• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
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Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are best friends. They have been best friends for as long as they could remember.

But something happened one day. Something that made Rainbow Dash realize just how important Fluttershy really was to her.

1st person perspective from the eyes of Rainbow Dash.

A personal headcanon story that I've been mulling around for a while about Equestria Girls, that I finally got to writing. And you can thank the FlutterDash group's 'Change' contest for inspiring me to finally get it down into words.

Warning: Contains themes of abuse

*Featured October 3rd, 2016* Thank you for the feature~ It always means a lot to me!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 51 )

An amazing story. Great job

Did you enter the contest?

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

I did! At least I'm pretty sure I followed the submission guidelines. Story with more than 1,750 words, that passed submission completely, and is in the Contest folder of the group. Should fit all the requirement hehe.

It's really good to see you writing again. :) I'm saving this so I can read it later, I've loved all your other Flutterdash stories so I'm sure this will be great too.

Oh, a FlutterDash story! Time to settle in for some heartwarming and fluffy feels--



That wasn't fluffy at all...

Incredible story. Great job.

Wow. I am really liking this so far. I enjoy your writing style, and I spotted very few grammar errors--especially compared to the level of quality I've come to expect from fanfiction!

The errors that I did notice:

Apparently Canterlot High was known for it's high academics and it's plethora or extra curricular programs.

Both instances of the word "it's" here should be "its".

each others

Just a minor one, but this should be "each other's".

Otherwise, I didn't see anything incorrect. You're a great author!

It really HAS been too long since I last did a FlutterDash story, it was good to get the pair back together again hehe

Coming from me, pure fluff is actually pretty rare to get from me hehe

Thank you!

That is pretty strange coming from me, usually people have a whole slew of problems to point out haha. I will try to fix any 'it's' in the story though, those have always been a bane on my existence!

“Fluttershy... It's been something I've been avoiding for a long time now.” I tightened my hands into fists, forcing myself to keep talking. “When we were kids... You ran away from me because of a bruise on your arm. When we met again, you were still wearing those long sleeved clothes from when we were young. At first I didn't think anything of it, but the thought of what happened when you ran away still haunted me. And now...

Me wasn't there originally.

The only bit that didn't sit quite right with me was Dash internally planning to beat up Fluttershy's father. Dammit girl, I don't care how righteous a beating it would be, you don't take matters into your own hands in situations like this, you get on the phone and CALL THE COPS.

That aside, this story is great. If I could like it twice, I would. :twilightsmile:

Soon after, Mom took me to the school to get registered. The school itself was huge, way bigger than my previous schools. Apparently Canterlot High was known for its high academics and its plethora of extra curricular programs.

Of was originally or. And its still seems to have an issue. Before it was like '"it's", but now it is simply "it'".

I spent the rest of my summer vacation learning the local hangout spots of the town and blowing my allowance at the arcade. I found out that a place called Sugarcube Corner was a popular hangout for the High School kids after school had gotten out, and I was not disappointed with their selection of treats.

High is only capitalized if it is a proper noun, e.g Canterlot High School or Community High School.

=/... conditioning and self abuse. hard to break through. good story

I am with you with it definitely being something that you should leave to the authorities, but her thinking about it in that moment is a tame thought all things considered, and I do not doubt that she would never enact on it though. Considering the situation and trying to give it comparison, one of my ex's, when we were dating for a bit over a month, opened up about her two previous boyfriends and how they manipulated her. Both of them were older than her by a couple years and tried their best to get any form of sex out of her. It got so bad that one of the pricks forced her hand down his pants and he tried to wank with it. She was 16 at that time.
When I heard that shit, I was fucking livid. My never enacted plans for this knob-end were not far off of beating him within an inch of his life like Rainbow here.

Rainbow, especially with her hot headed behaviour honestly has an incredibly tame reaction for what Fluttershy has been through. I can see that not including it or not expanding on it is probably a better choice for the story when considering how much it actually matters to the plot, but personally I would have a more extreme reaction in this situation, as many of us would if we were also put in a similar situation, and as some of us may have been.

But, the implied justice and happy ending are more powerful than an explained one so it is all an incredible tale none the less.
Fantastic work SamRose!

Whoo! Childhood friend / teenage drama FlutterDash is best FlutterDash!

Although now that we've actually seen Fluttershy's parents in the show, picturing the abuse angle is a bit hard.

This is a minor grammatical error, but...

Still we started hanging out and she was a pretty awesome in her own right.

A pretty awesome what? Athlete? Bicycle? Potato Peeler? I'd recommend either dropping the word a or adding something after the word awesome.
Aside from that, though, this is a really great story! You grabbed my attention quickly, and I was invested in almost no time at all. Keep up the great work, mate! Cheers :pinkiesmile:

Yeaaaaah, I know what you meaaaaan. I've just had this headcanon for Fluttershy's family for so long it's hard for me to see it otherwise, even with the show revealing them finally heh.

It's definitely why I left the descriptions vague. Change just enough for my headcanons to fit, but not enough detail for people to be forced to imagine completely new people if they don't want to heh. Plus I always REALLY liked the idea of Fluttershy's father being a Doctor and that being where she got her veterinarian inspiration from, so I ran with that for this fic hehe.

I'm glad you liked it though! And I agree, Childhood and Drama FlutterDash really is best!

Thanks for catching all the grammar mistakes, I've fixed all the ones pointed out now!

7616336 That was more or less my initial reaction on this. Granted, this description and the spoiler warning clued me in this wasn't going to be all fluff, but I wasn't quite expecting this.

Still, excellently written first chapter, although I feel there was more summary and exposition than actually showing-you're just setting us up for the next chapters when we should be getting into the meat of the story or better yet just get directly into scene. As it, I feel distanced from Rainbow Dash when I should be feeling more sympathy for her and Fluttershy than ever.

Wow... just... wow.

I read this all the way through, and I am SO happy I did. This was a great story, and it might have been the story that got me to support Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as a ship, at least in the EQG world.

By the way, feel honored, for your story took me THERE...

“Yeah. Yeah, we will be.” I nodded, gently stroking her hair. “One thing at a time. We don't have to rush it. Not when there are more important things to take care of now.” Like how was I going to beat her father within an inch of his life without getting thrown in jail?
Ah, no judge would convict me once they heard the full story.

This made me giggle.

Anyway, this was a really sweet story.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story! It warms my heart to see people liking my stories! :twilightsmile:

This is fair! The story was written more "Telling you about the events" rather than "This is how the events happened" so I completely get where you're coming from. Thanks for the critic though, I'll keep it in mind in the future!

Hit me right in the feels. I wish I had a Rainbow Dash to protect me from my monsters when I was younger.

I think it was a good choice to end the story on a realistic high note. So many other abuse stories continue on with the hero saving the day and the abuser getting their comeuppance. In real life, domestic/child abuse rarely seems to have a happy ending. But yeah, really good story that earned a thumbs up from me!

Most of the hardest drama is happening in the background, as this story focuses solely on the feelings from Rainbow's point of view.
Heavy themes, but I would dare to say that you handled it quite well. Great job on that!
Domestic violence is never an easy thing to handle. Luckily for Shy, she knows where to get support now.

Wow....I wasn't really expecting THAT revelation when it came to abuse stories, especially with Fluttershy. Good lord, poor Fluttershy, she needed help FAST. And the the perspective that you gave between her and Rainbow Dash was surprisingly good. It seemed out of left field to me that Fluttershy went from being almost emotionally dead, to being her perky self, but when you offered her side of the story, it made a tragic kind of sense, how she was psychologically molded to accept the abuse from her father.

Also, I'm glad how you introduced Sunset as a minor plot point to alert Rainbow Dash, especially from both the perspective of her pre-EG1 story, and afterwards. It's nice to see that there were traces of the new Sunset within her, even though she was a bully. Even when you're trying to intimidate someone, there are some wounds you don't open up, even for personal gain. I really liked that dimension of Sunset.

Overall, nice job dude. :twilightsmile:

*whistles* that was a roller coaster for sure! I'd love to see a follow up some day (and to see Shys father either get his comeuppance or make things right)


Man, a feature? You made it again!

Best FlutterDash story I've ever read.
I ship them in the Equestria Girls universe now.

Also, this is my headcanon now.

Awesome story. I'm glad I found the time to read it. :pinkiehappy:

“...I killed my mother...”


See, in the beginning of the story, Fluttershy's father had pulled Rainbow away from Fluttershy. The way it was described showed that Fluttershy's father was being aggressive towards Rainbow. Rainbow didn't do anything wrong, though. So either he just really hates Rainbow (which might've kind of prevented her and Fluttershy from having as good of a relationship as described earlier in the fic, so we can rule that out), or he's really mad about something that happened while the Shy family was absent from their home. Also, Fluttershy's dad, quote on quote:

grabbed her hand, roughly dragging her back into the house.

There was not a clear reason yet as to what happened that would make Fluttershy's dad so aggressive all of the sudden, so we can assume that SOMETHING happened while they were gone. Most likely involving Fluttershy.

Later in the story, we saw that Fluttershy had a bruise. Sunset Shimmer wasn't around yet, so it couldn't've been Sunset who gave her the bruise. And judging by the likelihood of Fluttershy being abused in a fic like this (not saying there's anything wrong with putting that in a fic, btw), it seemed safe to assume that Fluttershy was being abused by her father.

But why would he do that?

Well, by now, it's obvious if you read chapter four. She killed her mother. But imagine yourself before you read the final chapter. You may or may not have expected it.

What did Fluttershy's father have against her? She must've done something to piss him off big time (TRIGGERED) unless he had some kind of psychotic mental disorder or was just a complete douchebag. Coincidentally, Fluttershy's father started showing signs of aggression soon after Fluttershy's mother died. So one could assume that Fluttershy did at least something to contribute to the death of her mother, if not smothering her thinking that she was actually helping her get sleep.

Wow. Looking back on what I just typed, that's some really messy logic. :twilightblush: :rainbowderp:

Bright, sunshiny day.
Isn't that some old song?

This story was great!

I never expected Fluttershy to be the killer.

But during her years of growing up. Has she ever considered suicide for her actions? Cause for the way she behaved after her mothers death. I could definitely sense it.

7617350 I hold the title of most awesome potato peeler.

Thanks man!

Always glad to spread around the FlutterDash love! Thank you for enjoying the story!

These are always my favorite type of posts to read, thank you all for caring about my story enough to discuss it like this! It really wamrs my heart to see people able to see the full picture and understand where I was going with it in my head. I love it so much!

Most likely she had some thoughts like that, but with Fluttershy being the way she is, she likely wouldn't ever admit them to her friends. Or if she did, it'd be for a very good reason and only if she had to tell them. I've considered the idea of maybe writing a version from Fluttershy's perspective, but it'd be really taxing on me emotionally to write it from the victim's point of view. So who knows.

I do have some idea for a story in the future that might involve those themes though, though maybe not directly Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash related like this story is.

Nice characters, nice writing, all good.

Finished it. A fantastic fic Sam. c: I felt the middle two chapters were a little weaker, but this last chapter was fantastic. You are the reason I came to appreciate Flutterdash, and now you've made me appreciate them in EG as well. Kudos man.

This was a really nice story, that dealt sensitively with some dark issues. Nicely done. :twilightsmile:

There really needs to be more 1st person Equestria Girls stories on this site.

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Now #95.

My review can be found here.

You know, this story reminds me of Home of the Blues by Owl City. I'm glad it ended the way it did. I don't know if I could take any more depressing stuff right now. I needed this. Kudos. :twilightsmile:

I read the first chapter and went "Hmmmmm... Her mom dies from 'illness', Shy's dad is a big-shot doc and starts beating her, and she withdraws from others... This sounds like Silent Ponyville." Fast forward to Chapter 3 and I thought "So it's still happening... She thinks she deserves it? So she did mercy-kill her mother! This is Silent Ponyville!"

Then I read the final author's note. Called it!

You had my rapt attention every second of this story. Not only that, but you managed to make me shed a few tears. Quite a feat, making a stoic cry. Marvelously well done. Without a doubt this shall be favorites.

I can't belive I almost didn't read this. I'm not one for much sad stories however, something drew me to this one. And I'm overly glad it did. I was hooked right away, even though it started out heavy. And the story continued to capture me in mystery and emotions. Something was always happening.
My god, did I love the main 5 meeting and the introduction to Sunset. It gave us the timeline but kept us within Rainbows Pov of it all. Which was an interesting turn.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this story. :rainbowkiss:

It's funny, you took me right back for a while there. And in the fourth chapter it became obvious why. That's one heck of a nostalgia rush.

You've never been the best technical writer. That's simple and factual. It's something a lot of people in fanfiction are willing to overlook, and I'm not. It's probably why I'm not around much any more. But I've found, starting right back at Silent Ponyville, that I can overlook that quality in your stories. When you write, you write from the heart. You reach out and touch something visceral and true about the world, and you handle it with an honesty and sincerity that makes your stories compelling.

I don't read much on this site anymore, but I'm glad I found this. Thank you.

I've read a lot of RD stories and I got to say that I can really relate to Dash in this fic, myself. Thanks for this fic. :pinkiehappy:

you need to update this also i think you should at the sunset tag as it seems she will likely be a major character in this story based on what is written so far

Wow... I feel physically drained just from reading this. But I loved it anyway.

The more things changed, the more they stayed the same.

Boundaries shift, new players step in, but power always finds a place to rests it's head.

I'm sorry; I had to. :twilightsheepish:

SamRose. Do you think that you can make a story about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a baby boy and learning how to raise him, I really wanna hear THAT story. Also, can the story be filled with happiness, joyfulness, dedication and labor?

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