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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.


This story is a sequel to The Queen is Dead

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Equisverse Era 1]

After becoming famous for his medical skills at the the Second Badlands Battle, Azur (better known as Lily) is determined to establish a new life for herself in Equestria. Unfortunately, the young unicorn has no idea what to do with their newly found freedom. Having lived under the crushing heel of abusive parents and extremely strict scholastic standards, the freedom to choose what to do and when to do it is something entirely new for Lily.

Despite Lily’s friends living in Ponyville, she would rather find her own place. A simple place she can set up a business as a proper Biomancer, serving medical, cosmetic, and utilitarian needs, all the while acquiring the one thing she never had but always wanted. A loving family.

She'll get that and more, but unfortunately for her, she chose to get those things in the Weirdness Magnet that is Ponyville.

Featured on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 02:38:52 AM UTC. :yay:
And again on Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 09:15:11 AM UTC. :yay:
And yet again on Friday, February 12, 2016 at 6:42 AM UTC :yay:
And once more on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 8:34 AM UTC :yay:
Apparently featured every time I upload... Huh. Cool!
Okay, seriously, every chapter thus far (to 8) gets featured. What did I do!?

For my fan’s convenience: This story takes place in an alternate timeline of the Equisverse. No storyline beyond that of The Bridesmaids, Horseshoes, Dinner at Ravenloft, The Queen is Dead, All Hail the Queen happens or will happen in this timeline. However, some world events, elements of the setting, and concepts from other works of mine apply, but this only pertains to foundational concepts such as thaumaturgic current. This is the more “serious” timeline.

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 1780 )

that won’t cost a leg and a leg.

I cannot begin to tell you how long I have waited to make that joke. And when meep said I could change it from what it was, I did so in a heartbeat! :yay:

6889023 You can't? Well then I'll do it for you. You said late 2010 last night, so about 6 years. That's 2,190 days, or 52,560 hours, or 3,153,600 minutes, or 189,216,000 seconds. There ya go pops! :pinkiehappy:

Time Tuner as the Clockwork Stallion. Not a fic I would have expected to see referenced.

Also, with a name like Brook, I get the feeling that Scoot's housemate leads a more aquatic lifestyle than most Equestrians.

6889069 Unintentional reference as I haven't read that. Huzzah! Something to kill an hour with :D Wait... ~20k words? :/ Darn only a half hour killer. Ahh well...

As for your suspicion based on the name, the full name is Meadow Brook Gale. Because land sea air. Heh.

Well, if you're looking for a fic to fill a couple of hours and has a similar version of Tuner, I recommend The Overworked ALicorn. It's 336K words and does as wonderful a job of worldbuilding as you do.

After remembering Time Tuner claiming to have been everywhere this popped into my head.

It's the original version of the song.

6889139 Sadly I'm uptodate on Overworked Alicorn. I have a reading speed of about 75k an hour. 50k If I want to enjoy it.

YAY its Lilly!!
I really like how you brought in the CMC here, and Scootaloo's back story, all those feels :applecry:
I'm going to trow out a prediction here, LillyScoot ship!

6889491 /me quickly hides her Captain's hat, "I have no idea what you are talking about!"

Also, I figured putting this into All Hail the queen would have unfocused the story. So, enjoy this Lily and Scoots focused Sequel...

6889498 the tags for this story are Scoot and Lilly (OC), *pulls captain's hat back out* you know exactly what I'm talking about :moustache:

And Yes I agree that putting this in with the main story would have been detracting as well as a bit confusing, as it would mean trying to keep track of so many plot lines as the reader.

6889530 Okay... fine, you caught me... Yes' it's a ship. Because of one pun. I can call the ship Creamsicle.
Get it?

6889542 *looks at image* :twilightoops: it has the white bit inside of the orange :scootangel: *walks away*:trollestia:

Wooo been looking forward to this sidestory with Lily! Excellent read so far, and aw poor Scoots! Such a tragic backstory for the little filly.
Anyway can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the good work! :D

6889548 That was my joke by the way. She originally thought up orange sherbert but I knew I could step it up. I have a knack for innuendoing up her jokes sometimes. :trollestia:

6889548 Which is gonna be pritty ironic later :P

6889720 Well yeah, but that's because you're awesome :D

6889697 Tragic backstory get's worse. I'm planning Lily and scoots having a "one uppers" battle later.

Interesting take on why Scootalo can't fly. While it's probably going to be dark it will be interesting to more about Lily's past

6889811 Scoot's coming from a shit family is already a part of the Brony Zeitgeist, so I figured I might as well make her somepony Lily could get into a "out dark backstory contest" with at some point.

Well that should be an interesting scene to read! I can't wait hehe.

cost a leg and a leg

I fucking lost it:rainbowlaugh:

6890005 You need to thank Popmannn then, it's his joke. It was way better than my orgional joke so I let him put it in.

hey you! yeah, you! mr. 6889023, sweet jokes, bruh!

6890062 Bro, BRO, bro... I have ALL THE JOKES! :pinkiehappy:

6890198 you're kidding me right?:trollestia:

6890206 Check it, again...

6889720 In that case, I applaud your innuendo :moustache::moustache::moustache:

Hmn, hadn't realized that Lily was from such fancy stock. Is that why his family was able to afford the internationally sourced replacement organs?

Before you could buy a home in Ponyville, you had to pass a test proving you read all of the regulations. Why? Because Celestia is very firm about keeping her hometown familiar to herself.


The stallion looked up from the uh… Science device he had been using and gave me a smile, “Trying the old ‘rile up the foodies’ restaurant finding trick?” He asked with a chuckle.


Quesadillas, eh? Just don't invite Twilight.

As curious as I was about the humming mass of brass gears and glass, I was too hungry to care very much.

Yeah, I'm fairly curious about that too now that it's been described.

Advanced Friendly, I like it.

After all, a dish’s name that literally translates as ‘cooked thing’, is best described as, ‘This is what I could find in the fridge and some garbanzo beans. I stewed them.’ It sounds like it should be horrible, but it’s not. It is however, pretty different from region to region.

Also interesting. Sounds like the middle American casserole I've seen described as "everything from the left side of the fridge plus peas".

Ooooo, Scootaloo, I can guess where this might be going.

“Yeah… I mean, at least he’s in jail, right?” The unicorn added. “I’m sorry your parents had to be unicorn supremacists.”

Yikes. Unicorn supremacists, pegasus daughter. Not a good combination for the daughter.

“The hay I will!” I said stamping a hoof angrily. “I’m a healer, and if I can fix a pony who got cut in half before brain death sets in, I can sure as hay fix some malformed wings!”

Ahh yeah. Also, that's going to be a really good way to start working yourself into the community and building up a core of friends and family.

Well, continue working if they all already know about Flash.

Scoots nodded. “Yep. Nothing else has worked. Zecora’s potions and Twilight’s magic only gave me a few hours of flying. Medical science has been useless, and Dash’s therapy can't fix clipped wings. Why wouldn’t I try mad-magic? Uh, no offense.”

That's a good point, might as well try making science if nothing else has worked and you have a helpful mad scientist on hand.

I giggled. “Oh, no, I’m definitely a Mad Wizard. I did graft changeling nerve clusters into a friend of mine so he could shapechange after all.”

Case in point.

“I don’t want to be mean, uh, Lily,” Sweetie said hesitantly. “But um, Scoots… You know the whole stereotypical evil monster making wizard thing right? Because you’re talking to somepony with a Germane accent who knows the magic needed to mix attributes of creatures together. Uh, no offense meant. Just, it’s a bit creepy.”

That's also kind of a good point.

Sweetie went to Celestia's School? Nice.

Living with the CMC? Could be pretty risky. Can I assume that the CMC's temporal adventures don't happen on this side of the 'verse?

Nice start, this should be fun.


Hmn, hadn't realized that Lily was from such fancy stock. Is that why his family was able to afford the internationally sourced replacement organs?

Yes. it was touched on previously, jut not as overtly.

Quesadillas, eh? Just don't invite Twilight.

Random phobia is random.

Also interesting. Sounds like the middle American casserole I've seen described as "everything from the left side of the fridge plus peas".

They are similar, yeah. But you know what beats the crap out of it? Watchagot Stew.

Ahh yeah. Also, that's going to be a really good way to start working yourself into the community and building up a core of friends and family.

And also great advertising.

Sweetie went to Celestia's School? Nice.

Yeah, she's not half bad with magic. Slow starter, slow learner, top tier user.

Living with the CMC? Could be pretty risky. Can I assume that the CMC's temporal adventures don't happen on this side of the 'verse?

Yeah they dont happen here. After all they never built that device, they stole it from a force that dosent exist in this timeline.


the full name is Meadow Brook Gale. Because land sea air.

So she's a marine, eh? If that's the case, I do not see her objecting to Lifegiver staying in her home for a time at all.
6889542 And they can also compare 'monster dad' stories to scare everyone else nearby.

Really enjoyed this opening chapter. I'm looking forward to whatever shenanigans living around the Crusaders causes.
The description of the Quesadilla Shack is awesome. I've seen so many great little mom & pop joints that fit that to a T. If they've been around long at all, they've got great food.
QMS Creamsicle seems to be a go. ....I'm fairly certain that treat exists in Equestria....I wonder if someone in-story will make that reference. Also, I find myself pretty sure that Rainbow is going to be the DNA donor for Scoots' flight genes, so adoptive mom becomes more than just adoptive.

Because Celestia is very firm about keeping her hometown familiar to herself.

And this is the single best explanation I've heard for why Ponyville's aesthetic is so medivial compared to Manhatten or even Canterlot.

Neat to hear of a racial biomancy change.

6891777 It's the only thing that makes sence... Especialy when you see some of the leaked concept art for other pony cities and apparently some places were going to look all 1950's scifi.

ah cool i really like Azur Lilly as a Character neat that she/he has their own off shoot of the main story.

6893010 Yeah I figured thaat if I didn't split her bits off it would clutter the other story.

{insert obligatory yes here}

Biomancy has to be my favorite magical art, as long as I can still dabble a bit for utility spells.

I am also in no way attempting to bump the story up the to the front page from number of comments.

6895711 It's about to get a new chapter, so bump away.


Huzzah! Let the bumping be doubled!


In fact, I think that the combination of rapid commenting and the next chapter might do the impossible and bring yet another story to the featured box! I also finished re-re-reading The Order of The Stick!


I'm loving the coverart, too. It's beautiful, and makes me wish I could be a biomancer more than before.

6895782 Thanks. I do all my own coverart. This one is a compilation of stock images, but I edited everything to have the same color depth and the like, and then I did the effects to make it look like brushed tea on parchment. If you'd like to, you cna click the cover pic to get to the full sized immage.

Adorable ship is adorable.


I did, then I downloaded it, then I set it as my desktop background. Unfortunately, only the caduceus shows. :/


That name just... simultaneous strained and stretched on yes and no.

6895811 Got windows? If so set it as the background from the "destop" menu in Control Panel (Personalization on newer windows), then set it to "fit"


I'll try that... later. When time isn't as important.


And done. Thank you! I love this so much more than the simple design I made on the internet with a simple program.


Oh, and it's a little weirder than that on Windows 10, they remove Desktop, you have to click on your current theme, then right click on the image tab at the bottom that shows up, then the fit option shows up.

Also, that summary you added to the author's notes? I remembered to add that to the lore page on the group, like literally everything else. See for yourself: Lore right here!

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