• Published 24th May 2016
  • 18,128 Views, 107 Comments

How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon - somatic

Spike makes a gift for his best friend, and it's a doozy.

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It's More Difficult Than You'd Think

Unicorns, earth ponies and camels alike gathered in the town square, pegasi watching from above. Clouds of smoke, thick enough to seem almost solid, crept from fissures in the mountain. Bolts of fire jutted out, so huge they looked like they would reach up and destroy the full moon above them. The earth shook as something vast moved upon it.

One traveler, fanny pack bouncing on his rump, dared to ask a question. “What’s going on? Is the volcano going to erupt?”

A lemon-yellow pegasus swooped down from his cloud, wrapping a wing around the pony in a too-friendly hug. “You’re new in town, aren’t you? Never heard of the local dragon?”

The pony quivered. “There’s a… dragon? Dear, you never told me there was a dragon!” He glanced around with nervous eyes, hidden behind his souvenir sunglasses. Somewhere in the crowd, he saw his wife struggling to refold a map.

“Hmm? Oh, sorry, sugar. I must have forgotten to tell you. It’s exciting, though, isn’t it? Seeing a dragon on our trip? Oh, do you have the camera? You’ll have to snap a photo!”

The other tourist’s head nodded up and down. “Yes, dear, a photo… of a fire-breathing dragon? You, Mr. Pegasus, sir, what’s going to happen? Is he going to eat us? Oh, if I had known this was going to happen, I wouldn’t have skipped dessert…”

The pegasus pulled him closer with his wing. “Oh, you know, it’s no big deal. He does this every year, like clockwork.”

“What? You mean to tell me there’s a dragon that’s been living here for years? What’s he doing, getting ready for the annual pony sacrifice?”

“Hey, now, that’s racist. Not all dragons do that. No, the big guy’s probably just whipping up a birthday present for his mom.”

The tourist stood for a moment, stunned, until he felt a strange sensation on his rump.

“Oo! I found the camera, dear! It was in your fanny pack!”

Spike shuffled across his cavern, each footstep an earthquake.

“Let’s see… If I add Anaximander’s Augmenting Array, I think I can do this…” His claws scratched runes into the black stone surface as he consulted his scroll. Carefully, he moved his oversized magnifying glass over it, trying not to set fire to the parchment.

“And of course, that special trick I learned from my… friends.” He drizzled a gooey concoction that smelled vaguely of crushed ants. Getting the recipe was interesting, but he hoped it would be worth it.

A few more runes, a few grooves cut into the rock to channel his dragonfire. It was a complicated procedure, one that involved a bit more geometry than Spike was comfortable with, but it was important. Mess up on the angles, and the magic in his breath would waste itself rather than charge up the glyphs.

Spike couldn’t help but grin. Of course, whenever he grinned, he bared more teeth than a Canterlot dentist would see in her entire life, but he still couldn’t help it.

He’d finally found the perfect gift for Twilight. Not a book—as princess, Twilight already technically owned every book in Equestria, and even then, Spike was banned from all bookshops after the Tinderbox Incident. No, it was something better. Something much more snuggly.

His grin widened. Twilight did have a habit of snuggling books at night, mostly when she couldn’t find Smarty Pants. It was cute at first, but once she started having tea parties with the Encyclopædia Equestriannica, her parents started getting worried.

But this was better. This was much, much better. He checked his runes, rechecked them, and made a few corrections. Spike would be much more confident if Twilight were here to look over his sigils, but, well, that would defeat the purpose of a present, wouldn’t it?

Speaking of Twilight, she should be here any—

“Spike! I came as soon as I could! Your letter didn’t say what you needed, so there are five battalions of Royal Guard ready to mobilize and I brought this newfangled creation the industrialists are calling a ‘battle tank’ and I have books on every draconic illness in case you’re ill and I…”

The alicorn paused for breath, her teleport spell leaving a smoking crater on the ground. Around her, grimoires and lexicons popped into existence and tumbled to the floor.

“What’s wrong, Spike? Are you sick? Is there a villainous army afoot? Is there…?”

Spike looked up from his engraving. Finally finished, and just in time. “Relax, Twilight…”

“Will we need more troops? The Crystal Empire is a long ways away, but if we bounce the teleport signal off of a mirror system in Canterlot, we can get Cadance’s legions here by…”

“Twilight, it’s fine!”

She panted from the effort of conjuring potion supplies. “What? I got a letter that said ‘Come at once!’ That’s it! It was smeared with dragon blood! I thought you’d been attacked!”

Spike twiddled his claws. “Um, yeah, I kinda pricked my finger on a big diamond. Turns out they’re hard enough to pierce my scales.”

Twilight noticed a squadron of armored infantry marching up behind her and shooed them away. “And the letter?”

“Writing’s really hard with claws this size. I get cramps, so I like to keep it short and sweet.”

Spike heard a tank backing up out of the cavern.

“So everything’s fine?”

“Yep. I just needed to see you.”

“Okay. Okay, then.” Somewhere in the distance, the tank smashed into a stalagmite, and Spike heard a rushed apology from its driver. “Spike, you know I love you, but can you please try not to give me a heart attack like that again?”

Bits of half-molted scale fell to the floor as Spike scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry, Twi, I didn’t mean to…”

She saw his eyes darken and started to rub a hoof over his leg to comfort him. It didn’t work, seeing as her entire body was smaller than his toe. “It’s okay. I know you meant well.”

A fizzling rune caught her eye, and she glanced around the cavern. Now that she wasn’t looking for attackers or interdimensional rifts to the planes of elemental evil, she could take stock of what was around her.

Strange sigils curled across the basalt and rough-hewn gems marked off the corners of pentagrams. It could be part of a spell, but it was certainly dragon magic, mixed with something she’d never seen before.

“Spike, what did you mean?”

He perked up. “Oh, yeah. That. I got you a present. Well, I’m not sure if it counts a present since I can’t exactly gift-wrap it, but I made it for you and I think you’ll really like it.”

“It’s a spell of some sort? Sorry, dragon magic has always been a bit of a mystery to me. What do all these runes do?”

A long shadow fell over the alicorn as Spike bent his neck over her, trying to get his huge head closer. It was difficult, and in his contortions, Spike ended up flipping his head upside down, so his head spines rested on the floor and his eyes were level with Twilight. She couldn’t help but chuckle at his predicament.

“You know how, back in Celestia’s school, you’d get really stressed over tests and things?”

“Whatever do you mean? I was a well-prepared student, and thanks to my fifty-six step method of time management…” She could hear scales creaking and straining as Spike raised his gargantuan eyebrow.

“Okay, so maybe I got a little stressed… a lot stressed… the doctors said I got a stress-induced heart attack… but only once!”

“Yeah. Well, I remembered that whenever you felt overwhelmed, you’d pick me up out of my crib and pull me into one of those trademark Twilight snuggle sessions.”

She broke into a smile. “You were so small back then.” Her forelegs closed around an imaginary baby Spike, before the actual giant-sized Spike brought her back to reality.

“Then in the library, after we defeated whatever horrible monster was threatening the world that week, you’d sometimes reach into my basket and flip me onto your barrel.” He sighed, a long sigh that would qualify as a strong breeze on a pegasus wind chart.

Twilight rested on her haunches and looked up into Spike’s eyes, each one as large as she was. “We’d bundle up beneath the covers and make sure the blanket totally protected us from any baddies. Everyone knows monsters can’t get you if you’re undercover.” Her wings jiggled a bit as she giggled.

Spike continued her memory. “Your horn would light up, and I’d read one of my comics in its glow, or else I’d pretend to listen while you read a dictionary aloud…”

“Hey! I read those for your benefit!”

The dragon’s smile widened. Half the library would fit in that mouth, Twilight noticed.

He kept going. “Then Tirek came, and we moved into separate rooms in the castle, but I knew you’d sometimes get nightmares about all we’d been through, so when I thought you couldn’t sleep, I’d come to your door and tell you I couldn’t sleep, and then…”

“Wait, all those times you asked to sleep on my bed with me, you were trying to help me?”

Spike started to nod, then reconsidered once he realized that would cause minor tremors in a three-mile radius. “Yeah. You’d hug me, and tell me it was all okay, and somehow when you said the words, you’d believe them yourself, and we’d both drift off together. Protecting me made you feel invincible, so I let you protect me.”

A few tears started to wet Twilight’s snout. “You know, if Luna learns about how many of my nightmares you chased off, she might feel a little jealous.”

The cavern boomed with draconic laughter. Outside, the tank crew wondered if a thunderstorm had somehow formed inside the mountain.

Twilight hooked her fetlock over her nose and brushed off the tears. Happy tears. It had been a long time, a very long time since then. He just kept growing…

“Then I had to take my dragon nap, and when I woke up…”

“You were tall as a tower and strong as a thousand Big Macs put together.” Twilight looked up at her dragon. For most of her life now, she’d been looking up to him, but back before he grew, he’d been looking up to her. She used to be his big sister and his mother and his… Twilight never really knew how to qualify their relationship, but she was the big and he was the little. Her cute, adorable, ever-so-huggable little.

“Hey, at least two thousand Big Macs,” Spike grumbled. Twilight laughed when she saw Spike’s face, all screwed up in mock offense.

“One thousand, five hundred. And we’ll throw in three dozen Applejacks.”

Gears turned in Spike’s mind as he calculated how strong that would make him. “Sounds alright.”

He was so powerful now. So massive. Twilight… Of course, she still loved Spike, loved him even more every day, and she wouldn’t wish him an inch smaller. Being huge was his nature. It was Spike’s destiny to be a powerful, earth-shaking, majestic elder dragon. But sometimes, she’d wish for one more hug.

“Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Spike. Those were good times, good times.” She wiped a few more tears away. “You, um, never told me what all these runes are for.”

Spike unbent his neck, thunder cracks resonating through the cave as his joints popped. “I’ll show you.”

His wings flared out and his chest expanded. Air pressure dropped precipitously as he sucked in breath, let it steep for a bit in his inner furnace, then suddenly exhaled a green jet of flame. On instinct, Twilight raised a heat shield with her magic.

Tongues of fire licked at the stone walls, but the channels Spike had carved redirected the energy, curving the conflagration around bends, heating rock into lava that filled up engraved glyphs, charging the dragon runes.

The heat distortion warped Twilight’s vision. It almost looked like… everything was shrinking? That’s odd.

Twilight pondered the effects of thermodynamics on optics as Spike continued to exhale. Perhaps the magic was interacting with the expanding gasses to create a sort of reverse magnifying lense? She would have to research this topic further. It almost looked like she was the same size as Spike now.

Smoke from Spike’s nostrils blocked out the view, and Twilight waved a hoof around to try to clear it up. “Spike, what’s going on? I can’t see anything.”

He grunted as the last of his fire breath escaped his lungs. “Twilight? Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, though I feel a bit…” The smoke cleared. It hadn’t been heat distortion at all. Things had changed, but they hadn’t shrunk.

Twilight raised a hoof to her face, then compared it to a nearby rock. No, the rock wasn’t any smaller. She was bigger. A lot bigger.

“Um.” That was all she could say. “Um.” No magic she knew could do something like this. “Um.” She took a half-step back.


Spike cringed as her massively-expanded rump smashed a priceless gemstone to dust.

“Whoops. Sorry, Spike, I’m not really used to being… what am I?”

“New spell I cooked up. Makes you bigger.”

“Oh, of course.” She tried to take it all in stride. She was dragon-sized now. She was huge. She certainly wouldn’t fit in her old lodgings anymore—maybe the Crystal Empire could help regrow her castle to accommodate her? That would be pricey, but her new size and power meant she could probably save on the defense budget… How was she going to get out of the cavern? She couldn’t slither through holes like Spike could. Could she teleport this much mass? What were the biological implications of—

“Relax, Twilight. It’s not permanent.”

His voice snapped her back to reality. Her new, larger-than-life reality.

“I see.” She also saw the apprehension in his eyes. He was afraid, afraid his present wasn’t good enough. “Is this the gift? It’s a very impressive display of magic, Spike.” Still apprehensive. “Honestly, you’ve made me very proud. I think it’s fantastic that you’ve kept up your studies…”

Spike cut her off. “It’s not the present. It’s just the, um, prerequisite to the present.”

“Hah, see? ‘Prerequisite.’ Looks my dictionary readings did teach you a thing or two.”

The dragon sprouted a shy little smile. “Uh, yeah, Twi. But… You know… Remember…”

“What, Spike? Are you okay?” She rubbed a hoof on his cheek, and for a moment, it felt just like old times. Big sister, little brother…

Oh. That’s what the present is.

She reached out both forelegs, wings unfurled and full of love. Her feathers, her fur, her hooves, that little puff of fluff on her chest… She hugged him with everything she had, and thanks to his spell, she had a lot.

Steam rose as rainstorms of tears hit pools of lava. “I love it, Spike. I love it.”

He hugged back, claws clutching her, somehow feeling soft despite their diamond hardness. Twilight never understood how a sharp, jagged, scaly dragon could hug so well, but she swore that she’d find out. It would take research and frequent practical experience, of course.

“I know it’s not your birthday for another few weeks, but the spell only works under a full moon, so…” He trailed off, words muffled by Twilight’s enormous tufts of fur. She snuggled in closer, resting her head atop his and letting her breath ruffle his spines.

“Spike, this is the best birthday present—” She squeezed him tighter. “—ever! How did you make it?”

“It’s pretty much just a shapeshifting concoction I got from the changelings, powered up with dragonfire…”

Twilight’s eyes popped open.

“Spike, how do you know changeling magic?”

“Well, I was flying in the desert looking for gems, and I met a few changelings, and… one thing led to another, and now I’m their king.”


“Or at least prince. I’m not really sure how their marriage laws work.”

Twilight fainted. Stalactites tumbled from the ceiling as the shockwave of her fall ricocheted through the cavern.

Spike leaned over her still-massive form. “So, not the best birthday present ever?”

Comments ( 107 )

“So, not the best birthday present ever?”:facehoof:

I gotta admit I was hoping he would shrink down so she could pick him up and cuddle him

7242263 Well, after Twilight's massive posterior destroyed that diamond, Spike wished he'd done that, too.

7242262 :moustache: Wait till I tell you about the bachelor party.

7242279 I would love a 2nd chapter like that :3 it would be so adorable!

7242299 There is a planned sequel!

7242328 Yay! This had a great mix of humor and feels. Definitely worth a like!

Spike cringed as her massively-expanded rump smashed a priceless gemstone to dust.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But seriously, this was funny and adorable. Great job, author. :ajsmug:

7243118 (☞゚∀゚)☞

Amazing, Spike is the best dragon ever. XD

7243266 :moustache: "Yes, yes I am."

So about that marriage...sequel? Great story though. Keep it up. :pinkiesmile:

:derpytongue2:Snuggle MUFFINS!

Oh my gosh, that ending was a huge serving of chocolate ice-cream after a mouthwatering pepperoni pizza.

7244417 Spike actually prefers pepperoni ice cream and chocolate pizza. He has... unusual tastes.

7244344 Next story: How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Derpy :derpytongue2:

7244479 :trollestia: My castle ? A Muffin?
:duck:My Spikey has the most adorable chubby wubby cheeks and that waddles to die for, Wooo wooo wooo!

:facehoof: One snuggle and every pony wants in on the goodies!

This marriage thing has to be a Noodle Incident. So sweet what Spike did to give her a hug.

7244643 There were noodles involved, and they went in... interesting places.

Twilight never really knew how to qualify their relationship

I think that in this usage it would be 'quantify.' Good fic, anyway.

Aw, that is adorable... and hilarious. :twilightsmile: :rainbowlaugh: And all hail King Spike! :moustache: (This site needs more Spike emojis). Great story, really sweet and heartwarming. Wonder what other things Spike gets up to when he's out and about. Figures Twilight would have a stress-induced heart attack. Though with grown-up Spike around, not like Equestria would need much of an army. Now to go read that other story.

I think this goes next to Shining Armours wedding invitation. :twilightoops:

If you swallow ponies whole, you can hug them with your innards!

*Most dragons employ this method...* :fluttershbad:


Please no one write a story on this! :twilightoops:


*It goes on Alondro'sto-do list... where it languishes with the rest for 5 million years...* :facehoof:

7242289 Well, I'd love to see some more detail about those last few sentences. Funny what a few random sounding lines can make you think.

Seriously though, this story was cute on it's own. Deserves a like.

Spike is important to someone, and is deserving of a hug? Where's the comedy tag?

7244477 Then we would likely get along well in the kitchen, both of those sound incredibly appealing. Though I doubt I could match his portions.

Adorable, far too adorable for proper description. I bust out laughing a couple times. Seriously Spike, that is not how you drop the marriage bombshell on one of your primary guardian figures.

Sequel! SEQUEL DAMN IT!:flutterrage:
Or at least a story about, Spike and the changelings, marriage/meeting. Please!:pinkiehappy:

Great story! Love the feels and comedy. And who doesn't like a big hug from a loved one.
I know I do!:moustache::twilightsmile:

For a second I thought the "crushed ants"-smelling goop was made FROM Changelings Spike had squished. :rainbowderp:
Thanks for NOT going there, heh.

7246546 Yep, the goo just contains the natural secretions and bodily fluids of the changelings, kindly donated/vomited up for Spike's use by his... acquaintances in the Hive. So, totally not gross. Just a bunch of bug puke.

7246609 Still better than being the gore of his victims, though.

This was brilliant. Funny, heartwarming and the characters seem mostly like themselves, with maybe a bit of change that makes sense because of their age.

The descriptions of Spike's unintentional earthshakings are hilarious, but I must admit, my favorite part was Twilight being adorably worried and offhandedly mentioning that she mobilized legions. Seems she grew into power after all, but still remained the adorable pony we know and love. Though with Spike being an army in itself, it makes sense that legions would be mobilized if Twilight thought he was in trouble.

Great work. Really like it.

7246863 Thanks! I tried to balance the comedy with keeping everypony in-character. Twilight may be an immortal demigoddess with armies at her beck and call, but she's still Twilight, and if you told her to take a test she hadn't studied for, she'd go totally insane.

7247000 I meant the bit of changes as a compliment, that they felt naturally different, because of time that had passed. Just so we're clear.

7247006 Oh, I got that, no problem! We're as clear as a discontinued line of Pepsi sold in Mexico starting in 2005!

7247014 You make some strange similes. But they certainly fit your profile picture.

That was adorable, and an excellent illustration of the enduring relationship between these two. Wonderful job! And a nice cover image too. ;)

7247255 Unfortunately, I cannot take credit for the cover image, since I have the approximate artistic skills of a damp asparagus!

So Spike is king/prince of the Changelings, AND he's married?

Whichever Changeling he wedded may as well get their funeral service booked in advance if the two of them ever try to...you know...bow chika wow wow. Although in this case it'd be more like bow chika OW OW OH MY GOD I'M BEING CRUSHED BY A 50FT MALE APPENDAGE OH FOR THE LOV E OF GOD WHY!?!

Great story though. I'll give it a Like. Purely because I get a laugh out of Spike being too dumb to consider shrinking himself instead and enlarging Twilight. Plus the little tid-bits of humor work well here. Nicely done.

7246399 Chapter 1 of the sequel is posted!

7247399 Well given that there's not many OC changeling queens it'll be Chrysalis funeral in case of doing the fork in the garbage disposal


7247626 Read "Hellpiercer", then this, and now that MORE!:flutterrage:

Oh, come on. If Donkey from Shrek can do it, so can Rarity and Spike.

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