• Published 14th Mar 2016
  • 10,961 Views, 237 Comments

Seven Girls, Nine Hundred Forty Three Miles, and One Minivan. - Tumbleweed

Sunset and the gang must go on a road trip in order to save the world! There are worse ways to spend your spring break.

  • ...

Chapter 4

“Next time, do you think Twilight could predict a disaster in Paris?”

“Don't think it works that way Rarity. 'Sides, last thing we need is a magic whatchamacallit goin' off in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world."

“It doesn't have to be Paris. The Riviera would do in a pinch.” Rarity brushed some sand off of a tree stump, and settled down. "Or at least someplace less ... rustic?"

“Stop complainin'.” Applejack looked up from the campfire she'd built. “This place is downright gorgeous, iffin' you pay attention.”

Applejack was right. Settled up at the foot of a mountain, Appleoosa was a gorgeous state park. Tall pine trees stretched up from the rocky soil, nourished by a swift-running natural spring. Apart from the sleepy park ranger at the gate, and a few retiree-filled RV's, there were no other people around. Spring Break was the off season at Appleoosa National Park … though the park's relative remoteness made one wonder if there was an 'on' season to begin with. The girls had an entire camping area to themselves, situated neatly between a handful of rounded, bus-sized boulders, and a natural pool in the cool mountain stream.

“Hmf. I concede there is a certain … pastoral quality to our surroundings, yes. But it still leaves a lot to be desired in the way of accommodations.”

“Rarity, a four star hotel would leave a lot in the way of accomodatin' to you.”

“You'd be surprised how often such highly rated hotels use the wrong kind of terrycloth for their bathrobes, or have a sub-par brand of morning breath mints.”

“Good thing I didn't bring any robes or peppermints, then.”

“Still, if I'd known we'd be … roughing it, so to speak, I would have come prepared.”

“Iffin' you came prepared, I reckon' there'd be no room for the rest of us.”

“Applejack! You offend me. I'd never bring an excess of necessities, to the point where I'd burden my best friends.”


“Of course! I'd just hook up a trailer to Fluttershy's van.”

Applejack facepalmed, and then set back to the very important business of poking the simmering fire with a stick. “Welp, ya ain't got a trailer. 'Sides, weather's nice. I reckon it'll be good for the lot of us to sleep under the stars.”

“Sleep on what, pray tell? Unless you've got a proper bed in that bag of yours?”

“Close 'nuff to it.” Applejack said. She opened up her duffel bag and rummaged out a thick woolen blanket, setting it on the ground beside her. “All we need's a flat, dry stretch of ground, and we'll be fine.”

“Sorry we took so long!” Rainbow Dash walked up to the fire with an armload of sticks and branches. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie followed, laden just the same. “Fluttershy got distracted by a giant chipmunk.” She unceremoniously dumped her firewood in a pile.

“It was a marmot.” Fluttershy said, and set her own sticks down, albeit a little more carefully. “His name was Brian.”

“Hey, where's Sunset? Where's Twilight?” Pinkie Pie said. “Shouldn't they be back by now?”

“Hope some creepy hill-mutant didn't get them!” Rainbow Dash said with no small degree of relish, and nudged Fluttershy.

“Mutant?” Fluttershy squeaked. “There's no such thing as … “

“Sure there are!” Rainbow Dash said, “Haven't you seen any slasher movies, like, ever?”

“Um. No?” Fluttershy sank down onto a log-turned bench, and pulled her knees to her chest. “They're so scary.”

Applejack glared at Rainbow Dash. “Now don't you start.”

“Aw, c'mon! Admit it. This is totally the setup for every horror movie like ever. Bunch of girls out alone, in the woods. And then some maniac starts picking us off, one by one, until there's just one girl left!”

“Only one?”

“Yep! Unless you're watching one of those really hardcore ones where everybody dies. Kind of a downer, though.”

“Come now, Rainbow. Everyone knows those are just movies.” Rarity fussed. “Completely fictional.”

“Yeah, we ain't got a thing to worry 'bout out here. 'cept makin' sure there ain't any scorpions in your boots 'fore ya put 'em on in the morning.”

Rainbow Dash's expression fell. “Scorpions?”

So did Rarity's. “In your boots?”

“Oh yeah, that happens all the time.” Applejack said. “Gets cold at night, so they wanna find someplace dark and warm … “

“Really?” Fluttershy started to tug her boots off. “That's so cute! Arachnids are so adorable with their scrambly little legs! When do you think they'll come visit?”

“See Fluttershy! Nothing to worry about!” Pinkie Pie said. “Besides, Sunset and Twilight can turn into big glowy wingey super magic wizard ladies! Between those two, some crazy guy with a chainsaw doesn't stand a chance!”

“Yeah,” Applejack prodded the fire again, sending up a small plume of glowing sparks. “Let's just hope them two got better stuff to than chase around crazy folk in masks.”

“There you are.” Twilight said. She huffed as she pulled herself up to the top of the sandstone boulder Sunset had picked as her perch. “I … I was getting worried about you.”

“Oh, sorry.” Sunset looked over her shoulder at her friend, and smiled wanly. “I must have lost track of time. Just … wanted to get a little alone time, I guess.”

“After so many hours cooped up in that van, I don't blame you,” Twilight said, “I mean, you're … I mean, they're all great. But--”

“It's possible to have too much of a good thing?”


Sunset laughed. “I just hope Pinkie Pie isn't feeling sick anymore.”

Pinkie's infectious laughter echoed faintly from the pond on the other end of the campsite. “SKINNY DIPPING, WOO!”

Twilight's eyes widened, and she looked back over her shoulder. “I think she's recovered.” She drummed her fingers on the rough sandstone. “Uh. Mind if I stay up here? I … think I'd like to keep my clothes on.”

“Sure.” Sunset smiled, and patted the warm rock beside her. She clasped her hands behind her head and leaned back, staring up at the shockingly clear night sky. Twilight settled down beside Sunset, head lined up beside hers, feet pointing in the opposite direction.

While Sunset and Twilight were silent, the surrounding forest certainly was not. Crickets chirped. Wind rustled through the tall pines. Coyotes howled somewhere further up the mountain. Faint, familiar voices and the sound of splashing burbled up from a shorter distance. Those voices were the only reminder that Sunset and Twilight weren't the last two people in the world.

It was wonderful.

It was terrible.

“Are they different?” Twilight said.


“The stars. Are they different? Back where you're, um … from?”

“Yeah.” Sunset said. “... a lot of things are different.”

“Oh wow. That's fascinating! I mean, if the stars are different, that means that your, um, the planet you're from, could be somewhere else in the universe entirely! Which means that there could be a spatial-element to the spatial incursions. How well do you remember your constellations? With enough data I might even be able to pinpoint where Equestria is, and then if we had access to a powerful enough telescope … “

Sunset Shimmer turned her head towards Twilight. The academic enthusiasm made her smile- and made something in her chest tighten. “And some things stay the same.”

Twilight babbled on about figures and calculations for a few moments more before she registered the look on Sunset Shimmer's face.

“Uh.” She said. “Are you okay?”

“What?” Sunset shook her head, and sat up suddenly. “I'm fine! Totally fine. Everything's fine.”

“Oh.” Twilight Sparkle sucked in a breath, and sat up herself, facing away from the firey-haired girl. “I get it. I reminded you of … well, your home, didn't I? I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'll … I'll go.” Twilight's sneakers scuffed against the rock as she stood up.

“No.” Sunset Shimmer said, turning around. “It's not that. It's not you. Or, well … it's not your fault. You just look like her.”


“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Of course I look like Twilight,” Twilight began. “That's because I--” and then it struck her. “Oh. That Twilight.”

“Sorry.” Sunset Shimmer winced. “It's not fair to you. I mean, you look exactly like her, and … wow. This is awkward, isn't it?” She forced a laugh, trying (if unsuccessfully) to defuse the situation.

“It's not awkward.” Twilight laughed as well, just as unconvincingly. “Why should it be awkward? It's just a simple chance of, uh, mistaken identity, I guess? I mean, when you think about it, Twilight-- other Twilight, that is, and I have nothing in common. I mean, she's an important magic princess, and I'm just some nerd who's still in high school.”

“You shouldn't say it like that.”

“It's true! Whatever I do, I'm never gonna live up to this other … me.”

“Don't say that.” Sunset said, and took hold of Twilight's hand. She interlaced her fingers with Twilight's, and turned her around. “You're brilliant. You're driven. You managed to cobble together machines that not only could detect magical energy, but also contain it, using nothing more than some broken electronics you found in a closet.”

“I almost destroyed the world!” Twilight blurted.

“So did I.” Sunset's lips turned up in a smile. “Only it took me a couple of years of study and a couple of ancient magic artifacts before I was powerful enough to be a threat to anybody. It took you, what, months? Weeks?”

“It was irresponsible!”

“It was impressive.”

“I can't believe you're spinning how quickly I turned crazy and evil as a good thing.”

“If anyone can appreciate it, it's me.”

“You're not that shabby yourself, you know.” Twilight looked down to her hand entangled with Sunset's, as if it only registered to her at that very moment. Still, she didn't pull away. “You're smart. You're understanding. You're … pretty.”

“Twilight, I--” before Sunset could say anything else, Twilight closed the half-step between them, and leaned in for a brief, chaste kiss. It was still enough to make the blood pound in Sunset's ears.

“I've never kissed a girl before.” Twilight murmured. “I've never kissed anyone before, actually.” She said, briefly lost in thought.

“I shouldn't.” Sunset Shimmer said, and reluctantly dragged her fingers out of Twilight's grip.

“What?” Twilight's voice cracked.

“It … it wouldn't be fair to you.”

“Why not?” Twilight sniffed a little, and fiddled nervously with her glasses. “It … it's me, isn't it? I mean, her. I mean … other me.”

“Yes.” Sunset Shimmer buried her face in her hands. “It's … I've never told anyone but ... I think I'm in love with Twilight Sparkle. The other one. And you look like her, you sound like her, you smell like her … but--”

“I'm not a princess.” Twilight said, and took a step back.

“That's not it! It's just … I knew the other Twilight before I knew you, and … I honestly don't even know where to begin.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “'I'm in love with your clone from another dimension' is too crazy even for daytime TV.”

“Maybe you need to read more science fiction?” Twilight blurted, by reflex. Sunset stared at her, bewildered, and Twilight went on for lack of anything better to say. “You'd be surprised what some people have thought up before. I'm sure I've got a book that deals with something like that somewhere.”

Sunset Shimmer blinked teary eyes, and let out a relieved laugh. “Couldn't hurt. Not like there's a lot of other options.”

“Right?” Twilight said. “So. Um. I'm … sorry I brought this up. Just forget it ever happened, okay?”

“I won't.” Sunset said. “This is just a crazy time, you know? We're all half crazy from being cooped up in that van all day, and tomorrow we've got to deal with some kind of magical disaster. Everyone's on edge. But, whatever happens, I know I'm going to need everyone's support to make it through. Including yours. Last thing we need right now is to … complicate things.”

“Right.” Twilight drew herself up straighter. “No complications.”

“But once we make it back home, we can talk, okay?” Sunset Shimmer said. “We'll figure it out.”

“Later.” Twilight heaved a sigh. “I guess that's better than running off into the woods crying.”

“Much better. Now c'mon. We should get back to camp before it gets even darker.” Sunset Shimmer crossed the big boulder and carefully began to climb downward. Twilight Sparkle followed, if a little less surefooted.

By the time they made it back to their base camp, the fire was burning low, and their other five friends had bundled up beneath Applejack's blanket. Sunset Shimmer quirked a brow as she noted a few stray pieces of clothing scattered around the campsite, but it was too dark, and she was too tired to figure out which ones belonged to who.

“Sunset?” Twilight said, “I'm just going to sleep in the van. It's … I … I think I'd like some quiet, that's all.”

“Sure.” Sunset didn't press the matter. “See you in the morning?”

“Of course.”

Sunset didn't know what woke her up first. The rain, the yelling, or the honking of the van's horn. It all registered at once in a damp, loud, bewildering assault on her senses.

“WAKE UP!” Twilight leaned out the window of the van, and smashed away at the horn. “EVERYONE, WAKE UP! WE'VE OVERSLEPT! WE NEED TO GO, NOW!

Groggy, Sunset pushed herself to her feet, and scooped up the backpack she'd been using as a pillow. Her friends scrambled about the campsite in varying states of dress in what could be best described as a pandemonium. Rarity stuffed objects at random into Applejack's duffel bag, while Applejack herself hurriedly dumped a bucket of water upon the fire and stomped on the embers to make sure it was out. Fluttershy carefully tilted her shoes towards the ground, graciously allowing a family of tiny orange scorpions to scuttle out.

“HURRY!” Twilight shouted, voice desperate. “THERE ISN'T ANY TIME!”

A few panicked minutes later, Sunset Shimmer swung into the passenger's seat, while the rest of her friends hurriedly packed themselves into the van. Fortunately, not having any camping gear meant actually breaking camp was a lot easier, and the girls were underway in a matter of minutes.

“How much time do we have?” Sunset said.

“Not enough!” Twilight turned the ignition, slammed the van into drive, and sped away from the camping area, kicking up mud and gravel behind her.

Sunset clung to her armrests as Twilight rocked the van around a too-tight corner.

“Uh. Twilight?” Sunset said. “Do you know how to drive?”

“Theoretically!” Twilight said, and gunned the engine.

“What do you mean, theoretically?”

Twilight sped past the ranger station and hit the main highway at a speed typically reserved for race tracks. “Technically, I don't have a driver's license, but this is just another machine, right? I've watched you and Fluttershy drive. Once you understand the underlying principles, operating it is easy.” The corner of Twilight's eye began to twitch. “Easy!”

Sunset Shimmer put on her seat belt.

“Woooo!” Pinkie said from somewhere in the backseat.

“Um. Pinkie?” Fluttershy murmured. “Maybe you should put on some clothes?”

“I can't! They're packed way down at the bottom of everything in the back!” Pinkie Pie giggled.

“She can get dressed when we get there!” Twilight snapped. The whole van rocked as she whipped around a curve.

“Do I have to?” Pinkie Pie said.

“Twilight,” Sunset Shimmer said. “You've got to slow down.”

“I can't! I slept in too late, and now the dimensional disturbance might already have happened!” The van swayed from side to side on the slick asphalt. “It's all my fault!”

“Twilight,” Sunset Shimmer clutched at her seat belt, and tried to keep her voice as level as possible. “If you drive us into a tree, then we can't help anyone. You need to slow down.”

“I have this perfectly under control!” Twilight lied as she wrestled with the steering wheel.

Red and blue lights flared in the rear view mirror.

“Twilight, please.” Sunset Shimmer placed her hand over Twilight's on the steering wheel. “I know we're running late, but the world hasn't ended yet, so I think we have some time. Now just calm down, and pull over.”

“Pull over?” Twilight's gaze flicked to the sirens flashing from behind her. “Oh no. Oh no. We're going to get arrested! This is going to go on my permanent record! I'm going to become a criminal!” She began to hyperventilate.

“Trust me, Twilight. We're going to think of something.”

“Something?” Twilight blurted. “How? I don't have a driver's license, I'm breaking pretty much every traffic law there is, we're in a van that none of us technically own, and Pinkie Pie's naked in the back seat!”

“Hey! I'm not naked!” Pinkie Pie declared. “I've got a hat!”

“So that's where that went.” Applejack said.

“And it'll only get worse if we keep going.” Sunset Shimmer looked back in the rear view mirror. The rain fell harder, obscuring everything but their tail's headlights and sirens. “Trust me, Twilight. This van can't outrun a highway cruiser.”

“Okay. Okay.” Twilight said, and pushed slowly down on the brake. She managed to keep the van under control as she let off speed, finally bringing it to a halt at the side of the road. “Now what?”

“Okay, now … “ Sunset Shimmer said, “now, we just tell the nice officer that we panicked when we started getting rained on, and … well, that's true, right? Hopefully he'll let us off with a warning. I mean, we're just kids, right?”

“And if he doesn't?”

“I've broken out of Equestrian jails before.” Sunset Shimmer said.

The highway cruiser came to a halt behind them, and a tall, lithe figure stepped out, obscured by the rain. Only his silhouette was visible as he crossed the short distance to the van. The girls in the back raptly watched his approach with mounting terror.

“Uh. Guys?” Rainbow Dash said. “Is it just me, or does he look … horny?”

“Now is not the time for ribaldry, Rainbow!” Rarity glared.

“Not that.” Rainbow Blanched. “I meant that the cop has horns sticking out of his head.”

“Oh no.” Twilight held a hand up to her mouth. “Maybe the incursion's set off some sort of genetic destabilization, and--”

“It's not that.” Sunset Shimmer said as she felt her mouth go dry. “It's worse.”

The highway patrolman rapped on the window, and Twilight reluctantly rolled the window down. At a glance, everything was in place: wide-brimmed hat, aviator sunglasses, thick moustache.

But they were on a long, fuzzy, and decidedly inhuman face.

A clawed hand pulled the sunglasses downward, revealing mad, yellow eyes.


Everyone in the car gaped at the absurd sight. Except for Sunset Shimmer, who clutched her armrests hard enough to tear the fabric.

“Discord.” Sunset said.