

Granite frowned, and then pounded a hoof against the ground. Ranma hopped to the side, avoiding another eruption of jagged rock. Another one burst from the opposite side at an opposing angle, but it went right over the martial artist rather than coming from beneath him. Two more hooves struck the ground, and two more spikes blasted upward ahead of and behind Ranma, rising high enough to tower over him but failing to actually touch him.

“Hey, are you getting tired already? Your aim is off!” Ranma taunted, kicking one of the stalagmites around him. “Or are you trying to pen me in or something? C’mon man, you can’t really think this is going to work!”

Granite sat back on his haunches, raised his forelegs, and then tapped his front hooves together.

All of the stone spikes across the battlefield immediately crumbled to pieces and fell to the ground. Ranma only had time to yelp in surprise before the downpour of stone buried him alive under a ton of rocks, and a great cloud of dust billowed out around the pile of rubble from the impact.

“And that is that,” Granite said darkly, gesturing over to where his officers were watching in awestruck silence. “Get a team with nets over here. Just put them over the whole pile and drag it off toward the rendezvous point. We still need to regroup and do sweeps for our… other target.”

“Other target? Who would that be?” Rarity asked, furrowing her brow. “Rainbow, who else did you bring back with you?”

“We didn’t bring anypony else with us! But that’s not the point!” Rainbow Dash announced, pointing a hoof at Granite. “You don’t seriously think this fight is over, already do you?”

“I hope not! I just got here!”

The other mares were quite startled to find Pinkie Pie sitting next to them wearing a pair of 3-D glasses and holding a bucket of buttered popcorn. The battle had attracted even more townsfolk by now, although most of them hung back much further than the Elements of Harmony. Including Applejack, who galloped into the middle of the square and made her presence known just after Pinkie.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on here?!” the apple farmer demanded, jumping up and down. “Ah got spears lodged in mah trees, some bat pony spooked the animals, and some thick-headed galoot is movin’ injured soldiers into mah barn!”

With a tired sigh, General Granite turned around to address the new arrival. “Surely you’re not going to evict the Royal Guard from your premises when we’re simply trying to tend to our wounded, Miss Applejack.”

“What Ah wanna know is why Ah have wounded ponies on mah farm ta begin with!” Applejack fumed.

“Take a wild guess,” Rainbow Dash drawled.

“Ah knew it. Ah just knew it,” the farmer groaned. “Yer all here fer Havoc. Dagnabbit, Ah thought Twilight was gonna sort this out!”

“Nah, he’s here to arrest her, too,” Ranma interjected.

The other ponies jumped in shock, in part from the revelation and in part from the martial artist casually joining the conversation after he had been buried. Ranma was now standing atop the pile of stone rubble, looking much dirtier than before but not particularly worse for wear.

“Blast! The scoundrel dug himself out while you were all annoying me!” Granite complained.

“Whoa, hey, what was that about you being here for Twilight, too?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Not cool! Very un-awesome!” Pinkie shouted, bits of popcorn falling from her mouth.

“Aiding a fugitive from the law is also against the law! This isn’t complicated!” the General said. “I’m only here for this scum, but I have no qualms against detaining and interrogating anypony who stands in my way! Unfortunately, Princess Twilight Sparkle is one of those ponies.”

“The only thing standing between you and me is my fists, chump!” Ranma retorted. Then he looked down at his legs forlornly. “Well, hooves, I guess. Geez, I really miss having hands...”

With another heavy stomp, another stone spike erupted from the ground, aiming to skewer the martial artist. Ranma leapt up above the earthen lance, its jagged edge rushing past just inches from his hooves. The shattered remains of the previous gaia blades were launched into the air around him as well, and once Ranma reached the apex of his jump he kicked one them back down.

The stone slammed into Granite’s forehead, causing the larger stallion to flinch. It didn’t do much more than that, failing to even dent his helm, but it was enough that Ranma landed on the side of the newest spike and kicked two more stones over. They crashed into his chest and leg, cracking apart on impact, and the General stumbled slightly.

“Bah! You think you can overcome me with pebbles?” Granite growled, standing up straight again.

“Good point,” Ranma admitted. He slammed a hoof into the gaia blade he was perched on, creating a deep crack across the circumference of the spike. Then he flipped up and over the spike’s tip and smashed both rear legs into it.

Granite only had time to yelp in surprise before a spiky boulder nearly twice his size struck him like a comet, knocking him clean off his hooves. He hit the ground on his side, his plate mail digging deep furrows in the dirt before he skidded to a stop.

He began to stand up, but Ranma was on him immediately, laying a flurry of kicks into his flank. Plate metal started to buckle under the steady beat of hooves, and Granite started to feel the full impact of the blows as his magic defenses weakened.

“What, are you done already? C’mon, your unicorn buddy put up way more of a fight than this!” Ranma taunted before diverting a back kick into the General’s head. Granite’s helmet rang against the impact and then went flying off his head, bouncing away to land at Pinkie’s hooves.

“That’s enough, out of you villain!” the royal officer shouted, shifting just enough to pound his hoof into the dirt below him.

The ground suddenly exploded all around Granite, kicking up a great deal of dirt and knocking Ranma away. The pigtailed pony landed upright, but the dust blinded him for a few critical seconds while Granite got his bearings. The stallion soldier charged Ranma like a bull, smashing his unprotected forehead into his opponent’s.

Ranma slid backward from the impact, but retaliated before Granite could. A hoof slammed into the larger stallion’s jaw, and a flip-kick sent him staggering back.

Granite sent a spray of rock shards exploding from the ground in return, peppering Ranma with shrapnel and forcing him to shield his face briefly. That was all the opening the General needed charge again, tackling Ranma onto the ground and sending both of them rolling across the dirt.

“WOOO!! YEAH!! C’mon Havoc, get ‘im!” Rainbow Dash whooped, swinging her hooves as if she was throwing punches. “Do that rock kick thing again, that was cool!”

“Rainbow Dash, I’m not sure you should be QUITE this enthusiastic about our guest fighting our army,” Rarity grumbled. “Shouldn’t we stop them? This is getting out of control!”

“It’s fine! Nopony’s going to die or anything, probably,” Rainbow replied. More stone spikes erupted from the ground ahead of them, and scattered bits of rock and dirt fell from the sky. “Besides, now that I know he’s here for Twilight too, I’m pretty sure the Loyal thing to do is back Havoc up.”

“Use a super move!” Pinkie Pie called out, now wearing General Granite’s helmet for no apparent reason. “Quarter-circle forward plus half-circle back plus punch!”

“Okay, this is definitely out of control. We JUST talked these ponies down from tearing apart the village over this!” Rarity complained.

Applejack walked over to join the others, giving the combat a wide berth. “Not sure whatcha aim t’do ‘bout it, Rares. Ah don’t think we can stop ‘em.”

“Do you think Twilight can stop them?” Fluttershy asked, surprising the other mares.

“Twilight? Maybe. Didn’t Havoc say she was in trouble too? Ah don’t think it would be a good idea to pull her back into all this, though,” Applejack admitted.

When Applejack glanced over at Fluttershy, the pegasus wasn’t watching the fight like the others but staring at something up on a roof nearby. “I, uhm, think you’ll have to tell her that.”

General Granite hit the ground on his side, teeth clenched against the throbbing pain in his head and jaw. Impacts thumped against his plate mail like a jackhammer, much reduced by the armor’s magical shielding and mundane protection but not entirely muted. One of his greaves lashed out, scoring a glancing hit on his opponent and forcing the martial artist back. Then the soldier lurched upright again, ready for the next assault.

“You will not prevail, Havoc! I’ll take you to Canterlot whether it be in chains or a coffin!” Granite growled.

Ranma paused to wipe some dirt off of his face before he replied. “Yeah, that’s pretty much what I’ve come to expect from Equestrian hospitality. Is there a first class option? Like maybe a cage with no chains?”

With a wordless shout, Granite surged forward into a charge.

Then a purple beam flashed between the two stallions, slicing a furrow into the ground and halting both of them.

“Who just… Twilight Sparkle?” It was still dark, of course, and the source of the beam was standing on a rooftop out of the light, but the purple glow of her horn was just enough for Granite to make out the form of an alicorn with something small riding on her back. Presumably her assistant, Spike.

Ranma frowned when he too spotted the source of the interruption. “Sparks, I told you to escape! Don’t worry, I’ve got this guy!”

“And escape you did,” Granite said solemnly. “So are you here to aid this criminal further, or have you come to your senses?”

Twilight’s horn glowed brighter, fully illuminating her and Spike, who was indeed sitting on her back. “I’m here to put an end to this before any more ponies get hurt,” she said firmly.

“Ah! Any MORE ponies, is it? I suppose that’s just poor luck for the dozens of soldiers already carted out on stretchers thanks to this savage.” Granite’s eyes narrowed. “You’ll have to wait your turn though, Princess. One way or another, there’s one more pony who needs to be ‘hurt’ here.”

“No. This duel is over. Withdraw,” the purple Princess commanded.

The General recoiled slightly, genuinely surprised. “Pardon? Putting aside your complicity in this affair, you don’t give me orders, Twilight Sparkle.”

A lightning bolt suddenly lanced down from the otherwise calm skies, punching a hole in the cloud cover and striking the ground with a crash. Ranma leapt away in shock, his pigtail standing on end. Granite barely flinched, thinking that the energy blast was some sort of warning shot Twilight was trying to frighten him with. When the dust cleared, however, the General’s stoic expression melted away before the glares of Princess Celestia and Luna, standing side by side within a swirling aura of gold and blue light.

“P-Princess! What are you-?” Granite took a step back in surprise, and then his eyes darted to Ranma in alarm and fear. “No! Please, you must withdraw! It’s too dangerous! This rebel has the MacGuffin Stone!”

Princess Celestia turned her head slightly, her eyes meeting Ranma’s. Ranma blinked, clearly confused as to what was happening. “Hm. Is this true, Havoc?”

“No, I’m Ranma,” the martial artist replied, waving a hoof. “Havoc is the other guy.”

“We know you’re the same pony,” Celestia drawled, “that diversion won’t work again, Havoc.”

Ranma had the grace to look embarrassed, and his ears flipped down as he sighed. “Okay, fine. Yeah, I have the MacGuffin Stone. So what? I’m not a rebel, though.”

“You’re fighting Equestrian soldiers in direct defiance of our authority!” Granite growled. “What is that if not rebellion?!”

“Oh, SHUT UP,” the pigtailed stallion groaned. “You morons jumped on top of me as soon as I got here, and I’m not supposed to defend myself?”

“Not to take their side in the greater context of our conflict here, which has been quite unfair to you in general, but that IS how arrests generally work, darling,” Rarity interjected. Ranma pouted and turned his head away.

Luna’s expression was unusually controlled, and unlike her sister she avoided meeting Ranma’s eyes directly. “General Granite, we’ve been briefed on the situation. Twilight Sparkle has told us everything. Take your troops and withdraw.”

“Twilight Sparkle?! But she was-“ the officer started, only to be cut off with a flash from Luna’s horn.

“That was a direct order, General. Or are you going to defy our authority in order to assert your own?” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Th-This is… With ALL due respect, Princess, I must object!” he shouted. “This stallion is a dangerous outlaw carrying an artifact of incredible power who has shown NOTHING but violent opposition to us! He and Blood Rite have cut a fiery swathe of destruction through a quarter of Equestria! And-“

“Okay, NO! Right there! Wrong!” Ranma interrupted, shaking a hoof at the other stallion. “I am NOT with Blood Rite! That was MY fiery swathe of destruction, not his!” Noticing Celestia’s frown, he stopped and cleared his throat. “I mean, ‘destruction’ is a bit much. It’s true I burned some stuff, I guess. By accident! But the point is, I hate him and his stupid green lackey! Especially the green lackey! She changed me into a pony and keeps hitting on me!”

“If you’d like to explain yourself you may do so IN FULL while shackled to a wall in a proper dungeon,” Granite growled at the martial artist. “I’ll not hold your trial here, in the middle of a village while they’re still carting my injured soldiers off the field!”

“Oh, SPARE ME the constant ‘he hurt my poor troops’ whining!” Ranma snapped back, stepping toward the larger stallion. “I was just trying to do some honest farm work and you jerks surrounded and attacked me! What the hell did you think was going to happen?!”

The two stallions edged closer to each other, looking as if they were ready to come to blows again. Then a clear, magically-enhanced voice cut through their building anger.

“I’ve heard enough,” Celestia said, spreading her wings.

Her gaze rose, encompassing the other ponies who were gathered in the streets to watch. As if suddenly remembering themselves, the citizens of Ponyville all stooped over into a bow. The Elements and Royal Guard followed suit, and eventually, after a moment of silent resignation, so did General Granite. Aside from the Royal Sisters, the only ponies still standing were Ranma and Twilight. The former watched the display with unease, while the latter slowly descended from the rooftop to land next to Celestia.

“Havoc,” the white Princess said, settling her gaze once more on the pigtailed pony. “So much grief and destruction has followed you since you set hoof into Equestria. The injured by now surely rank in the hundreds, to say nothing of the damage and petty crimes endured by your passing. Havoc may not be your true name, but surely you can see why the moniker comes so easily to us.”

“Okay, FIRST OF ALL-“ Ranma started to say, only for Twilight to firmly shake her head.

Celestia halted, slightly surprised at being interrupted. Twilight and Ranma seemed to share a brief, silent battle of wills hashed out through silent glares and gestures. After a few seconds the non-verbal argument concluded, and Ranma fell back onto his haunches while fuming quietly.

“… As I was saying,” Celestia continued, “this is merely the surface of the matter, however. You have also performed great deeds in aid of Equestria. You rescued my sister, and then later, my student. You have foiled Blood Rite on multiple occasions. And despite the great power of the MacGuffin Stone and the threat it poses, I’m not aware of you using its power for your own ends. You have the spirit of a hero, Havoc, even if it’s hidden beneath the countenance of a rogue.”

“In addition,” Luna interjected, “my own actions have… complicated this matter greatly. I have neglected my responsibilities, and I believe inviting a duel was quite reckless of me even if my intentions were honorable.”

Celestia shook her head. “It is hardly your fault, Luna. Pride and misunderstanding have constantly escalated this needless conflict, and I too have failed. Twilight came to me to explain and resolve this matter at length, and I demurred. My reasoning was fair and just, perhaps, but it is quite apparent now that only she and her friends appreciated the importance and potential danger of this feud. So now I will put an end to it once and for all.”

“Y-Your Highness? What do you intend to do?” Granite asked, his voice cracking slightly. “Surely you don’t intend to let this villain go free?”

“If I were to study the situation at length then I would likely agree with you, General, but the last time I rendered such a judgment it precipitated this very confrontation, including the charge of my most faithful student as a rebel conspirator,” Celestia said wryly. “If I’m to learn anything from my mistakes, surely it should be to put greater faith in my student’s advice. So I will grant her request and bring this sorry grudge to an end.”

The white alicorn folded her wings again and then turned her gaze back to Ranma, nodding her head slightly. “Havoc. Ranma Saotome. I, Princess Celestia of Equestria, hereby grant you and any other alias that I may not have mentioned a full, unconditional pardon. I release you from the judgment of our arbiters for any and all crimes and misdemeanors that are alleged to this day, no matter their urgency or severity.”

“Calamity,” Ranma interjected as soon as she stopped speaking. “Calamity is another alias. For my pegasus form. I think it’s dumb but Trixie insisted, so… you know.”

“You might have noticed there’s kind of a theme with his pony names,” Spike muttered.

“Yes. Well…” Celestia cleared her throat. “I need you to understand that I am taking this step against my better judgment, on the advice of my faithful student, Twilight. There are many important matters you have yet to answer for, but she has convinced me this is the only way to put an end to the bedlam and misery that’s followed your travels within our lands. This is a second chance, Havoc. Don’t waste it.”

“Sure, okay.” Then Ranma raised a hoof toward Twilight. “Thanks, Sparks!” The purple alicorn flushed slightly in embarrassment, but otherwise kept her attention focused on her mentor.

Princess Celestia finally turned her head to address General Granite. “General, I understand the decisions you’ve made, and I thank you for your efforts to protect Equestria and its ponies. I’m sure you have much to say. I ask that you reserve your arguments until the morning, so that you may tend to our soldiers and let your frustrations cool.”

The armored stallion said nothing for several seconds, and then ducked his head. “As you wish, Princess Celestia.” Without casting so much as a glance at Ranma, the General turned around and trotted away.

The other officers of the Royal Guard also dispersed, leaving to join the units that waited outside Ponyville. The crowd of Ponyville spectators parted to allow the soldiers through, and then they themselves started to leave as they decided there would be no further excitement that night. Only the Elements of Harmony remained to watch as the Princesses approached Ranma to speak to him in a less public fashion.

“Thank you so much for doing this, Princess!” Twilight said brightly. Her tone was light and gleeful, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her heart. “I know that this wasn’t an easy decision and you’re still unsure about him, but I promise you won’t regret this!”

“Okay, just so everybody’s clear, we all know I had him on the ropes, right? That fight was mine.” Ranma insisted. “Not saying that I still want to beat him up or anything, but I absolutely could have if the pardon thing didn’t happen. I’m counting that as a win.”

Twilight’s eyebrow twitched. “You won’t… regret it very much, at least!” she revised, her smile looking slightly strained.

“I have little doubt you would have prevailed, yes. I’ve faced your tenacity personally and our generals, mighty as they are, are little match,” Luna said. Her expression seemed slightly forced, as if she was still pretending she was addressing a crowd like before. “But we have topics of greater import to discuss now that Twilight Sparkle has brought you to us, Mister Ranma.”

“Like what? I already got the pardon. That’s what I came here for,” Ranma said.

“The most obvious item, of course, would be the MacGuffin Stone,” Celestia said delicately. “May I ask where it is?”

“I have it here,” Ranma replied evenly, “and I’m still not giving it to you.”

Celestia said nothing for several seconds, and then craned her neck to one side to look him over from another angle. “Where, exactly is…?”

“It’s on ‘im, Princess. Take it from us,” Applejack grunted. “Don’t worry ‘bout the details, ‘cuz Havoc ain’t much fer explainin’.”

“I… I see. It’s unfortunate you still doubt our intentions, Havoc. We only wish to safeguard our kingdom and our ponies from harm,” Celestia sighed.

“It’s not that I doubt your intentions, I doubt-“ Ranma begin, only for Twilight to interrupt.

“Ranma, be NICE please,” the young Princess requested through clenched teeth, still smiling widely. “We’re all friends here, aren’t we? Everything is FINE.”

“And what of the sorcerer Blood Rite?” Luna asked. “We have heard nothing of him since his capture of Princess Twilight and the artifact.”

“Not sure,” Ranma admitted, touching a hoof to his chin. “The last I saw of the unicorn goons was in Flamehearst.”

“Flamehearst?” Celestia asked, her voice catching. The others noticed her surprise, but none of them knew what Ranma was referring to.

“Yeah, that’s where they set up shop, apparently. Had a big evil wizard tower and everything.” Ranma sighed regretfully. “I managed to get the MacGuffin back, but I didn’t really get a showdown with Blood Rite. Swan Song tried to wipe everybody out at once, and then Rite ran off when your scaly red buddy dug his way out. I don’t know where either of them are now.”

“Scaly red buddy?” Rainbow Dash asked, furrowing her brow.

“Ranma, what did I tell you?” Twilight fumed, finally breaking her forced smile. “Don’t bring that up again! Princess Celestia absolutely was NOT working with Kamikazan!”

Celestia gulped. Loudly. This was not lost on the other mares.

“You… weren’t. Right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I didn’t… That is… It wasn’t really…” Celestia looked quite distressed, not least by the slack-jawed expression Twilight was giving her. “… What did he do?” she finally asked, cringing.

“Oh dear,” Rarity sighed.

Ranma’s expression shifted briefly to anger, but the stallion deflated after a few seconds. He could hold a grudge as well as anybody, but he mainly blamed Kamikazan, not Celestia, for the destruction of Trixie’s wagon and the subsequent chewing-out that had driven him to Ponyville. He had already paid the dragon back in spades, while Celestia had finally ordered her troops to leave him alone; for someone who was used to his personal vendettas constantly escalating without resolution, this was really as good a conclusion as he could imagine.

“Eh, he didn’t do much that I know of. He was hunting me down for the magic rock and mentioned you, that’s all,” Ranma said. “He didn’t get it, though, so if you were making plans for when he got back to you, don’t worry about it.”

“P-Princess, you… you sent KAMIKAZAN after Ranma?” Twilight asked, still gaping. “How? Why?”

“Is this not the dragon that appeared over Canterlot last week?” Luna asked. “Given your description of the lout, I’d not thought you would strike a bargain with such a creature.”

Celestia winced, pressing a wingtip to her temple in frustration. “I… I did,” she admitted, hanging her head. “Evasion or dishonesty will get me nowhere. With no leads on Havoc and no idea what happened to the MacGuffin Stone, Kamikazan claimed he could find it. I requested he do so. It was a foolhardy, opportunistic bargain, and I regret it.” Then her head snapped up again. “I also EXPLICITLY demanded he not kill anypony! That was part of the deal!”

“And he didn’t,” Ranma said with a shrug. “Not for lack of trying, though.” Celestia looked mortified at the admission, but he didn’t press the matter. “Anyway, it doesn’t really matter to me anymore. I left him in a big hole outside Lancanter. He might still be there, I guess. I don’t know how fast dragon bones knit. Was there anything else because it’s way past dinner time and I am STARVING.”

Celestia had quite a few other questions for the pigtailed pony, but none of them were as important as those already covered and she could still feel Twilight’s incredulous stare on her like it was burrowing into her skin. “I have more to say, but surely we can arrange a meeting under less… stressed circumstances,” she coughed gently and nodded her head. “You are dismissed, Havoc.”

“FINALLY! Jack, let’s go!” Ranma leapt into a rapid trot in the farm’s general direction, and Applejack sighed.

“Yeah, yeah, Ah’m right behind ya,” she mumbled, following her house guest down the road. “Me and the others already ate, but Ah’m sure Granny can whip up… uh… Havoc? Somethin’ wrong?” While the stallion had raced off at first, now he was slowing to a sluggish walk and wobbling back and forth.

“… Right, right. The poison. Forgot about that,” Ranma Saotome mumbled, frowning. Then his legs buckled, and he fell down into the dirt.

“Is… Is he going to be okay?” Celestia asked, glancing around at the other mares. None of them seemed particularly worried.

“Aye. The Lunar Guard uses a paralytic agent to slow down their targets, but the venom is far less dangerous than the blades used to deliver them. If his wounds are not severe, then Mister Ranma is in no danger,” Luna explained. “Applejack, allow me to escort you.” Her magic encircled the stallion and lifted him up into the air.

“Mighty kind of ya, Princess,” Applejack said, trotting under the levitating pony. “Just let ‘im down easy, and Ah’ll… uh…”

Applejack watched, perplexed, as Luna floated Ranma away from her and then walked under his levitating body much as she had. Then the Princess gently lowered him onto her back, settling her wings on either side of the stallion.

“Lead the way, please,” the dusky alicorn requested, looking curiously happy. “Sister, you may return without me. I’ll be along shortly.”

Celestia looked like she wanted to say something while Luna and Applejack departed, but she thought better of it and shook her head. “I need to get back to the castle. I think I understand why General Wrath was ordering around guard formations now.”

“Princess? I…” Twilight started to speak but then shrunk back, thinking hard on what she had heard.

“Twilight, I’m sure you’re quite disappointed in me. I’m quite disappointed in myself, as well,” Celestia admitted. “Not only did I put many ponies in unnecessary danger by entertaining Kamikazan’s bargain, but manipulating him as I did in order to solve my problems was quite distasteful and, ultimately, useless.” She shook her head. “This was a quest that I did not entrust you with, out of fear for your safety. That was another error, if not one made with better intentions. It was tremendously fortunate that you thought to seek Havoc out on your own, even if that too almost ended in disaster. Once again, Equestria owes you a debt.”

Despite her earlier shock, Twilight couldn’t help but feel her heart swell at the compliment. She’d taken on the quest on a wild hunch and out of an obligation to Ranma, but everything had - eventually - turned out as well as she’d hoped.

Celestia turned around and started walking away from the battle-scarred yard. Twilight followed her, head craned up to listen attentively. “I feel like we’re close to bringing this ugly chapter of Equestria to an end. Kamikazan’s involvement was… regretful, but it was brief and it sounds like it was ended decisively. I don’t expect he’ll be showing up to report his failure to me.”

That sounded kind of dismissive to Twilight, but before she could find an appropriately deferential way to ask about it Celestia ducked her head down to hers so she could whisper.

“That said, be careful around that stallion, Twilight. He is a strange one, and I cannot read his intentions. So long as he possesses the MacGuffin Stone, he is no ally of Equestria.”

Twilight felt her earlier proud elation drain away. After everything Ranma had been through, Celestia still thought he was an enemy? What did she think his “intentions” should be after being chased across half the country and surrounded by soldiers?

“I can hardly second-guess your judgment now, after you brought him here safely and managed to stop this debacle, but, well… What you’ve said about Havoc, in terms of… everything, frankly, doesn’t fill me with confidence. He opposes Blood Rite for personal reasons, not because he wishes to defend harmony or preserve our kingdom. If he were to dwell on his grudges against Equestria, I have no reason to think he would not turn against us on a whim. We cannot trust him.”

Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat. “But… he trusts me,” she protested weakly. “When… When General Granite had us surrounded and demanded both of us surrender, the first thing he did was help me get to safety. He didn’t even know I had a way to get help!”

Celestia paused in her walk, staring at her student inscrutably.

“He’s… He’s done a lot for me, actually! And he never had to! Until just now, when you pardoned him, I’d say I’ve never done much to deserve it, either! In fact, the first thing I did when we met was call him crazy and blow him up! That second part was an accident, though.” Twilight felt like she was babbling now, but pressed on anyway. “We’ve done so much to him, for so little reason! Just because of a miscommunication! But he came with me to Ponyville anyway! Even knowing he might be attacked and imprisoned! Which is what happened! Except for the imprisoned part! We have to stop treating him like some kind of animal!”

The young Princess stopped to catch her breath, anxiously awaiting Celestia’s response. Celestia continued staring thoughtfully, her expression completely unreadable.

“… I see. I’ll leave it to you, then. Please disregard what I said earlier,” the white Princess finally replied with a small sigh. “Your instincts have served you well, Twilight. Better than my own, at least. Do what you can, but do not hesitate to ask me for support or share more information.” Celestia stretched a wing over to pat Twilight on the head, and the smaller alicorn flushed. “I must go now. I’ll think on your advice, and if I decide to confront Havoc again, I’ll forewarn you first.”

“Okay, yes, good. Also, like I said earlier, his real name is Ranma Saotome,” Twilight said quickly. “I know lots of ponies call him Havoc and he’s pretty much given up on stopping them but he REALLY prefers his actual name!”

Celestia chuckled and backed away, a tired smile on her face. “Good night, Twilight. And thank you.”

A golden flash consumed the white Princess, and then she was gone.

“Here’s the guest room, Princess. Ah had Mac get it ready before supper. Just drop ‘im on the bed there.”

Applejack pushed open the door and stepped to the side. Princess Luna walked past her, with Ranma still nestled on her back. A soft snore came from the martial artist, and he nuzzled his face against Luna’s wing.

“Did he fall asleep? Guess he might as well if he can’t move anyhow.”

Luna smirked. “Mister Saotome surrendered to his dreams almost immediately after falling to the road. Had we left him, he’d no doubt have slumbered in the dirt until morning. Such an odd pony, is he not?”

“That’s a bit of an understatement, Princess,” Applejack huffed. “Still, thanks fer comin’ down and puttin’ this bounty nonsense to rest. I’ll be sleepin’ easier too, knowin’ there’s one less angry mob liable to knock mah door down to get ‘im.”

The dark Princess stopped next to the bed, and then spread her wings half-way. She tilted one of them down and the other up, and Ranma slowly rolled down onto the mattress.

“Indeed! It is most fortuitous that Twilight Sparkle rushed a letter to us to call for our aid! And although I wish circumstances had not grown so dire, the danger pressed Sister to allow for a full pardon and demand that our soldiers stand down.” Her horn pulsed softly, and the bed’s blanket moved to tuck in the pigtailed pony. “I have also dictated similar demands to my Lunar Guard. Any thestral that lays hoof or blade upon Mister Ranma from here on out, for any reason, will be cast back to the caves on my order.”

Applejack tilted her head to the side. “That sounds… a little different from what Celestia said.”

“It was a necessary measure, as my warriors can be an undisciplined lot. They act out of hope of my favor more than concern for law and country.” Luna snorted. “But no matter. They will trouble you no longer. Those who laid ambush within your groves will be chastised appropriately.”

Applejack nodded solemnly. “Yeah, and Ah’m right thankful. Bad enough we could have evil sorcerers and angry dragons knockin’ on the barn door, but Ah don’t want no trouble from the ponies who’re supposed to protect us from them, too.”

“Dragons!” Luna said suddenly, laughing. “Did he not say he vanquished the great red drake Kamikazan?”

“That he did, Princess. I saw it with mah own eyes.” Applejack sounded somewhat exasperated rather than awed by the recollection. “Ah’m mighty surprised Princess Celestia had her hoof in that, though Ah kinda feel like the varmint woulda been on Havoc’s tail anyhow. He always seems t’be in the wrong place at the right time.”

“Indeed he does,” Luna said softly. One of her wings spread over the bed and brushed the tips of her feathers across Ranma’s sleeping face. He twitched in his sleep and rolled over. “He has endured a great deal, has he not? I am… pleased I could ease this burden, and rather embarrassed to have been the cause of some portion of it.”

“……” A long, slightly awkward silence hung in the room after that. Luna remained standing next to the bed, one wing extended over the blanket. Applejack remained in the doorway, waiting.

Then Luna cleared her throat. “You needn’t tarry any longer. I can see myself out, and I’m certain you have other matters to attend to.”

“Ah can stand here all night, Princess, don’t you worry,” the farmer replied evenly.

Luna’s expression soured, and she folded her wing with a huff. “I suppose I too must get back to work. I expect I’ll return soon enough, once circumstances are less heated.” She trotted up to the doorway, and Applejack let her pass.

“And Sweet Apple Acres will always welcome ya, Princess. G’night now,” Applejack offered before closing the bedroom door.

The next day begin with surprising, almost deceptive normalcy considering that Equestrian troops had charged through Ponyville the previous evening.

Those ponies who could afford to sleep late, did. This did not include the Apple family, for whom waking at the very crack of dawn was vital to their livelihood, nor did they spare their houseguest, even though he had been the focal point of last night’s commotion. Ranma Saotome was dragged out of bed for a big, early breakfast (for which he was delighted) and then given the task of retracing his steps through the orchard and removing any weapons or other objects that had been dropped on the ground or lodged in the trees (for which he was less delighted).

In Ponyville proper, Twilight Sparkle also awoke earlier than she really would have liked. In her case, however, it was due to a persisting insomnia rather than the demands of the day’s labors. She had spent much of the night tossing and turning, or staring intently at the ceiling while her thoughts raced.

Part of this was simply an anxious, comprehensive review of the last couple days. After things had nearly come so close to coming apart, with Equestrian soldiers marching on Ponyville and attempting to arrest her, Twilight couldn’t help but think she had done something wrong. All of her actions had been taken in good faith and made sense at the time, so what had she neglected? She simply couldn’t accept that simple miscommunication or bad luck had led to such a catastrophe. Something more must have gone wrong!

Another part of her concern was what was going to happen next. Ranma had been pardoned, which was their main objective in coming to Ponyville. He was a free pony, and could finally maintain that freedom without further violence. So now what?

Twilight hadn’t been especially worried about this point before, given the importance of the pardon itself, but now that it had happened things got fuzzy. Celestia still wanted the MacGuffin Stone, and considered its possession to be vital to Equestria’s survival. Ranma was apparently determined to pay Twilight and her friends back for the things they donated to Trixie (an offer that Twilight had no intention of redeeming, as the expense was trifling to her), so his immediate future looked to be consumed by farm chores, of all things. Luna was ostensibly of the same mind as Celestia, primarily concerned about Equestria’s fate, but Twilight suspected that the Princess of the Night had other intentions. Speaking of Trixie, who had been left behind during a moment of emotional and financial turmoil, where was she? Was she really done with the cursed pony, after they had spent months traveling together being hounded by guards and sorcerers?

And what about Twilight Sparkle herself?

“Pancakes are ready!”

Twilight started slightly at the sound of Spike’s voice, realizing that she had been staring blankly at the wall for several minutes. The plate containing her breakfast dropped in front of her, its aroma giving a pleasant shock to her senses. The alicorn’s horn flickered, and her fork and knife, as well as a syrup pitcher, all descended on her meal.

Spike dropped a plate of opals on the opposite end of the table from the mare (also drenched in syrup), and then sat down. “So, what’s on the agenda for today? Are we going to follow Ranma around the farm while he works? Invite him to dinner? Should I set up a sleeping space for him? You were talking about inviting him to stay here yesterday, before things kinda got out of control.”

Twilight gulped down the first mouthful of pancakes before she replied. “That… That’s probably unnecessary. The sleeping here part, I mean. Now that he’s been pardoned, there’s a lot less pressure to make sure he stays out of trouble.”

“Ah, okay.” Spike paused to eat one of his gems, and then delicately dabbed his mouth with a napkin. “What about the MacGuffin Stone, though? I thought you needed to spend more time with him to convince him to hand it over. You think it’s better to give him a little space?”

Twilight didn’t answer right away, slowly working through her breakfast. After several minutes, she took a long gulp of milk and then looked up at Spike. “What if… What if trust isn’t the issue?”

“Huh? What do you mean? The issue for what?”

“The MacGuffin Stone. I mean… what if Ranma and I are already friends, and there’s no hypothetical higher state of friendship that would get him to give me the MacGuffin? What if…” Twilight trailed off uncertainly, staring at some indistinct point above Spike’s head.

Spike checked to make sure there was nothing behind him, and after he was confident that Twilight had simply zoned out he cleared his throat. “So what are you saying? That he’s never giving you the gem, so you should give up?”

Twilight snapped out of her thoughtful daze and slouched in her chair. “No! Well… kind of. Not really, but…” She frowned, furrowing her brow and tapping a hoof irritably against the table. “It’s more like… what if the correct course of friendship here doesn’t lead to Ranma giving me the MacGuffin Stone, but to me letting him keep it?”

Spike arched an eyebrow. “Ah. Okay. And Princess Celestia would be… okay with that?”

Twilight groaned, and took a minute to shovel more food into her mouth. After guzzling the rest of her milk, she sighed in contentment and leaned back in her seat, staring at the ceiling.

“Would it… really be so bad? Just letting him have it? Can’t we trust Ranma?” Twilight asked.

“Well… I trust Ranma, sure. But that’s because Ranma stood up for me when Trixie tried to abandon me on the side of the road and put everything on the line to rescue you,” Spike mumbled, scratching his head. “I don’t think Princess Celestia can trust Ranma, though, because he keeps beating up her soldiers and committing arson.”

“The crimes were pardoned, Spike,” Twilight said firmly.

“Well, yeah, because if they weren’t he was just going to keep beating up soldiers,” Spike shrugged. “But I don’t think the Princess ever really thought that Ranma might not have done that stuff or that he deserved forgiveness. So…”

Twilight grimaced.

Then she heard a gentle rapping on the front door.

Twilight jumped out of her chair, rather relieved to have a distraction. “I’ll be right there!” she called out, her magic reaching for the door lock.

With a spark of telekinesis, the door swung open. Fluttershy sat in front of the threshold, and she smiled cautiously as Twilight approached.

“Oh, good morning Twilight! I, uhm, hope I’m not disturbing you…”

“No, no! Not at all!” the alicorn insisted. “Did you want to come in?”

“I’m, er, fine, that’s okay,” the meek pegasus replied. “Rarity just wanted me to stop by and ask if you wanted to join the rest of us at the spa today.”

“You’re going to the spa?” Twilight asked.

“Why yes, we are!” interrupted a third voice.

Twilight’s expression darkened somewhat when Discord suddenly leaned in so that he was visible through the doorway. The draconequus was wearing a towel cap already, and had a plastic bowl with several bottles and a rubber duck in it.

“Ah. Discord. So you’ll be joining us, huh?” Twilight asked, her tone flat.

“Oh yes, I will! I couldn’t pass up the chance to meet everypony’s newest acquaintance, Havoc!” Discord giggled just saying the name, his grin stretching from ear to ear. “I just KNOW we’ll be the best of friends!”

This actually surprised Twilight, and her ears perked up immediately. “What? He’s going too?”

Fluttershy nodded hesitantly. “Y-Yes. Rarity actually planned it for him, because… well, I don’t want to say because I think it was a little mean, honestly, but, uhm…” She stopped to clear her throat. “We don’t have an exact time yet, because Rarity needs to ask Applejack when Havoc will be available.”

“Okay, well I should be able to go too,” Twilight assured her.

“Lovely!” Discord cheered. “Oh, by the way: I found this little trinket of yours floating around outside.”

He ducked through the doorway, and then tossed an object to Twilight while walking past her. The young Princess recoiled, and her horn flashed purple to immobilize the object in the air.

“What? A ball?” Twilight asked, squinting at the silvery orb. “This isn’t mine.”

“Oh reeeeeeeally…” Discord flopped onto a seat, clasping his hands behind his head. “How interesting! I wonder who else would be spying on your neighbors?”

“Spying?!” Twilight’s eyes bugged out, and she pulled the object closer for inspection. Fluttershy gasped, covering her mouth with a wing. “You’re right! This is some kind of magic sentry! Where did you find this?”

“It was floating over Miss Lyra’s house,” Discord said, shrugging. “It would have been easy to miss - by design, of course - but I was busy constructing my own prank and it got in the way.” Then he started scratching at his beard. “I thought it was yours, as you’re the only pony who might have a legitimate reason to be planting spy constructs around town. But perhaps it was not so legitimate…”

Twilight grimaced. “This could be bad. I’ve seen magical sentries before when I was in school, but none of them were so… advanced. Whoever planted these really knows what they’re doing.”

Fluttershy gasped. “Do you think it was Blood Rite?”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “Maybe. But my first guess was the Royal Guard.”

Discord laughed. Twilight took a moment to glare at him, but then floated the sentry orb over to her saddlebags and placed it inside.

“I may have to confront the Generals about this, but first I want to run it by Ranma. Chances are that this has something to do with him, so he might have an idea where they came from. At the very least I should tell him about them.”

Discord stopped laughing, his eyes blinking rapidly. “Run it by… who?”

“She wants to show it to Havoc,” Fluttershy explained.

“Okay, but she said Ranma,” Discord said.

“Yes. Ranma is Havoc.” Twilight put on her saddlebags, and then shouted back toward the kitchen. “Spike, I’m going to Sweet Apple Acres! I should be back for lunch!”

The draconequus glanced between Twilight and Fluttershy. “Wait. Hold on. Time out.” He suddenly stood up from his seat. “We’re talking about a pony, right? A stallion named Havoc?”

“He’s not actually named Havoc,” Twilight said with a sigh. “And, well, technically he’s not actually a pony, either. But when you meet him you’ll be meeting a stallion who everypony calls Havoc, so whatever.”

She headed for the door, only for Discord to suddenly slide in front of her to block her path. “What does any of that mean?” he demanded.

Twilight frowned up at the draconequus, annoyed but also increasingly confused. Discord sounded oddly… serious about this. The smug, teasing tone he had employed when he’d first arrived was gone, replaced by genuine bafflement and… apprehension?

“Look, it’s a REALLY long story, and I don’t know all of the story because back when he first tried to explain it to me I assumed it was a bunch of insane lies or delusions. But the short version is that Ranma Saotome is from another world, which was apparently dominated by something called ‘hyoo-muhns.’ He ended up in this world thanks to the MacGuffin Stone, and then got turned into a pony by accident. Then Trixie started calling him Havoc and the name stuck. Can you move now? This sentry construct could be really important!”

Discord didn’t move. Instead, his jaw fell open, plummeting all the way to the floor.

Twilight stared. “So… do you happen to know anything about this, Discord?”

The Spirit of Chaos reached down and picked up his chin, pulling it up and setting it back into place. “Maybe.”

“That… didn’t really seem like a ‘maybe’ reaction,” Fluttershy mumbled, looking away.

“Look, either tell me what the problem is or I’ll be on my way,” Twilight huffed.

“The problem is… difficult to explain,” Discord admitted. “But suffice to say, if this not-really-pony is who you say he is, we should probably cancel the spa day.”

“What? Why?” Fluttershy asked, her ears flattening against her head. “Rarity and Pinkie Pie were really looking forward to it!”

“I’m sure they were, but bath time with Ranma Saotome has a way of ending with horrible violence,” Discord mumbled. “One way or another…”

“Are you saying he’s going to hurt us?” Twilight asked, a slightly angry edge to her voice.

“I don’t know, to be honest,” Discord admitted. “I haven’t heard the name Ranma Saotome in three-tenths of an eternity. And it’s not as if I’ve ever met him personally.” Then his own eyes narrowed down at Twilight. “But I can assure you that if what you say is true, then you truly have no idea who you’re dealing with, my little pony.”

“Ranma Saotome is eighteen years old. He was born as a male human in a place called Japan, on planet Earth. He is a pre-eminent martial artist on his world, claiming to be the best warrior there is. Although that statement is obviously subjective and warrants skepticism, I’ve witnessed him performing feats of nigh impossible strength and speed, and on two occasions he created a tornado as a melee weapon. He’s earnest and surprisingly credulous, but remains inexplicably suspicious about Princess Celestia raising and lowering the sun. He turns into a mare when exposed to cold water, and claims this is the result of some manner of curse inflicted on him in his own world, although it was somehow modified by the transmutation magic that turned him into a pony.” Twilight continued listing facts while she sat down in front of Discord, like she was reading bullet points off a list. “He’s a bit of glutton, generally relaxed about severe threats to his life, and is only fluent in the spoken - not written - form of Equish because it’s so close to something called ‘English’ from his own planet. He does not like cats. Finally, he ended up on our world due to some catastrophe in which he was trapped in the MacGuffin Stone by a doomsday cult, although he doesn’t know what happened after the trap was sprung. He hates Blood Rite and Swan Song because they were responsible for his transformation, and seeks to defeat them so that they can use the MacGuffin Stone to restore his body and, if possible, return him to his homeworld. He's otherwise fairly uninterested in the MacGuffin Stone, but at this point doesn't trust anypony else with it, a state of affairs that I'm rapidly warming up to. Especially given that he can somehow carry it without it being visible or using pockets. I don't think we're ever going to figure out how he does that.”

Discord didn’t respond at first, staring down at the alicorn blankly. “Okay, fine, so you have about ninety percent of an idea who you’re dealing with,” he admitted. “But still.”

“But still WHAT? What’s the problem, Discord?!” Twilight shouted, surprising the others with her intensity. “Getting this sort of reaction from Princess Celestia is one thing, but I’m not going to take any suspicions from you seriously without a clear and valid reason! Ranma Saotome is a friend! He saved my life! We fought a dragon together!” She stamped a hoof down on the floor, and Discord actually flinched slightly. “Either explain to me RIGHT NOW what you know and why it should matter to me, or get out of my way!”

The draconequus hesitated only a second, and then bowed his head. “As you wish, Princess.” Then he stepped out of her path.

Twilight snorted and trotted past him and out the door. “Honestly, I was hoping for you to explain what you knew about him, but this is fine too. Honestly, what is everypony’s problem with Ranma?”

“Well, if this Ranma is indeed the same as this Havoc fellow, I think a big part of the problem is how he keeps demolishing buildings,” Discord replied. “Isn’t that how you lost your tree?”

“It was an accident!” Twilight snapped. “Not only that, but it was MY accident! Ranma’s only complicity in that case was accepting my assistance and being subject to a magical condition he didn’t understand!”

“Okay, fair enough. What about all the other buildings?”

“Applejack’s barn was complete random chance! When you launch a draconic creature into the sky with an inexplicable cyclone, its descent arc is completely at the mercy of local wind currents! I don’t believe for a second that Ranma did that deliberately, and he was working to protect us in the first place!” Twilight continued.

“Uh huh…”

“Obviously, I can’t account for the other buildings that have allegedly been damaged during Ranma’s travels, but two structures were completely demolished within a single hour the first time he came to Ponyville. It’s hardly unreasonable to suspect that those demolitions were also accidents, or even deliberate acts of destruction on the part of his enemies. Ranma doesn’t just knock down buildings for fun,” the Princess continued lecturing while she walked.

“I’m not sure that’s any great comfort to their owners,” Discord mused.

“Like I said, I can’t speak for-“

Twilight suddenly froze, and then her head whipped around to glare at the Spirit of Chaos. “Why are you following me?” It hadn’t occurred to her until now, but she had left the doorway of her home a few minutes ago and yet Discord had been keeping pace with her all this time.

“Me? To meet Havoc, of course!” Discord laughed at the question. “You’ve said so many interesting things about him! How could I not?”

“I, uhm, would like to go too, if it’s not too much trouble,” Fluttershy added, peeking out from behind the draconequus. “Not that I need to meet Havoc, but, um, that’s where Rarity is anyway.”

Twilight frowned, her focus still on Discord. “And what are you going to do when you meet him? I still think you know something and you’re hiding it!”

“Well, DUH.” Discord rolled his eyes, hands clasped behind his back.

The young Princess honestly considered marching back home and sitting in her library until Discord left, but eventually discarded the idea as pointless. It wasn’t as if Ranma would be difficult to find without her help; if Discord wanted to meet the martial artist it was only a matter of whether he did so under Twilight’s supervision or not.

Besides, there’s a good chance Ranma might give him a swift kick upside the jaw. I wouldn’t want to miss that, she thought as she started walking down the road again.

Author's Note:

Hey, look who came back to the exciting conclusion of the big-ish showdown! And then got a surprise deus ex machina! Ha! Bet you weren't expecting that!
Honestly, it probably seems like an anti-climax, but there's plot things afoot. BIG plot things!
See you next time!