• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end.


In an all or nothing gamble to remain relevant in the pop music scene, Coloratura combines forces with Applejack, Rarity, and washed up '80s band Mare Supply, then ventures on a nationwide tour. But Svengallop isn't taking his termination well. He's out for vengeance with a new act aimed squarely at stealing Coloratura's demographic from her. Can Coloratura's new musical direction survive in an industry known for its fickleness, or will she end up a has-been like Mare Supply?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

I dod love this story, it’s quite awesome, but I do have a couple things to say.
Love the music idea, I’m a huga fan of music and I noticed the puns, made me kind of cringe laugh, like Journiegh. Although, is Mare Supply a pun, if so, on what? Because I couldn’t find any 80’s bands with a similar name.

Also, halfway through you appear to have hit the italicize button and forgot it was on, leading toward a good fourth of the story being italicized, so fix that for an easier read.

Also, did you literally reference Lady Gaga in a story about Coloratura? You do realize they’re basically the same people, right?

Love the Turn the Page reference in the title, although that could just be my music-oriented mind.

I’d give this a 4/5.

I just have to because of the title.

Once again

It's a play on Air Supply. They have AMAZING music.

Thank you! I fixed the italicized issue. This is what I get for trying to copy something over from DeviantArt. :facehoof: I thought I had caught all the formatting issues and I'm not sure how I missed one that glaring.

As TwiPON3 said, Mare Supply is based on Air Supply. And yes, I did reference Lady Gaga. The idea being that Svengallop is trying to take everything away from Coloratura - even her identity. Since Rara is Coloratura's nickname, and the Coloratura that became popular is, like you said, pretty much Lady Gaga, he was trying to popularize his new act by making a clone of his old act (even with a similar name, to cause confusion). He wants to ruin her just as much as he wants his new act to become popular and make him lots of bits.

Most of these are easy to guess, but here are some '70s & '80s artists I've ponified in various fics I've written:

Mare Supply (Air Supply)
Fleetwood Tack (Fleetwood Mac)
Chord N. Lighthoof (Gordon Lightfoot)
Journeigh (Journey)
Foal & Oats (Hall & Oates)
Clod Stewart (Rod Stewart)
Filly Collins (Phil Collins)
Neighl Diamond (Neil Diamond)
Dolly Hearton (Dolly Parton)
Kenneigh Rogers (Kenny Rogers)
Whitney Hooveston (Whitney Houston)
Haytona (Daytona - an obscure Swiss band)


Always happy to run into another Air Supply fan! :pinkiehappy: I've seen them twice in concert, and hope to catch them again the next time they travel this way.

Well, I'm supposedly "too young" to love them, but I still do.

There's no such thing as 'too young' to appreciate good music! They're before my time too, but so what? Their music is timeless.

Life's too short to let other people dictate what we should or shouldn't like. So I say buck popular opinion and march to the beat of a different drummer, whether it be Karen Carpenter, Neil Peart, or Phil Collins.

Another great mind... I like that!

Wow! This was great. If only the real life music industry was this easy to navigate, not that I would know anything about it. I like how Mare Supply didn't let a dwindling fan base stifle their passion for their music.


Rarity's pretty good at putting the right words in the right ears. :raritywink: And while they themselves couldn't get their hooves in the door anymore, Mare Supply still knew who to talk to. And as soon as word spread that Coloratura was involved? All kinds of doors opened for them.

If you like '80s music, check them out (the real band is Air Supply). And just like this ponified version of them, they never stopped making music even if they're not as popular as they once were. :twilightsmile:

Svengallop will never get to be anything but a one-dimensional ass.

Some of these are particularly good puns; would you mind if I ever used any? (You and your story would be credited.)

I feel like that after Rarity flirted with the guards, things got to be too rushed. We don’t get to learn anything about Lady, line where she came from, what she looks like, and how she was dragged into this. It makes her feel too easy to persuade, even though the story is otherwise pitch perfect and true to the show.

Feel free to use any of them you want. :pinkiehappy: My most recent addition to that list is Dusty Song (Rusty Young from Poco).

Lady's still looking for something to set her apart. Svengallop was trying to make her a Coloratura clone, and without that going for her, she's a bit of an unknown quantity. But I have faith she'll make it big in the Equestrian music industry someday. I've gone back and edited a description of her while Rarity's giving her a makeover. As for her being easy to persuade, Rarity's spent the better part of an hour making her look gorgeous, while Svengallop hides her behind gaudy costumes and distorted vocals. It wasn't a hard decision (and Rarity's notoriously good at persuasion :raritywink: ). But in this case, she let her actions dictate which of the two truly had her best interests in mind.

As for going into her background, I need to think about that. The obvious places to do so would be either while Rarity's working her magic (which if I build on that scene, it could make the decision to trust Rarity seem more natural), or at the very end, before she starts her set. We never saw her set in story, and part of that is she's last in the lineup (for this show; she'll be the opening act moving forward). I could fix that by moving her up to the opening act for this show as well, forcing her to go into some backstory before she begins playing. What do you think would work better?

And thank you! I appreciate good critiques, and I'm glad you're enjoying browsing through my fics. Which one's been your favorite so far?

Definitely the country bumpkin love story. 🖤

I feel like a more fleshed out set scene or makeover would have been the most natural place to introduce Lady’s background via some girl talk with Rarity.


I'll see what I can do to flesh out Lady's character. I agree, the more I think about it, the more I think that's the logical, natural way to do it. Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad you liked Sometimes (We Are All We Got). I don't write romance very often, but of my few romance stories, I think that's the best too.

You’re quite welcome! I hope all goes well.

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