• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Honey Mead

"In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.


Memories. Flashes of the past. Moments in time so profound that they are etched into our minds.

Loss, Hate, Fear, Hope, Lust, Rage, Joy... Regret...

Some are so powerful they can bring us to our knees... Some are just moments that we will never forget...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Over one hundred views and only one comment.... Nopony has anything to say?

It happens.
Sad story, touched my heart for sure. Beautifully written, even though its uncertain what their relationship was at the end of the story... bit confusing about Spike seeming to be close to the pair but I can accept that.

778615 I appreciate it. It's just hard to judge how well I did with only one chapter and no comments

last comment posted 41 weeks ago? That's a cryin' shame.

Grammatical and spelling errors were present, 'your' rather than 'you're or 'than' rather than 'then' etc., but not unbearably so (It took me six tries to spell 'so' correctly on my touch-screen. And I talk of errors...?). I suppose one is expected to make mistakes every then and again. A decent concept, I feel, and well executed with the flashbacks and whatnot. I rather like that.

Feels like... Hm. Not exactly sure how to explain... Like, I rather like how some bits of the background, whether intentional or not, were rather vague, leaving readers to form their own, ah, concepts, if you will, about events mentioned but not entirely fleshed out in the story (Looking at YOU, Spike). Y'know?

Not sure if that makes any sense. I've difficulty setting my thoughts out in words, and it doesn't help that I've just woken up at 12:45 in the morning.

Anyways, I'll be sure to check out some of your other works as well. Sorry for the wall of text.

Sorry shmary. You took the time to comment on something and that counts for a lot in my book.

As to your concerns, there is a reason for them, mostly that I refused to go back and edit this story. To make a long story short (too late) I spent half the time I was writing this unable to see my computer screen. It was a wonderful experience that I hope to never repeat.

-Honey Mead

2372567 Oh. Well, s'understandable. I've since read some of your other... stuff, and I can tell you're not a bad writer at all.

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