• Published 9th Jun 2016
  • 4,877 Views, 674 Comments

The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset - David Silver

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

  • ...

2 - Fresh Day, Fresh Persepectives

The hut was small, cramped even with three ponies to cram into it, but Rose insisted it'd be alright. It was, in a sense. The room grew unfortunately chilly as the night deepened and they found the warmth of fur and flesh kept it at bay. Eventually they all settled to sleep in a pile of pony bodies.

Twilight blinked open her eyes and began feeling around for her glasses. She could see it was lighter around herself but... There they were. She pulled the glasses closer with a hoof and frowned at the limb. What she wouldn't do for a hand... She tried to pick up the glasses and fumbled through the process several times before she managed to work them onto her snout and restore the world to acuity. "There we go."

Her words stirred Sunset from her rest and she sat up, startling a moment before she realized she went to sleep as a pony and woke up the same. "Morning Twilight." She sat up and looked around. They were alone in the small hut. "Where's Rose?"

Twilight looked around. Their little friend hadn't stayed around it seemed. "Well, unless he's literally in the walls, which isn't impossible, he's left."

Sunset spotted a brush and her horn glowed as she lifted the brush up and got it to work making her mane less of a mess.

Twilight gawked at her friend as she casually employed magic. "How are you doing that?"

Sunset blinked softly, then glanced at the brush Twilight was staring at, then at Twilight. "Oh!" She colored a bit as she realized what then seemed obvious. "We're unicorns. Unicorns can do this, with practice."

Twilight looked cross-eyed up at her own horn. "How?" She glared at the door, but produced little more than sparks.

"Easy there. Sparks means you're pushing too hard." Sunset reached out a hoof to Twilight's shoulder. "Imagine it like you're grabbing something, just, without an arm attached."

Twilight's mouth worked silently a moment before she nodded. "Right..." She glanced across at Sunset. "You realize we're both magical horses, right?"

"I got a lot of practice in before I left." Sunset rose to her hooves. "Not that I think this is... right. I don't recognize this place out of Equestria at all, but it still could be some little town nobody bothered to map."

Twilight let out a soft sigh. "Magically lost horses, fantastic." She turned her attention back to the door and tried to reach for it without touching it, and lo, it did work. Her horn glowed softly and the door opened obediently for her. Twilight let out an excited squeal at the result, clapping her hooves together with a clopping noise. Sure, opening a door wasn't a huge feat, but it was hers.

Outside, with the sun spilling into the small building, they could see the town was much more lively than it had been the night before. There were dozens on dozens of small ponies setting up for something. They put up new torches and set up fences in places while other worked busily to hang up decorations of flowers on the buildings and even polished a large stone statue of an equally squat looking pony. Around the statue were countless little trinkets and bits of art.

Sunset peered at the hive of activity curiously. "Do you think they're preparing for the spring festival they brought up?"

Twilight adjusted her glasses nervously. "I would imagine. Perhaps some ceremony to hope for good crops?"

"More than that!" A new figure appeared at the door. "Hello! Rose said he had some visitors, but he didn't mention they were so captivating." The small mare approached them with bright eyes. "Have you come to pay your respects to Lashtada, have fun, or are you looking for a special someone?"

Sunset blinked rapidly. "W-what? I want to ask who or what that is, but do you always come up to people you barely know and offer that?"

The small mare looked perplexed. "Offer a good time? I try to. Or do you mean some matchmaking?" She leaned forward, smiling at the both of them. "You must be from a city. Viljatown? I hear that's getting bigger really fast. Well, this isn't Viljatown, and we don't believe in hiding our feelings to be 'polite'."

Twilight rose to her hooves, looking over the pony curiously. She had brown fur and bright red mane. On her flank was a symbol that seemed to show two horse heads touching at the snout. Kissing? Nuzzling? Twilight supposed either would be appropriate. "What if we just want to go back to where we came from?"

The mare flopped to her haunches. "Well, I'd say that sounds not very fun, but I wouldn't stop you. Oh, let me get out of the way." She scooted to the side quickly to leave the doorway clear. "Seems a shame to travel all this way to see us, just to run away. Did we do anything wrong?"

Sunset advanced, exiting the building. "It's not you, or Rose? You were very, um, nice, but we didn't plan to come here."

The mare tilted her head. "Where did you plan to go?"

A new, male, voice called out, "did you say hello to the newcomers?" Around the corner came a new small pony, rushing up towards them. "Oh, there's one! Hello!" He rushed right up to Sunset and hugged her without hesitation or delay. "Welcome!"

Sunset discovered that the small ponies were especially fuzzy. They had thick pelts suited for the cold forest they called home. She also learned that they gave uncomfortably long hugs if allowed to. She gently pushed the stallion back and he parted without complaint, but it felt like he would have gone all day if allowed. "Um, nice to meet you both." She glanced around curiously before she saw the darndest thing. A mother-pony was escorting her little foal along, and it had a cutie mark. It was clearly too young to have one, not even a yearling, but there it was.

Twilight came out beside Sunset, eyes wide behind her glasses as she took in the bustling activity of the village. This turned into a surprised squeak as the stallion gave her a hug just as he had embraced Sunset. "Get it off!"

The mare pulled the clingy stallion away. "He does that with everyone he meets. You should see the expression on some of the visiting stallions."

The stallion nodded at Twilight. "I didn't mean nothing bad by it. Welcome! You're just in time for the Spring Festival. Are you--"

The mare cut him off with a thrust hoof and shook her head. "They're leaving."

He pouted at that. "What? But they're just in time... Lashtada must have planned it." He bounced upright. "Surely you were meant to be here. Please, reconsider."

Sunset narrowed her eyes a little. "Who is this 'Lashtada'?"

Several gasps came from small mouths as ponies stopped what they were doing to look over at them.

The mare smiled. "It's pretty common for outsiders to not know her. It still surprises us though. There." She gestured to the statue. "That is a statue of her. She is a goddess of love and fertility. She is also our mother. We were formed in her image, and she loves us, and we love her."

"We do," agreed the male. "During the Spring Festival, she descends from the heavenly planes to dance alongside us. It's the only time of year we can see her in the divine flesh, and feel her love personally. Oh please! It's tonight. You can't throw away a chance to see a goddess, can you?"

Twilight blinked with growing confusion. "Goddess?" She shook her head. "If... I mean..." Magic horses was about her limit. A goddess, that would appear physically? "How do you know she's real?" Sunset made some quick motions for quiet, but the words had already been spoken.

The mare blinked before a frown formed on her face. "Clerics answer her calls and perform miracles in her name, and the foals she makes with us are blessed and touched by the divine. Besides, she's our mother. You believe in your own mother, don't you?"

Twilight crashed to her haunches. "I don't have to 'believe' in my mother... She's fact."

The stallion nodded. "Yep, just like our mother."

The mare nodded in agreement. "If you'll stay, you'll see her yourself, and you can dance with us. Everyone has a good time."

The stallion suddenly perked. "If you're looking for partners that are more your size, there are a few other outsiders that'll be at the dance too. There's always a few for the Spring Festival."

The mare looked Sunset and Twilight up and down. "You're not that large. We could handle you if you're willing to give us a try."

What sort of 'festival' was this exactly? Sunset shook her head slowly with building doubt that she was in Equestria. "T-thanks, really, but we're both feeling overwhelmed. Could we have a moment?"

They wandered off, joining the crowd to prepare for the festivities.

Twilight leaned towards Sunset. "Did she say 'cleric'?"

"Huh? Yeah? So?" Sunset blinked at her friend with confusion. Of all the words to get caught up on.

Twilight tapped her chin before flagging down a passing pony. "Excuse me."

"Yes? Hello!"

"Hello." Twilight nodded at the stallion. "Tell me if these words are familiar or odd."

"Okay?" He settled down, ready to listen.

"Ranger, Wizard, Inquisitor, Barbarian, Rogue, Paladin, Sorcerer."

He blinked softly. "All names of professions."

Twilight gave a slow blink. "We're in a living game of Oubliettes and Ogres."

He tilted his head. "I don't recognize that third to last word."

Twilight gave a nervous smile. "Thanks, you've been a huge help."

"Glad to help." He wandered off with a pleased expression.

Sunset nudged Twilight in the side. "What?"

"You never played?" Twilight let out a slightly hysterical laugh. "We're in a roleplaying world, as magic horses... We're so doomed..."

Sunset shook her head slowly. "I never got into that... I mean, why play a game where I can pretend I can hurl spells when I literally came from that?"

Twilight quirked a smile. "Well, fine, alright, deep breaths." She was speaking to herself more than anyone else. "Sunset, I don't think this is your home."

"I don't think so either." Sunset frowned. "But alright, let's assume your theory is correct. What do we do about it?"

"Is panicking a valid option?" Twilight leaned against Sunset. "At least your magic works. Great, that's... something. If we run into a bugbear or something, I'm running the other direction while you take care of it."

Sunset tapped Twilight on the horn gently. "You're a unicorn. You could learn magic if you wanted to, but more importantly, you have to fix your phone and get it to take us back home."

Twilight let out a laugh that didn't try to hide her building hysteria. "Right, no problem!"

Author's Note:

Twilight realizes how boned they likely are and she handled it with great poise and dignity.

Ah, that moment when they realize just how large the typo was that got them into things.