• Published 8th Nov 2016
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Student Switch: Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap - ImNoPony

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Inidgo Zap

Today was the Wondercolt's soccer team tryouts and the captain Spitfire was making her decision. Everyone was lining up in a row and each time she call out a name, the line get smaller and smaller. Tensions were high as everyone had given it their best shots and none of them want their hard effort to be a waste. But none seems the most anxious than Indigo Zap. She waited so long to be on the Wondercolt's soccer as she want to make her school: Canterlot High, proud.

"Ok, time for the last spot" Spitfire call out.

When they all heard that, pressure went through the roof and blast off into the sky. Everyone was shaking tremendously and Indigo had her eyes shut, fingers crossed and praying that she made the team. They all wait anxiously when Spitfire declares the last name.

"...... Indigo Zap!"


Indigo jumped up for joy when her name was called out and excitement were permeating from her body. While the other participants were disheartened for not being picked, Spitfire says to them "Don't be too sad if you didn't made the team. We will remember all the skills that you shown today will be remembered and some of will be placed on the reserve team."

While spirits were a little better when she says that, but none of them didn't feel as great as Indigo Zap. She was dancing on the spot and repeating "I'm on the team" over and over again to much of her over-enjoyment. However, all of that stop however when Spitfire call out her name.


She stopped and look at her why she called her name. But when she saw them, she see that everyone snickering and barely hid their laughter.

"I know you're excited and all that, but can you hold the dancing until later?" Spitfire ask her.

It was then that she realize that she was acting like a fool in front of everyone. Embarrassed, Indigo straighten herself up, giggle for a bit and says herself was "Sorry."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Several days later, in the cafeteria of Canterlot High, Indigo was having lunch on a table while sitting by her friends, Sour Sweet, Sugar Coat, Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest. It was a relatively peaceful meal. Sunny was tweaking stuff on her wrist gadget, Lemon Zest was playing catching music that everybody could enjoy while eating and Sugar Coat and Sour Sweet was happily chatting what they did over the weak end.

However, all of them was getting distracted when Indigo eating were getting louder and louder. She wasn't stuffing her face in or eating way too fast, but she was eating her meal like she was in a hurry. Quickly putting the food in her mouth, chewing it so she won't choke and then repeat the process as soon as she caught her breath.

Worried about her friend (and also her loud eating was getting annoying), Sour Sweet call out to her "Hey Indigo! What's the deal racing with yourself in finishing your meal?"

"Yeah. Speed Eating increases you chance of indigestion" Sugar Coat added.

Indigo, realized she was being talked to, finished the food that she had in her mouth and replies "Sorry you guys. It just my first team practice is today and I'm probably still very excited."

Annoyed, Sour Sweet says to her "Geez, that again. You have been going on being in the team since last week."

"Well sorry, I can't help it. I just want show how great Canterlot is and stuff" But right when she was beginning to pout, Indigo was suddenly hit by inspiration. "Hey, do you know what would be an excellent idea? You All Come And Watch Me Practice!"

Here friends look at her with great surprise.

"As in... You know... seeing you there might motivate me and stuff."

Her friends give it some thought while also having conflicting attitudes. Lemon Zest was the first to say "Yeah, alright" who seems not too troubled by this. Sour Sweet on the other hand replies "I'll pass. I prefer to some other stuff rather than watch a bunch of people kick a ball around." Likewise Sunny Flare adds "Yeah, I have other more important work that I need to be doing."

"Oh come on Sunny!" Indigo says back to her. "I think you being there might help the team out a little. You know, giving out training ideas and suggesting team formations. I know you like that kind of stuff."

Sunny think about it again and she does seem more convinced this time around. Sunny Flare is a really smart girl and she always love to share her wisdom around. After a few more moments to bounder, she says "Alright. I'll be there."

And right Indigo was feeling happy, Sugar Coat then adds "I'm going too."

"What!" said a surprise Sour Sweet.

Sour look at her and expecting an explanation. Instead, Sugar Coat look back at her with a strange expression. It wasn't eagerness, reluctance or indifference. But her eyes say it is something important. With her friends around her saying that they're going, Sour Sweet hesitantly and "cheerfully" says "Well Um... Since you all going, I guess I'm going too." While everyone else seems cheerful, she tries her best to hide her reluctance.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Later that afternoon, after school was over and club activities were beginning, the Wondercolt Soccer team came together at the soccer field. Everyone were doing their stretches and making sure the limbs are nice and flexible for when training starts. When Indigo Zap look towards the bleachers, she notice her friends were sitting there,

Lemon Zest was picking out the right music for when practice starts while Sour Sweet looks ready to become board. Sugar Coat was just watching on in silence, observing the team and how they are doing. Meanwhile, Sunny Flare was busy righting down notes and looking up the team's statistics. When she decided to do something, Sunny is willing to put her whole mind to it.

And then, right when everyone was ready, Spitfire came out and face everyone. "Alright New Recruits! Glad that you all made it on time. I know that we just got done adding more members to the team, but I got a big announcement to make. In a few weeks time, we'll be playing against griffonstone Academy!"

Everyone became indertandbly surprised. "A match so soon right after tryouts? What are they thinking?" was the thought that some of them were having.

Spitfire explains "Yes, I know this can seem quite surprising. They have offer us a challenge and like a true Wondercolt, we never refuse a challenge. What!? Do you we should back down now?"

After a moment to think about it, the soccer team shouted "NO!"

"Yes" said Sugar Coat, much to the team obliviousness.

"Now That's What I Like To Hear!" Spitfire shouted. "Now go to the places that I'll assign you to and get a use to working together!"

And after that, everyone began get hard at work training. Spitfire was shooting out commands like a drill sergeant and everyone was following her leadership. They did laps around the field, dribble in and out cones and test the goalie in his ball catching abilities. There was a slight getting use to working together, but once they did, they were almost unstoppable. Sunny Flare, once she gauged all of their skills, call over Spitfire gave her her's suggestions. Spitfire at first didn't like it that somebody else was giving her coaching tips and ideas. But once she got hear them, she found them being actually quite good started implementing them on the team.

And then, after about 45 minutes of training, they going to have a quick practice match. The team got split into two halves and then be put against each other to see who could come out on top. It wasn't meant to be a practice match, but the players were taking it as a test to see who would be in the big game or not. Lemon Zest and the rest naturally cheer for the team that has Indigo Zap.

As soon kick off started, Indigo was quick to get the ball and made a mad dash to the goal. She was met with much opposition from the other team was hassling her for the ball. She try her best to get around them, ignoring everyone's pleas to pass the ball to another team member. Eventually, she did got pass them and take her shot at the goal... only to hit the metal frame of the goal post. Indigo was surprised that she miss the point and saw her teammates aren't too please with her.

The practice game then proceeded back and forth from there. Both teams made their advances when they got the ball and the other team makes a fairly good defensive. It was always going pleasantly well... until whenever Indigo goes after the ball. When somebody takes the ball within her vicinity, she quickly steal the ball off them and then makes it to the goal no matter how successful the shot might be. Whenever her teammates call for her to pass, she would always reply "I Got This!" and then charge ahead.

Eventually everybody got tired and Spitfire call for a break. Even rest on the ground, exhausted from all of the hard work they put in. At the same time, Sunny Flare had finished writing up her conclusion and call out for the captain. "Spitfire!" she called out.

Spitfire instantly heard the call and eagerly makes her way over. In a short time, Sunny was quick to earn Spitfire's judgement. Indigo Zap on the other hand was curious about why her friend had call for her captain and also follow suit.

"So what do you have for me Sunny?" Spitfire asked.

"Well after seeing how everyone had played, I think I deduce what each player's position should be. Ground Stomper is fine as a goalie but he really needs to stop stomping the ground whenever he tries to make a save. I would recommend switching Soarin's and Fleet Foot's positions around since Soarin has the stronger kicks and Fleet Foot is plain faster. I also think to move Indigo back to become a defender and..."

"WHAT!" shouted Indigo in surprised. Spitfire and her friends turn around, completely unaware that she was standing behind them. She asks "Why Do You Want Me To Become A Defender?"

Sunny's logic is "Well you seem to have the best ball control out of everyone and everyone seems to have a tough time tackling the ball off of you."

But Indigo then retorts "But defenders have to stay way back and away from the opponent's goal. I want to make the big game winning scores."

However, Spitfire had her hands on her hips and tells her "Well I think I'm gunna go on Sunny Flare's judgement here Indigo. And honestly, from how you played, you're lucky that I'm not putting you on the bench."

When Spitfire went off and check on her other members, Indigo was left obviously distraught. She was willing to admit that she hadn't made some excellent shots but didn't thought it would cause Spitfire to be angry. Eventually, distraught turn into anger and that anger was shifting itself towards Sunny Flare. "What The Heck! Why do you want me to be a defender?"

"Sorry" Sunny apologized. "Defender just seems the better position for you."

Not wanting Indigo to feel even worse, Sour Sweet tells her "What's the problem in becoming a defender or whatever? Don't you still get to play?"

"Yeah, but more people will remember the person who scores the goal rather then the person who got the ball back."

At that moment, they could see that Indigo is going to be unreasonable. She had her mind set to be a striker or a forward and really want to show off her skill. But as they were wondering how they are gunna deal with her, Sugar Coat got up in front of Indigo and look her in the eye. She still have that blank and stern expression that pierce through Indigo's defences.

"Indigo, you are being selfish" she stern says to her. Before Indigo could say the word what, Sugar Coat explains to her "You always keep a hold of the ball, make shots that you think you can make but not really and if you keep this up, they might be considering kicking you off the team."

When Indigo look back at her teammates, she could see that all of them was giving her the mean look.

Sugar Coat then states "If you really want to show how great Canterlot is, you need to stop with the solo, lone wolf plays and start working like you're part of a team."

After hearing all of that, Indigo was left in awe. Sugar Coat's words were a shock to her system and she hadn't thought about it that way. Was this her intention all along? Slapping her into place and making her remember what is important? Regardless, Indigo see this a wake-up call and appreciates the tough love.

"Thanks Sugar Coat."

"No problem" she replied. "Now go out there and show them that you're a team player!"

"Yeah!" Indigo Zap yelled.

As Indigo rushing back to her teammates, her friends cheer for to boost her motivation. And then, Lemon Zest finally found the right music that she want to play and start playing Final Countdown.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Several weeks later and it was the day of the big game. The bleachers were packed with cheering spectators who came to see Canterlot High versing against Griffonstone Academy. It was a neck and neck game as both teams was trying their best to win.

However, neither team mange to score a goal. This was a part in due for Indigo excellent defence. As soon as a Griffonstone player was approaching on the goal, Indigo Zap intercept them and battle them over the ball. Their teammates yell at them to pass the ball to them, but kind of like Indigo in the weeks before, they were adamant in keeping the ball. This led Indigo in getting the ball, kicking it to a teammate and passing to Soarin that scores a goal.

The crowd exploded with cheers and CHS students were rejoicing that they score a point. Meanwhile, Griffonstone members was upset and there was infighting amongst the team.

"I Told You To Pass The Ball To Me Gilda!"

"Yeah But I Was Sure I Could Make A Goal!"

"And Look What That Got Us!"

As she sees them fighting, Indigo just laughs and chuckle at this. They was so focus on keeping the ball and being greedy over it that they were ignoring their teammates. Indigo could see her old self being like that but knows that she grew beyond that. However, she knows that wouldn't make that change if it wasn't for her friends assisting her.

Indigo Zap says to herself "Man! When will they look that this is a team game" and rush back to her position for the next kick off.