• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 7,316 Views, 152 Comments

Deadly Love - ShadowblazeCR

Vinyl Scratch is almost killed by a very attractive assassin. Almost.

  • ...

6-This Is Where The Training Montage Would Be Pt. II

We arrived early the morning after our first tests with Neon. Midway through the latter half of our time with him, Octavia was knocking out the tests as good to the standards we set as I could hope. We’d gotten to Neon’s shop earlier than the set time, hoping to begin with the tests so we could get out at a reasonable time. I was able to sit back a lot more and watch Neon do his thing, and talking to him while Octavia did the aforementioned tests told me he wanted to get everything done sooner rather than later. His eyes told more of the story than he let on and I pinpointed why after pushing him around a bit.

Lily Heart had signed up with Neon Lights to do a simple D class escort/bodyguard mission with a child of some important position in some random country. And it was set to be a good introduction for Lily and a nice stretch of the old assassin job for Neon. But I could tell that it wasn’t the job that Neon was after, his talk wasn’t just talk. He had been going to dinner with Lily here and there after our training sessions and tests with him and they seemed to be in the “talking” phase.

Neon commented throughout our sporadic talks about the subject that it seemed he was marking off a lot of Lily Heart’s firsts, and with the way his entire body seemingly melted as he talked about it, it was evident the guy was falling hard. I made a mental note to talk to Lily about their mission when Octavia and I got back from the training to see how it went. Maybe even push her toward some proper relationship with a certain someone if nothing had happened during the mission. Though, a certain gut feeling almost like a story was being written about the two in front of my eyes or rather in some distinctly specific universe, gave me the tell that they would likely have something going on by the time they got back.

It took most of the time we had allowed for testing to get Octavia through everything. With a day to spare before we had originally planned to leave we got on the way out of Neon’s shop and on to Rara’s company. The next chunk of a few weeks or more, maybe less depending on whatever she had in store for us, was going to be filled with likely revealing clothing, I owe you favors, and lessons on espionage and how to blend in when needed. And by the way Neon ushered us out of the door and to the car, I could tell that he wanted to spend the free day with Lily Heart.

Octavia and I drove to the airport, reviewing with a faux AAR of what had occurred over the past weeks. I could see that she was more confident with herself, and her viewpoints on everything confirmed it. The training had thankfully been worth it, and we would need it on the upcoming missions. The next couple training periods would bring her from a trainee to an amateur assassin, but it was better than when we started. I had high standards anyway, so amateur was likely toward the top of her class, so it would be fine. I hoped.

The flight was easy, a crying baby was a given. That was dealt with fast enough I didn’t have to start crying too, so all in all it was easy. Battle Beauties came into view from the taxi, and I already had a feeling that we were going to get roped into something under the pretense of training. I understood the want to get free labor, a good look at Octavia in something form fitting, and training all wrapped in one. I actually looked forward to it. However, it was definitely the mystery of what awaited us that gave me the nervous jitters as we rode the elevator up to Rara’s office. She could be crafty when she wanted, and that could be a blessing or a curse when she wanted it to be and who she was directing it at.

The elevator dinged and Octavia and I waved to Cold Steel as we walked into Rara’s office. She was sitting at her desk, an expensive looking mahogany, likely hand-crafted with her taste, and a couple monitors blocking us from her view. I took a glance around to see what I hadn’t earlier in my rush to get her signed on for training. The walls were filled with pictures of her and her clients, most notably a picture of her and the Mane Six after a mission she was attached to them with. Next to it also sat a portrait photo of Rara and Applejack at what looked like the training grounds of the Wonderbolt academy, mud plastered over their faces.

I turned back to the desk and the Master Blacksmith behind it, whose squeal of joy had drawn my attention. She rushed around the desk and wrapped both Octavia and I in a bear hug. “Oh it’s so good to see you two. Is it already time for Octavia’s training sessions? Gosh, it feels like it was just a couple chapters ago you were just here.”

Once I wrestled myself out of the grip of the mighty Countess I grinned, “Really now, feels like a couple years if we’re talking realistically.”

“Anywho,” Rara turned to Octavia, “We have a packed schedule sweetheart, shall we begin?”

Octavia looked between Rara and I, obviously a bit unsure of what was to come, after her last escapade with Rara. “Might I have a quick summary of what is to come? Just for my mental preparedness, yes?”

“Sure, I’d be glad to help any way I can.” Rara sat back down at her desk, gesturing for the other seats as she sat in hers. The cush leather and ample back rest almost made me tune out what she was saying. Something about an upcoming photo shoot the company that the models had backed out just yesterday.

“-and to get right into it, I assigned you two to the modeling gig. It should be good practice on confidence and seeing what true beauty can be used for. Vee, you should just be able to enjoy yourself. Consider it part of my fee for training dear Octavia.” Rara glanced at her computer and typed for a moment, “I have a room for you two near the penthouse floor. Something quite nice if I must say, I can’t have bad vibes when these shoots happen. Especially during training.”

“Dang Rara, you didn’t have to go that far.” I smiled at Octavia, “Don’t worry though, Octy here is gonna make whatever people are wanting that shoot done bank with those photos. Honestly, they’ll probably make her like September on a calendar or somethin’.”

Octavia scoffed at me, “I would rather keep any lewd glances toward me constrained to you Scratch. It is not lady like to be on such a product.”

Sometimes I forgot that Octavia had been raised in a very unique rich family environment in Canterlot. “Speaking of product, what’s the shoot for? I missed what it was.”

“Of course, I guess that would be nice to know,” Rara giggled, “You probably don’t know ‘cause I didn’t say. The modeling job was with one of my partner companies that deals gear and clothing for a variety of clients. They go by the name of Lunar Rifle Coffee Company.”

I snorted with laughter, “Are we dealing with professionals or vegan coffee goers that LARP on the side?”

Octavia coughed, likely hiding a laugh, “Vinyl, be nice.”

“I can see where the confusion can come from.” Rara said, “To explain in short, the company works closely with mine to create new products that follow Miss Jelavic’s teaching and ways. It’s a pretty popular up and coming company that uses the, for lack of a better word because someone can’t think of anything better at the moment, sexed up models and operators to model their revealing gear. Usually, coffee is involved somehow, since surprisingly enough it makes around the same amount of profit as their other products of gear and such.”

“Huh, I guess everyone has their kink. I mean, I won’t complain about seeing Octavia in less clothes,” I winked at Octavia, “Plus, I might even find some stuff that I’ll use in these upcoming missions.”

Rara clapped her hands together, “Excellent, it’s in a couple hours. And the venue is just around the block, so we’ll get right over there.”

The building that held the offices for the business side of Lunar Rifle Coffee Company was a decently sized several story building that paled in comparison to Rara’s Battle Beauties building. Though, it was understandable considering from what they told us, the company had just started up less than five years ago. And with the rise of technology and marketing, they had branched out to the rest of the academies and were becoming a revisited and rehired supplier consistently for all of them.

From what I could tell, likely the mafia too. Which I made note to get friendly with whatever important personnel came in, considering it was likely going to be useful in the future. You never knew who knew what and who you needed to know. I wanted to find more about Scootaloo’s mom anyways.

The dressing room was modest, having full body mirrors on the right side of the room, tables separating them with more mirrors atop them. The left side was filled with racks of military looking gear and equipment, a few employees milled around them, picking some thing up from them here and there. The back of the room held lockers for what was likely robes and clothes for the models that came in, a couple of changing rooms straddled the entrance. For modesty, somehow changing from underwear to less was the game changer in privacy.

“You two can go talk to Sequin Rose and Garter Stitch Rara gestured to the racks and the said people at them, “They should be able to get you situated. Remember this is for Octavia to build confidence in herself, to be able to have no one question her whoever she goes. We’re teaching the saying “confidence can get you anywhere”, literally and figuratively. So do try to let her take the spotlight, I need to give her the practice.”

I waved my hand, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll do my best. Octy’s already a babe, so I’m sure whatever you put us in she was already going to take the show.”

“Let’s see these outfits shall we then Vee?” Octavia said, blushing from my comment.

“Sure, let’s get on with it.” I smiled at how cute Octavia looked blushing.

Rara turned to exit, “Well I’ll leave you two here to get ready. I have some last minute things to attend to, but I should be able to pop on by sometime during your shoot.”

I waved goodbye, “Alrgiht Rara, see ya.”

And with that we were left to our devices with the two seamstresses. They quickly took over, completely ready to do the job they obviously enjoyed. Talking was kept to a minimum, something unusual I thought for fashionistas. Rarity literally could not stop talking about anything. During buddy team missions we’d done she would always comment on the enemy’s uniform and the things wrong with it, where the armor was based off the design and such. So in the end, the information was always useful for me to shoot, stab, or whatever. But still, it was strange to see the two in front of us just knocking out what needed to be done.

“So, great weather we’re having today. Right?” I said with a meak chuckle, hoping to get something out of them. I received a glare of silence from Sequin, who was placing a plate carrier in front of me, in response.

The seamstresses finally decided on our outfits for the shoot. I was fitted with a plate carrier that squished my boobs pretty good, giving the camera a nice side boob. My cleavage was present above, creased thinly from the pressure of the plates. The breeze from under was nice, since my midriff was completely exposed expressing some toned abs and nice underboob. My tan cargo pants were fitting close, and I had some mag pouches strapped around my ass. Though they did ride a little too much, they brought out the junk in my trunk well.

I could tell it was made for a more hot weather environment, something where you would be moving through brush frequently. The open fingered gloves were military issued with a little flair from the seamstresses. The black gloves were laced with special fire retardant material, so in case of your vehicle getting hit you can still get out of it with your skin somewhat intact. IEDs were still a thing just as much as Humvees in the world of assassins, and we had learned the hard way about trying to get out of them without gloves on.

Octavia was tying her boots next to me, some common combat ones that completed her look. A camo patterned short shirt was held up with a belt that had some sustainment pouches and mag pouches. Her FLC was acting as a deep v-neck shirt, among her grenade and more pouches across her chest sat a holster for her pistol. A boonie cap sat atop her head to complete the look, and honestly I was considering asking if we could keep the skirt. I wasn’t gonna say no to some roleplay, no matter how close it was to our actual job.

“Lookin’ good there Tavi.” I gave another glance from the bottom-up, “I have to say, Rara knows what she’s doin’. I would be too busy starin’ at your tits to notice the bullet going through my head.”

“Flattering Vinyl,” Octavia replied, “Now, what does Mrs. Rara want us to do. As much as I like the new look, and to be honest I would like to steal some aspects to it, I do want to get back into my regular clothes as soon as possible.”

“You’re saying clothes made specifically for an assassin isn’t your type of clothes?” I chuckled, “I see how it is.”

Octavia gave my shoulder a light wack, “You get what I mean you ruffian.”

Sequin Rose stood by the door, opening it and gesturing for us to go through without a word. We did just that and let her guide us through the pristine maze of walls and hallways that made up the building. Eventually we made it to a reasonably sized room, rafters above to show that they fully hadn’t finished the room. Likely for the new aesthetic that was going around. A bunch of fancy light and camera equipment that I had no chance of even understanding how to operate filled the room. However, something, or someone, did operate the cameras that I did understand.

“Photo Finish!” I rushed over to the camera operator, thankful to see someone I hadn’t seen for a couple years. “I haven’t seen you since Tailedo when we took down that illegal bull fighting ring! Those were some legit pics of it though, you really centered the red of the blanket to the photos.”

“Ah, Vinyl Scratch! My lovely canvas, how are you doing? Photo Finish is exited to work with you again. Das is good gear, yes?” Photo Finish looked me up and down, shifting the plate carrier with no regard to how much she was supporting the free the nip movement with each adjustment.

"I would love to take it out for a test run the next time I get a chance. But today I'm just here for Rara and for Octavia here to get some experience with everything." I wrapped an arm around Octavia, giving her a side hug. "My girlfriend here is a trainee at the Wonderbolts Academy for assassins. And I also just so happen to be her mentor, which means I need to get a good train-up before we go on any missions. Ya feel me? Not too much though, she might get jealous."

Photo Finish clapped her hands together, "Ah how wonderful to see young love in action! I know it vill just brighten the pictures. Perfect! Photo Finish knows exactly how she wants it done. A moment please, greatness takes time and precision."

I laughed, "'Course Photo, I'm here as long as you need me to be. Octavia might have a bed time, but I'm sure we can make an exception. Right, Tavi?"

"Pfft," Octavia scoffed, "I haven't had a bedtime since high school."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, really. Did your parents never give you a proper bedtime?" Octavia tapped her chin for a pause, "Actually, I think that would explain partly some things."

"Hey, hey, just because I only got a bedtime for my childhood doesn't mean there was no good reason for it." I scratched an arm, suddenly a bit nervous to reveal why. "Well, it was cause my parents were assassinated right before I got to high school."

"Oh Vinyl darling, I am so sorry I caused that memory to surface." Octavia turned around from the side hug and nuzzled her head into my neck. Her will to comfort me so quickly warmed my heart, and gave a blush to my cheeks.

I returned the hug and replied, "It's really no big deal, honestly. My uncle, Record Sales, brought me to the Shadowbolt's academy to train and have some purpose in life. Eventually I found the killer, an assassin from the Crystal Empire that had gone rogue because of some conspiracy against my parents."

"What did your parents do, if you do not mind me asking? Well, as a job and for this...conspiracy." Octavia inquired, looking genuinely curious.

"See, from what I've found out over the years. And what I remember from seeing them it was something to do with experimental stuff. Some secret "Magic Division" of a part of a few of the academies. Like, the older Princesses, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna had briefly done."

Octavia cocked an eyebrow, "Luna and Celestia working together? That does sound like a conspiracy."

"Exactly," I agreed, "The theory goes that the three had put together their finest eggheads in some crazy secret location to create a bunch of super experimental tech that could change the way war is fought. Sci-fi stuff like exo-suits and skeletons. Turning people into super-humans, or giving them wings, even a sort of nano-technologic magic to control things. I don't even know the half of it. The point was that my parents were allegedly a part of it and the assassin was afraid that it would end the world if it went any further."

Octavia took a second to process it, I could tell by the silence. "Wow, in a way I can see the reasoning behind it. None of the princesses are on good terms, I have heard that it was something personal that caused it. Do you think that they would ever try again?"

I shrugged, "Like I said, it was a conspiracy and I dealt with the one that gave me the info on it. So, right now I know about just as much as you. I wouldn't be surprised if someone picked it up. I'm sure if it was true, it would probably be something all the academies are looking to start back up. And that's why I think it isn't true, because there's no reason for the academies to not to be looking for it. Maybe something happened to lose it, maybe all the stuff relating to it is destroyed, or maybe someone already found it that isn't one of the academies. I just hope that I don't have to deal with it if it's true any time soon."

"It does seem like it would cause a lot of problems." Octavia sighed, "It does sound like it could help save lives and prevent civilian casualties. I can see how they could make an assassin more effective, therefore allowing for everything to be contained more effectively. I think that super-human strength could be quite intriguing if I do say so myself."

I waved a hand around, "Bah, now you're just getting into the 'what super power would you want' argument. First of all, the nano-tech is way cooler, 'cause the boundaries aren't set like the other two. Can the tech only control other tech? What about objects, or people? Do you need inputs from your mind and to practice with it? If so, does that mean it's unique to each user in what they can do? See, Octy, you gotta be asking the right questions. Not, ooh, me like strong."

"Of course you would think that. See, dear Vee, you have to understand that to have great strength, you need great precision. And I theorize that this super-human strength would come with some overlooked positives. That is all."

"Eh, to each their own I guess." I turned away from Octavia, effectively ending our discussion. "Looks like Photo Finish is ready."

Photo Finish had rearranged the shoot into something different. It was now a couch that looked like something out of Rarity's magazines. The leather looked real and the armrests curled outward all regally and the like. I probably wasn't qualified to be near fifty feet of the thing. It seemed that Photo had come up with something for the both of us, which was fine. I just hoped that Octavia would still get some training value out of it. Whatever it was.

"Okay my two canvases, get over here. Photo Finish needs to properly place you." And we did just that. Photo Finish grabbed me and sat Octavia on my right on the couch. The cushiness of the cushions, yes I did just say that, bowed the couch and pressed our bodies closer together.

"What do you have in mind for us today, Photo?" I asked, hoping to get some sort of explanation and guidance.

"Vee, you must know by now that there is no plan to greatness. It is zee heart that guides Photo Finish to her perfect picture. Now, wrap your arm around Octavia and grab her wrist. You are a vampire dear, act like a hickey is coming. You want to turn Octavia to your side, you've done it once do it again. Yes, exactly. Pose."

"This seems a little saucy for some gear magazine, huh? What are you guys gonna do with these pics then, put us on a calendar?" I grinned, "I better be September, its my favorite month. Octavia you look more like a December kind of gal."

"Is that so? What would make you think that?" Octavia raised an eyebrow, tilting her head upward to make eye contact with me.

I continued to grin, enjoying myself, "You just seem like you like the winter and Christmas more. Just how I usually read you."

"Well just because you are right does not mean you know everything about me." Octavia harrumphed, a little unladylike for someone of her stature. I could tell I was influencing her a bit.

Before I could reply with an amazingly witty comment, Photo Finish placed us in another position. This time with Octavia flat on the couch and me straddling her. I had my arm straight against the arm of the couch and the other near her head, my face was parallel with hers and I had no complaints. The heat from our bodies and natural tension given by our position seemed to give the shoot a certain aesthetic of sorts.

I was loosing myself in the moment, leaning in for a kiss, before I was stopped centimeters from Octavia's lips with the flash of the camera, "Perfect you two. Photo Finish can see the lust in your eyes! Mwauh, perfect for poster board. Keep zis up, just a couple more positions. Are you starting to understand the need behind flashy, but usable, clothing dear Octavia."

Octavia shook her head a bit, likely getting herself out of the same trance I had been in, "Uh, um, yes of course Photo Finish. It's about using everything you have to keep the enemy unfocused from your movements, right? Something like that I assume."

Photo Finish snapped her fingers, "Exactly. We have been gifted with a natural distraction. Use it young trainee. Zis body was trained for killing and dazzling. Ve cannot let it go to waste on being covered up and used like some toy at a dog park. The worst villians and goons can rip you apart if you are not careful, zis is why you have us. Blacksmithing is not just about making clothing, it's about something functional that affects a target psychologically . Vinyl here has brought you to get confident in using the tools you've been naturally gifted with."

The rest of the session didn't take long at all. Photo Finish was known for her quick and efficient appointments, and I could tell this was going to be no different than any other. Octavia was like a sponge for all her comments, and it was beginning to look like Photo Finish was starting to take a real liking to her toward the end. Before Photo Finish had become a photographer that I saw now, she had been an assassin becoming a Blacksmith. And I could tell by the clothing she wore that it was meant to be.

As I had mentioned before, we had met in Spain. Both having took a similar contract from different clientele. There was an illegal bullfighting ring taking people from human trafficking rings to participate in doing whatever they could think up of in the ring. I had been posing as an up and coming announcer for the ring while Photo Finish had come on the behalf of some politician to scout the ring. We had both almost blown each other's cover when we encountered each other, but once we settled we found that our goal was the same.

After a messy escape and the ring, including those running it, taken care of, we had gotten to know each other over a celebratory drink in a bar far enough away from the chaos. There I had found out that she had been sent by an independent contractor to dispel the ring for a price. She had been working through the Shadowbolts to become a Blacksmith, but never truly enrolled in the assassins' course, so we hadn't met face to face. It was a finicky thing with those that didn't go straight to assassins. Though it was a requirement to have a few missions under your belt before being able to be certified in any other field that the academy offered, some purists said that only those going the assassin route should be considered true Shadowbolts. It was just something those that wanted to complain, had to find something to complain about.

Photo Finish told me that after she had graduated from the academy with her Blacksmith certification, she had went to help Rara with her company. There she had met someone named Gunpowder who was at the time just starting up Lunar Rifle Coffee Company. There she had been their go-to person for advertisement for their products, and consultant for gear and clothing. It sounded like Photo was having a great time, and I was glad to have been able to reconnect with her. No matter how little I had known her before.

Rara came back in soon after Photo Finish was done wrapping everything up, talking briefly with her before making her way over to us. "I must apologize for my tardiness, my errands ran a bit longer than I expected. Hopefully Photo Finish treated you two well."

Octavia waved off the news, "It is no problem dear, I cannot see any problem with that. Photo Finish was fantastic if I must say. I learnt so much from her just in that short time. What is next then?"

"Well, it is getting late. And I know we have plenty of time to get our training done. How long do I have again, Vinyl?" Rara looked at me questioningly.

I tapped my chin with a forefinger, "Let's see, I think Quibble Pants is hopefully coming back by the end of the month if what Rainbow Dash has been keeping me updated on is still true. So...I would say a couple weeks, maybe a few. Is that enough time?"

"That is plenty of time Vee. I was planning on only taking maybe a week to ten days anyways. Most of Blacksmithing and things related are more of gut feeling kind of deal. But there are basics that everyone has to follow. It'll be a week of going over styles, what to show when, where to put your pouches and such, where to hide more weapons, and how to use what you've got if you catch my drift. It will be fun, I hope it won't be too much of a bore for you Scratch."

"Hey don't worry about me, I'm mostly here for the ride. But seeing Octavia in all these different outfits will definitely keep me locked on. Don't worry about that." I winked at Octavia after being obvious that I was checking her out again.

Rara laughed, "Good, I look forward to starting our training tomorrow then Octavia. You two get some rest, we'll begin the real stuff when I see you next."

With that, Rara left us to return on our own time. On the trip back I asked Octavia what she thought about the day.

"Like I said before Vinyl, I would rather keep myself to me and you at all times possible. Though my family was full of assassins, they always combined their lessons with the class of the rich and what they considered to be correct. This Blacksmithing and all is not completely with what they taught." Octavia blushed, "And having you there was a great comfort into getting used to it. I feel leagues more comfortable with myself after that. And maybe I might just be more comfortable with what I wear for you too."

I slid an arm around Octavia's waist, giving a cheek a squeeze. After electing a squeak from her I replied, "Now I don't think I would get anything done if you looked any better than you do normally."

Octavia gave me a sly smile, "I suppose you might have to get used to it then."

I grinned back at her, "No complaints from me."

It looked like it was going to be an eventful day tomorrow. And I looked forward to seeing Octavia continue to improve. I could see her becoming more and more prepared for our first mission. From what I had been texting Rainbow Dash about getting it, I had a feeling it was going to involve a pretty difficult introduction to the world of assassins. Everything Octavia was learning was likely to be applied in the upcoming months, I just hoped she was soaking it in as much as it looked like she was.

Author's Note:

Here is another chapter for another month. Like I mentioned before, I plan on decreasing the words per chapter to give me a chance to put everything out faster and not get burnt out on it. I hope you all like what is being put out so far, just a couple more chapters and we'll be out of the training arc. If I start to rack up chapters you might see some more frequent updates, but for now it will be generally around the first of the month for each update.

Thanks again for reading, and feel free to comment down below any thoughts or suggestions for the story!