• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Backflipping through reality at ludicrous speeds. What does RB stand for, anyway? | Ko-Fi


One hundred years after Celestia sacrificed herself to destroy Nightmare Moon, ponykind continues on. Equestria is now almost completely covered in wild forest, and new and fearsome creatures threaten anypony who wanders to far away from the road.

But now, a new threat begins to reveal itself, and with it, a new hero must rise against it.
One problem: that pony is Rat.
And he has no idea what he's doing.

(AN: Updates will be infrequent. Also, any and all feedback is appreciated!)

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 9 )

Hmm, only 1075 words at initial publish, with a comment about updates being "VERY infrequent" is probably a good way to dissuade people from reading a story. Plus I can't quite decide if there's a crossover going on, since the name sounds very much like Everquest, which I've never played, but I'm guessing that's a coincidence. And something about that 2nd paragraph of the synopsis is very mildly and vaguely off-putting somehow.

Anyway, for the story itself, it seems like it has potential, though it's an awfully brief start, too short for me to give it a vote yet. A few details are slightly confusing, like why they seem to be carnivores now, but the premise is interesting to have an Equestria overrun by the Everfree Forest.


no, not intended as a crossover. actually, I've never heard of Everquest.
And, yeah, looking back on it now, it does need some work...
I'll probably flesh it out a bit more.

Huh, definitely wasn't expecting that. I had just assumed it was an alternate past, a different outcome to the 1000-years-ago Nightmare Moon incident. So 100 years in the future, and Pinkie's a ghost or ghostlike, bound to her element necklace. That ups my curiosity a bit to see where you're going with this.

Well, so far so good still, though I'm really wondering if we'll find out how he survived the manticores. The size of the individual chapters is questionable, but the rate you've been adding updates makes up for it, despite your disclaimer in the synopsis. You might want to consider condensing it into fewer separate chapters as you go, but it's not a big deal.

So yeah, I'm a co-founder of a fairly new group meant to promote stories that have barely gotten any attention. We ourselves aren't very big yet, but I think it'd get your story a few more readers if I add it there. And I think I might...soon. I'd like to see just a bit more progress first, because other than the mystery of what the deal is with Pinkie Pie, I really don't know where the overall story is going yet, though I have a couple guesses. I'm not really noticing any problems with grammar and such, though, other than a couple minor typos, so I feel pretty comfortable saying I'll add it to the group once the story feels like it's really underway in full swing.


Yeah, the chapters are pretty short, but I'm finding it much easier to get them done than i thought.
oh, and the plot should get moving along soon


Sorry about the wait, went on vacation (read: forced into a car and driven to Baltimore):trixieshiftright:
Surprisingly satisfying to get this done.

That was very interesting start of a story, and very interesting format.
It's really sad you had to cancel it.


If anyone ends up here because of a notification of this story being added to a group, I'm sorry, it was an accident, I've already removed it from the group, and one more 'I'm sorry' for good measure.

big first story L

maybe Arby's will finish this

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