• Published 19th Oct 2018
  • 1,412 Views, 40 Comments

Creeping Normality - Eyeswirl the Weirded

Adagio's career takes off in a way she'd have never thought possible. Aria and Sonata are less than thrilled.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Repel and Attract

Knowing what she knew about people, this had to work.

Aria hadn't wanted to get by on her good looks alone, let alone doing so coupled with Sonata's, but she didn't want to be a pathetic failure, either. Sonata had jokingly said they should just become strippers together, because they definitely got more than their share of stares during that pool race, but Aria preferred to keep her dignity. Luckily, becoming 'titty streamers' came with the plausible deniability of it being their personalities that kept people coming back.

She had done a little research about how exactly Adagio got famous, and apparently a big part of it early on was some web celebrity-

Cewebrity? Note to self: Never say that out loud.

-with a huge following. While trying to find out how to build such a following, Aria had discovered modestly hot girls playing video games and doing the same sort of stuff other people were, all displaying themselves on a little corner-cam the whole time, but while half-naked and regularly making suggestive poses. People being people, Aria could see that this won them a lot of attention, money, and even a few dedicated worshippers. After a few hours of studying this material, she knew just what to do.

The plan was simple: She and Sonata, dressed in skimpy clothes, would sit in front of the microphone and webcam they'd discreetly swiped from some local electronics shop (Sonata using her dopey-hot-girl-with-questions routine might have been good practice for what they were about to do), play some (pirated) games, and watch as the donations poured in.

And it only took them two days to get everything working!

"Okay," sighed Aria while smoothing out what could charitably be described as her shirt, "looks like we're live. Are we both in the shot?"

Sonata leaned in for a closer look at the screen displaying what the viewers would see, smiling when she noticed the way this displayed her chest on camera. "Yea! Think we should scootch a little closer for the ooh-look-lesbians angle?"

"If we really need to bring in viewers, you can sit on my lap for a while." Aria smiled. "It'll make for a smooth transition when I need to spank you 'for screwing up' in the game!"

"Wha-?! Why am I the one getting spanked?!"

Aria smirked with smugness she'd been waiting to release all day. "'Cuz you've got the fatter ass and the internet loves 'em "thicc." Now shut up, time to start this thing."

The title of their stream wasn't creative, but 'Two Girl Friends Play' had already brought in about two dozen viewers. It was nothing compared to the thousands Aria had seen on some other channels, but it was a start. Of course, the first thing she saw in the chat were comments about not being able to see what they were playing.

[So, there a game here?]
[cant see anything]
[Can see tits!]
[They're not even pretending to be a game channel. -_-]
[And that's a bad thing?]

"Oh, uh," she said while trying for a 'cute,' dopey-girl smile, "guess we need to show us and what we're playing! Just a sec!"

It took her six and a half minutes to work out how to have their monitor show on the stream without that infinite-window-ception thing, but at least Sonata sitting there smiling with her cleavage visible mostly kept people from leaving.

"Okay, game time! Here we go!"

Only one of them could play at a time, but that left room for one to talk and one to lean in closer to the camera to be able to reach the necessary buttons. She opted to play first, if only so that Sonata and wouldn't get all of the camera focus.

Barely past the start menu, the chatbox alerted them to a problem

[Facecam's kinda small. :/]
[Can't see!]
[So? We're here for the game.]
[boi u gay]
[Titcam's too tiny!]
[your mom gay]
[Look how they're dressed. We KNOW what we're all here for.]
[I'd love to look, if the screen weren't like 4 pixels.]

Quietly sighing, Aria stopped to adjust that window. "Better?"

[Less clothes please]
[Still kinda small tho]

Rolling her eyes, Aria messed with the window sizes until half the screen was her and Sonata and the other was the game. "Now?"

[take off your tops]
[Adequate boob-to-game ratio.]
[I disagree!]
[More boob is good.]
[No. Too much boobcam = boob ban.]
[Are either of you pregnant?]
[Can we start the thing already?]
[You have nice hair. :)]

In line with what they were supposed to be doing here, Aria started the game. She was barely through the tutorial before more complaints caught her eye.

[Framerate's sucking.]
[Really choppy!]
[Are you guys pregnant?]
[I'm getting lag]
[Boobcam is good though.]
[The game is old and shit anyway, but at least their hot.]
[It's coming in all screwed up!]

Repressing a very unattractive grumble, Aria paused the game to start fiddling with the stream's settings, which at least gave her an excuse to lean closer to the camera and pretend she was paying close attention to the framerate, not the appreciative comments toward her beauty.

Unfortunately, Sonata could read too, and quickly leaned hard against Aria with a bright, pretty smile that the untrained eye wouldn't spot as forced. "Hey, why don'tcha let me fix it?"

Rather than waiting for an answer, much less approval, Sonata reached across Aria's hands to get at the keyboard and cursor-slidey-pad-thing.

"Uh, no," Aria retorted as calmly and appealingly as she could while holding her ground, "I think I've got it, just need to screw with the uh... bitter, bitrate and it'll be-"

Sonata pushed against her harder, which put a strain on her 'cute,' girly giggle. "No, really, I can do it!"

"Haha, I've got it."

With how fervently the two struggled against each other, it was ten minutes before they noticed that the stream had gone down.

Knowing what Aria knew about people, it could have worked.

Knowing what she knew about technology, there wasn't a chance in Hell.


"So, Poofy, we're gonna be stoppin' here in Hollywood for a while, got a few gigs hooked up and some business to take care of. That cool with you, or are ya gonna be needin' accommodations?"

Adagio smiled. "It's fine with me, Mr. Dry, I can stay here as long as we need."

Provided Aria and Sonata aren't stupid with the money I left them. Worst comes to worst, they'll call if they need me to send them more, but I will do so with some very stern words!

Cuttin' Dry smiled too, gently putting his hands on Adagio's shoulders as he knelt down a little to look at her at eye-level. "To think I was scared you'd turn out to be another whiny diva! You lemme know if ya need anything, 'kay?"

He set off without waiting for an answer, chuckling to himself about how having been taken off the crew of someone called Magnifico was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Heading to the hotel she was told she'd be staying in, Adagio idly thought that she'd actually been pretty demanding, what with asking for a room to herself everywhere they went and those last two commercials. Granted, corporate meddling had distorted her original vision of the commercial mocking Sunset into a means of selling a new menu item and butchered her vision of the one mocking the others.

Somehow, her proposal for a simple scene of Poofy popping in to kick the faux-Rainbooms and their sweets aside and promote some random cheesy product turned into a dig at critics of the chain saying "too much cheese!" about a cheese-centric restaurant and something about a perceived rival in some snack product, all without Poofy so much as making an appearance. Hopefully, they did their secret job of offending the Rainbooms anyway.

Feeling kind of iffy about that now, actually, because if they didn't even realize that I was trying to make fun of them but do still want to take me down, I'll never know if they're planning to come after me or not.

Dwelling on this wasn't going to do any favors for her nerves, so she settled for being annoyed about the thought of that Magnifico character Cuttin' Dry mentioned, of being outdone by mere mortals in terms of being treated like a goddess.

But I've been doing everything I used to do! That was how things were back in Equestria; "Bring me food and comfort and I'll move on when I feel like it." Is there more I could be asking for?

Stepping onto the elevator to reach her room, she supposed she could be asking for oiled-up young men, but those kinds of conquests were something she earned through seduction, not demanded through power.

I'll be left alone here for much longer stretches than I was when we had to keep moving, but... given last week's incident with a creep and his camera, I really should be careful about what kind of ammo I give potential enemies. Especially now that I've riled up my old ones. Worst case scenario, all it would take was a shot or two of me bringing someone here and I might be replaced by some new girl in a wig.

...I wonder what Aria and Sonata have been up to. Did they find jobs yet? Are they going to? Maybe I could send them a care package, a bundle of money and some of the finer things I can have shipped to them to give them a taste of the high life? I'm sure Sonata would adore some of the chocolates I've sampled, but Aria was touchy about me 'rubbing my success in her face' even before I left...

Swiping the keycard in the reader beside the door, she stepped into her hotel room to find that her bags had been left by the bed. The especially big, soft bed, she found when she sprawled out on it! Sitting up, it was clear that this really was a high-end establishment, even for what she was getting used to; plush carpets, tasteful decor, a vanity in the corner, a huge flatscreen on the wall in front of the bed, and...

A jacuzi? Just, out in the open? It's right by the window, people might see-

Her train of thought broke right off the rails as she looked out the window to embrace the wide, breath-taking view of the ocean in full. She knew the elevator ride had taken a while, but didn't know she was up this high!

Would it be possible to get a house on top of a tower or something? Do they have those? Then again, if I want a view of the sea, Canterlot may not be the best-


Nearly jumping out of her skin, Adagio turned to see a stark-white young woman with black hair in a short, sleek style hanging barely past her neck in a finely-cut line, looking back at her with keen, blue eyes. That combined with her long-sleeved maid outfit with an ankle-length skirt gave her a soft, but elegant kind of feeling that had Adagio unwittingly thinking the exact same thing as the girl across from her:

She looks like a doll...

"Erm," began Adagio as she slid off the bed, "hello... Whom might you be?"

Pinching the sides of her skirt outward in a curtsy, the maid bowed her head, her face and tone remaining stoic and expressionless. "I am Felt Feather, hired to cater to you for the next thirty days."

"...Oh." Nothing changed in Felt Feather's face, but it struck Adagio that that probably wasn't the best reply. "I mean," she said in the most dignified tone she could manage, casually brushing a hand through her hair, "you most likely know already, but I am Adagio Dazzle, pleased to meet you."

I didn't ask for a maid... did... did someone assign her to me? Is Cuttin' Dry actually taking pity on me because I haven't been demanding enough?!

"So, erm, not that I don't want you here or anything, but I wasn't notified that I'd be getting help of any kind. Who sent you?"

Felt answered in a calm monotone. "I was hired for the first month by one Q. Chrysalis as a surprise. Would you like me to strip?"

Adagio blinked slowly. "...No thank you."

She nodded. "I was specially instructed to arrive here before you did and wait on the bed in minimal night garments to gauge your reaction, but you arrived moments before I could properly unpack your belongings."

It was incredibly hard to read from her facial expression, but something in her new maid's eyes told Adagio that this was a deliberate, calculated effort to preserve her dignity.

"Well, that's a pity," said Adagio with a bright smile, "but I guess there's nothing to be done."

Felt nodded deftly. "Indeed, a shame."

Adagio kept smiling.

I think I like this girl!

She would have to thank Chrysalis later for her exquisite choice in maids (and possibly punish her for trying to seduce her by proxy), but for now, she held out a hand. "I look forward to working with you, Miss Feather."

Rather than stepping forward to shake her hand, Felt lowered her eyes to it for a moment before looking back at Adagio's. "Forgive me if this seems at all impudent, but I am working for you, not with you."

Blinking twice, Adagio let out a mildly embarrassed laugh as she retracted her hand. "Y-yes, that's, um... In that case, do you think you could bring me a cold beverage? I think I saw a sign relating to milkshakes down in the lobby."

She nodded, heading for the door. "As you wish, Madam."

Once she was alone, Adagio took a quick look around her room (which itself had four more little rooms, of which she made sure to inspect every corner) to make sure she really was alone this time, then let herself breathe out an irritable sigh.

A maid. A personal servant. Why didn't I think of that?

Because it might be difficult to bring her around with us on the tour bus? Do we have room for her? What is she supposed to do when it's time to move on from this city? Are we going to be here for over a month? Would I be tearing her away from her family if I had her come with us?

I suppose it would be more demanding of me not to care about her circumstances and think only of myself, but getting the most out of this situation isn't worth the drawbacks of being irresponsible. Suppose I can ask her the relevant questions to decide what to do while we're-

"Your shake."

Jumping with a start, again, Adagio snapped her attention to the maid, now offering her a milkshake in a sealed cup with a freshly-inserted straw. "Oh, er..." she muttered as she gingerly accepted the beverage, "that was fast. How did you find this so quickly?"

"They do indeed serve shakes not far from the lobby, and there was no traffic on the stairway."

"...You took the stairs?"

Her blank expression unchanging, Felt briefly mimed an almost comically exaggerated running motion where she stood, particularly oscillating her arms, then pointed to the drink Adagio was holding. "Shaken, not stirred."


Not quite certain how much of her smile was forced, Adagio determined that this might take some getting used to.


Back when they first learned of the place a year or two ago, the sirens had thought that if they ever found themselves in Hollywood, they'd take the town by storm; enthrall a crowd to serve them and be made stars of the highest magnitude, walk on red carpets everywhere they weren't carried, drink and party and indulge themselves without a care.

It was a vague dream, Adagio now realized, and one she wasn't sure how to really enact even if she hadn't lost her gem. That wasn't why she mildly disappointed herself by spending her first day in Hollywood mostly just lounging about in her hotel room, watching television, indulging in some slightly lonely one-girl karaoke (after her maid declined to join her), and enjoying the private hot tub, but it came as a sobering thought when she realized she'd spent her entire free afternoon and following morning not really doing anything exciting.

I suppose, technically, I'm not in Hollywood, because this hotel is in Santa Monica. So, it's almost like I haven't spent my first day here just kind of laying around, right?

Some time to just relax was important too. And, her morning exercises were special if they were performed on a balcony with a clear view of the beach. That was what she told herself when she went downstairs to the car that took her to start Poofy's schedule for today.

Work went along the familiar rhythm; scripts and rehearsals while she waited for the film crews to sort out props and technical difficulties, a few takes if things went smoothly, several if they didn't or if the directer had a sudden idea, and Adagio remaining in-character as Poofy the entire time, her bright, cheery persona lifting the spirits of even the most bitter, failed playwrights and aspiring actors that she'd encountered, stuck doing various, unglamorous jobs on the set.

If no other celebrities (minor or otherwise) were brought in to promote their products, it usually gave her time to think, and chief in her stray thoughts as work wrapped up for the day was an older co-worker; Cheese Sandwich, whom she hadn't seen or heard from all that much when they weren't on the tour-bus together. Presumably, he was helping train other cooks along with Gouda Will, but unless they were opening several stores in the local area, she couldn't see that keeping him occupied for their entire stay here.

Which means he'll probably come around again. I really, really hate to admit it, but I still can't read the boy. I can only imagine what he's heard by now, who he's talked to, and, if he knows, what he's been telling them.

It had been about a month and a half since she left Canterlot now, and while she was genuinely amazed that her past endeavors in just this world hadn't come back to haunt her yet, there was absolutely nothing to say that they couldn't bring everything crashing down if it came out that she was magical monster.

...Well, provided anyone bought it and cared, that is. Judging by the fact that the Rainbooms still hadn't been rounded up and dissected (if their continually-active social media accounts were any indicator), it seemed that no one cared about magic all that much. So maybe that was something to say that her past wasn't going to catch up to and kill her, but still!

Then there were, of course, the Rainbooms, who hadn't made any effort to come after her even with those stupid commercials out! She knew by the comments left on their account pages that they were facing regular mockery now in the form of comments marked with 'Sugar Patrol' and 'Bacon Head' in one way or another, but it didn't look like they were making any sort of move in response.

She'd called Aria and Sonata to make sure they were alright, but even if she worried for the entire hour after it went to a machine, Sonata calling back with ten solid minutes of blowing raspberries told her that at least the two of them were probably doing fine.

But I still don't know where the Rainbooms stand, whether or not they're still opposed to my success, whether they were content to move on or changed their minds after seeing those ridiculous-

"Hey, Dagi-O!"

Just barely suppressing an undignified shriek, Adagio still jumped with a start at the sudden appearance-

I don't know how he does that, either!!

-of her coworker. She took a quick look around, remembering that she was still standing in the studio as people talked business and put away equipment for the day. Bracing herself for further shenanigans, she managed a polite smile. "Uh... Hello, Mr. Sandwich."

Smiling brightly, he produced a little bag from behind his back, possibly from within his own curly hair, offering it to Adagio. "I come bearing gifts!"

"Oh," she replied with a surprised little grin of her own while accepting the bag, "more donuts?"

"Sugar cookies this time! A fan dropped 'em off by the bus today, so I figured I'd hop over and drop 'em somewhere closer. Like in your hands!"

Even though she held her smile, Adagio couldn't think of a verbal response right away, blinking in silence for a moment. "...And, so you have. Thank you."

He chuckled. "Any time you like, Dagi-O! Have you been around town at all? Because I saw a giant bagel, a guy who juggled knives, a singing parrot, a shopping cart full of rocks, a pirate (or a mugger with a dedicated theme, was kind of hard to tell), a balloon pretzel, and a whale, and that was just in the kitchens today!"

"I, see."

"Get your inner tourist on a little and you'll see even better," he suddenly popped a pith helmet onto his head while striking a comical, exaggerated, about-to-start-running pose that drew a snicker from Adagio, "which is what I'm about to do right now! Catch ya later!"

And off he went, presumably to confuse people in the most cheerful manner possible elsewhere. She idly eyed the bag while processing what he'd just said.

'Any time you like'? He's not... that wasn't, a pass at me or anything, right? I have difficulties predicting his behavior as it is, if he's started taking an interest, I really will be in trouble!

Not that he didn't seem like a nice boy and all, but she couldn't imagine any kind of courtship working out between them and, well... despite her Poofy act, Adagio wasn't exactly a nice girl. If he was thinking of trying to woo her, she couldn't safely reject him until she knew what he knew and how best to contain his reaction if he didn't take it in stride.

If he knows the details, and he probably does, he could easily make a nuisance of himself if- but, Gouda Will already knows and doesn't care, so maybe it doesn't- no, Cheese could still tell everyone else around here what I-


Startled, again, Adagio whipped around to find a familiar face.

"Well now," chuckled Chrysalis, dressed in only teal short-shorts and a black tank-top that did nothing to conceal her midriff, "I might have been flattered at that reaction if I hadn't just taken off the ghost-witch costume. Jumpy today?" Before Adagio could answer with more than a slightly indignant, adorably flushed face, Chrysalis raised an eyebrow as she caught sight of the bag in her hands. "Sorry, did I catch you on lunch break?"

"Er, n-no... 'Ghost-witch'? Were you cast in a horror flick or is that another food commercial for Japan?"


"You must have an interesting career."

"Some roles are more fun than others." She smiled brightly. "Speaking of which, how have you liked having your own personal servant?"

Externally, Adagio kept a cool grin. "Oh, it's been lovely, she does everything I could want her for." Judging by the way Chrysalis perked up, a smirk bordering on lewd crossing her features as she leaned in closer, that sounded just as suggestive as Adagio meant it to.

"Do tell!"

Chuckling as she reflected a hint of that smirk back, Adagio kept her voice down. "I really should thank you; I never knew what the... possibilities were, before she came along. If you like," she whispered conspiratorially, "I'd be more than happy to have you join us for next time."

For a split second, Chrysalis beamed with delight, quickly reigning herself in before her imagination carried her off again, but Adagio wasn't done.

"For example," she cooed, standing on her tip-toes to make sure her breath just barely reached the taller woman's ears, "any time I ask, she'll give me a big, dripping... milkshake!"

She stepped back, an innocent smile on her face as Chrysalis blinked, dumbfounded.

"Is... that a euphemism for-"

"From the hotel lobby, in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and mint-swirl!" Relishing the confused look though she was, Adagio drove the point home by finally allowing her smile to shift to mischievous before sticking out her tongue, which was when her senior crossed her arms and her face formed an annoyed, Aria-worthy pout.

"That, was unnecessary."

"As was paying some poor girl to degrade herself in front of a complete stranger to answer a question you already know the answer to."


"Really though," Adagio said sincerely, "I do appreciate Miss Feather, but please, no more surprises." She decided to leave off the threat this time, if only because she didn't know Chrysalis well enough to know what would intimidate her. How much of a threat was "I'll strip to my underwear and make you watch as I do nothing sexual for a whole evening," anyway?

"Killjoy," she huffed, though the pout quickly gave way to a genuine little smile. "...But, I'm glad you're liking the maid. I was a little worried you'd fire her for trying to seduce you, because she came highly recommended and I wasn't sure the agency would send you another if you turned her away."

Adagio responded with a hint of a knowing smirk. "Oh, dear, then I suppose someone would have had to take the vacant position of my maid?"

Chrysalis's eyes slowly widened in realization, then she smiled. "Why didn't I think of that?!"

Her smile vanishing, Adagio defensively raised both hands, aghast. "N-no, no, I wasn't-"

"I've definitely got the right outfit for-"

"It won't matter since I already have-"

"Room for two lucky ladies to serve you? You are a naughty-"

"Would you even have time?!"

The smirk faded. "Huh?"

"Between the rest of your work? Commercials and movies and so on?"

Chrysalis pondered this for a moment, then frowned. "Is this just your thing? Do you enjoy getting people's hopes up?"

"Er, no," she demurred with a sheepish grin, "sorry."

"Because I'm not kinkshaming if it is."

Adagio blushed. "It's not."

A quiet moment passed as Chrysalis scrutinized her, as though seriously hoping to glean whether or not Adagio drew erotic pleasure from others' disappointment, but she shrugged. "Just as well, I'm not really the serving type anyway, so it probably wouldn't have been fun for long. And speaking of fun," she added as her sharkish smile returned, "when's that purple friend of yours coming?"

Blinking twice, Adagio connected who she was talking about and smiled. "I'm due to see them in person again at the end of the tour, and-" The realization that she lived in a world in which long-distance communication was easy and practical kicked in, making her smile wider. "-oh, I could just call her!" She quickly drew her phone, excitedly pressing the buttons as she spoke. "I looked up your previous roles and I'm sure we've seen at least a few of your movies together, so she might even recognize your voice!"

When the ringing stopped, Adagio held the phone to her ear. "Hello-"

She physically recoiled from the loud, somewhat garbled stream of shouted profanity that blasted from her phone, closing with the familiar beep of an ended call.

For a moment, Adagio stood frozen in shock. Mortified that such a moment was witnessed by an outsider, she hesitantly met Chrysalis's eyes, not surprised to see the uncomfortable stare she was getting. "Uh, th-that was... things were a little rough between the three of us when I left home, and I was hoping they would cool down and come join me by now, but...?"

Gently putting a hand on her shoulder, Chrysalis smiled in sympathy. "Do you know what you need? A fun day out." The confused look, while adorable, was expected, so she quickly elaborated. "It's simple; you want them to come live it up with you in the high life? They'll need to actually see you living it up first, and the best way to accomplish that is to go out and have the time of your life, ideally somewhere the paparazzi or at least a few stray cameramen are liable to hang around, let them post it all over the place, the message'll get back to... I'm sorry, what were their names?"

Adagio smiled a little. "Aria and Sonata."

"Right, right, they'll make sure it gets back to Aria and Sonata. They'll see you living the dream, feel stupid for spurning your offer, come around, make up, and you'll all be Hollywood bombshells ever after."

She knew it wasn't guaranteed that both of Adagio's friends were good-looking, but one dared dream.

Several things clicked together in Adagio's mind at that moment, namely what she could do to solve her problems with Aria and Sonata and banish the niggling feeling that she wasn't getting the most out of this situation at the same time, a smile she couldn't suppress if she wanted to spreading across her face. "You think it could work?"

Grinning, Chrysalis hooked Adagio around the shoulders with one arm to pull her close, pretending not to notice that doing so left Adagio's cheek smushed into a breast as she called out to the director. "Hey Frank, I'm gonna be borrowing this one tomorrow, okay?"

She got an acknowledging wave back, as Adagio noticed when she pried herself loose. "Is his name really Frank?"

Chrysalis chuckled. "No, but let's just say I've been around for a while, and by now, most folks around here call me Queen Chrysalis." She winked. "Stick around and maybe you'll see why. Catch you later, Poofy."

Sashaying away, she slowed down at the door to glance over her shoulder, pleased to see Adagio wearing a hopeful look... until she noticed that it was directed at her phone.

Dammit. Is it too much to hope that maybe she wants them with her so badly because they're more than friends and she has some stray feelings to work through? Food for thought.

She knew the girl had said she was straight, but frankly, so did a lot of women Chrysalis had encountered over the years, and it never hurt to test it a little.

Author's Note:

If some of the stream chatters came across as obnoxious, creepy, and possibly in need of kidney-punching, I'll take it to mean I've adequately depicted what some people will do when allowed to anonymously leave short, fleeting messages for all to see.

I've heard that streaming site comments tend to be much more poisonous than others, even in places like Youtube, and one possible reason is the sense that, unlike a comment section, the thoughts (or lack thereof) expressed are expected to be there and gone in under a minute as opposed to hanging around for years, but there won't be a formal study of that here. :twilightsheepish:

My other idea for the maid's name was 'Daniella,' but neither the character nor the naming convention quite feel right here.

Had I known that writing Chrysalis talking to Adagio was much more fun than with Cheese, this story might have been shaped a lot differently. Granted, I'm using an easy-going, laid-back version of Chrysalis here, but I find they have pretty good chemistry!

What does the Q in Human Chrysalis's name stand for? Feel free to fire your headcanons straight into the sky! :raritystarry: