• Published 20th Jul 2016
  • 1,275 Views, 325 Comments

Going Deep Under - The Bricklayer

The seas harbor many mysteries, and one of them is about to be uncovered. Question is, will those that have uncovered it survive the experience...?

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Part 10: Battleship

Grape Vine groaned in pain, blood dripping from his hoof even as Bulk and Target helped the limping pony to his hooves and got him up off the bloodstained sand, with a nearby Ender Night levitating Grape Vine's Colts into his own saddlebags with an aura of midnight blue magic surrounding them. Grape Vine felt a singe of pain go up through him each time his shot hoof touched the sand, so he quickly decided to not walk with that hoof and use his three remaining hooves (Along with Bulk and Target's help) to support himself.

"Does it hurt?" Target inquired. Grape Vine gave her a dirty look.

"No, it feels like a Valkyrie's touch." He commented with a distinct rolling of the eyes before switching from a sarcastic tone to an angry one. "YES, OF COURSE IT HURTS LIKE A BITCH YOU IDJIT!" He snapped. It surely was a testament to Target's fortitude that she didn't flinch at Grape's shout at her or shout right back at him.

"...How do you manage to shoot yourself in the hoof anyways?" Ender asked to nopony in particular.

"I dunno, really bad luck or just being a terrible shot?" Bulk suggested. Now he was the one getting an angry glare and a sarcastic remark from Grape Vine.

"Gee, thanks for the support man." Grape said dryly before a scorching pain shot through him, but this time not coming from his hoof, but from his head. Images began to flash in his mind, almost so fast that he could barely make them out. But make them out he did, and a few of them he was able to discern. The first thing he saw was the entire Neighlantis crew (Give or take a few members) in an underground cavern surrounded by winged reptilian like creatures in armor, (In the background was a grand stone city made up of a mix of Greek and Roman architecture sitting atop a plateau with waterfalls on falling down all sides of the plateau itself) the leader of which was light blue and wearing gold encrusted armor with two small horns on either side of his/her (Grape Vine couldn't honestly tell which gender the creature was) head. And then, the creature removed it's helmet, but the image changed to another before he could see the creature's face. This next image was of him and the rest of the Neighlantis Crew being approached by a pure white unicorn stallion with dark blue hair holding a wooden staff with a blue gem at its tip. Strangely, his eyes were like that of a dragon's. The image changed again, and this time Grape Vine saw himself, standing over a bruised and bloody Rainbow Blaze holding a Colt in his hoof and pointing it directly at his captain/surrogate father figure.

"F-From T-Tartartus's Heart I stab at thee." Grape whispered, and then Grape noticed tears were rolling down his own cheeks before the sound of a gunshot went off and the image changed once more. This time, he saw ponies dressed in all white garb with their muzzles even covered digging up something in ancient ruins. Then the wind, sounding almost unearthly howled and a gaping maw appeared in the sand and moaned out "I have been released..." Before Grape could even process this one, the image changed again, and he saw a yellow pony with a grey and black mane wearing a light green jacket and tan pith helmet with pink eyes and a compass for a Cutie Mark smirking at somepony unknown.

"Well, looks like you guys could use my help."

Another image. Grape, along with what looked to be archeologists were faced with a skeletal Alicorn pony slowly stumbling towards them. One final image appeared. It was Egypt, judging from the pyramids and the Great Sphinx seen in the distance, and Grape Vine along with Trixie and the yellow pony from before were standing on a hotel balcony in an unknown city watching the sky turn red and balls of burning ice rain down all around them with one hitting a pyramid and completely smashing the top sending bricks flying everywhere. Then, Grape Vine found himself back in the present, clutching his head in pain and falling back into the sand. Ender rushed to his side at once.

"What is it, what's wrong?" He asked urgently.

"My head... It hurts... Strange images..." Grape screamed out in pain as he tried to quell the throbbing inside his head. Target immediately picked him up and hoisted Grape up onto her back.

"C'mon, we'd better get him back to the Moby Dick. There's a medical bay there where we can figure out what's going on. I'll give him some Morphine to quell the pain when we get there." Target ordered. "Now come on people, let's move it!" She barked.

Back with Twilight and the others, they continued to splash in the waves. Solar Blitz sent a wave of water with her wings towards Twilight, who laughed joyfully and swelled it up into a ball and sent it back at her.

"Hey, no fair! You can use magic if the rest of us can't!" Solar laughed.

"Well, if this is a war, I call it a tactical advantage then." Twilight snarked back at her and Night Glider grinned in an almost flirtatious manner (Least that's what Twilight hoped it was, although she didn't quite know why.) before smirking in an evil manner.

"Well, guess I'd oughta use my own "Tactical Advantages" then shouldn't I?" Night Glider laughed before she lunged at Twilight who cried out "Oh no, don't you dare!" and soon found herself relentlessly tickled on the belly by Night Glider over and over. She soon found herself laughing uproariously along with the rest of the small group while in the background Silver Spanner chuckled "Oh, she's got you now doesn't she?"

Then, Eclipse Moonshine saw something out towards the direction of the sea. Slowly, everypony's heads followed her own and they saw what she was seeing. A few miles away, beyond the Moby Dick whose top half was sitting exposed to the sunshine, a swirling blue portal of energy was opening. Then from out of the tip of the portal came a grey looming ship. It was obvious it was a battleship, but not like any the ponies had seen in this particular time and place. Silver Speed then summed up pretty much everypony's thoughts in a singular sentence.

"What... The... Tartarus...?"

Moby Dick: Bridge

"Sir, whatever it is, it's big and it's coming fast!" Gallants cried out and Rainbow Blaze let out a small "Damn!" in response before ordering "See if we can try and hail them. I want to know who they are, what nation they work for, and where they came from."

"Sir..." Gallants began, and Rainbow looked directly at him.

"You have something to say Mister Gallants?" He asked, getting very close to the Griffin's face.

"We're in the Bermuda Triangle. Lots of strange things have happened here over the years. I think we need to consider not just where they're from... But what time as well."

Rainbow Blaze sucked in a breath. Gallants was right and he knew it. Over the years, many ships like the USS Cyclops back in 1918 had vanished in the Bermuda Triangle and right now the Moby Dick was directly in the heart of it. It seemed once again, the Triangle was showing it's notorious power. Finally, after a few minutes of decision, Rainbow made up his mind.

"Hail them." He said at last.

"Hailing them sir."

Gallants pressed a button and spoke into a speaker. "This is the Moby Dick, hailing the unknown vessel. Please state who you work for, your designation and... (Gallants took a deep breath before speaking again) what time you are from."

Then, a strange piece of music began to play over the comms. It sounded bluesy, but not like any blues anypony had heard before. Next, there was the sound of somepony being shoved aside and a male voice came from the comms.

"This is the USS Hayler, designation DD-997 (Gallants and Rainbow both let out a sigh of relief at this. The ship was Neighmerican.) and we're from the time 2002, although we question why you ask us this."

"Your name and rank?" The voice asked.

"Captain Rainbow Blaze of the Moby Dick, now what about yours?"

"Captain Steel Armor. What is your mission here? We have no subs under your designation nor any that even look like yours if I'll be honest. State your mission or we will be forced to blow you out of the water. And I really do like blowing up tiny little subs with my guns." Steel commented.

Rainbow Blaze immediately got on the defensive.

"If you think you're going to blow up my submarine, then you've got another think coming Armor!" Rainbow shouted into the comms and Gallants groaned. Now Rainbow had done it. He really wished to Celestia his captain hadn't done that and kept his temper reigned in.

"Oh, so you're challenging us are you? Very well then. You asked for this." Steel said in a tone of finality before cutting the feed. Next thing either of the two knew, explosions came from nearby. Warning shots fired at the water. Rainbow snarled at his own stupid mistake and slammed his hoof on the control console and turned to Gallants.

"Get everypony back to the ship and bring us up to Red Alert. We're getting out of here." He ordered and Gallants sighed.

"Calling all the crew back to the ship so we can all die together sir." Gallants said in a dry tone before pressing the comms feed again and then he spoke into it. "Calling all Sub-Pods, get back to the ship. We are going into Red Alert status and then into Deep Dive mode. I repeat, Red Alert status and Deep Dive mode."

The calls reached Target, Ender, Bulk and Grape, who were loading themselves into their Sub-Pod. Target sat herself at the controls while in the background Grape called out "My guitar!"

"Forget about your damn guitar! You want to be blown out of the water?" Target snapped as another explosion of water came very close to the Moby Dick. Ender shouted "I got it!" as he rushed inside the sub, Grape's guitar in hoof as the door closed behind him. The Hayler continued firing its cannons creating explosion after explosion, each getting nearer and nearer to the Moby Dick as Steel's crew got their sights on it. Back on the Moby Dick, the entire submarine shook from each explosion.

"You know eventually, they are going to hit us. Just wanted to point that out, sir." Gallants stated.

"Yes, I noticed." Rainbow Blaze dryly stated before muttering to himself "Here's hoping that defensive system Silver Spanner installed works... Gonna need to buy some time."

He pressed a button and then the entire Moby Dick hummed and lines on the ship, ancient runes that had been built into it, glowed a bright green and then the entire sub was covered in a bubble of magical energy. At about this time, Target's Sub-Pod, cruising towards the Moby, met up with Twilight's and Silver Speed's, each dodging and weaving a fired cannon shot till they reached the Moby Dick and back themselves up into little holes in the side of it into hanger bays with the doors shutting behind them as they entered. It was just in time too, as the shield then vanished, due to it not being able to run for very long due to it being just a prototype.

"Damn it, I thought I told the Captain not to use that bleeding thing! He knew perfectly well I said it wasn't ready for a field test!" Silver shouted as Bulk let out a "YEAH!" in celebration of their narrow escape. Then, there was another explosion.

"Don't celebrate yet, we're not out of the woods yet." Target commented before handing Grape off to Solar and Bulk. "Get him up to Medical. I have to get to the control consoles and help that idiot Captain of ours, (as I know somehow he's behind our current state of peril,) get us the Tartarus out of here!"

"Y-Yes Ma-am!" "YEAH!" Came the twin answers of Solar Blitz and guess who. Target groaned to herself as she let a hoof slide down her muzzle. "Oh, that shout of his is going to give me a headache someday, I just know it..." and walked off down a corridor grumbling to herself.

Author's Note:

Well, sorry for taking so long. I know I said I was going to try and have a less erratic update schedule, and it seems I completely failed on that for this chapter didn't I? Annnnnyyyyways, first off, I'd like to thank Black_Knight for giving me the idea for this chapter, you're the best man! Bit of history for you, the USS Hayler was in fact a real ship. And I do mean was, as it was sunk in a target practice exercise back in 2004. If you want, you can read up more on it's history here:


Now, on Grape Vine's future visions. Yes, that is what is in store for him later on in the story, and it's sequel. (Yes, there is one planned.) Feel free to speculate on them any way you like. I'd love to hear your thoughts on them. Okay, next time, nothing too perilous for the Moby Dick's crew, as Twilight tries to figure out the mystery of the journal recovered from the wreck of the Sharptooth and Grape Vine... Well, he once again shows evidence of being the resident butt monkey of the crew by getting completely stoned on Morphine. Poor guy.