• Published 19th Jun 2016
  • 2,111 Views, 74 Comments

Missing Pages & Scrawled Footnotes - Ice Star

Iceverse minifics. Little bits of world building, style experiments, character pieces, and such dumped in this anthology. Also, stuff I never finished and poems.

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Mareijuana [Bonus Material] [Omake]

Author's Note:

Excuse that horrible pun, but I just had to do it. A simple bit of content and ideas that never made into Enemy of Mine proper, but I wasn't going to toss away. As such, spoilers for that story and all that. Takes place between chapters 10 and 11.

Teen/Slice of Life/Narcotics

Celestia has some questions regarding matters of money. Sombra, as per usual, is quite unamused about the whole thing.

The season of autumn was always brought to Canterlot gently. No earth pony magic was needed to remove leaves en masse or enact other preparations as boisterously as things were done in Ponyville and other places. It was one of the most calming transitions, and admittedly for a mare with… reservations… regarding most magical matters, Celestia found little to be wary of. There wasn’t that feeling of arcane meddling that snuck up on her among those who had little divide between using magic with the ease of breathing…

...or who were magic, in some regard.

She looked out at the gardens, where the elaborate system of ponds occupied this particular garden of the castle. On either side of her, the varying ponds were filled with a middling variety of uncommon fish pleasing to the eye. Many were koi gifted to Celestia by the staunch ally of Neighpon over the years, the colorful creatures darting among lily pads and cattails kept nourished with the enchanted all-season gardening meant to make the fish keep well in colder seasons.

In the grand middle pond, away from a stone-table dining area were raised rocks with more recent runes placed on them. Celestia picked out a few that couldn’t escape her efforts of distance and un-Alicorn forgetting: heat, adaptation, ice resistance, control, and a few others more vaguely familiar than the bulk of that old system.

There was no doubt to who made them; he was sitting right there, on the stones by the water’s edge. Sombra had his usual cloak spilling behind him, the crimson color having an eerie camouflage effect with the autumn leaves and changed foliage dominating the courtyard. Even his dour colors had a way of blending in with the season instead of looking overly gloomy and out of place.

“What do you want, Celestia?” He hadn’t even flicked an ear - or anything, really - to show that he heard her coming. Her hoofsteps couldn’t sound so different on the cobbles from another pony’s, could they?

“Good afternoon, Sombra.”

Sombra had been casting bits of lettuce into the pond, and when he stopped, so did the watery noises of a hungry fish from below. “I suppose it’s alright.”

“I just wanted to chat, if you really must know. Something has come to my attention, and I would like to dispel it if it is mere rumor.”

There. That had to be a good way to put things. Nothing necessarily made it appear that she had access to anything she shouldn’t, or that anypony else had been digging around where they were not welcome. When one enacts any kind of trade, their customers are sure to speak on the matter. Thinking that a mare at the top of all chains of information like herself couldn’t find out how Sombra acquires his personal funds through such a plausible means was unrealistic, regardless of how sneaky he could be.

Sombra turned around, giving her a pointed look bordering on distrust. “And what is it you heard about me this time?”

“It’s nothing especially absurd, I’m you’ll see.”

He narrowed his eyes.

“I uncovered a permit for selling cannabis in your name when I heard somepony suggest you were involved in the trade in passing.” Of course, nopony had told her what Sombra was involved in.

“You checked the records and know I have a permit; I don’t see what else I need to explain. Hellfire, I’m doing nothing illegal.”

“I’m just a bit surprised,” said Celestia, tone polite and inoffensive. Her mane swirled peacefully. “I didn’t take you for somepony to get into a business that requires so much travel and upkeep. You pull that off how, exactly?”

“I know ponies who do the distributing,” he replied curtly. “You don’t need to know anymore about that, do you?”

He wasn’t really asking.

“Not at all,” she said, supposing her words were true. She didn’t have to know every detail of what Sombra did for such a job, but goodness she wanted to have the luxury of keeping his activities under her hoof. “Though, I would have suggested you try something more local.”

“Yes, because getting a landlord’s licence and anything above what I have is so easy,” grumbled Sombra dryly, pulling off another bit of lettuce for his pet. “I certainly tried; there’s enough property in Canterlot to appeal to me, and I have a feeling nopony would skip rent if they knew I was who they were paying - I can be very persuasive.”

“Ah, well, perhaps not for somepony of your background.” She gave him a sheepish smile and averted her eyes from his glare. “But if you find that works for you, then do what you must.”

“I can’t see why it wouldn’t. One of the Element Bearers does the same.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I don’t think there’s much to explain. Go look around the castle records for these permits, and you will find that one of the Element Bearers comes up if you search for permits granted to residents in the Everfreeshire. There’s only one town there, or have you magically forgotten that?”

“Not at all, I don’t do more than cross-check a permit application from the mayor to be sure no criminal background is found before giving the final Seal and Royal Signature. Did you think I committed every name to memory? Gracious me, which Bearer is it that possesses a cannabis merchant permit?”

“The plain one.”

“Plain?” Celestia echoed. Any of them could be ‘plain’ by Sombra’s biases, and she only could rule out Twilight Sparkle for the owner. “Is it Applejack?”

“No, I said it was the plain one. Is she really what comes to mind when you think of ‘plain’?”

“Is it Pinkamena Pie?”

“No, I’m talking about the weak-willed, bug-eyed one.”

“...Rainbow Dash?” Celestia guessed, aware that Sombra’s unhelpfulness was why she was floundering.

“The other pegasus.”

“Oh, Fluttershy! I must say, her and I have only talked a few times. The one time she came to the Grand Galloping Gala with her other friends and the Smooze was spectacular. Now, you mean to tell me that she has this permit?”

“More than that. I looked into more records about her. Other than freelance work with wildlife and pets, her only other income is through glorified crafts and cultivating huge quantities of cannabis on her land. Seriously, did you think she was a certified veterinarian? Or that whatever services she offered wold pay like one? That mare is terrified at the thought of breathing in a gnat, what makes you think she could keep anything close to a steady practice for non-sapients open?”

“Oh my, I had always just assumed…”

“That she wasn’t growing a few acres of the stuff?”

“Yes, that’s one way to put it. Though, I do think it explains one of her friends. You see, she brought this odd guest with her to that particular Gala. She said they were both in the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures. If you happen to be going through any such files again, do look up the name ‘Tree Hugger’ for the sake of satisfying my curiosity.”

“With a name like that, I don’t think I really need to.”

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